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Topic: Palestine or Israel
mightymoe's photo
Sun 01/30/11 07:29 PM

Fact is, I wouldn't want either one in the Whitehouse.

As far as which one is the most doable, I pick Palin, hands down.

As far as Egypt, I fear, the Muslims will get the helping hand from Hussein.

He did say, he'd stand with them.


Wonder if he's conferring with Bush as to which way to go?laugh laugh

kinda funny how these muslims always griping about the US, but the minute they need help, who is the first they ask?

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 01/30/11 07:30 PM

Barack Hussein Obama is putting flouride in your drinking water because he wants to sterilize your testicles

mightymoe's photo
Sun 01/30/11 07:32 PM

Barack Hussein Obama is putting flouride in your drinking water because he wants to sterilize your testicles

then he tells the muslims not to drink the water...

boredinaz06's photo
Sun 01/30/11 07:40 PM

Barack Hussein Obama is putting flouride in your drinking water because he wants to sterilize your testicles

then he tells the muslims not to drink the water...

Among others

msharmony's photo
Mon 01/31/11 12:52 AM

If the war rages on whos side will you take

I for one would back Israel I have a few Israeli and Jewish friends,
and I truly believe the Israelis have fought hard and earned their land that they have won from previous wars.

So who do you back

IF? when was there not a war going back and forth..

I have read stories from both sides, both with blood on their hands,, Im on the side of 'innocents' on each side who have no real authority or power to change their land from the imminent warfield it has always been

Okami04's photo
Mon 01/31/11 05:19 AM
I do believe the fighting will last forever

But I don't care who has been there 1000's of years ago I care about the contemporary History of the land.

Yes the UN after WWII gave the Jews land that I don't believe they had the right to give but the fact is they did. And the Israelis survived two massive onslaughts and they survived and kicked arse and won that land with blood sweat and tears.

They fought for a home, the Jews have been a people who other People have been trying to wipe out for generations and now they are strong.

I am not a Zionist I do think it is a shame that the rest of the Muslim world in the Middle East and Africa hate America for our support over Israel but it's okay we will endure and so will Israel.

And I do believe that Israel can take keep it's land claims that they rightfully won but Jerusalem should still be and stay an International Zone.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/31/11 08:15 AM

If the war rages on whos side will you take

I for one would back Israel I have a few Israeli and Jewish friends,
and I truly believe the Israelis have fought hard and earned their land that they have won from previous wars.

So who do you back

IF? when was there not a war going back and forth..

I have read stories from both sides, both with blood on their hands,, Im on the side of 'innocents' on each side who have no real authority or power to change their land from the imminent warfield it has always been

No war before the 20s.
maybe the 40s.
The Muslim Palestinian leaders were very friendly and sympathetic to the Jews before that.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/31/11 08:30 AM
In 1919 Hashemite Emir Faisal, signed the Faisal–Weizmann Agreement. He wrote:

We Arabs, especially the educated among us, look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our delegation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist organization to the Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate and proper.

In their first meeting in June 1918 Weizmann had assured Faisal that

the Jews did not propose to set up a government of their own but wished to work under British protection, to colonize and develop Palestine without encroaching on any legitimate interests

At the time Faisal made this statement,

"We Arabs... look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organisation to the Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate and proper. We will do our best, in so far as we are concerned, to help them through; we will wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home... I look forward, and my people with me look forward, to a future in which we will help you and you will help us, so that the countries in which we are mutually interested may once again take their places in the community of the civilised peoples of the world."

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 01/31/11 08:33 AM

If the war rages on whos side will you take

I for one would back Israel I have a few Israeli and Jewish friends,
and I truly believe the Israelis have fought hard and earned their land that they have won from previous wars.

So who do you back

It started with a rock...

When Cain resented his brother.

Can mankind afford that battle to continue?

Now that rocks have become fire and slow death.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/31/11 08:38 AM
This is a heck of a rock aye?

"We Arabs... look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organisation to the Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate and proper. We will do our best, in so far as we are concerned, to help them through; we will wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home... I look forward, and my people with me look forward, to a future in which we will help you and you will help us, so that the countries in which we are mutually interested may once again take their places in the community of the civilised peoples of the world."

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 01/31/11 08:40 AM
You point to 'recent' history...

Yet this problem has roots beyond the 'flood'.

and the 'help' of those that would 'speed' the comming of the 'end times' they worship.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/31/11 08:41 AM
In 1800 there were only 6,700 Jews in Palestine.

In 1946 there were 1,076,783 (58.34%) Muslims and 608,225 (32.96%) Jews in the Holy land. Thanks to the Zionist movement.

By 1950 those numbers had changed to 116,100 Muslims and 1,203,000 Jews.

Couldn't this be defined as Genocide?

Chazster's photo
Mon 01/31/11 08:54 AM

In 1800 there were only 6,700 Jews in Palestine.

In 1946 there were 1,076,783 (58.34%) Muslims and 608,225 (32.96%) Jews in the Holy land. Thanks to the Zionist movement.

By 1950 those numbers had changed to 116,100 Muslims and 1,203,000 Jews.

Couldn't this be defined as Genocide?

why do you keep posting the same thing? The numbers changed, it didn't say why. If its not a killing of the entire people then no its not genocide. If the people left the city it is not genocide. Since there is nothing saying that all those people were killed I will have to assume they werent.

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/31/11 10:21 AM

In 1800 there were only 6,700 Jews in Palestine.

In 1946 there were 1,076,783 (58.34%) Muslims and 608,225 (32.96%) Jews in the Holy land. Thanks to the Zionist movement.

By 1950 those numbers had changed to 116,100 Muslims and 1,203,000 Jews.

Couldn't this be defined as Genocide?

Israel is an illegal state created trough terrorism by terrorist who later became their leaders.

It's all history.
Look it up!

no photo
Mon 01/31/11 10:34 AM
Edited by Spidercmb on Mon 01/31/11 10:34 AM

The Israelis have created their own version of history.
They are notorious liars who fabricate the lies in an attempt to justify their terrorist actions in the creation of Israel.

so are the muslims... so what? i wasn't there, so i only know what i read... But it is hard to refute something that has been written on a wall of a palace for 2000 years...

Next, the Extreme Left will claim there never was a Holocaust and Hitler was just misunderstood.

No, they will (and have in these forums!) claim that the Jews orchestrated the Holocaust in order to justify the creation of Israel. It's vicious, hateful anti-Jew hatred, but there are those in this thread who have suggested this before.

no photo
Mon 01/31/11 10:35 AM

If the war rages on whos side will you take

I for one would back Israel I have a few Israeli and Jewish friends,
and I truly believe the Israelis have fought hard and earned their land that they have won from previous wars.

So who do you back


no photo
Mon 01/31/11 10:37 AM

I'd reward my troops all with a free Palin bang and 20,000 packs of Trident gum.drinks
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh rofl rofl rofl shocked

Congratulations, you have reached a new low.

Okami04's photo
Mon 01/31/11 11:23 AM
What do you know me and Spider agree on something

AdventureBegins's photo
Mon 01/31/11 01:51 PM

In 1800 there were only 6,700 Jews in Palestine.

In 1946 there were 1,076,783 (58.34%) Muslims and 608,225 (32.96%) Jews in the Holy land. Thanks to the Zionist movement.

By 1950 those numbers had changed to 116,100 Muslims and 1,203,000 Jews.

Couldn't this be defined as Genocide?

Israel is an illegal state created trough terrorism by terrorist who later became their leaders.

It's all history.
Look it up!

If one must look up 'history' to understand this problem one should look up all of it not just the 'current' history.

Back to solomon, and david... Back to Moses... Back to Noah...

back to the day Cain threw the first rock...

As far as your 'claim' that genocide is present... First find out how many 'palestinanians' left the area for Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt... To avoid the violence or simply to find a better place to live.... Then make that silly claim of genocide.

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