Topic: Where are the guys over 40?
helloall151's photo
Mon 01/03/11 09:18 PM
hello im not 40 but im 39 lol:tongue:

no photo
Fri 01/14/11 01:00 PM
I personally skip over the younger people. too much drama

metalwing's photo
Fri 01/14/11 01:15 PM
By cracky!!!!....

I dropped me earhorn agin!

no photo
Fri 01/14/11 01:35 PM

By cracky!!!!....

I dropped me earhorn agin!

That wasn't the only one that dropped, sir. laugh

metalwing's photo
Fri 01/14/11 01:43 PM

By cracky!!!!....

I dropped me earhorn agin!

That wasn't the only one that dropped, sir. laugh

Gravity isn't my friend anymore.ohwell

no photo
Sat 01/15/11 06:26 PM
Damn wrong country typical!

no photo
Fri 01/28/11 02:14 AM
what,s up Ms.Over 40, by the way is still young. I happen to be over 40 as well, i am blk with dreads so i might not be your type. I am a Flaboy stuck in sthvn for the moment. I see there are a lot stores but no place to hang out and meet any women

jcampbell88's photo
Sat 01/29/11 09:32 PM
Well, im as young as I feel today and its ageless; but my Mom reminds me I'm 43; now to find a lady in Alberta Canada on this board.

navygirl's photo
Sat 01/29/11 10:31 PM

Seriously, seems that most of the messages and IM's I get are from guys in there 20's. They're cute and seem sweet, but come on, I could practically be their mom! Are the guys my age only looking for the young girls or have they just disappeared of the face of the earth?

I think the guys over 40 were abducted by aliens. I get the 20 something too. I think they just want me to be mom and adopt them.laugh

jcampbell88's photo
Sun 01/30/11 12:00 AM
Edited by jcampbell88 on Sun 01/30/11 12:00 AM

Its because we men at some point realize we don't want a Girl, we want a Woman..
But I guess some Boys just want their

Hey is that you in the Xena princess warrior out fit on your profile?
Love the star Trek outfit..hmmmm, sorry, its that boy part of me coming out.. Yep its the woman who attracts the boy in us

PS:..Flirt, flirt... I think you would be fun

no photo
Sun 01/30/11 03:14 PM

Seriously, seems that most of the messages and IM's I get are from guys in there 20's. They're cute and seem sweet, but come on, I could practically be their mom! Are the guys my age only looking for the young girls or have they just disappeared of the face of the earth?
Guys like many women,,,seems THEIR EYES,,see the young faster than they see the older,,,wink..
Me,,,I GET SO TIRED OF THE 18,19,and 20 year olds hitting on me as well.
BUT,,,then again,,,,I get so tired of THE 60, 70,and 80 YEAR OLDS AS WELL.


rofl rofl rofl

navygirl's photo
Sun 01/30/11 04:10 PM


Its because we men at some point realize we don't want a Girl, we want a Woman..
But I guess some Boys just want their

Hey is that you in the Xena princess warrior out fit on your profile?
Love the star Trek outfit..hmmmm, sorry, its that boy part of me coming out.. Yep its the woman who attracts the boy in us

PS:..Flirt, flirt... I think you would be fun

Yes that is me as Xena and the Star Trek outfit. I make costumes and love to wear them as its lots of fun. Still a bit of a girl in this woman. Thanks I am flattered by your flirt.

PepeDinamita's photo
Sat 02/05/11 05:27 PM
augusta ga baby

ForestDude's photo
Mon 02/07/11 02:10 PM
Interesting set of responses. I sort of understand why guys want a younger woman, but I don't think I could be involved with someone younger than my oldest son. I'd always be a bit concerned about motives and such. My ex and I split when I finally understood she wanted someone to take care of her for the rest of her life, while I thought I had a partner for the rest of our lives. I'd always have that experience in the back of my mind with a woman under 30 or so who hadn't really established herself first. My ex is also older than me, so I'm hoping to meet someone my own age, though I know it will take time and effort.

Oh and NavyGirl, the idea that 20-something guys are looking for a mommy figure (I'm sure many are) is always a bit disturbing. I'm sure someday you'll be a wonderful queen to a fine king without the added weirdness of a junior suitor trying to recreate Oedipus :wink:


no photo
Mon 02/07/11 09:49 PM
sad Guys over 40 are looking but nobodys wants us!!! ha ha

ssgsteve's photo
Tue 02/08/11 03:47 AM
hello i am 49 is that ok with you ms sexy

no photo
Tue 02/08/11 10:51 AM

Seriously, seems that most of the messages and IM's I get are from guys in there 20's. They're cute and seem sweet, but come on, I could practically be their mom! Are the guys my age only looking for the young girls or have they just disappeared of the face of the earth?

Yes, and probably. I'm 46, now living with a 29 year-old. I've been told it could be fatal, but she hasn't died yet. :banana: pitchfork :banana: People my age in this county are typically 40 to 70 lbs overweight, and way too selfish and self-centered to even come close to form a relationship with. This latest and likely permanent addition to what will be our family gives me her love, her money, and is hopefully pregnant. :heart:

IRL beats online dating hands down. I was on pof, okstupid, and a few other sites and in the end, she lived 2 blocks from me.

navygirl's photo
Tue 02/08/11 11:33 AM

Interesting set of responses. I sort of understand why guys want a younger woman, but I don't think I could be involved with someone younger than my oldest son. I'd always be a bit concerned about motives and such. My ex and I split when I finally understood she wanted someone to take care of her for the rest of her life, while I thought I had a partner for the rest of our lives. I'd always have that experience in the back of my mind with a woman under 30 or so who hadn't really established herself first. My ex is also older than me, so I'm hoping to meet someone my own age, though I know it will take time and effort.

Oh and NavyGirl, the idea that 20-something guys are looking for a mommy figure (I'm sure many are) is always a bit disturbing. I'm sure someday you'll be a wonderful queen to a fine king without the added weirdness of a junior suitor trying to recreate Oedipus :wink:


Thank you for the kind words. If I ever do right that special guy; I will certainly treat him like a King.

macca13's photo
Wed 02/23/11 02:26 PM
I'm 45, but in my head I'm 27.
Does that mean if I am searching for a lady around 40, I am also seeking an older women?
Fantastic *!*

Averageguy1964's photo
Thu 02/24/11 09:54 PM
47 here and single,We are still on the face of the earth but
kinda watching the show instead of staring in it.