Topic: Hopes, Dreams, and Desires | |
We all have hopes, dream and desires. It is what gives us a reason to live and go on some times. Just knowing that there is something to thrive for. Something to try to achieve. Sometimes we achieve them and sometimes we don't. But they are still there to work towards.
What are your hopes, dreams and desires? Have you achieved most, some or all of them? 10 years from now do you see those dreams coming true if you have not yet made them come true? |
Hmmmm I will need hours upon hours of analyzing, and pondering for this question.
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^^^...and some cheesecake!^^^
Nus!!!! You are taunting me with cheesecake!!!!!
Now you must pay!!!! mwhahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa ![]() ![]() ![]() |
OK, if you do not want to answer the questions, then why respond to the board?
Right now my dreams are to get rid of this pain and start living again.
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Humm to be at peace within and to enjoy the life before me with the ones I love. There is no greater joy I could desire. No material things can give you that type of feelings within ones heart. And to know you are truly were you want to be. Those are my desires and hopes and dreams.
Some may think those are simple wishes and dreams. But in reality very few achieve that goal. Humm ![]() ![]() |
I have achieved a lot of the things I wanted to do in my younger days, but the one I'm looking forward to now is getting my book published.
In ten years, I would like to have several books out there. I would like to live in another place, far away from where I am today; a place where people actually speak to each other, where things like "respect" and "courtesy" aren't just words in a dictionary no one reads. I would like to find someone to share it all with. I'm not very materialistic, so the financial end of it all isn't too important. As long as I have enough to pay the bills, buy the Pepsi, and keep myself well stocked with books and pens and things. And I would hope to be a very long-term member of a bigger and better JSH. Because, as far as I'm concerned, and that other website to the contrary, THIS is the "place for friends." ![]() |
Kate-Pain does not last forever. It just makes us stronger ((((((Kate))))
![]() Txs- That is a great thing to thrive for. And oyu are right it is not easy to achieve. But anything worth while is worth working towards. Lex- I have read your words hun, and I know that dream will come true for you. That I have faith is. Just keeps working towards it and happiness will be yours my friend. |
((((((((whisper)))))I know but this is making me so exhausted.
Nothing worth the fight is ever easy. Trust me I know.
I know, it's bad enough my doctor refuses to call in anymore pain meds for me. He told me if the vicodin's aren't controlling the pain that I need to get to the ER so they can control it..i can't afford going to the ER.
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great. I didnt see this and I just made a topic like this!!
Well I have two dreams and I am working toward them righ tnow...OR at least in the process of working toward them...One is to open a legal clinic on my reserve to educate, provide referral services and advocacy when it comes to the law for those who need help!!!!
I am in the process of researching and searching for funding and I have the manager of Children and Family Services on side because she sees a need for it...So out of all the bad that happned on that one terrible night with Stacey and I and another similar incident right after involving our own police...Some good has come because that's when it was apparent that this was a real need and I have had both these ideas for years!!!!!!! So yes I expect to realize it within the next 10 years and sharing it with somone would be the icing on the cake!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The other is actually the victims advocacy...That's what started the ball rolling!!!!!!!
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That is a great dream. And I am glad you were able to take a negative and make it into a positive. I wish you all the best in achieving your dream.
All the best in achieving yours too g/f!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() |
Well I have many hopes dreams and desires, I won't mention them all some are just personal.
I hope to be out of NY in that 10 year time frame, living where ever it is I belong, doing what I do best, writing, be published by then too. I don't have to make a ton of money at this just enough to get by, preferably living in a cabin or something in the mountains or the desert, hopefully not alone with 30 cats. |
hopes, dreams, and desires----
*watch me kids grow up and achieve their dreams and start a family *meet some special to grow old with and share my life i have accomplished my dreams as far as my career and friends |
Thank you CCP and Joyce for sharing.
I feel it is improtant to have dreams and goals. Mine include, going back to school, I want to become a computer tech and a photographer. All though I can achieve my computer tech goal my photography will take some time. But that's OK, I am still young and have a long time to perfect my pictures. It would be nice to move to a small town open up a computer store, run my own bissiness, have a little photography bissiness on the side. Do not need a lot of money, but I would like to provide my son with the kind of life I did not have. Be able to put money aside for him so he does not have to take out student loans like I will have to when he starts collage. I would like to be with that special somebody that loves me as much as I love them. And we enjoy each others company. Who likes spending time with me but does not have to be every waking moment. |