Topic: Do you think that.... - part 2 | |
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Mon 01/24/11 12:19 PM
If one practices one particular religion they then are saying that all other religions are wrong. For there can not be two creators, two ways the world got created, ect. There can only be 1. So with that, which ever religious belief one holds they then are saying all others are not true. For if one didn't believe their faith was the right one, then why would they be practicing it? It only appears that way to you because you are a "Literal Absolutist" which most Christian fundamentalists are. Religions like Wicca and Buddhism are far more abstract and aren't bothered by the literal technicalities that you have weighed yourself down with. In short, all you are basically saying here is that either the Bible is literally true, or it must be literally false. Well, if I accept that, then yes, my conclusion is that it is indeed literally false without a doubt. The only way it can be resurrected is through abstraction. And as an abstract spiritual archetype then it becomes totally valid because it no longer needs to be literally true. It's just a collection of parables and fables to convey spiritual ideas. Since both Wicca and Buddhism are indeed extremely abstract spiritual philosophies they can both embrace Christianity in that same sense. What they would object to, however, is an extremely rigid dogmatic fundamentalist's approach. Because once that type of view is taken then the religion becomes a seed for war-mongering. In other words it becomes precisely the thing you have created it to be. "Either believe in this religious doctrine verbatim or go to hell!" Hell being rejection of God whatever that might entail. It becomes a war-mongering religion at that point because it accuses people of taking sides in spiritual matters. You're either with or against "God", and that is entirely based upon whether or not you support the literal verbatim doctrine that is being held out as the absolute "Word of God" by this religion. If not, then you're an enemy of God. ![]() That mindset comes directly from the religious stance that you take. Literal dogmatic religious absolute fundamentalism. |
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Mon 01/24/11 12:35 PM
If one practices one particular religion they then are saying that all other religions are wrong. For there can not be two creators, two ways the world got created, ect. There can only be 1. So with that, which ever religious belief one holds they then are saying all others are not true. For if one didn't believe their faith was the right one, then why would they be practicing it? It only appears that way to you because you are a "Literal Absolutist" which most Christian fundamentalists are. Religions like Wicca and Buddhism are far more abstract and aren't bothered by the literal technicalities that you have weighed yourself down with. In short, all you are basically saying here is that either the Bible is literally true, or it must be literally false. Well, if I accept that, then yes, my conclusion is that it is indeed literally false without a doubt. The only way it can be resurrected is through abstraction. And as an abstract spiritual archetype then it becomes totally valid because it no longer needs to be literally true. It's just a collection of parables and fables to convey spiritual ideas. Since both Wicca and Buddhism are indeed extremely abstract spiritual philosophies they can both embrace Christianity in that same sense. What they would object to, however, is an extremely rigid dogmatic fundamentalist's approach. Because once that type of view is taken then the religion becomes a seed for war-mongering. In other words it becomes precisely the thing you have created it to be. "Either believe in this religious doctrine verbatim or go to hell!" Hell being rejection of God whatever that might entail. It becomes a war-mongering religion at that point because it accuses people of taking sides in spiritual matters. You're either with or against "God", and that is entirely based upon whether or not you support the literal verbatim doctrine that is being held out as the absolute "Word of God" by this religion. If not, then you're an enemy of God. ![]() That mindset comes directly from the religious stance that you take. Literal dogmatic religious absolute fundamentalism. In other words it becomes precisely the thing you have created it to be. "Either believe in this religious doctrine verbatim or go to hell!" Hell being rejection of God whatever that might entail. It becomes a war-mongering religion at that point because it accuses people of taking sides in spiritual matters. You're either with or against "God", and that is entirely based upon whether or not you support the literal verbatim doctrine that is being held out as the absolute "Word of God" by this religion. If not, then you're an enemy of God. ![]() First off. No one will ever go to hell. And no it doesn't make people accuse others of taking sides, that would be judging which we are not to do. I can not tell you who will go to heaven or cease to exist. I can not tell you I will go to heaven or cease to exist. Nobody will know that till judgment day. No you are never an "enemy" of God. Is your child your enemy just because he/she doesn't listen? Is your child your enemy because he/she stole your car one night when they were 16? Sinners aren't the "enemy" of our father. We are disobedient children at that moment. |
Is your child your enemy just because he/she doesn't listen? My children would listen to me because I would be there to personally speak with them, educate them, answer their questions, and show compassion for their concerns. What kind of a fatherly image do you support? A father who abandons his children and only speaks to them through highly unreliable, bigoted, and male-chauvinistic rumors and fables? The God that you support would be the worst example of parenting that I can possibly imagine. I don't condone that kind of parenting at all. In fact, if your religion teaches you that this kind of behavior represents "good parenting skills" then I would suggest that your religion is doing humanity a great disservice by teaching such horrible parenting behavior. No, I would never be as big of a jerk as the God that is portrayed in the Bible. Absolutely not. I wouldn't behave that poorly myself, nor would I condone or support that kind of behavior as being "good parenting skills". So yes, I renounce the Bible as a source of Good Parenting Skills, absolutely! ![]() |
My children would listen to me because I would be there to personally speak with them, educate them, answer their questions, and show compassion for their concerns.
even with all this, children will test the waters by NOT LISTENING |
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Mon 01/24/11 01:43 PM
My children would listen to me because I would be there to personally speak with them, educate them, answer their questions, and show compassion for their concerns. even with all this, children will test the waters by NOT LISTENING Well, first off, there's a huge difference between NOT LISTENING, and outright rebellion or refuse to OBEY. This is where the Biblical fables fail. The Hebrews accused the Canaanites and Egyptians of refusing to OBEY God, when it fact, it's crystal clear that the Canaanites and Egyptians were indeed attempting to OBEY what they believed to be God. So not you've got two different concepts here entirely. You can't accuse people who refuse to believe in the Bible for "Not Listening" anymore than you can accuse someone who doesn't believe in Zeus for "Not Listening". If you want to now accuse them of "Disobedience" you first need to establish just who it is that they think they are disobeying. In the case of HUMAN parent it's clear who the child is disobeying. However that analogy breaks down when applied to the Bible because there's no reason for any sane person to believe that the Hebrews speak for God. |
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Mon 01/24/11 01:38 PM
My children would listen to me because I would be there to personally speak with them, educate them, answer their questions, and show compassion for their concerns. even with all this, children will test the waters by NOT LISTENING Well, first off, there's a huge difference between NO LISTENING, and outright rebellion or refuse to OBEY. This is where the Biblical fables fail. The Hebrews accused the Canaanites and Egyptians of refusing to OBEY God, when it fact, it's crystal clear that the Canaanites and Egyptians were indeed attempting to OBEY what they believed to be God. So not you've got two different concepts here. 1. Not Listening (or not believing that the person giving you instructions is your partent) and 2. Two Blatant Disobedience by a child who knows precisely who their parent is and what their parent wants, yet disobeys anyway. Besides, raising children shouldn't be about blind obedience anyway. It should be about understanding why certain behaviors are better than others. Say you are trying to teach your child not to put their finger in an electrical socket. You don't just tell them not to do it "Because you say so". You explain to them that if they do this thing they are going to be sorry because it will hurt them. Then if they do it, you can just say, "Well I told you so". But the Biblical God can't even do that. The Biblical God is a jealous God who just wants blind obedience. He doesn't even explain how blood sacrifices atone sins. to each their own, in our family 'not listening' is the equivalant of 'refusing to obey' there were always choices in our home and they came with explanations sometimes of why, and other times they came with the understanding of how IMPORTANT trust and authority are I trusted my parents to be consistent in what they said they would do, I trusted them to give me choices which would lead to consequences on one side of the coin or the other, but I never believed I was not given a choice just because it wasnt the one I wanted and the elders in our family more than earned the trust to have their rules respected without being required to always explain the why, we were not encouraged to ask why concerning house rules or parental rules, those responsible for caring for us, those who were sacrificing to do so, did not have to feel obliged to CONVINCE us of why the rules were the rules, but we were asked if we understood and that was the opening to ask questions, when we were REWARDED with an opening at all perhaps that is an essential factor, how much one is OBLIGATED to do or say to CONVINCE another or if they have to convince them at all like my parents, I trust in the authority and love of God, through the loving presense I have felt in my life he has gained this trust like my parents, he doesnt have to convince me any further that he loves me or that he will not steer me wrong like my parents, I know he wants whats best for me its about trusting in Him and his love and everyone has a different set of requirements, I guess, before they can share that type of trust |
If Christians would acknowledge that all religions are as right as theirs and all have the right to their beliefs they would get their feelings hurt less. Instead they offend others by telling them they are misguided, ignorant and creepily still forced to be abused by the Christian god no matter what. But not all religions could be correct. Only ONE could be correct in the end of the day. If one religion tells you apples are not to be eaten for they are the golden fruit. And the other tells you to only eat apples, how then could they both be right? If one religion says the world was created this way but this religion says it was created that way, how then can they both be correct? You speak of religion as if it were just a belief system one wishes to believe in. Christianity is as real as you and I. God can be felt just as you can feel someone hugging you, God can be heard just as if you were talking to your neighbor. God is as real as you and I, God is as present as you and I. This is the problem and this is why Christians will continue to feel attacked by religious discussions that are speaking of Christianity as the same as all other religions. It is the problem of the Christian not the others. |
MsHarmony wrote:
in our family 'not listening' is the equivalant of 'refusing to obey' Only in HUMAN families. Because there's no question about who the parent is. However, a disbelief in the Bible does not constitute "refusal to obey", anymore than a disbelief in Zeus equates to a "refusal" to obey Zeus. You guys are working from a stance that the Bible necessarily equates to the "Word of God", without question. So you're starting off with a bogus assumption as far as I'm concerned. |
I believe what I believe and I believe that all others are right in their beliefs for themselves.
When I feel preached to, which is an insult to me, I then strike out at the perpetrator of this insult. Saving me is not an option available to any human and/or god/s. So if we can discuss Christianity as if it is the same as all other religions, which it is, then we can have a good discussion. |
MsHarmony wrote:
in our family 'not listening' is the equivalant of 'refusing to obey' Only in HUMAN families. Because there's no question about who the parent is. However, a disbelief in the Bible does not constitute "refusal to obey", anymore than a disbelief in Zeus equates to a "refusal" to obey Zeus. You guys are working from a stance that the Bible necessarily equates to the "Word of God", without question. So you're starting off with a bogus assumption as far as I'm concerned. understandable, although I would like to clarify that I am very certain of who my creator/heavenly Father is just as certain as I was about my biological Father, without ever needing to get a DNA test, or have other forms of 'proof', besides his word, his presence, and his love |
If Christians would acknowledge that all religions are as right as theirs and all have the right to their beliefs they would get their feelings hurt less. Instead they offend others by telling them they are misguided, ignorant and creepily still forced to be abused by the Christian god no matter what. But not all religions could be correct. Only ONE could be correct in the end of the day. If one religion tells you apples are not to be eaten for they are the golden fruit. And the other tells you to only eat apples, how then could they both be right? If one religion says the world was created this way but this religion says it was created that way, how then can they both be correct? You speak of religion as if it were just a belief system one wishes to believe in. Christianity is as real as you and I. God can be felt just as you can feel someone hugging you, God can be heard just as if you were talking to your neighbor. God is as real as you and I, God is as present as you and I. This is the problem and this is why Christians will continue to feel attacked by religious discussions that are speaking of Christianity as the same as all other religions. It is the problem of the Christian not the others. Exactly. And like I say, it's perfectly legitimate for any human being to express why they feel a particular fable is false. Especially if that fable claims to speak for the creator of all mankind. That automatically opens the door for everyone to express their views on it. I renounce the Abrhamic fables as being complete and total myths. If a bunch of major world religions have evolved from those fables, that's not my fault. ![]() |
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Mon 01/24/11 02:04 PM
I believe what I believe and I believe that all others are right in their beliefs for themselves. When I feel preached to, which is an insult to me, I then strike out at the perpetrator of this insult. Saving me is not an option available to any human and/or god/s. So if we can discuss Christianity as if it is the same as all other religions, which it is, then we can have a good discussion. There is no TRUE(meaning absolute) religion as all religions have some element of crossover(values, morals, concepts, which they share) there is one true Christ and through him we recieve the blessings of the one true God |
I believe what I believe and I believe that all others are right in their beliefs for themselves. When I feel preached to, which is an insult to me, I then strike out at the perpetrator of this insult. Saving me is not an option available to any human and/or god/s. So if we can discuss Christianity as if it is the same as all other religions, which it is, then we can have a good discussion. There is no TRUE(meaning absolute) religion as all religions have some element of crossover(values, morals, concepts, which they share) there is one true Christ and through him we recieve the blessings of the one true God See this is the problem. Everyone's god/s is just as true to that practitioner so to say this without including the words "for me" is antagonizing. So for you Christ is one true god. Cool. It is not for me and many others. |
MsHarmony wrote:
understandable, although I would like to clarify that I am very certain of who my creator/heavenly Father is just as certain as I was about my biological Father, without ever needing to get a DNA test, or have other forms of 'proof', besides his word, his presence, and his love Well, like I say, that's FINE. ![]() I have absolutely no problem with that whatsoever. That's between you and the creator. If I choose to view the creator differently, then that's how I view the creator. It doesn't mean that we have different creators, it simply means that we view the creator differently. And that even applies to secular scientists as well. Even atheists have a quite different view of "the creator", but that's FINE too! All we have are different views of the very same thing. There's really no reason to try to get each other to hold a particular view. What I speak out against is the hardcore proselytizing of these views. Especially when they are being held out at the "Only Way" to reach God. That places huge limitation on God right there. As far as I can see Christianity (as an organized religion) is simply trying to own the Patent Rights on God. |
I believe what I believe and I believe that all others are right in their beliefs for themselves. When I feel preached to, which is an insult to me, I then strike out at the perpetrator of this insult. Saving me is not an option available to any human and/or god/s. So if we can discuss Christianity as if it is the same as all other religions, which it is, then we can have a good discussion. There is no TRUE(meaning absolute) religion as all religions have some element of crossover(values, morals, concepts, which they share) there is one true Christ and through him we recieve the blessings of the one true God See this is the problem. Everyone's god/s is just as true to that practitioner so to say this without including the words "for me" is antagonizing. So for you Christ is one true god. Cool. It is not for me and many others. And this is what leads to debate. Jesus is "The Christ" and only through him can we receive the blessings of God. Well, what's the very first natural question to that? "Says who?" Well, clearly the answer is, "Says the Bible!" Then the question becomes, "Who wrote the Bible? And why should we believe them?" And then this leads to looking at the biblical stories and examining all the outrageous claims within those stories, and the totally hypocritical behavior of the culture from whence these fables came, etc, etc, etc. And when people start to point out all the absolute fallacies, contradictions, and absurdities within these stories the Christians asks? Why are you "bashing" our religion? Well, DUH? We're not "bashing" it! We're simply questioning your claim that the only way to God is through "The Christ". We're showing why we don't buy into those fables. Yet, what do the Christians do? ![]() They accuse us of "bashing" their religion when we point out all the absurdities in it. Totally ignore the facts that we present and pretend they don't even exist, and then what do they do? They continue to demand that we can only get to God through "The Christ". Well sheesh! ![]() If they would quit making that simple claim, then we could quit pointing out why we feel that it has no merit. In the meantime, if Christians want to hold out this idea as being "absolute truth", then they are going to have to put up with hearing why other people aren't buying into it. Basically Christians want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to hold out the notion that the only way to God is through the biblical "Christ", whilst simultaneously refusing to discuss why the biblical fables may or may not even be true to begin with. Anyone who points out the absurdities of the fables is accused of "bashing" the religion. That's ridiculous. This is what kept this religion going for as long as it's been around. To question it was considered blaspheme! Do you realize that there is a woman in Pakistan right now being accused of Blaspheme and they are seeking the DEATH penalty for her! And guess what? She's a Christian! Yet it's the same "Abrahamic Religion" (i.e. a form of Islam which comes from these same religious fables), that is using that religion as grounds for having her put to death. Well, in the past, Christianity was like that! Blaspheme against the bible could cost you your LIFE. Why? Because people don't want to argue about whether or not the Bible is truly the word of God because they know that if the question is truly looked into sincerely people would soon realize that it truly is absurd and no one should believe it! That's why this religion tries so hard to keep people from questioning the religion. Question the Bible and you are "bashing" our religion! ![]() When what they really mean to say is, "Please don't expose the absurdities in the Bible or everyone will start to see how absurd it is." |
I believe what I believe and I believe that all others are right in their beliefs for themselves. When I feel preached to, which is an insult to me, I then strike out at the perpetrator of this insult. Saving me is not an option available to any human and/or god/s. So if we can discuss Christianity as if it is the same as all other religions, which it is, then we can have a good discussion. There is no TRUE(meaning absolute) religion as all religions have some element of crossover(values, morals, concepts, which they share) there is one true Christ and through him we recieve the blessings of the one true God See this is the problem. Everyone's god/s is just as true to that practitioner so to say this without including the words "for me" is antagonizing. So for you Christ is one true god. Cool. It is not for me and many others. And this is what leads to debate. Jesus is "The Christ" and only through him can we receive the blessings of God. Well, what's the very first natural question to that? "Says who?" Well, clearly the answer is, "Says the Bible!" Then the question becomes, "Who wrote the Bible? And why should we believe them?" And then this leads to looking at the biblical stories and examining all the outrageous claims within those stories, and the totally hypocritical behavior of the culture from whence these fables came, etc, etc, etc. And when people start to point out all the absolute fallacies, contradictions, and absurdities within these stories the Christians asks? Why are you "bashing" our religion? Well, DUH? We're not "bashing" it! We're simply questioning your claim that the only way to God is through "The Christ". We're showing why we don't buy into those fables. Yet, what do the Christians do? ![]() They accuse us of "bashing" their religion when we point out all the absurdities in it. Totally ignore the facts that we present and pretend they don't even exist, and then what do they do? They continue to demand that we can only get to God through "The Christ". Well sheesh! ![]() If they would quit making that simple claim, then we could quit pointing out why we feel that it has no merit. In the meantime, if Christians want to hold out this idea as being "absolute truth", then they are going to have to put up with hearing why other people aren't buying into it. Basically Christians want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to hold out the notion that the only way to God is through the biblical "Christ", whilst simultaneously refusing to discuss why the biblical fables may or may not even be true to begin with. Anyone who points out the absurdities of the fables is accused of "bashing" the religion. That's ridiculous. This is what kept this religion going for as long as it's been around. To question it was considered blaspheme! Do you realize that there is a woman in Pakistan right now being accused of Blaspheme and they are seeking the DEATH penalty for her! And guess what? She's a Christian! Yet it's the same "Abrahamic Religion" (i.e. a form of Islam which comes from these same religious fables), that is using that religion as grounds for having her put to death. Well, in the past, Christianity was like that! Blaspheme against the bible could cost you your LIFE. Why? Because people don't want to argue about whether or not the Bible is truly the word of God because they know that if the question is truly looked into sincerely people would soon realize that it truly is absurd and no one should believe it! That's why this religion tries so hard to keep people from questioning the religion. Question the Bible and you are "bashing" our religion! ![]() When what they really mean to say is, "Please don't expose the absurdities in the Bible or everyone will start to see how absurd it is." And this is what leads to debate. Jesus is "The Christ" and only through him can we receive the blessings of God. Well, what's the very first natural question to that? "Says who?" Well, clearly the answer is, "Says the Bible! God will say so. You continuously try to say it's all out of the book we call the bible, the bible this, the bible that. The bible is merely a start. God will tell you so in your heart if you allow God into your heart. God will comfort your decision, God will reinforce your decision. It's not centered around the bible. |
So the bible is not the base of Christianity?
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I believe what I believe and I believe that all others are right in their beliefs for themselves. When I feel preached to, which is an insult to me, I then strike out at the perpetrator of this insult. Saving me is not an option available to any human and/or god/s. So if we can discuss Christianity as if it is the same as all other religions, which it is, then we can have a good discussion. There is no TRUE(meaning absolute) religion as all religions have some element of crossover(values, morals, concepts, which they share) there is one true Christ and through him we recieve the blessings of the one true God Ok then explain to me how Christianity can somehow be the only place where this one true God resides, if by your own admission there is no TRUE religion? |
I believe what I believe and I believe that all others are right in their beliefs for themselves. When I feel preached to, which is an insult to me, I then strike out at the perpetrator of this insult. Saving me is not an option available to any human and/or god/s. So if we can discuss Christianity as if it is the same as all other religions, which it is, then we can have a good discussion. There is no TRUE(meaning absolute) religion as all religions have some element of crossover(values, morals, concepts, which they share) there is one true Christ and through him we recieve the blessings of the one true God See this is the problem. Everyone's god/s is just as true to that practitioner so to say this without including the words "for me" is antagonizing. So for you Christ is one true god. Cool. It is not for me and many others. And this is what leads to debate. Jesus is "The Christ" and only through him can we receive the blessings of God. Well, what's the very first natural question to that? "Says who?" Well, clearly the answer is, "Says the Bible!" Then the question becomes, "Who wrote the Bible? And why should we believe them?" And then this leads to looking at the biblical stories and examining all the outrageous claims within those stories, and the totally hypocritical behavior of the culture from whence these fables came, etc, etc, etc. And when people start to point out all the absolute fallacies, contradictions, and absurdities within these stories the Christians asks? Why are you "bashing" our religion? Well, DUH? We're not "bashing" it! We're simply questioning your claim that the only way to God is through "The Christ". We're showing why we don't buy into those fables. Yet, what do the Christians do? ![]() They accuse us of "bashing" their religion when we point out all the absurdities in it. Totally ignore the facts that we present and pretend they don't even exist, and then what do they do? They continue to demand that we can only get to God through "The Christ". Well sheesh! ![]() If they would quit making that simple claim, then we could quit pointing out why we feel that it has no merit. In the meantime, if Christians want to hold out this idea as being "absolute truth", then they are going to have to put up with hearing why other people aren't buying into it. Basically Christians want to have their cake and eat it too. They want to hold out the notion that the only way to God is through the biblical "Christ", whilst simultaneously refusing to discuss why the biblical fables may or may not even be true to begin with. Anyone who points out the absurdities of the fables is accused of "bashing" the religion. That's ridiculous. This is what kept this religion going for as long as it's been around. To question it was considered blaspheme! Do you realize that there is a woman in Pakistan right now being accused of Blaspheme and they are seeking the DEATH penalty for her! And guess what? She's a Christian! Yet it's the same "Abrahamic Religion" (i.e. a form of Islam which comes from these same religious fables), that is using that religion as grounds for having her put to death. Well, in the past, Christianity was like that! Blaspheme against the bible could cost you your LIFE. Why? Because people don't want to argue about whether or not the Bible is truly the word of God because they know that if the question is truly looked into sincerely people would soon realize that it truly is absurd and no one should believe it! That's why this religion tries so hard to keep people from questioning the religion. Question the Bible and you are "bashing" our religion! ![]() When what they really mean to say is, "Please don't expose the absurdities in the Bible or everyone will start to see how absurd it is." And this is what leads to debate. Jesus is "The Christ" and only through him can we receive the blessings of God. Well, what's the very first natural question to that? "Says who?" Well, clearly the answer is, "Says the Bible! God will say so. You continuously try to say it's all out of the book we call the bible, the bible this, the bible that. The bible is merely a start. God will tell you so in your heart if you allow God into your heart. God will comfort your decision, God will reinforce your decision. It's not centered around the bible. The Bible is merely a start? ![]() That's a bit underhanded and dishonest don't you think. Christianity is entirely based on the idea that Jesus was "The Christ" and that comes solely from the Bible. Period. Take that away and Christianity is no more. Christianity is entirely and solely a belief in the Bible, in fact, it not only requires a belief in the New Testament, but even more so in the Old Testament. So as soon as the claim is made that "Jesus is The Christ", then the only natural way to address that claim is to look into the biblical stories to see if this claim has credibility. When I do that, I start naturally with the Old Testament. After all that's the foundation of the belief, if I'm not convinced that the Old Testament is the "Word of God" there's really no sense in even considering the New Testament. Well, I'm convinced that the Old Testament is definitely not the word of any all-wise God. Why not? Well to be perfectly frank about it the stories that it tells do not appear to be very "wise" to me. Nor do they even appear to be logically consistent, nor even remotely rational. So the religion is already dead in the water just with the Old Testament alone, IMHO. However, just for the sake of looking at the whole picture I also look at the New Testament. When I do I notice several vivid things. 1. Jesus didn't even agree with the moral values taught in the Old Testament. 2. Jesus didn't fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament "Christ". 3. The authors of the New Testament often conflict with each other and give conflicting reports concerning what Jesus might have even said. So even if I were to believe in the "Old Testament" which I don't, I would still reject that Jesus was "The Christ" that had been predicted in that fable. So that's where I stand with Christianity. It's entirely a belief in a book and I see no merit in the book. So there's nothing there worthy of placing my faith in. That's just me. But at least it's my honest sincere and heartfelt conclusions. So what are you going to suggest now? That I need to be dishonest in order to receive the blessings of this biblical God? ![]() I need to go against my honest, sincere, and heartfelt feelings, intuition and wisdom, in order to believe in these myths just so I can receive the "Grace of God"? What sense would that even make? Any God that requires dishonesty and insincerity in order to receive his grace would be an insincere and dishonest God himself. So this Biblical Christianity is totally beyond anything that I could even consider remotely rational. I reject the "Bible" as being the "Word of God" and that leaves Christianity without a leg to stand on. Because Christianity is entirely based on a belief that the Bible is the WORD OF GOD. That all that it is. Period. |
So the bible is not the base of Christianity? ![]() No, it is merely a tool to learn about our father. The bible is not needed to tell others about God, it is not needed to find God, it is not needed to know about God in general. Someone can tell another of how we are suppose to live, what is right with our father and what is wrong without using the bible. I can tell you God loves you without using the bible, God has set up a paradise just for you, will help you in any problem and struggle in life you'll ever have, all again without using the "bible". |