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Topic: do you believe in this?
eileena9's photo
Sat 12/04/10 08:37 PM

It is biologically advantageous to have as many children as possible by as many partners as possible. Consult Darwin's writings for the
rest of the story.



But most of the times the ones who are following this way of thinking are not the "preferred" genes such as in the animal kingdom.frustrated


Himself1's photo
Sat 12/04/10 08:41 PM

"man is born to be polygamous"

I don't believe man is BORN to be anything except a bipedal biological entity.

What he becomes is what he decides to be; or, more commonly, whatever he permits other people to decide for him.


Man (humans) have a brain that is 3 brains in one: reptile, mammal and the "human" - the frontal lopes, in which resides ability for abstract thinking eg philosophy, morality etc.
Man born with a reptile brain is wired to spread his semen - from this point of view, oh yes babe, erh, babes, here I cum if you're willing.
Man develops the mammal brain knows emotions, falls in love and gets hurt if love is rejected. Man here is basically hedonistic - strives for personal pleasure seen as the meaning of life - be it through a feeling of love to a mate, or via sexual experiences.
Man finally develops the frontal lopes (usually developed at approx 25tyrs of age - but begins to be active around age 14) and man is now able to make choices for the greater good, or to live by a certain philosophy or conviction, for example being monogamous.

no photo
Sat 12/04/10 09:05 PM
OMG "B" I LOVE you brain!! I hope your having a good night. :heart: Love ya.:wink:

Chazster's photo
Sat 12/04/10 09:19 PM
Why would anyone believe that? That would mean that men are born to get married. Take the marriage out then maybe you got something there. XP

Chazster's photo
Sat 12/04/10 09:23 PM

God made Adam and Eve...not Adam and Eve and Ashley and Rachel and so on and so forth...you get the idea...I had an ex bf try to pull the religion polygamist card on me...I don't buy it.

You can't pull the religion card. Abraham was chosen by God but he had many wifes. Sounds like Gods seal of approval to me. XD

metalwing's photo
Sat 12/04/10 09:36 PM
If you go by opinion ... everyone has one.

If you go by fact ... I'd say about 50% are born to be ... and the other 50% born not to be.

To be or not to be? That is the question!

EquusDancer's photo
Sun 12/05/10 09:15 AM

"man is born to be polygamous"

I don't believe man is BORN to be anything except a bipedal biological entity.

What he becomes is what he decides to be; or, more commonly, whatever he permits other people to decide for him.


Man (humans) have a brain that is 3 brains in one: reptile, mammal and the "human" - the frontal lopes, in which resides ability for abstract thinking eg philosophy, morality etc.
Man born with a reptile brain is wired to spread his semen - from this point of view, oh yes babe, erh, babes, here I cum if you're willing.
Man develops the mammal brain knows emotions, falls in love and gets hurt if love is rejected. Man here is basically hedonistic - strives for personal pleasure seen as the meaning of life - be it through a feeling of love to a mate, or via sexual experiences.
Man finally develops the frontal lopes (usually developed at approx 25tyrs of age - but begins to be active around age 14) and man is now able to make choices for the greater good, or to live by a certain philosophy or conviction, for example being monogamous.


stefy's photo
Sun 12/05/10 01:23 PM

It is biologically advantageous to have as many children as possible by as many partners as possible. Consult Darwin's writings for the
rest of the story.



i agree.
a male can have a numerous offspring in 9 months (suposing he has a lot of avaiable partners) while a female can only have one. so it would make sense that the genetic tendency of males is to be polygamous.
not that i think they should be!

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/05/10 01:28 PM
I think man is born to be spiritual and sexual, for some being spiritual will be enough , but being sexual does not mean requiring more than one partner

so, no, I dont believe it

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/05/10 01:32 PM
perhaps in a time where communities cared for children(biblical times), such polygamous activity would be more feasible

in this time of every man for themself, it certainly seems less logical and more harmful to the potential children

RKISIT's photo
Sun 12/05/10 01:32 PM
why in the f**k would any man want more than one wife,just stay single and tap them all and let other men sort them out

AllenAqua's photo
Sun 12/05/10 02:32 PM
I think monogamy is healthier as a lifestyle overall. I believe it has better potential for a lasting, meaningful relationship that can last.

I think it's a cop out to just declare that polygamy is best.

It's easier, since it doesn't require much beyond the baser instincts, but it can lead to loneliness and depression in the end.


mightymoe's photo
Sun 12/05/10 03:13 PM

God made Adam and Eve...not Adam and Eve and Ashley and Rachel and so on and so forth...you get the idea...I had an ex bf try to pull the religion polygamist card on me...I don't buy it.

or adam and steve, or eve and susie....

Loy822's photo
Sun 12/05/10 03:35 PM
Since polygamy is indicative of multiple spouses to whom you are supposedly committed (however brings up the question of how the others got there), I think it sounds incredibly complicated. If I can't see eye to eye with one husband, I don't think I'd do better with two or three.

sharpandpointless's photo
Sun 12/05/10 06:19 PM
Some are, some aren't. it's about as simple as that IMO

Citizen_Joe's photo
Mon 12/06/10 01:43 AM
In Utah, yes. Anywhere else, no, not really.

lovingboater's photo
Tue 12/07/10 06:07 AM
We all have our preferences...

And, thank GOD, the Freedom to our choices...

As long as their is "Full Disclosure", where the other has knowledge of there actions, then you have harmony...

Personally, I would not be with more than one partner at a time. I can hardly handle one woman... To try to do more than that, would be admitting insanity... LMAO...

Shhhh... It's a secret...

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