Topic: IF,,,, | |
God looses nothing, it's those that did not receive the gift of heaven that looses. It's not God that turns away from us, it's us that turns away from God. You continously try to find a scapegoat and or something/someone to blame. Why? It's not God's fault people disobey, it's not God's fault people do immoral actions. It's those people's fault for choosing to have done such actions. Has NOTHING to do with God, it all boils down to you. It's not about blame Cowboy. A creator that loses the vast majority of souls that it creates is an extremely inefficiency creator. A parent who loses the vast majority of their children would be a lousy parent. Either that, or they would be propagating really bad genes. If we're created in the image of God and we're that bad, that this doesn't such much for the God at all. So it's not about blame. It's just an observation that this mythology is a tale about an extremely inept creator. Yes this earth may have had all those imperfections before we were here, very true. But there was no imperfections in the Garden of Eden where we originally were put. There are diseases and imperfections in this earth for punishment. If there was NOTHING bad on this earth, this earth would just as heaven, would it not be? So yes it is mans fault we have to live with imperfections, diseases, and others for we got ourselves kicked out of the garden of eden. Nothing has been exposed to be false, science and knowledge they claim to be fact changes all the time. So nothing proven false, merely seen as false. Science doesn't know ALL, they find new stuff all the time and or find things they once thought to be true ended up actually false and vise versa. So in other words, you're saying that God already screwed up creation before we even got here? So much for a 'perfect' God who saw that his creation was "good". This flies in the face of the story. Sorry. No cigar as you say. The crusades, the witch burnings, and other are not of God. Those are exactly what our father has told us not to do. That all involves violence and our father has told us to be loving, patient, and submissive. Those actions are no where near that. So again nice try but no cigar. It is THOSE people's actions, and just that THOSE peoples actions. They are not of our father in any way. But that's not true Cowboy. The "Father" in this mythology most certainly did teach us to murder heathens in his name, and not to suffer a which to live. You seem to be confusing Jesus with the "Father" in this religion. Jesus renounced the religion. The very religion that supported his own crucifixion as a blasphemer. This mythology ruined Jesus when they nailed him to the Old Testament by trying to claim that he was the "only begotten son" of the God of the Old Testament. I realize that you would love to make a brand new religion out of Jesus, but that really can't be done. Jesus, in the Christian mythology cannot stand on his own feet. He only has any clout if he's placed on the shoulders of the God of the Old Testament. Take that away from him and you've got precisely what I suggest; that Jesus was indeed a mortal man who simply rejected the evil ways of the Old Testament. I'm sure you would love Buddhism and Eastern Mysticism if you studied it with the same passion that you give to the Hebrew mythologies. You would soon discover that it contains all of the things that you love about Jesus and it renounces all of the things that you hate about the God of Abraham. It's truly a shame that your stuck with a conflicting religion that uses Jesus as an excuse to support the very things that you obviously don't care for yourself. You obviously don't like the God of the Old Testament and his ways. If it wasn't for Jesus you clearly wouldn't like this God at all. You passionately reject the things that had been taught in the Old Testament and want to distance yourself from them as far as possible. But you can never save Jesus from the Old Testament God because this mythology requires that Jesus stands on the shoulders of that God. Recognizing that Jesus was indeed a Buddhist is really the only way to save Jesus. |
God looses nothing, it's those that did not receive the gift of heaven that looses. It's not God that turns away from us, it's us that turns away from God. You continously try to find a scapegoat and or something/someone to blame. Why? It's not God's fault people disobey, it's not God's fault people do immoral actions. It's those people's fault for choosing to have done such actions. Has NOTHING to do with God, it all boils down to you. It's not about blame Cowboy. A creator that loses the vast majority of souls that it creates is an extremely inefficiency creator. A parent who loses the vast majority of their children would be a lousy parent. Either that, or they would be propagating really bad genes. If we're created in the image of God and we're that bad, that this doesn't such much for the God at all. So it's not about blame. It's just an observation that this mythology is a tale about an extremely inept creator. Yes this earth may have had all those imperfections before we were here, very true. But there was no imperfections in the Garden of Eden where we originally were put. There are diseases and imperfections in this earth for punishment. If there was NOTHING bad on this earth, this earth would just as heaven, would it not be? So yes it is mans fault we have to live with imperfections, diseases, and others for we got ourselves kicked out of the garden of eden. Nothing has been exposed to be false, science and knowledge they claim to be fact changes all the time. So nothing proven false, merely seen as false. Science doesn't know ALL, they find new stuff all the time and or find things they once thought to be true ended up actually false and vise versa. So in other words, you're saying that God already screwed up creation before we even got here? So much for a 'perfect' God who saw that his creation was "good". This flies in the face of the story. Sorry. No cigar as you say. The crusades, the witch burnings, and other are not of God. Those are exactly what our father has told us not to do. That all involves violence and our father has told us to be loving, patient, and submissive. Those actions are no where near that. So again nice try but no cigar. It is THOSE people's actions, and just that THOSE peoples actions. They are not of our father in any way. But that's not true Cowboy. The "Father" in this mythology most certainly did teach us to murder heathens in his name, and not to suffer a which to live. You seem to be confusing Jesus with the "Father" in this religion. Jesus renounced the religion. The very religion that supported his own crucifixion as a blasphemer. This mythology ruined Jesus when they nailed him to the Old Testament by trying to claim that he was the "only begotten son" of the God of the Old Testament. I realize that you would love to make a brand new religion out of Jesus, but that really can't be done. Jesus, in the Christian mythology cannot stand on his own feet. He only has any clout if he's placed on the shoulders of the God of the Old Testament. Take that away from him and you've got precisely what I suggest; that Jesus was indeed a mortal man who simply rejected the evil ways of the Old Testament. I'm sure you would love Buddhism and Eastern Mysticism if you studied it with the same passion that you give to the Hebrew mythologies. You would soon discover that it contains all of the things that you love about Jesus and it renounces all of the things that you hate about the God of Abraham. It's truly a shame that your stuck with a conflicting religion that uses Jesus as an excuse to support the very things that you obviously don't care for yourself. You obviously don't like the God of the Old Testament and his ways. If it wasn't for Jesus you clearly wouldn't like this God at all. You passionately reject the things that had been taught in the Old Testament and want to distance yourself from them as far as possible. But you can never save Jesus from the Old Testament God because this mythology requires that Jesus stands on the shoulders of that God. Recognizing that Jesus was indeed a Buddhist is really the only way to save Jesus. A creator that loses the vast majority of souls that it creates is an extremely inefficiency creator. You must be insecure bro, you continuously use scapegoats. How is it God's fault you do not believe? How is it God's fault that someone lies? How is it God's fault that people murder everyday? These things aren't in our genes, we are not created to act this way. It is purely people's use of their free will. The ONLY way God could have prevented this from happening was if he would have just made us robots, puppets, or something of such that had no free and he controlled our every action. Other then that it is up to the creation to use their free will and do the right thing. So in other words, you're saying that God already screwed up creation before we even got here? So much for a 'perfect' God who saw that his creation was "good". Nothing is screwed up about the world. The world worked perfectly on it's own. Yes we have the problems of diseases and other sicknesses, but that doesn't make it imperfect. Remember earth isn't suppose to be like in heaven, it is suppose to have hard times, sicknesses, troubles, and so forth. It is punishment to the world for man's disobedience. But the world itself is perfect, it's ecosystem is perfect, it's food chain is perfect, it's living conditions for that which inhabits the world is perfect. But that's not true Cowboy. The "Father" in this mythology most certainly did teach us to murder heathens in his name, and not to suffer a which to live. No, we were not to "murder" heathens. Does a judge in a courtroom have the criminal murdered for their crimes? Or do they pass a judgement for an execution in punishment of their actions? That was in old testament days, we are judged by the word and the word was not flesh at that time. It could not carry out the punishment of the judgement thus we carried out the punishment. We've always been judged by the word and will always be. Just now the word can carry out the judgement on it's own for it has been made flesh. Thus is why the crusades and all that are not of the father. For we are not to judge anyone any more, that is the job of jesus... the word. Jesus renounced the religion. The very religion that supported his own crucifixion as a blasphemer. Yes that was the purpose Jesus came to earth. He came to fulfil the old testament laws and give us the new laws, the new testament. It's not his fault those people were like you and did not believe. I realize that you would love to make a brand new religion out of Jesus, but that really can't be done. Jesus, in the Christian mythology cannot stand on his own feet. He only has any clout if he's placed on the shoulders of the God of the Old Testament. Take that away from him and you've got precisely what I suggest; that Jesus was indeed a mortal man who simply rejected the evil ways of the Old Testament. No I would not love to make anything out of anything. It's already made, i'm merely informing people of it. And keeping people like you from spreading lies. Of course Jesus wouldn't have any grounds if it wasn't for God. If God of the old testament as you call him didn't exist Jesus would have been a liar. Which he wasn't, God has always been and always will be. He is the alpha and the omega. I'm sure you would love Buddhism and Eastern Mysticism if you studied it with the same passion that you give to the Hebrew mythologies. You would soon discover that it contains all of the things that you love about Jesus and it renounces all of the things that you hate about the God of Abraham. No it wouldn't. For all the things I love about it is the great love of God, the sacrifice Jesus the only begotten child of God gave to us all. I do not wish to read your fairy tells bro, it's all good. If I get the urge to read something of such i'll go get a winey the pooh book, or maybe a Shrek book, I might even go as old as Marry Poppins. You obviously don't like the God of the Old Testament and his ways. If it wasn't for Jesus you clearly wouldn't like this God at all. You passionately reject the things that had been taught in the Old Testament and want to distance yourself from them as far as possible. Well no duh I do, for they were fulfilled. They were completed, finished. ALL prophesies were fulfilled thus we are given a new law. Man thought you read the bible. |
You must be insecure bro, you continuously use scapegoats. How is it God's fault you do not believe? It has absolutely nothing to do with insecurity or scapegoats. Where do you come up with such ideas? It would indeed be "god's fault" if the Bible were truly the word of God. Because the Bible portrays God to be utterly stupid. This God supposedly instructs the Hebrews to kill anyone who disagrees with his word, and that they should place no other Gods before him. Then he turns around and sends his son into this same crowd to disagree with his word and claim that no one can get to God except through him? That, my friend is utterly insane, IMHO. Therefore if the biblical god were real it would have just conveyed to me that it, too, is utterly insane. Should I believe that the creator of this universe is utterly insane? I think not. Therefore, if the bible truly was the "Word of God" then it would be entirely God's fault that I reject the book as being wise or divine. But, of course, any real God couldn't be so stupid. Therefore the solution to the paradox is quite simple. Just recognize that the bible is man-made myths and it's no longer a problem. They don't represent the word of any God, and therefore the problem goes away. It only remains a problem if you insist the the Bible is the "Word of God". So it's not a problem for me at all. I simply recognize that the myths are clearly made-man baloney that wasn't even very well thought out at all. Then there's no longer any problem. |
![]() ![]() Let me break this down some more OK,,, Lets say that it was YOU Abra,, or YOU Cowboy,,,that I had met you and BOTH OF YOU,,,talked about Christ in such a way that HE WAS VERY MUCH LIVED FOR SOLELY IN YOUR LIFE AND HEART....OK,,,OK,, NOW,,,,,I learn through you that YOU Drink to much and when YOU DO,,YOU PUT HIM DOWN THROUGH ALL YOUR ACTIONS...Swearing, BADLY!, Talking TRASH about women in the worst degree, and sinning away everything GOD TELLS US NOT TO DO. NOW,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHEN its something that is so farrrrrrr away from how you live when sober,,,,,,,,,its like AC-DC,,,,,,,so IT RIPS FROM WITHIN YOU to have to KNOW YOUR LIKE THAT,,,,,,,,,,, Now,,,,,,,,,,what WOULD A GOOD CHRISTIAN FRIENDTO YOU DO????? There,,,,hows that for a BETTER question about this...? |
You must be insecure bro, you continuously use scapegoats. How is it God's fault you do not believe? It has absolutely nothing to do with insecurity or scapegoats. Where do you come up with such ideas? It would indeed be "god's fault" if the Bible were truly the word of God. Because the Bible portrays God to be utterly stupid. This God supposedly instructs the Hebrews to kill anyone who disagrees with his word, and that they should place no other Gods before him. Then he turns around and sends his son into this same crowd to disagree with his word and claim that no one can get to God except through him? That, my friend is utterly insane, IMHO. Therefore if the biblical god were real it would have just conveyed to me that it, too, is utterly insane. Should I believe that the creator of this universe is utterly insane? I think not. Therefore, if the bible truly was the "Word of God" then it would be entirely God's fault that I reject the book as being wise or divine. But, of course, any real God couldn't be so stupid. Therefore the solution to the paradox is quite simple. Just recognize that the bible is man-made myths and it's no longer a problem. They don't represent the word of any God, and therefore the problem goes away. It only remains a problem if you insist the the Bible is the "Word of God". So it's not a problem for me at all. I simply recognize that the myths are clearly made-man baloney that wasn't even very well thought out at all. Then there's no longer any problem. This God supposedly instructs the Hebrews to kill anyone who disagrees with his word, and that they should place no other Gods before him. Then he turns around and sends his son into this same crowd to disagree with his word and claim that no one can get to God except through him? Does the day disagree with the night? Does summer disagree with winter? Does the moon disagree with the sun? They are phases my friend. From the beginning they had a prophecy of the end for THAT law which they had. It's not that Jesus just disagreed with the laws of God, he was prophesied to come and do as he did long before he did. That's all my friend, the old covenant was one phase to get everything going on in this world, then when that phase was completed, it then started a new phase. Same as when the day ends, the night starts. Nothing changed, we still have air on this world, EVERYTHING physical is the same. Just a different phase of the time. |
![]() ![]() Let me break this down some more OK,,, Lets say that it was YOU Abra,, or YOU Cowboy,,,that I had met you and BOTH OF YOU,,,talked about Christ in such a way that HE WAS VERY MUCH LIVED FOR SOLELY IN YOUR LIFE AND HEART....OK,,,OK,, NOW,,,,,I learn through you that YOU Drink to much and when YOU DO,,YOU PUT HIM DOWN THROUGH ALL YOUR ACTIONS...Swearing, BADLY!, Talking TRASH about women in the worst degree, and sinning away everything GOD TELLS US NOT TO DO. NOW,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHEN its something that is so farrrrrrr away from how you live when sober,,,,,,,,,its like AC-DC,,,,,,,so IT RIPS FROM WITHIN YOU to have to KNOW YOUR LIKE THAT,,,,,,,,,,, Now,,,,,,,,,,what WOULD A GOOD CHRISTIAN FRIENDTO YOU DO????? There,,,,hows that for a BETTER question about this...? A good strong following Christian wouldn't get drunk in the first place. God has told us not to. And secondly if one did this, his actions while not drunk would be a lie and or in vein. It's called witnessing. If one is going to preach the word, then one needs to live the word. One is to lead by example. |
![]() ![]() Let me break this down some more OK,,, Lets say that it was YOU Abra,, or YOU Cowboy,,,that I had met you and BOTH OF YOU,,,talked about Christ in such a way that HE WAS VERY MUCH LIVED FOR SOLELY IN YOUR LIFE AND HEART....OK,,,OK,, NOW,,,,,I learn through you that YOU Drink to much and when YOU DO,,YOU PUT HIM DOWN THROUGH ALL YOUR ACTIONS...Swearing, BADLY!, Talking TRASH about women in the worst degree, and sinning away everything GOD TELLS US NOT TO DO. NOW,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHEN its something that is so farrrrrrr away from how you live when sober,,,,,,,,,its like AC-DC,,,,,,,so IT RIPS FROM WITHIN YOU to have to KNOW YOUR LIKE THAT,,,,,,,,,,, Now,,,,,,,,,,what WOULD A GOOD CHRISTIAN FRIENDTO YOU DO????? There,,,,hows that for a BETTER question about this...? A good strong following Christian wouldn't get drunk in the first place. God has told us not to. Correction, MAN has said it. Not to say I endorse being drunk either cause I don't, but the Bible is a book Man made out to be God's, not God's itself. |
![]() ![]() Let me break this down some more OK,,, Lets say that it was YOU Abra,, or YOU Cowboy,,,that I had met you and BOTH OF YOU,,,talked about Christ in such a way that HE WAS VERY MUCH LIVED FOR SOLELY IN YOUR LIFE AND HEART....OK,,,OK,, NOW,,,,,I learn through you that YOU Drink to much and when YOU DO,,YOU PUT HIM DOWN THROUGH ALL YOUR ACTIONS...Swearing, BADLY!, Talking TRASH about women in the worst degree, and sinning away everything GOD TELLS US NOT TO DO. NOW,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHEN its something that is so farrrrrrr away from how you live when sober,,,,,,,,,its like AC-DC,,,,,,,so IT RIPS FROM WITHIN YOU to have to KNOW YOUR LIKE THAT,,,,,,,,,,, Now,,,,,,,,,,what WOULD A GOOD CHRISTIAN FRIENDTO YOU DO????? There,,,,hows that for a BETTER question about this...? A good strong following Christian wouldn't get drunk in the first place. God has told us not to. Correction, MAN has said it. Not to say I endorse being drunk either cause I don't, but the Bible is a book Man made out to be God's, not God's itself. You have all the right to believe that. Wish you the best my friend. |
![]() ![]() Let me break this down some more OK,,, Lets say that it was YOU Abra,, or YOU Cowboy,,,that I had met you and BOTH OF YOU,,,talked about Christ in such a way that HE WAS VERY MUCH LIVED FOR SOLELY IN YOUR LIFE AND HEART....OK,,,OK,, NOW,,,,,I learn through you that YOU Drink to much and when YOU DO,,YOU PUT HIM DOWN THROUGH ALL YOUR ACTIONS...Swearing, BADLY!, Talking TRASH about women in the worst degree, and sinning away everything GOD TELLS US NOT TO DO. NOW,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHEN its something that is so farrrrrrr away from how you live when sober,,,,,,,,,its like AC-DC,,,,,,,so IT RIPS FROM WITHIN YOU to have to KNOW YOUR LIKE THAT,,,,,,,,,,, Now,,,,,,,,,,what WOULD A GOOD CHRISTIAN FRIENDTO YOU DO????? There,,,,hows that for a BETTER question about this...? A good strong following Christian wouldn't get drunk in the first place. God has told us not to. And secondly if one did this, his actions while not drunk would be a lie and or in vein. It's called witnessing. If one is going to preach the word, then one needs to live the word. One is to lead by example. THATS NOT "ME" BEING A GOOD CHRISTIAN" IN MY THOUGHTS"?? ![]() |
![]() ![]() Let me break this down some more OK,,, Lets say that it was YOU Abra,, or YOU Cowboy,,,that I had met you and BOTH OF YOU,,,talked about Christ in such a way that HE WAS VERY MUCH LIVED FOR SOLELY IN YOUR LIFE AND HEART....OK,,,OK,, NOW,,,,,I learn through you that YOU Drink to much and when YOU DO,,YOU PUT HIM DOWN THROUGH ALL YOUR ACTIONS...Swearing, BADLY!, Talking TRASH about women in the worst degree, and sinning away everything GOD TELLS US NOT TO DO. NOW,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHEN its something that is so farrrrrrr away from how you live when sober,,,,,,,,,its like AC-DC,,,,,,,so IT RIPS FROM WITHIN YOU to have to KNOW YOUR LIKE THAT,,,,,,,,,,, Now,,,,,,,,,,what WOULD A GOOD CHRISTIAN FRIENDTO YOU DO????? There,,,,hows that for a BETTER question about this...? A good strong following Christian wouldn't get drunk in the first place. God has told us not to. And secondly if one did this, his actions while not drunk would be a lie and or in vein. It's called witnessing. If one is going to preach the word, then one needs to live the word. One is to lead by example. THATS NOT "ME" BEING A GOOD CHRISTIAN" IN MY THOUGHTS"?? ![]() No i'm sorry I didn't answer your question, I just responded to the "christian" going out and getting drunk. Yes we should help our brothers and try to get them off of drinking and or any other immoral/stupid thing(s) they are doing. |
![]() ![]() Let me break this down some more OK,,, Lets say that it was YOU Abra,, or YOU Cowboy,,,that I had met you and BOTH OF YOU,,,talked about Christ in such a way that HE WAS VERY MUCH LIVED FOR SOLELY IN YOUR LIFE AND HEART....OK,,,OK,, NOW,,,,,I learn through you that YOU Drink to much and when YOU DO,,YOU PUT HIM DOWN THROUGH ALL YOUR ACTIONS...Swearing, BADLY!, Talking TRASH about women in the worst degree, and sinning away everything GOD TELLS US NOT TO DO. NOW,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHEN its something that is so farrrrrrr away from how you live when sober,,,,,,,,,its like AC-DC,,,,,,,so IT RIPS FROM WITHIN YOU to have to KNOW YOUR LIKE THAT,,,,,,,,,,, Now,,,,,,,,,,what WOULD A GOOD CHRISTIAN FRIENDTO YOU DO????? There,,,,hows that for a BETTER question about this...? A good strong following Christian wouldn't get drunk in the first place. God has told us not to. And secondly if one did this, his actions while not drunk would be a lie and or in vein. It's called witnessing. If one is going to preach the word, then one needs to live the word. One is to lead by example. THATS NOT "ME" BEING A GOOD CHRISTIAN" IN MY THOUGHTS"?? ![]() A good Christian is someone that gives his/her all for God. Yes we will stumble from time to time, but that is no reason to stop trying to achieve perfectness. That is what life is for, it's full of trials to strengthen us and teach us the correct way to handle ourselves in certain circumstances. That's why I continousely speak of asking for forgiveness. It's not for asking, then repeat the sinful action, then ask for forgiveness again ect. It's so we can get up off the ground brush the dirt off our knees and learn from what tripped us and keep moving on with life and keep the knowledge of the previous trip so that we do not do it again. |
So tell me out there in this Christian net work of living... If YOU felt devinely pushed to help another person to be a better person with God and walk more in His light,,,,,,,would YOU TRY,,and help? Would you REALLY TRY and help? WOULD YOU DO ALL THAT IT TAKES WITHIN YOUR BEST TRY? Or,would you try a little and let it go? Or try a little hard and then let go? I'm searching my heart here within God's voice of feeling HIM wanting me to. But how far,,,to help,,,would be your part to do? I KNOW,,,everyone is different,,,wink..YES,,,but whats YOUR REAL, on this? ![]() I'm not sure if you are seeking advice on how far you should go in helping others, or if you wanting to know how far a believer would go in helping you? Colossians 3: Put On the New Self 1, If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. 2, Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. 3, For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. 4, When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. 5, Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: 6, For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: 7, In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them. 8, But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. 9, Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; 10, And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: 11, Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. 12, Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; 13, Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. 14, And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. 15, And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. 16, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. 17, And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. .... 23, And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; 24, Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. 25, But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons. |
God looses nothing, it's those that did not receive the gift of heaven that looses. It's not God that turns away from us, it's us that turns away from God. You continously try to find a scapegoat and or something/someone to blame. Why? It's not God's fault people disobey, it's not God's fault people do immoral actions. It's those people's fault for choosing to have done such actions. Has NOTHING to do with God, it all boils down to you. It's not about blame Cowboy. A creator that loses the vast majority of souls that it creates is an extremely inefficiency creator. A parent who loses the vast majority of their children would be a lousy parent. Either that, or they would be propagating really bad genes. If we're created in the image of God and we're that bad, that this doesn't such much for the God at all. So it's not about blame. It's just an observation that this mythology is a tale about an extremely inept creator. Yes this earth may have had all those imperfections before we were here, very true. But there was no imperfections in the Garden of Eden where we originally were put. There are diseases and imperfections in this earth for punishment. If there was NOTHING bad on this earth, this earth would just as heaven, would it not be? So yes it is mans fault we have to live with imperfections, diseases, and others for we got ourselves kicked out of the garden of eden. Nothing has been exposed to be false, science and knowledge they claim to be fact changes all the time. So nothing proven false, merely seen as false. Science doesn't know ALL, they find new stuff all the time and or find things they once thought to be true ended up actually false and vise versa. So in other words, you're saying that God already screwed up creation before we even got here? So much for a 'perfect' God who saw that his creation was "good". This flies in the face of the story. Sorry. No cigar as you say. The crusades, the witch burnings, and other are not of God. Those are exactly what our father has told us not to do. That all involves violence and our father has told us to be loving, patient, and submissive. Those actions are no where near that. So again nice try but no cigar. It is THOSE people's actions, and just that THOSE peoples actions. They are not of our father in any way. But that's not true Cowboy. The "Father" in this mythology most certainly did teach us to murder heathens in his name, and not to suffer a which to live. You seem to be confusing Jesus with the "Father" in this religion. Jesus renounced the religion. The very religion that supported his own crucifixion as a blasphemer. This mythology ruined Jesus when they nailed him to the Old Testament by trying to claim that he was the "only begotten son" of the God of the Old Testament. I realize that you would love to make a brand new religion out of Jesus, but that really can't be done. Jesus, in the Christian mythology cannot stand on his own feet. He only has any clout if he's placed on the shoulders of the God of the Old Testament. Take that away from him and you've got precisely what I suggest; that Jesus was indeed a mortal man who simply rejected the evil ways of the Old Testament. I'm sure you would love Buddhism and Eastern Mysticism if you studied it with the same passion that you give to the Hebrew mythologies. You would soon discover that it contains all of the things that you love about Jesus and it renounces all of the things that you hate about the God of Abraham. It's truly a shame that your stuck with a conflicting religion that uses Jesus as an excuse to support the very things that you obviously don't care for yourself. You obviously don't like the God of the Old Testament and his ways. If it wasn't for Jesus you clearly wouldn't like this God at all. You passionately reject the things that had been taught in the Old Testament and want to distance yourself from them as far as possible. But you can never save Jesus from the Old Testament God because this mythology requires that Jesus stands on the shoulders of that God. Recognizing that Jesus was indeed a Buddhist is really the only way to save Jesus. Abra, you continually take bible terms and events out of context. And you presume things about Christ and God that are not true. I don't like to assume that your intentions are to distort the Word of God nor to deliberately turn seekers away from His Truth. But, then... ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 12/19/10 07:36 PM
Abra, you continually take bible terms and events out of context. And you presume things about Christ and God that are not true. I don't like to assume that your intentions are to distort the Word of God nor to deliberately turn seekers away from His Truth. But, then... ![]() I give my honest views. That's all I can do. If there is something wrong with honesty then I don't know what to tell you. I will be the first to confess that I find this religion to be unhealthy for humanity. I personally feel that it is unhealthy on many levels. I fully support the moral teachings that are typically associated with the teachings of Jesus. I have said so many times. I have also pointed out that Jesus basically taught the same moral values as are taught in Mahayana Buddhism. In fact, I hold that it's impossible to following the moral teachings of Jesus, or Mahayana Buddhism, without simultaneously satisfying the other. And I fully support the moral values of Buddhism. Why do I favor Buddhism over the biblical picture? Because, IMHO, the biblical picture carries with it many unhealthy notions from the Old Testament that are carried over into the New Testament, especially via the writings of Paul. As you probably already know, I also don't support the idea of a God who is appeased by blood sacrifices, or would in any way be associated with them willingly as part of his "official religion". I also disagree with the whole mentality that punishment should be endorsed as a means of teachings that even "God" uses. ![]() To me that just supports a level of ignorance that we can do without. Someone wrote Einstein a letter once suggesting that God should punish the English. This was Einstein's reply: "Why do you write to me ‘God should punish the English’? I have no close connection to either one or the other. I see only with deep regret that God punishes so many of His children for their numerous stupidities, for which only He Himself can be held responsible; in my opinion, only His nonexistence could excuse Him." - Albert Einstein So clearly I'm not alone in my views of the character of the "god" that is portrayed in the Biblical stories. I agree with Einstein. If people are as stupid as they are, it can only be because God gave them that level of mentality in the first place. The vast majority of so-called 'sins' are probably committed far more from pure and utter stupidity than they are form the calculated deliberate plans of geniuses. Not to imply that intelligent people can't have evil plans, but clearly stupidity is the culprit far more often than a deliberate premeditated desire to do something wrong. If being stupid is a sin, then we're all sinners, but again, who's fault could that possible be but the creator's? We even speak of intelligent people as being "GIFTED". ![]() So God only gives the gift of intelligence to a few select humans? Can it be any wonder then that he's losing the vast majority of souls that he creates? He's not giving them all equal opportunity. And to make things worse, this religion has this God condemning "good people", like myself, for simply not believing in these absurd stories. I really have no choice in the matter. I'd have to lie to myself and to God to pretend that I actually believe this nonsense. I cannot possible claim to believe in these stories even if I wanted to, they are utterly absurd, IMHO. Einstein said that same thing: "I cannot accept any concept of God based on the fear of life or the fear of death or blind faith. I cannot prove to you that there is no personal God, but if I were to speak of him I would be a liar." - Albert Einstein The only way I could claim to believe in the biblical picture of God would be to lie about it. I have no CHOICE but to be HONEST. Besides what good would it do to pretend to believe in a mythology when in fact I don't believe it. At best I might appease the judgmental Christians. That's about it. And that brings me to one of my strongest arguments. This God would necessarily half to accept me and my non-belief, because I'm being HONEST about it and refusing to be dishonest about. What kind of a God would condemn HONESTY? ![]() That makes no sense at all. And I HONESTLY feel that any God who would set up a religion that has the focal point of the religion on a bloody crucifixion as the only way to salvation would necessarily be insane, unwise, and potentially even sadistic. In my honest opinion that's just sicker than sick. Don't give me this crap that it's the greatest act of "love" that's utter nonsense. It's a perversion of LOVE! There's nothing sane about it, again, in my HONEST opinion. It's a false religion. Face it. It's ancient mythology no different from Zeus. The Old Testament was just more of the same. The New Testament, is either a totally fictitious made up fable, or it's based on the life and unfortunate crucifixion of some mortal man who probably did try to teach sanity to a people who were still STONING each other to death in the name of a God. He tried to renounce all the bad stuff and replace it with love, understanding and forgiveness. It was unfortunate that he was crucified in such a brutal way (assuming that he actually was). I'm sure he did not plan for that to happen. Nor was it the desire or plan of any "God". It was a horrible thing that would quite naturally set many rumors into motion. In fact, there were many different rumors back then. The biblical "gospels" that survived were simply the ones that were written down and 'enforced' by sword point to be accepted as the "Only True Word of God". And unfortunately that's what we got stuck with today. I don't renounce Jesus or his teachings. On the contrary, I believe he taught the moral values of Mahayana Buddhism and if you follow those moral values you will fulfill everything that was taught by Jesus. Do you honestly believe that Jesus and God (even if they actually exist as the Christians believe), would be so CRUEL and heartless to renounce GOOD PEOPLE just because they rejected violence in favor of something far more SANE? You'd have to believe that God truly is sadistic to believe that. Surely no decent divine being is going to condemn anyone for not believing in violent bloody stories. That's ridiculous. Especially if those same people are seeking moral guidance and righteousness through Buddhism, Wicca, or whatever. It doesn't really matter. If they are seeking GOD and seeking Goodness then that can't be bad. This idea of a God who will just ruthlessly condemn anyone who refuses to accept the bloody gory tales of the Bible and prefers to seek a wiser and more loving picture of God is itself an utterly absurd notion. This is why the Bible cannot possibly be true. At least not in every detail verbatim, because it has God condemning non-believers if you accept it in detail and verbatim. And that is insane and makes no good sense at all. So at the very best it's got to contain at least some mistakes and falsehoods. And once that's recognized, then which parts should be believed, and which parts shouldn't? It's a lost cause if not taken verbatim, and it's a lost cause if taken verbatim. That's my HONEST conclusion. Therefore, just toss it aside, and if you like the morals of Jesus look into Mahayana Buddhism, it's the same moral values without all the religious bigotry and gory bloody sacrifices. ![]() I'm not trying to sell Buddhism either. I don't even consider myself to be a "Buddhist" exactly. I'm just a human. But I will leave you with one last quote from Albert Einstein: "The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism." - Albert Einstein Don't let the reference to "scientific needs" bother you. All he means by that is that Buddhism is a religion that isn't in conflict with anything we know about nature. I'm not one to support any "organized religion", and so I'm not supporting Buddhism is that sense. But as a personal spiritual philosophy I would highly recommend it to anyone. Especially if they like the moral values that Jesus taught. Although, again, there many different versions of Buddhism. As with all religions and philosophies things evolve. The Buddhism that is probably the most closely related to the things that Jesus taught would be Mahayana Buddhism. I wouldn't recommend something like "Zen Buddhism" simply because Zen Buddhism is a more modern version of Buddhism that picked up a lot of concepts from Taoism, and has evolved to become an almost glorified form of "atheism". So if you're looking for something that reflects the type of "God" that Jesus most likely had in mind, you should look into Mahayana Buddhism it's an older version of Buddhism and retains a more 'spiritual' view of reality. Like I say, newer versions of Buddhism have become more like Taoism. |
Abra, you continually take bible terms and events out of context. And you presume things about Christ and God that are not true. I don't like to assume that your intentions are to distort the Word of God nor to deliberately turn seekers away from His Truth. But, then... ![]() I give my honest views. That's all I can do. If there is something wrong with honesty then I don't know what to tell you. I will be the first to confess that I find this religion to be unhealthy for humanity. I personally feel that it is unhealthy on many levels. I fully support the moral teachings that are typically associated with the teachings of Jesus. I have said so many times. I have also pointed out that Jesus basically taught the same moral values as are taught in Mahayana Buddhism. In fact, I hold that it's impossible to following the moral teachings of Jesus, or Mahayana Buddhism, without simultaneously satisfying the other. And I fully support the moral values of Buddhism. Why do I favor Buddhism over the biblical picture? Because, IMHO, the biblical picture carries with it many unhealthy notions from the Old Testament that are carried over into the New Testament, especially via the writings of Paul. As you probably already know, I also don't support the idea of a God who is appeased by blood sacrifices, or would in any way be associated with them willingly as part of his "official religion". I also disagree with the whole mentality that punishment should be endorsed as a means of teachings that even "God" uses. ![]() To me that just supports a level of ignorance that we can do without. Someone wrote Einstein a letter once suggesting that God should punish the English. This was Einstein's reply: "Why do you write to me ‘God should punish the English’? I have no close connection to either one or the other. I see only with deep regret that God punishes so many of His children for their numerous stupidities, for which only He Himself can be held responsible; in my opinion, only His nonexistence could excuse Him." - Albert Einstein So clearly I'm not alone in my views of the character of the "god" that is portrayed in the Biblical stories. I agree with Einstein. If people are as stupid as they are, it can only be because God gave them that level of mentality in the first place. The vast majority of so-called 'sins' are probably committed far more from pure and utter stupidity than they are form the calculated deliberate plans of geniuses. Not to imply that intelligent people can't have evil plans, but clearly stupidity is the culprit far more often than a deliberate premeditated desire to do something wrong. If being stupid is a sin, then we're all sinners, but again, who's fault could that possible be but the creator's? We even speak of intelligent people as being "GIFTED". ![]() So God only gives the gift of intelligence to a few select humans? Can it be any wonder then that he's losing the vast majority of souls that he creates? He's not giving them all equal opportunity. And to make things worse, this religion has this God condemning "good people", like myself, for simply not believing in these absurd stories. I really have no choice in the matter. I'd have to lie to myself and to God to pretend that I actually believe this nonsense. I cannot possible claim to believe in these stories even if I wanted to, they are utterly absurd, IMHO. Einstein said that same thing: "I cannot accept any concept of God based on the fear of life or the fear of death or blind faith. I cannot prove to you that there is no personal God, but if I were to speak of him I would be a liar." - Albert Einstein The only way I could claim to believe in the biblical picture of God would be to lie about it. I have no CHOICE but to be HONEST. Besides what good would it do to pretend to believe in a mythology when in fact I don't believe it. At best I might appease the judgmental Christians. That's about it. And that brings me to one of my strongest arguments. This God would necessarily half to accept me and my non-belief, because I'm being HONEST about it and refusing to be dishonest about. What kind of a God would condemn HONESTY? ![]() That makes no sense at all. And I HONESTLY feel that any God who would set up a religion that has the focal point of the religion on a bloody crucifixion as the only way to salvation would necessarily be insane, unwise, and potentially even sadistic. In my honest opinion that's just sicker than sick. Don't give me this crap that it's the greatest act of "love" that's utter nonsense. It's a perversion of LOVE! There's nothing sane about it, again, in my HONEST opinion. It's a false religion. Face it. It's ancient mythology no different from Zeus. The Old Testament was just more of the same. The New Testament, is either a totally fictitious made up fable, or it's based on the life and unfortunate crucifixion of some mortal man who probably did try to teach sanity to a people who were still STONING each other to death in the name of a God. He tried to renounce all the bad stuff and replace it with love, understanding and forgiveness. It was unfortunate that he was crucified in such a brutal way (assuming that he actually was). I'm sure he did not plan for that to happen. Nor was it the desire or plan of any "God". It was a horrible thing that would quite naturally set many rumors into motion. In fact, there were many different rumors back then. The biblical "gospels" that survived were simply the ones that were written down and 'enforced' by sword point to be accepted as the "Only True Word of God". And unfortunately that's what we got stuck with today. I don't renounce Jesus or his teachings. On the contrary, I believe he taught the moral values of Mahayana Buddhism and if you follow those moral values you will fulfill everything that was taught by Jesus. Do you honestly believe that Jesus and God (even if they actually exist as the Christians believe), would be so CRUEL and heartless to renounce GOOD PEOPLE just because they rejected violence in favor of something far more SANE? You'd have to believe that God truly is sadistic to believe that. Surely no decent divine being is going to condemn anyone for not believing in violent bloody stories. That's ridiculous. Especially if those same people are seeking moral guidance and righteousness through Buddhism, Wicca, or whatever. It doesn't really matter. If they are seeking GOD and seeking Goodness then that can't be bad. This idea of a God who will just ruthlessly condemn anyone who refuses to accept the bloody gory tales of the Bible and prefers to seek a wiser and more loving picture of God is itself an utterly absurd notion. This is why the Bible cannot possibly be true. At least not in every detail verbatim, because it has God condemning non-believers if you accept it in detail and verbatim. And that is insane and makes no good sense at all. So at the very best it's got to contain at least some mistakes and falsehoods. And once that's recognized, then which parts should be believed, and which parts shouldn't? It's a lost cause if not taken verbatim, and it's a lost cause if taken verbatim. That's my HONEST conclusion. Therefore, just toss it aside, and if you like the morals of Jesus look into Mahayana Buddhism, it's the same moral values without all the religious bigotry and gory bloody sacrifices. ![]() I'm not trying to sell Buddhism either. I don't even consider myself to be a "Buddhist" exactly. I'm just a human. But I will leave you with one last quote from Albert Einstein: "The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism." - Albert Einstein Don't let the reference to "scientific needs" bother you. All he means by that is that Buddhism is a religion that isn't in conflict with anything we know about nature. I'm not one to support any "organized religion", and so I'm not supporting Buddhism is that sense. But as a personal spiritual philosophy I would highly recommend it to anyone. Especially if they like the moral values that Jesus taught. Although, again, there many different versions of Buddhism. As with all religions and philosophies things evolve. The Buddhism that is probably the most closely related to the things that Jesus taught would be Mahayana Buddhism. I wouldn't recommend something like "Zen Buddhism" simply because Zen Buddhism is a more modern version of Buddhism that picked up a lot of concepts from Taoism, and has evolved to become an almost glorified form of "atheism". So if you're looking for something that reflects the type of "God" that Jesus most likely had in mind, you should look into Mahayana Buddhism it's an older version of Buddhism and retains a more 'spiritual' view of reality. Like I say, newer versions of Buddhism have become more like Taoism. If being stupid is a sin, then we're all sinners, but again, who's fault could that possible be but the creator's? We even speak of intelligent people as being "GIFTED". whoa Abra, You CONTINUOUSLY try to find a scape goat. God didn't make us smart, didn't make us dumb. Again we have free will to do as we wish. You have the free will to go out and study/learn anything and everything you wish. You can use your will to become the most intelligent man that ever existed. Stupidity is a choice, it's not something "built" into us. Of course we are born dumb, we don't know anything when we are born. It is what we wilfully choose to study through our lives which makes us smart or leaves us at the level of dumb. |
Abra, You CONTINUOUSLY try to find a scape goat. God didn't make us smart, didn't make us dumb. Again we have free will to do as we wish. You have the free will to go out and study/learn anything and everything you wish. You can use your will to become the most intelligent man that ever existed. Stupidity is a choice, it's not something "built" into us. Of course we are born dumb, we don't know anything when we are born. It is what we wilfully choose to study through our lives which makes us smart or leaves us at the level of dumb. Your entitled to your views. I disagree. Albert Einstein disagrees. In fact, I'm certain that modern medical professionals will disagree with what you've said here. There are many people who have mental limitations, that a well-documented fact. You're just in denial. You appear to be so anxious to support the biblical myths that you abandon all sense of rationality to support it. It must be extremely important to you that Christianity be true. I'll never understand that. Just imagine for a moment that Christianity is false. That would mean that you aren't in the doghouse with God and that it wasn't necessarily for God to have his only begotten totally innocent son nailed to a pole to pay for your horrible behavior. Surely you would jump with absolute JOY with such a revelation! No sane person could want Christianity to be true, of there is a possibility that it could be false. That's would be truly insane. It's a horrible picture. It has mankind blatantly rejecting God and purposefully choosing to do evil things, and it has the God himself involved with sick perverted blood sacrifices. Who in their right mind would seriously WANT that scenerio to be true, if it doesn't need to be true? I certainly wouldn't want it to be true. It's a horrible picture of both mankind an God. It's certainly nothing that I would hope might be true on PURE FAITH. On the contrary if I have to believe it on PURE FAITH, I'd much rather have PURE FAITH that it's utterly false. You can't seriously WANT it to be true if there are other possible scenarios for reality. And the fact is that there are! There are far more reasonable possibilities, why not place our PURE FAITH in one of those? In fact, Eastern Mysticism and Buddhism is a perfect example. There's no nastiness there. It's just a great vision all the way around. |
![]() ![]() Let me break this down some more OK,,, Lets say that it was YOU Abra,, or YOU Cowboy,,,that I had met you and BOTH OF YOU,,,talked about Christ in such a way that HE WAS VERY MUCH LIVED FOR SOLELY IN YOUR LIFE AND HEART....OK,,,OK,, NOW,,,,,I learn through you that YOU Drink to much and when YOU DO,,YOU PUT HIM DOWN THROUGH ALL YOUR ACTIONS...Swearing, BADLY!, Talking TRASH about women in the worst degree, and sinning away everything GOD TELLS US NOT TO DO. NOW,,,,,,,,,,,,,WHEN its something that is so farrrrrrr away from how you live when sober,,,,,,,,,its like AC-DC,,,,,,,so IT RIPS FROM WITHIN YOU to have to KNOW YOUR LIKE THAT,,,,,,,,,,, Now,,,,,,,,,,what WOULD A GOOD CHRISTIAN FRIENDTO YOU DO????? There,,,,hows that for a BETTER question about this...? I Don't know what a 'good Christian' would do, I don't know what a Christion would do - what 'I' have done... The first time, I talked, argued, and pleaded with the person, then with the family, and then I walked away... we did not speak again for 32 years. Now, the person tells me that walking away was the best thing I could have done. The second time was a friend dealing with the crude, rude, and abusive behavior of her boyfriend. I listened & watched & became a facilitator, all the while thinking I could build her self-confidence so she could leave. When I realized my role as facilitator, I walked away. Four years later we met again. She had left him, started her own business and had a new 'sobor' boyfriend - her X was still abusing (someone else). There are so many different situations and the role we play depends on the situation. Today I am playing a different role for a different situation - today I am neither the abused nor the facilitator, and I refuse to be what I am not - a counselor. Instead I cherish my role as friend. I protect when it's necessary, I watch critically what I can't prevent, and in between when all is sane and calm, we chat about the future and I point out my friend's best qualities and how those qualities diminish when he's not sober. And immediately, before he can he can get emotional, I change the subject - usually to something related to one of those great qualities I had just pointed to. Addiction yields to only two things, the choice, and the strength of will, that is behind the choice of the addicted. Only when the individual 'chooses' to break the addiction can outside forces become influential - that's when support and love can reinforce a weak will or help in overcoming the emotional defeat of a set back. So my advice is to define the best role you could play, based on the situation, and then determine if you are capable and ready to commit to following through with that role. As for bringing God into the situation - be careful, no one can know to what depth another person's relationship with God runs, likewise no one can know the depths to which depression and self-hatred can take an addict when faced with a 'sin or win' proposition. Putting conditions like that on the behavior of an addict may have dire consequences. Letting your friend know, by your behavior, what you beleive opens the door and allows your friend to ask for your support in that way, if and when s/he wants it. |
Take away any and all of what, where, who, how, and why, to us human beings and I"M SORRY,,,,,,,,,,,,WE THINK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Abra, You CONTINUOUSLY try to find a scape goat. God didn't make us smart, didn't make us dumb. Again we have free will to do as we wish. You have the free will to go out and study/learn anything and everything you wish. You can use your will to become the most intelligent man that ever existed. Stupidity is a choice, it's not something "built" into us. Of course we are born dumb, we don't know anything when we are born. It is what we wilfully choose to study through our lives which makes us smart or leaves us at the level of dumb. Your entitled to your views. I disagree. Albert Einstein disagrees. In fact, I'm certain that modern medical professionals will disagree with what you've said here. There are many people who have mental limitations, that a well-documented fact. You're just in denial. You appear to be so anxious to support the biblical myths that you abandon all sense of rationality to support it. It must be extremely important to you that Christianity be true. I'll never understand that. Just imagine for a moment that Christianity is false. That would mean that you aren't in the doghouse with God and that it wasn't necessarily for God to have his only begotten totally innocent son nailed to a pole to pay for your horrible behavior. Surely you would jump with absolute JOY with such a revelation! No sane person could want Christianity to be true, of there is a possibility that it could be false. That's would be truly insane. It's a horrible picture. It has mankind blatantly rejecting God and purposefully choosing to do evil things, and it has the God himself involved with sick perverted blood sacrifices. Who in their right mind would seriously WANT that scenerio to be true, if it doesn't need to be true? I certainly wouldn't want it to be true. It's a horrible picture of both mankind an God. It's certainly nothing that I would hope might be true on PURE FAITH. On the contrary if I have to believe it on PURE FAITH, I'd much rather have PURE FAITH that it's utterly false. You can't seriously WANT it to be true if there are other possible scenarios for reality. And the fact is that there are! There are far more reasonable possibilities, why not place our PURE FAITH in one of those? In fact, Eastern Mysticism and Buddhism is a perfect example. There's no nastiness there. It's just a great vision all the way around. That is your choice my friend. Be my guess, live your life pointless and meaningless. When it ends, it ends. And or you come back and try again. There will never be an end. There will never be a completion of your life. Hey if that makes you feel good, go for it abra. I can't show or prove God to you. That comes from within you. And since you're willing to let it pass, there's nothing I can do. I can't save you, I can't show you the truth, I can't do anything for YOU. Only you can do anything for YOU. |
Take away any and all of what, where, who, how, and why, to us human beings and I"M SORRY,,,,,,,,,,,,WE THINK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THEREFORE WE ARE! THAT DIDN'T JUST COME ABOUT ON A PLANET OF MILLIONS OF SPECIES ONLY THE ONES WHO WALK, LOOK AND TALK AS WE HUMANS DO,,, THAT DIDN"T JUST GROW INTO HAPPENING,,,WE WERE MADE TO BE US! BY----------------------OUR CREATOR----THE LORD THY GOD! ANY AND ALL SUBSTITUTES OF MY THOUGHTS HERE ARE DENIED,,,,,lol END OF STORY TIME!!!!!!! I'm a deeply spiritual person Terry despite what many people on these forums think. We very seldom speak of "God" in these threads. All that is ever argued for is the idea that the ancient Greek stories are the "Word of God", and that Jesus is the sacrificial lamb of God who was crucified to pay for our sins. You suggest that life isn't an accident and that we were made to be us. I have no problem with that philosophy abstractly speaking. I feel much the same way. However, should they send me running of to WORSHIP the Greek mythology of Zeus? Or Thor, or Odin, etc? No, absolutely not. Just because there might be a creator doesn't automatically imply that any particular ancient fables of Gods are true. And the very same thing applies to Hebrew folklore and legends. These kinds of conversations ALWAYS lead to the same end. ~~~~~ 1. A Christian is trying to make a case for the idea that we should accept the Bible as the "Word of God". 2. I explain why I feel that the biblical stories do not represent the thoughts and actions of a genuinely all-wise being that could be capable of creating this universe. 3. Then I'm accused of "hating God", bashing Christianity, etc, etc, etc. ~~~~~ It ridiculous. I'm not even an atheist! I believe that spirituality is more likely than not. I confess to being agnostic (i.e. without absolute knowledge of this), but that my friend is nothing more than pure honesty, I would be a liar to claim to know whether or not life is truly spiritual or not. I can only guess. But I'm with you on the guess that it probably is ultimately spiritual in essence. I certainly believe that this is not only plausible, but it's also highly likely to be the case, IMHO. That is certainly not an atheistic position. All honest people must necessarily confess to being agnostic (i.e. without absolute knowledge of spiritual truth), to claim otherwise is to claim to have divine knowledge and to be far different from MOST PEOPLE. By why push a Hebrew legend as the "Word of God"? Believing in it for yourself is fine. I have absolutely no problem with anyone who wants to believe in those stories for themselves. However, in my honest view, those stories represent a nightmare to me, not a wonderful dream. I see no value in a spiritual story that has me at such odds with my creator. Even if I confess my so-called 'sins' and accept God's blood sacrifice on my behalf it doesn't help, it would still be an eternal nightmare. All this would do is get me into a heaven where I clearly DON'T even belong because I was only given entrance through GRACE, not because I'm worthy on my own merit. How is that such a great dream of spirituality? Quite honestly it sounds like a nightmare to me. So just because I recognize that the essence of existence may very well be ultimately spiritual that's not going to send me running to worship the legends of the ancient Hebrews. Those stories just don't represent what I could consider to be a worthy situation. On the contrary, I much prefer Eastern Mysticism. It's just a far more positive picture of spirituality, IMHO. So these conversations are truly never about whether or not life is spiritual. What they truly amount to is which legends, if any, should we accept as being potentially true, or associated with any possible supreme beings? I just don't see the Hebrew portrait of "God" as being anywhere near divine or wise enough to be a true reflection of any infinitely wise being. That's a valid concern. And so I point out things that I feel aren't so hot about it. The Bible claims that Jesus brought "good news" and then it goes on to have Jesus saying that only few will make it into the kingdom of God. That's supposed to be "good news"? I just personally don't see that as being good news, sound like pretty bad news if you ask me. ![]() In the Eastern Mystical picture all children of God return to God without exception. No souls are lots. None. How can that not be a better picture of spiritual essence? |