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Topic: 2011
GG2's photo
Sun 01/02/11 08:17 PM

Just a bunch of spam. In 2011 some will thrive and prosper
and others will despair and fail. Same as it ever was. No
point in quoting whole articles or book chapters. This is
only promotional bill posting not any kind of invitation to
discourse. Misleading Topic title as well.


I agree. Its a flippin blog for goodness sakes. Just opinion.

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 01/02/11 08:22 PM

where is all the hope and change?

this sounds more like hopelessness and despair..
Sure Obama has disapointed. I am starting to think our entire system is a fraud. I knew we were sunk when they clearly had a case to put Bush and Cheney on trial for war crimes, heck at least waterboard them untill they confessed. That would have been the leverage Obama needed to create hope and change. I am more pesamstic than ever in regards to our government. It seems to this american that our government is an extension of the business community, the only change we will get is what is good for business. The good news is come tuesday morning I can fall back into my work routine get paid my nice union wage and fall into my own personal comfort zone.

what exactly would it solve by putting bush and cheny on trial?
just to make you and a handfull of others happy?
Most thinking people and the rest of t he world understands Iraq was a lie. the only way we can possibly restore any credability is to gather the evidence, interview the witnesses under oath and dot the I's and cross the T's. I think about five minuts of water boarding will have a confession from both of them.
no, it wasn't a lie, it really did happen
wow what WMDS did they find in Iraq and as proven above even the cia admited they were not in Iraq. That is the point despite the best attempts to drag the topic down to the playground level.

Here is a small reminder I can google this all day and get the same results.

(CBS) When no weapons of mass destruction surfaced in Iraq, President Bush insisted that all those WMD claims before the war were the result of faulty intelligence. But a former top CIA official, Tyler Drumheller — a 26-year veteran of the agency — has decided to do something CIA officials at his level almost never do: Speak out.

He tells correspondent Ed Bradley the real failure was not in the intelligence community but in the White House. He says he saw how the Bush administration, time and again, welcomed intelligence that fit the president's determination to go to war and turned a blind eye to intelligence that did not.


"It just sticks in my craw every time I hear them say it’s an intelligence failure. It’s an intelligence failure. This was a policy failure," Drumheller tells Bradley.
why do you keep saying the cia told him they weren't there??
take a wild guess who told him they were their...
bush did not go to iraq himself and look, ya know?
The Bush apologists will now blame the CIA and George Tenet for getting it all wrong, and Dick Cheney will mutter something about Syria and secret caves.

We've gone beyond ridiculous to the criminally insane.

mightymoe's photo
Sun 01/02/11 08:30 PM

where is all the hope and change?

this sounds more like hopelessness and despair..
Sure Obama has disapointed. I am starting to think our entire system is a fraud. I knew we were sunk when they clearly had a case to put Bush and Cheney on trial for war crimes, heck at least waterboard them untill they confessed. That would have been the leverage Obama needed to create hope and change. I am more pesamstic than ever in regards to our government. It seems to this american that our government is an extension of the business community, the only change we will get is what is good for business. The good news is come tuesday morning I can fall back into my work routine get paid my nice union wage and fall into my own personal comfort zone.

what exactly would it solve by putting bush and cheny on trial?
just to make you and a handfull of others happy?
Most thinking people and the rest of t he world understands Iraq was a lie. the only way we can possibly restore any credability is to gather the evidence, interview the witnesses under oath and dot the I's and cross the T's. I think about five minuts of water boarding will have a confession from both of them.
no, it wasn't a lie, it really did happen
wow what WMDS did they find in Iraq and as proven above even the cia admited they were not in Iraq. That is the point despite the best attempts to drag the topic down to the playground level.

Here is a small reminder I can google this all day and get the same results.

(CBS) When no weapons of mass destruction surfaced in Iraq, President Bush insisted that all those WMD claims before the war were the result of faulty intelligence. But a former top CIA official, Tyler Drumheller — a 26-year veteran of the agency — has decided to do something CIA officials at his level almost never do: Speak out.

He tells correspondent Ed Bradley the real failure was not in the intelligence community but in the White House. He says he saw how the Bush administration, time and again, welcomed intelligence that fit the president's determination to go to war and turned a blind eye to intelligence that did not.


"It just sticks in my craw every time I hear them say it’s an intelligence failure. It’s an intelligence failure. This was a policy failure," Drumheller tells Bradley.
why do you keep saying the cia told him they weren't there??
take a wild guess who told him they were their...
bush did not go to iraq himself and look, ya know?
The Bush apologists will now blame the CIA and George Tenet for getting it all wrong, and Dick Cheney will mutter something about Syria and secret caves.

We've gone beyond ridiculous to the criminally insane.

who are the bush apologists?

s1owhand's photo
Mon 01/03/11 04:29 AM

I would not call Iran, N Korea, China, Russia, or even Saudia Arabia our "allies". Well Russia and SA are more ally-like than the others
but <ahem> we still have been known to have some points of disagreement.

I think the word I used was most of our allies are far more brutal. Our number one tradeing partner China comes to mind as well as Saudi Arabia both brutal police states.

I agree that they are brutal police states compared to the U.S.
and I am glad you cede my point. The U.S. is nowhere near nor
are we ever likely to drift toward the kind of Govt and religious
control exercised over the population in those countries thank

I disagree with that of course. Just pointing out that america is becomeing a police state is enough to get you in trouble with homeland security. Didnt Fox news just turn in some old lady to homeland security for makeing anti american remarks? Here is the link to that one. Sounds like a nazi type state in the makeing.
Apparently no longer content to simply shill for a growing police state, Fox News decided to take what passes for the law these days into its own hands today, turning in a 46 year-old grandmother from Indianapolis, Indiana for having a “possible terrorist link.”

The entire case against the woman, one Kathie Smith, appears to have been based around data culled off of her Facebook page and the content of emails they exchanged with her. The Department of Homeland Security in Indiana confirmed that their first information about Mrs. Smith was when Fox News sent them a video in which she allegedly makes “anti-American comments.”

The case against Mrs. Smith is virtually entirely circumstantial, and is available, in all its grim details, on Fox News’ website.

Is Granny spry?


Well thanks for pointing out this one.


Nutjobs who "likes" the terrorist Anwar Al-Awaki on facebook?
Granny should know better than to post pro-jihad videos and
describe known terrorists as childhood friends if she does not
want to be questioned at the airport or customs...


"In the nearly six-minute video under investigation, Smith and her husband, known online as Salahudin Ibn Ja'far, 28, appear posing and hugging and holding weapons interspersed with photos of known and suspected terrorists and assorted jihadist propaganda, like an Awlaki sermon album cover.

There also are photos of German Taliban Mujahideen -- German nationals who have formed their own splinter group within the Taliban -- and mug shots of members of the Saarland cell of Islamic Jihad Union charged with plotting failed terror attacks against U.S. targets in Germany, including a 2007 plot to bomb the U.S. Air Force base at Ramstein."

I doubt she is a serious threat but hey we don't joke about
bombs while going through airport screening now do we?


And Foxnews paranoia about Granny makes the U.S. a Nazi-leaning, police state how exactly?? HAHAHAHAHA....



Bestinshow's photo
Mon 01/03/11 10:48 AM

I would not call Iran, N Korea, China, Russia, or even Saudia Arabia our "allies". Well Russia and SA are more ally-like than the others
but <ahem> we still have been known to have some points of disagreement.

I think the word I used was most of our allies are far more brutal. Our number one tradeing partner China comes to mind as well as Saudi Arabia both brutal police states.

I agree that they are brutal police states compared to the U.S.
and I am glad you cede my point. The U.S. is nowhere near nor
are we ever likely to drift toward the kind of Govt and religious
control exercised over the population in those countries thank

I disagree with that of course. Just pointing out that america is becomeing a police state is enough to get you in trouble with homeland security. Didnt Fox news just turn in some old lady to homeland security for makeing anti american remarks? Here is the link to that one. Sounds like a nazi type state in the makeing.
Apparently no longer content to simply shill for a growing police state, Fox News decided to take what passes for the law these days into its own hands today, turning in a 46 year-old grandmother from Indianapolis, Indiana for having a “possible terrorist link.”

The entire case against the woman, one Kathie Smith, appears to have been based around data culled off of her Facebook page and the content of emails they exchanged with her. The Department of Homeland Security in Indiana confirmed that their first information about Mrs. Smith was when Fox News sent them a video in which she allegedly makes “anti-American comments.”

The case against Mrs. Smith is virtually entirely circumstantial, and is available, in all its grim details, on Fox News’ website.

Is Granny spry?


Well thanks for pointing out this one.


Nutjobs who "likes" the terrorist Anwar Al-Awaki on facebook?
Granny should know better than to post pro-jihad videos and
describe known terrorists as childhood friends if she does not
want to be questioned at the airport or customs...


"In the nearly six-minute video under investigation, Smith and her husband, known online as Salahudin Ibn Ja'far, 28, appear posing and hugging and holding weapons interspersed with photos of known and suspected terrorists and assorted jihadist propaganda, like an Awlaki sermon album cover.

There also are photos of German Taliban Mujahideen -- German nationals who have formed their own splinter group within the Taliban -- and mug shots of members of the Saarland cell of Islamic Jihad Union charged with plotting failed terror attacks against U.S. targets in Germany, including a 2007 plot to bomb the U.S. Air Force base at Ramstein."

I doubt she is a serious threat but hey we don't joke about
bombs while going through airport screening now do we?


And Foxnews paranoia about Granny makes the U.S. a Nazi-leaning, police state how exactly?? HAHAHAHAHA....



Fox news not content with mearly being a shrill for the growing police state, not content with informing people of t he news is it is now informing the government on who or what it thinks is worthy of a shakedown. Turker Carlson calls for the execution of Michael Vick and has his own show, some poor old granma has some facebook pics up and she is turned into homeland security. I am not suprised at all you do not see the hypocracy.

Mrs Smith hereself I am exercising my right, as an American citizen to freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bare arms. I have the right in America to say what ever I want. That is what makes America so great, right?”

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