Topic: Jean Auel
EquusDancer's photo
Sun 01/30/11 12:08 PM
Anyone? Anyone?!

Her sixth book is coming out March 29th!

The Land of the Painted Caves!!!

I've loved her series, though I hated the wait between the fourth and fifth and now the sixth book. I can't count the number of times I've read and reread these books.

no photo
Sun 01/30/11 12:23 PM
Yep, it's a great series. Though the first- Clan Of The Cave Bear still remains my favorite.

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 01/30/11 12:37 PM
Mos definitely. I did enjoy The Valley of Horses as my second favorite. LOL!

michiganman3's photo
Sun 01/30/11 03:42 PM
My mother and I read these books and gave them to each other as gifts.
We really didn't too many of the same books.
I heard an interview with her many years ago, the radio host asked her what she thought of the movie that was made from the first book.
She replied because of legal issues we was not allowed to comment.laugh

When the fifth book was due for release there was much talk about the amount of time that had lapsed. Babies born, governments toppled, wars fought and I laughed and smiled.....My mom passed waiting for that damn book.:wink:

michiganman3's photo
Sun 01/30/11 03:44 PM

Who wants to be at the bookstore for the midnight release party, and dress up like our favorite characters from the books?


RowBaby's photo
Sun 01/30/11 04:17 PM
That's awesome thanks Equus!
Feels like we've been waiting forever

no photo
Sun 01/30/11 05:03 PM
Her series is one of my first favorites and my copies (yes, I have had several) of Clan of the Cave Bear are all worn out from all the reading. I have heard that a new book will be coming out and I'm glad that the wait is almost over. Ayla taught me a lot about surviving in the outdoors. Heh. :)

Lilypetal's photo
Sun 01/30/11 05:38 PM


Who wants to be at the bookstore for the midnight release party, and dress up like our favorite characters from the books?


OH I do!!! You'll have to go kill an auroch for me so I can make a dress!! :heart:

no photo
Mon 01/31/11 05:02 AM

Her series is one of my first favorites and my copies (yes, I have had several) of Clan of the Cave Bear are all worn out from all the reading. I have heard that a new book will be coming out and I'm glad that the wait is almost over. Ayla taught me a lot about surviving in the outdoors. Heh. :)

I had a paperback copy of Clan Of The Cave Bear that got so worn out it fell apart.

no photo
Mon 01/31/11 05:16 AM

Her series is one of my first favorites and my copies (yes, I have had several) of Clan of the Cave Bear are all worn out from all the reading. I have heard that a new book will be coming out and I'm glad that the wait is almost over. Ayla taught me a lot about surviving in the outdoors. Heh. :)

I had a paperback copy of Clan Of The Cave Bear that got so worn out it fell apart.

Haha. Me too. Why'd you think I had to buy several copies? laugh

no photo
Mon 01/31/11 06:30 AM

Her series is one of my first favorites and my copies (yes, I have had several) of Clan of the Cave Bear are all worn out from all the reading. I have heard that a new book will be coming out and I'm glad that the wait is almost over. Ayla taught me a lot about surviving in the outdoors. Heh. :)

I had a paperback copy of Clan Of The Cave Bear that got so worn out it fell apart.

Haha. Me too. Why'd you think I had to buy several copies? laugh

Some of the books I have I'm surprised they're in one piece from all the rereading, like my copy of Boy's Life.

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 01/31/11 11:46 AM
Mom's got the paperbacks, and a few are taped together. I ended up getting the series in hardcover about 4 years ago, so they look nice and neat. LOL!