Topic: answer a silly Q. ask a silly Q. - part 5 | |
Right handed
Have you ever had to wear purple sneakers? |
M right handed., n u..??
Right handed Have you ever had to wear purple sneakers? also right handed, and it wasn't a "had to" it was a "want to." freshman year in highschool, I bought purple converse. they were totally rad. have you ever dyed your hair an abnormal colour? |
My hair are pure black.. Never gonna dye them. Ever wore a wig.??
have you ever worn footie pajamas? |
Nah, i like my boxers.. lol
Ever been a stripper girl.?? |
haha no.
favorite flavor of ice cream? |
Butterscotch.! Fav animal.??
turtles <3
favorite holiday? |
All are fav.! Whoz more smart, men or women.?? (the sill quest lol)
women, duh.
winter or summer? |
Day or night.?? |
i'm a night owl :)
rock or pop? |
Why do women show attitude.?? |
because we're sassy!
why do people think that Justin Beiber is a good vocalist? |
Well he's young., maybe coz has a baby voice.. lol.
Night clubs or Pubs.? |
best thing to do when home alone? |
Aww.. Abby u know what a guy does when he has total privacy.! Haha., what do u do when ur sad.??
Go to Wal-Mart and enjoy the show.
Do you see some really weirdly "costumed" people at Wal-Mart at times? |
Sure do, seen one person who wouldnt leave the bathroom tissue section. Have anyone ever ran over you with a shopping cart while shopping?