Topic: A quick short story. | |
This really is not a short story but a re-accuring dream that I have often , I'm not sure what it means though.
I am back in the dessert in Nevada ,it's the after-noon of a hot day and I'm riding my bicycle down the rail road tracks as I take the same little short cut home from school everyday. The rails are always bumpy and it's tough going but the sand is too soft on the ground and will only mire my wheels down into the fine silt. The wind is starting to pick up and I pedal a little faster as I don't want to get caught out in the open, I have to pull my shirt up over my nose and mouth to keep out the sand. The wind picks up more and the rail road tracks are starting to get buried and I'm having a hard time seeing in front of me. I can see the faint outline of a house off to the left of me and I drop my bike and slowly make my way towards it. I make my way to the door and knock but there is no answer …. I knock louder but still no answer , so I beat hard on the door as the wind is blowing hard and blinding me to the point where I cant see. In desperation I try opening the door and it swings open for me, I quickly shut the door, as I am thirsty from the dusty wind and can only think of water at this point to quench my dry throat. I walk from room to room in the old house till I find the kitchen in the back and drink straight from the faucet out of my cupped hands and splash some water on my face. I then noticed how old the house really looks… is very spartan with no pictures or sundries anywhere, only the furniture still remains and all the furniture is covered up with white cloth that has aged a light yellowish color. I start to pull off one of the white sheets to see what kind of chair is underneath the sheet and I hear a knock at the back door. It is only a few feet from me and start to walk towards it but the closer I get, the more slowly I walk, as I start to have a overwelming sense of deja-vu and feel a ripple of fear run through me for some reason. The knocking is louder this time, I am not sure why but I am terrorfied to open the door but some force compels me to do so and I see myself reaching for the door knob and slowly turning it. The door slowly opens and standing there in the doorway is large wolf standing upright like a human with his arms hanging down by his sides, for some reason we are exactly the same height and I look into his ice blue eyes, they seem so human and then I notice how skinny he is , almost bone thin, nothing but sinew and hair. He says nothing to me , he only stands there staring at me. (It is at this point that I always wake up) |
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