Topic: Influence of major world religions on religious choice | |
I found the following URL to be very interesting, makes you wonder how much choice most people in the world actually have regarding their religious beliefs. History - of – Religion How has the geography of religion evolved over the centuries, and where has it sparked wars? Our map gives us a brief history of the world's most well-known religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Selected periods of inter-religious bloodshed are also highlighted. Want to see 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds? Ready, Set, Go! If you ask most people, anywhere in the world, if they would ‘choose’ their own religious beliefs above any other, would you really expect anyone to say no? Yet the truth is that most people in the world actually have very little or no choice in the matter of religious belief. The five major world religions did not pass from state to state, country to country or continent to continent by consensus. One of the spoils of conquest, war, and colonization is the victor’s choice of beliefs. When conquest, war, and colonization are not brutal enough to force compliance to the victors’ beliefs, further human atrocities are the traditional answer to the problem and there has been no lack of religious involvement in these atrocities. While no religion can claim innocence, one religion is unsurpassed in brutality and atrocity and it began with the Roman Catholic Church. There are many Christians, even some in these threads, who defend the deeds of Christians, by disowning those deeds in the following manner – Those people where not Christians because that is not the way Jesus behaved – or – those were power struggles, often including ‘evil’ individuals who do not represent Christianity. Well amazingly those evil individuals found a lot of willing enforcers within the ranks of believers, and very often those ‘evil’ individuals claimed victory in the name of God. When newcomers to distant shores spread disease killing half of the indigenous populations, the victors (and followers) had no problem slaughtering and making slaves of the remainder because they believed it was the will of God who had helped them destroy the evil pagan and heathen element from their midst. (you can find sources to these claims in the history of the Americas, Australia and New Zealand.) Is it any wonder that so many Christians seek to disengage themselves from their heritage – Roman Catholicism? How many times have we seen a phrase similar to – ‘Christians and Catholics’ as if all other dogma between Christians and Christians is any different than the dogma between Christians and Catholics. It was not Catholics in particular who came to the America’s, but those seeking freedom from religious oppression. But it didn’t take them long (with God’s helpful epidemics) to nearly wipe the landscape free of the indigenous ‘heathens’, who couldn’t understand the language, much less comply with demands to foreign religious conversion. All Christian faiths have commonalities and they all stem from the same foundation, and changing a doctrine does not change the major tenants of the belief which unites them under the term Christian. Religious atrocities (not just Christian) continued throughout the 20th century and into the 21st. The Catholics seem to have changed little over the centuries, Islam is competing with them, and the Angelican and other Christian denominations have greatly influenced the continuance of force through oppression and violence. There is no need to list the places, names, events – those reading this post have internet access, the only other necessity is a desire to find the truth. I suggest that the very religious are either easily led by those they consider (evil individual leaders), or they are as power hungry as the leaders they follow. This is what makes organized religion such a dangerous thing. It’s also a good reason why individuals should consider their religious convictions, and practice of beliefs, a matter of personal growth and development, while taking extreme care to keep their beliefs as far away from political matters as possible. One ‘evil’ leader and a lot of religious followers, is all it takes to change a free country into a landscape of human atrocity. Freedom of religious expression is a personal freedom, not to be confused with a social majority political structure. |
Very interesting presentation Di,
As I was watching the map unfold on the website you linked too I was kind of hoping to see a bit more religions represented, but I guess they are only considering what they consider to be the top four in terms of popularity. However, there's a few things I would like to mention about this historical map. They didn't show Taoism which originated in China, nor did they mention Shamanism which is considered by many people today to be rather crude. In other words, something like Shamanism is dismissed today as simply having been extremely ancient tribal rituals and superstitions, yet Shamanism actually had a large impact on various religions that are still quite popular today. In any case, I added a graphic to their map in an attempt to show a path of evolution where I believe that modern day Wicca came from. This is far more than a guess on my part. I obtained this information from having read many books on these subjects and piecing it altogether. In any case, here's my addition to the map for anyone who might be interested. I offer this merely as one possibility and certainly not intended to represent concrete history. ![]() From what I can tell, many of the pagan spiritual practices of Norther Europe actually came out of China, probably from roots in Taoism and Shamanism. As they migrated across Europe they became more "Earthy". In other words, the Taoism and Shamanism of China was far more panentheistic, but these religions of Northern Europe became more pantheistic, focusing solely on this physical incarnation and thus becoming more Earth-centered, which includes everything that can be seen in the Earth sky. Thus a focus on the Moon, Sun, Seasons, and so forth was a natural evolution. I had come to this conclusion based on just studying the history of various religions. However, recently I watched a course on the human genome, and much to my surprise this is precisely the path that early humans did indeed take. This has been revealed via the DNA, taken from both the bones of ancient people buried, as well as from the population that is still living in these areas. So this path of migration has indeed been scientifically verified to have actually taken place. In any case, I just thought this might be of interest. By the way, another path could have been drawn from China to the right ending up in America on the left representing the native American Indians. They too would have had a Taoist and Shamanic style of spirituality, which we know that they did as well. Finally the one thing that I'd really like to point out is that on the original map Judaism (the foundation of both Christianity and Islam) is a very small piece of the overall picture. Isn't that amazing? The very religion that gave rise to Christianity and Islam didn't take off very well on it's own. One more comment also. These maps are misleading because they just show solid colors for the mainstream religions, however, if other religions were properly represented those solid colors would be peppered with multicolored dots. For example, everyone knows that the USA is not 100% Christian, and thus the other religions aren't being represented. Same is true of Europe. If Pagan religions were being represented properly they may very well overwhelm Judaism. And of course, atheism isn't even on the map at all. When you think about it though, that does make a statement. I mean, in the early history of mankind, there really weren't any human societies based on an atheistic mindset. Or if any did exist, they weren't large enough or organized enough to even be historically noticed. So humans in general do seem to be attracted to spirituality over all. But then again you could just as easily replace the word "spirituality" with "superstition" and the statement remains every bit as valid. |
The whole world does not reflect the teachings of Yahshua.
niether does the group of believers I associate with does either. We are trying.. I must admit someytimes i get carried away with antics on here that are not right and un biblical and I apologize. Sometimes get frustrated with it all. I actually get along with the one who does not profess the Holy Scriptures than I do the ones who do. Why? Because u r not trying to pretend u r something u r not. It is amazing to me how many non believers thier are and they seem to voice thier opinion on things more than the believers. The world has watered down the True Faith I believe for a lie. Thats why i do not see things the same as others who profess the same book. The ones in charge do not want them to study to shew themselves approved.. If they did they would see that show and tell are 2 different reasonings. The scriptures say that a time will come when professing believers will turn to fables.. They will kill which has happened all through the ages claiming they are doing it for Yahweh's glory. Yahshua's example of laying down ones life for another is not followed. He said no better friend is thier than one who would lay down thier life for another.That is true no matter what u believe. He was not understood by peter when he went to lay his down for the world. How could he let this happen as Peter said he would follow him in Death but when the time came and everyone wanted to know who his Disciples were he said I do not know him. Turning away afraid just within hours of claiming he would lay down his life also. Mimicks life we say but doing is another thing. Yahshua said evil or Satan was causing him to do this or say this. Was it a metaphore of truth within the Human Spirit? Most people we here of being killed saving another did it instinctively. Like a parent for a child or friends or pushing a defenceless child out of the way of a bus just in time as we are killed. But instinct to protect the innocent. If we thought about what we were doing and the consequinces of our actions how many then would lay down thier lives? Thinking about an action like that can make the good in us turn self preserved because we all try to preserve self. I believe thats the true message in the scriptures. The message before Yahshua got tangled up in How great am I instead of protecting others. Here was a man who for Days new his fate of dieing a most horrible death. Think about that? What in the Human Spirit could cause someone to let themselves be ridiculed for days knowing they were going to die in agony and almost no one would care and all the while being falsely accussed and abandoned by your closests friends even. Yet will to die trusting it will be for thier good. Unfathonable the care for others. Life is precious. But whatever anyone may believe about it one thing is clear. Could you would you die for someone u barely knew? or not at all? Do we have enough love in our hearts for others to protect the innocent? Yahshua was killed for 1 main reason. He did not go along with the religious establishments way of doing business. He ate with sinners.. Oh My. Said a Pagan Soldier had more faith than all of Israel. The Govenor of the time said he found nothing deserving of death in him. Yet his own wanted him dead. so he died for them. and you and me. Faith is more than the everlasting. Faith is knowing what u do at any given moment is the right thing to do. Faith is knowing everything will be ok.. Faith brings peace to your innner being your mind. Our minds control everything so no matter what you believe if you know to do the right thing and do it u have just shown your faith by your works with James said is the essences of Religion. Inner peace that others are better than u. That others deserve everything u deserve. That u r a trustworthy friend to all because what u do in this life will be whats remembered when u r gone.. Blessings..of Shalom...Miles |
Miles wrote:
Think about that? What in the Human Spirit could cause someone to let themselves be ridiculed for days knowing they were going to die in agony and almost no one would care and all the while being falsely accussed and abandoned by your closests friends even. Yet will to die trusting it will be for thier good. That's just it right there Miles. I have thought about that in depth for many years. The answer I found is quite revealing. First off, just look at how the question starts off: "What in the Human Spirit could cause someone,..." And that's the big question right there. Was Jesus a mere mortal human, or was he truly a divine incarnation and knew it. That's the key to it all right there. If Jesus was indeed a mere mortal man, what he did was exceptional. Because he would have done it all on faith alone for the sake of other mortal men. However, that's not how the story goes. The story claims that Jesus knew that he was eternal spirit. Thus no only would he know that he was going to die a physical death, but he would also know that he cannot die a spiritual death. In short, if Jesus truly was God, then he did not need to have "Faith" at all. Not in the least. For what would he have needed to believe that he didn't already know. On the other hand, if he didn't truly know, then he was basically lying in his claims that he supposedly did know. So either Jesus was God and he knew it, or he was just guessing like all other religious people and just preaching on faith alone, making up his own stuff as he things it might be. Of course, there is a third option too, the one I actually believe has the most validity, and that is that the scriptures don't truly reflect what the man Jesus had actually preached, but instead are just over-zealous rumors made up after the fact. Still, going back to the original idea. Assume that Jesus actually did teach precisely what is claimed by the authors of the gospels. Then you still have the problem that if Jesus was completely mortal (had no actual knowledge of the divine) then he was just a lunatic. On the other hand, if he truly was an incarnation of the divine and knew it, then physical death would be a completely meaningless concept for him. Also the need to have any friends would be utterly meaningless for him too. And finally he wouldn't have been doing it just for the people of the time, but for people of many generations to follow, so how the people of the time received him would be a moot issue for him. Of course this whole thing implies that our creator is either incapable of truly communicating with his creation efficiently, or for some reason he likes for people to fight over what they should believe in. Because surely and all-intelligent creator could clearly see that these other religious spirituality had already started to grow in other parts of the globe, and that in the end the teachings and story of Jesus would ultimately become a matter of culture division. The creator would truly need to be seriously limited not to have recognized this very simple fact. A fact, that has been well-established throughout all of history. So the bottom line for me is truly quit simple. In order for this story to have spiritual truth to it, our creator would necessarily either have been completely inept at communication with his creation, or he would have almost sadisitically set things up to purposefully have people fight over religion and spiritual beliefs. I'll grant you that this might sound like some pretty serious things to "charge" our creator with. And I totally AGREE! This is precisely why I feel that this story cannot be true as it stands. Because in order for the story to be true the "charges" must stand. Therefore if the "charges" are unrealistic, then so must be the story, because they go hand-in-hand. Therefore, for me to recognize that Jesus must have been a misunderstood Mahayana Buddhist Bodhisattva, is to actually praise our creator, because I am assuming that our creator is neither inept nor sadistic. By they way you say, "... knowing they were going to die in agony and almost no one would care and all the while being falsely accussed and abandoned by your closests friends even." The story might imply or even claim that Jesus knew that this was going to unfold precisely as the story claims. However, you need to understand that in my scenario things would be quite different. The real Jesus (a mortal man) would not have known that he was going to be crucified, nor would he know that all his followers would abandon him. On the contrary he may very well have thought just the opposite. After all, even Pilot exonerated him. For all intents and purposes he should have been acquitted of the charges. Who would have thought that Pilot would give into the pressure of the crowd and the scribes and Pharisees that incited them? Pilot was very wise in giving the scribes and Pharisees a choice. He allowed them to choose between freeing a known barbaric criminal, or Jesus. Who would have thought that they hated Jesus so much that they would free a barbarian to crucify Jesus. Pilot was probably in as much shock as anyone else that the scribes and Pharisees would stoop so low. Also, if there is any truth to Jesus screaming out with his last breath, "God! Why have thou forsaken me!", he may very well have been speaking to his FOLLOWERS. Asking them why they did not speak out and protest on his behalf. After all, what sense does it make that God would have forsaken Jesus, his only begotten son in whom he is so proud? For me, the idea that Jesus was a mortal man makes a lot of sense. And the stories that claim to quote him are probably filled with grossly exaggerated misunderstanding, and basically outright lies to use his martyrdom to prop up the authority of the Torah and thus prop up the authority of the Scribes and Pharisees. The idea that he was the son of God makes absolutely no sense to me at all. None. Both Jesus and God the Father would have had to be seriously inept and sadistic to have purposefully designed a scenario such as this as the "Ultimate Divine Plan" to offer humans a last chance an salvation. To believe that this was some sort of divine plan places humans in a very perilous doghouse with their creator. You'd basically need to believe that we all hate God with all our hearts and souls to believe this story, IMHO. |
I love God, I love my parents,
I fall short of God, I fall short of what my parents dreamed for me Jesus was God filled man, he was a beautiful BALANCE of both ,,,Jesus sometimes used the term FATHER , when speaking as his son and other times he used GOD, when speaking as a common man he had the humility to be common to GOD, while fulfilling the will of his FATHER it seems simple to me, but I understand how(in the truly analytical and merely human context) it might be overanalyzed into something difficult |
Miles wrote:
Think about that? What in the Human Spirit could cause someone to let themselves be ridiculed for days knowing they were going to die in agony and almost no one would care and all the while being falsely accussed and abandoned by your closests friends even. Yet will to die trusting it will be for thier good. That's just it right there Miles. I have thought about that in depth for many years. The answer I found is quite revealing. First off, just look at how the question starts off: "What in the Human Spirit could cause someone,..." And that's the big question right there. Was Jesus a mere mortal human, or was he truly a divine incarnation and knew it. That's the key to it all right there. If Jesus was indeed a mere mortal man, what he did was exceptional. Because he would have done it all on faith alone for the sake of other mortal men. However, that's not how the story goes. The story claims that Jesus knew that he was eternal spirit. Thus no only would he know that he was going to die a physical death, but he would also know that he cannot die a spiritual death. In short, if Jesus truly was God, then he did not need to have "Faith" at all. Not in the least. For what would he have needed to believe that he didn't already know. On the other hand, if he didn't truly know, then he was basically lying in his claims that he supposedly did know. So either Jesus was God and he knew it, or he was just guessing like all other religious people and just preaching on faith alone, making up his own stuff as he things it might be. Of course, there is a third option too, the one I actually believe has the most validity, and that is that the scriptures don't truly reflect what the man Jesus had actually preached, but instead are just over-zealous rumors made up after the fact. Still, going back to the original idea. Assume that Jesus actually did teach precisely what is claimed by the authors of the gospels. Then you still have the problem that if Jesus was completely mortal (had no actual knowledge of the divine) then he was just a lunatic. On the other hand, if he truly was an incarnation of the divine and knew it, then physical death would be a completely meaningless concept for him. Also the need to have any friends would be utterly meaningless for him too. And finally he wouldn't have been doing it just for the people of the time, but for people of many generations to follow, so how the people of the time received him would be a moot issue for him. Of course this whole thing implies that our creator is either incapable of truly communicating with his creation efficiently, or for some reason he likes for people to fight over what they should believe in. Because surely and all-intelligent creator could clearly see that these other religious spirituality had already started to grow in other parts of the globe, and that in the end the teachings and story of Jesus would ultimately become a matter of culture division. The creator would truly need to be seriously limited not to have recognized this very simple fact. A fact, that has been well-established throughout all of history. So the bottom line for me is truly quit simple. In order for this story to have spiritual truth to it, our creator would necessarily either have been completely inept at communication with his creation, or he would have almost sadisitically set things up to purposefully have people fight over religion and spiritual beliefs. I'll grant you that this might sound like some pretty serious things to "charge" our creator with. And I totally AGREE! This is precisely why I feel that this story cannot be true as it stands. Because in order for the story to be true the "charges" must stand. Therefore if the "charges" are unrealistic, then so must be the story, because they go hand-in-hand. Therefore, for me to recognize that Jesus must have been a misunderstood Mahayana Buddhist Bodhisattva, is to actually praise our creator, because I am assuming that our creator is neither inept nor sadistic. By they way you say, "... knowing they were going to die in agony and almost no one would care and all the while being falsely accussed and abandoned by your closests friends even." The story might imply or even claim that Jesus knew that this was going to unfold precisely as the story claims. However, you need to understand that in my scenario things would be quite different. The real Jesus (a mortal man) would not have known that he was going to be crucified, nor would he know that all his followers would abandon him. On the contrary he may very well have thought just the opposite. After all, even Pilot exonerated him. For all intents and purposes he should have been acquitted of the charges. Who would have thought that Pilot would give into the pressure of the crowd and the scribes and Pharisees that incited them? Pilot was very wise in giving the scribes and Pharisees a choice. He allowed them to choose between freeing a known barbaric criminal, or Jesus. Who would have thought that they hated Jesus so much that they would free a barbarian to crucify Jesus. Pilot was probably in as much shock as anyone else that the scribes and Pharisees would stoop so low. Also, if there is any truth to Jesus screaming out with his last breath, "God! Why have thou forsaken me!", he may very well have been speaking to his FOLLOWERS. Asking them why they did not speak out and protest on his behalf. After all, what sense does it make that God would have forsaken Jesus, his only begotten son in whom he is so proud? For me, the idea that Jesus was a mortal man makes a lot of sense. And the stories that claim to quote him are probably filled with grossly exaggerated misunderstanding, and basically outright lies to use his martyrdom to prop up the authority of the Torah and thus prop up the authority of the Scribes and Pharisees. The idea that he was the son of God makes absolutely no sense to me at all. None. Both Jesus and God the Father would have had to be seriously inept and sadistic to have purposefully designed a scenario such as this as the "Ultimate Divine Plan" to offer humans a last chance an salvation. To believe that this was some sort of divine plan places humans in a very perilous doghouse with their creator. You'd basically need to believe that we all hate God with all our hearts and souls to believe this story, IMHO. I understand where you are coming from.. Thats why IMO we are told to reason the scriptures. Yahshua did not get along with the establishment and they hated him for it. He felt better with the so called lowlifes that the religious deemed sinners more than the ones who put themselves upon a pedistal saying "Look at me" Power. Its no different today or thier would not be 1000's of sects who say "We are right we have the truth" But what is truth? Thats what I believe Yahshua came for. Yes I believe he gave up his Heavenly abode as scripture say for a greater cause. In the OT the laws were given as the right way. Do them and you will be blessed. I still believe this is true but then animal sacrafices were thier for atoning of your sin. In the beginning was not the beginning of everything or else Satan would not be said of rebelling. These Angels were created and they could see Yahweh. They knew his ways. But they had free will.. What if Satan would of never of rebelled? What would everything be now? We are told the world was in Chaos i believe thier are scriptures that relate to the Angels living in Paradise going back and forth between this world and Heaven.. I have often thought maybe this is why we see antient knowledge that we can not understand how they ever got this knowledge. Atlantis personally I believe was a Angelic city far advanced even to us today. Using the things of creation in a spiritual way that defies our logic and understanding to this day. But these immortal beings had also a human spirit inside them.. No different than ours. Satan just happened to be so popular u might say within the Angelic community that it went to his head. He knew things could do things even other created Angels did not and when he decided he wanted more that he was just as Good as Yahweh he rebelled by saying. I am going to rise above the Heavens and lets see if Yahweh can stop me . I will be like the most high. The Human Spirit of I am somebody now. The New Phone Books here..haha This is why I believe we see chaos and a earth without form because Yahweh allowed him to go about his ways and his ways made a mess of everything and the Earth became a habitual of self serving devils u might say. So Yahweh through Yahshua recreated the earth to its original beginnings a Garden of Eden. Put Atlantis IMO out of the Angels control thats why Homer spoke of it. But without going to far into my thinkings at least the flood wiped all this out sunk Atlantis the almost 1000 year regign of people ended and the Rainbow Yahweh's promice of never destroying the earth came about with 8 people of one family to repopulate the earth. So even the beginning to Noah people had great power. They built cities and did again like the Angels rebelled.. Did whatever they seen as right because they knew Yahweh through Yahshua it says Enoch walked with Yahweh. He was in the Garden of Eden.Even with man just barely formed he already was being decieved to believe he could achieve immortality and be like the g-ds. Satans trick to eve because of all that had happened when he declared he could be like Yahweh. Solomon said that everything is the same. History repeats itself. Thier is nothing new under the sun.. or is it the Son? So after the flood which it says the fountains of waters.. coming from within the earth. covered the earth and we all know if we take water out of a crevis and then put all that wieght back on it the crevis will collapse from the wieght. Hence again recreating the earth from the fountains of water for 40 days. Yahshua spoke of it was not so in the Beginning. So what begining was he speaking of? He said because of the Hardness of your hearts. Then the 1 thing he specified was divorce. So why Divorce? Why is that such a big deal? Divorce is spoken of in many instances because it is a lifelong contract of source promicing to Love One Another Till Death do us Part. Life in General. The Angels are immortal yet they decided love was more than living forever Life needed Power in Satans case at least. Families are a subject of the Essence of Yahweh's throne. Loving one another and raising our offspring in a good and natural way. In otherwords to be like us. to memick us by word and actions.. But we give them freewill and how often does the offspring decide the Old Man is not right and causes chaos in the family. This spreads and contention arises and so it did with the angels. Picking sides in which should never be so what do you do? How do you achieve peace back in your family? You have to let the Rebeller go.. You have to let them see what its like with out the family atmospere and support. This is life and it started in the Heavens but you can not bring chaos back untill its changed. Divorce is Chaos. Total chaos that has to be completely redun and the people in it start reforming just like in the Beginning. It was not so. Yahshua spoke of Moses way after the flood.. He was allowed to allow it for adultry. laying in anothers Bed. The bond that u and only your wife has can not be shaared or it causes chaos. I got to go to Turkey day with my landlord so i will be back but think about this i am working towards. Immortal all seeing or Mortal and Trusting Faith..I will be Back..Happy Thanking Abra and All.. May Yahweh Bless You and All Who Hasd the privelage of Your Company Everyday of your lives....Shalom...Miles |
I always enjoy reading your posts Miles, because you always serve up a big helping of food for thought.
![]() As I listen to your scenario of "reality", meaning the total true situation of existence, I see that you basically believe that there are two types of beings. Eternal beings which are the gods, and possibly the angels too. And the human mortals who can die, but obviously can also be saved from death by the immortal beings somehow depending on their behavior and worthiness in the eyes of the immortal beings. As a physicist and scientific thinker I can't help but wonder how their came to be two different kinds of beings in the first place. The immortal beings, and the mortal beings. Well, obviously the idea is that the immortal beings simply always were, and they created the mortal beings as some sort of pets. Mortal beings who will never be equal to them even if they are 'saved' from mortal death. A very strange "reality" to be sure. ![]() And then I noticed when you mentioned this how strange these words sound: "Divorce is spoken of in many instances because it (marriage) is a lifelong contract of source promicing to Love One Another Till Death do us Part." That's rather interesting too if you stop and think about it. "Till Death do us part?" I wonder if that means that marriages become null and void in the afterlife? Since at death they are parted. The other strange thing about this is that it's supposedly the creator's idea that humans cannot procreate unless they first make this life-long commitment. I'm sure that Redy is going to jump in on this one. In human society the main purpose of marriage is to raise a family and create a family unit. So why isn't marriage just "Till our children become self-sufficient adults". That would seem to make far more sense. Also, why should it be important for two 'spirits' to make a lifelong commitment to each other (especially if this commitment is going to continue on in the after life). What's the deal with paring up spirits? Why should that be important? And if it is important what of those who never marry for whatever reason? In today's world marriage requires the consent of another. I guess back in Biblical times women had no say and men were just given wives, or bought them. And then there's the passage where a man can take whatever woman he wishes for his wife if he can simply rape her in a field. (I kind of liked that law ![]() If the Christians ever re-instate that biblical law I might be tempted to convert just for that option. ![]() I can go clear down to 18 right? ![]() Anyway, when learned about Handfasting in Wicca I thought that was a really great idea. It's like a one-year marriage just to try each other out. Although, I'm sure you're not supposed to procreate during that trial run. I think also when they take vows even for a long-term marriage they say something like , "For as long as love lasts", instead of "Till Death do we part". Although in truth I still think that marriage vows should contain something like, "Until the kids are old enough to be kicked out". ![]() That's far more practical in a realistic sense if the true purpose of marriage if for the raising of children. Why the "Till Death do we part?" That's a life-long commitment. People change, and they get married far too young too. Also, back when these scriptures were written, people didn't live as long as they do today. By the time your kids were grown up you were pretty well played out and died at about 30 or 40 anyway. I think raising kids back then was more work. Probably because there was no TV and Play-stations to babysit them so the parents had to keep them entertained the whole time. |
Freedom of religion can be just as important as freedom from religion. When I first started in my hobby of radio and making antennas I was studying the history of radio. At one time there was Morse Code which has been discontinued by the Navy. Samuel Morse figured out this code which worked with a key that transmitted on all frequencies. I wanted to build this antenna that would receive on all frequencies and transmit on all frequencies. My ham buddy said that idea wouldn't work. What he said was that I needed was an array of antennas that would work with a transceiver and maybe more than just one transceiver. He told me about white noise. He told me it was important to tune the antenna to one frequency and that the radio would do better to tune out unwanted frequencies. Otherwise all I would hear is static and could not get out at all with transmitting. He told me about this thing called a standing wave ratio and that you need to get a 1 to 1 match to transmit and receive. It is the same thing with religion in my opinion. I think the FCC will back me up on this one.
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Calling all possible Gods Come in please OVER |
Miles wrote:
Think about that? What in the Human Spirit could cause someone to let themselves be ridiculed for days knowing they were going to die in agony and almost no one would care and all the while being falsely accussed and abandoned by your closests friends even. Yet will to die trusting it will be for thier good. That's just it right there Miles. I have thought about that in depth for many years. The answer I found is quite revealing. First off, just look at how the question starts off: "What in the Human Spirit could cause someone,..." And that's the big question right there. Was Jesus a mere mortal human, or was he truly a divine incarnation and knew it. That's the key to it all right there. If Jesus was indeed a mere mortal man, what he did was exceptional. Because he would have done it all on faith alone for the sake of other mortal men. However, that's not how the story goes. The story claims that Jesus knew that he was eternal spirit. Thus no only would he know that he was going to die a physical death, but he would also know that he cannot die a spiritual death. In short, if Jesus truly was God, then he did not need to have "Faith" at all. Not in the least. For what would he have needed to believe that he didn't already know. On the other hand, if he didn't truly know, then he was basically lying in his claims that he supposedly did know. So either Jesus was God and he knew it, or he was just guessing like all other religious people and just preaching on faith alone, making up his own stuff as he things it might be. Of course, there is a third option too, the one I actually believe has the most validity, and that is that the scriptures don't truly reflect what the man Jesus had actually preached, but instead are just over-zealous rumors made up after the fact. Still, going back to the original idea. Assume that Jesus actually did teach precisely what is claimed by the authors of the gospels. Then you still have the problem that if Jesus was completely mortal (had no actual knowledge of the divine) then he was just a lunatic. On the other hand, if he truly was an incarnation of the divine and knew it, then physical death would be a completely meaningless concept for him. Also the need to have any friends would be utterly meaningless for him too. And finally he wouldn't have been doing it just for the people of the time, but for people of many generations to follow, so how the people of the time received him would be a moot issue for him. Of course this whole thing implies that our creator is either incapable of truly communicating with his creation efficiently, or for some reason he likes for people to fight over what they should believe in. Because surely and all-intelligent creator could clearly see that these other religious spirituality had already started to grow in other parts of the globe, and that in the end the teachings and story of Jesus would ultimately become a matter of culture division. The creator would truly need to be seriously limited not to have recognized this very simple fact. A fact, that has been well-established throughout all of history. So the bottom line for me is truly quit simple. In order for this story to have spiritual truth to it, our creator would necessarily either have been completely inept at communication with his creation, or he would have almost sadisitically set things up to purposefully have people fight over religion and spiritual beliefs. I'll grant you that this might sound like some pretty serious things to "charge" our creator with. And I totally AGREE! This is precisely why I feel that this story cannot be true as it stands. Because in order for the story to be true the "charges" must stand. Therefore if the "charges" are unrealistic, then so must be the story, because they go hand-in-hand. Therefore, for me to recognize that Jesus must have been a misunderstood Mahayana Buddhist Bodhisattva, is to actually praise our creator, because I am assuming that our creator is neither inept nor sadistic. By they way you say, "... knowing they were going to die in agony and almost no one would care and all the while being falsely accussed and abandoned by your closests friends even." The story might imply or even claim that Jesus knew that this was going to unfold precisely as the story claims. However, you need to understand that in my scenario things would be quite different. The real Jesus (a mortal man) would not have known that he was going to be crucified, nor would he know that all his followers would abandon him. On the contrary he may very well have thought just the opposite. After all, even Pilot exonerated him. For all intents and purposes he should have been acquitted of the charges. Who would have thought that Pilot would give into the pressure of the crowd and the scribes and Pharisees that incited them? Pilot was very wise in giving the scribes and Pharisees a choice. He allowed them to choose between freeing a known barbaric criminal, or Jesus. Who would have thought that they hated Jesus so much that they would free a barbarian to crucify Jesus. Pilot was probably in as much shock as anyone else that the scribes and Pharisees would stoop so low. Also, if there is any truth to Jesus screaming out with his last breath, "God! Why have thou forsaken me!", he may very well have been speaking to his FOLLOWERS. Asking them why they did not speak out and protest on his behalf. After all, what sense does it make that God would have forsaken Jesus, his only begotten son in whom he is so proud? For me, the idea that Jesus was a mortal man makes a lot of sense. And the stories that claim to quote him are probably filled with grossly exaggerated misunderstanding, and basically outright lies to use his martyrdom to prop up the authority of the Torah and thus prop up the authority of the Scribes and Pharisees. The idea that he was the son of God makes absolutely no sense to me at all. None. Both Jesus and God the Father would have had to be seriously inept and sadistic to have purposefully designed a scenario such as this as the "Ultimate Divine Plan" to offer humans a last chance an salvation. To believe that this was some sort of divine plan places humans in a very perilous doghouse with their creator. You'd basically need to believe that we all hate God with all our hearts and souls to believe this story, IMHO. I understand where you are coming from.. Thats why IMO we are told to reason the scriptures. Yahshua did not get along with the establishment and they hated him for it. He felt better with the so called lowlifes that the religious deemed sinners more than the ones who put themselves upon a pedistal saying "Look at me" Power. Its no different today or thier would not be 1000's of sects who say "We are right we have the truth" But what is truth? Thats what I believe Yahshua came for. Yes I believe he gave up his Heavenly abode as scripture say for a greater cause. In the OT the laws were given as the right way. Do them and you will be blessed. I still believe this is true but then animal sacrafices were thier for atoning of your sin. In the beginning was not the beginning of everything or else Satan would not be said of rebelling. These Angels were created and they could see Yahweh. They knew his ways. But they had free will.. What if Satan would of never of rebelled? What would everything be now? We are told the world was in Chaos i believe thier are scriptures that relate to the Angels living in Paradise going back and forth between this world and Heaven.. I have often thought maybe this is why we see antient knowledge that we can not understand how they ever got this knowledge. Atlantis personally I believe was a Angelic city far advanced even to us today. Using the things of creation in a spiritual way that defies our logic and understanding to this day. But these immortal beings had also a human spirit inside them.. No different than ours. Satan just happened to be so popular u might say within the Angelic community that it went to his head. He knew things could do things even other created Angels did not and when he decided he wanted more that he was just as Good as Yahweh he rebelled by saying. I am going to rise above the Heavens and lets see if Yahweh can stop me . I will be like the most high. The Human Spirit of I am somebody now. The New Phone Books here..haha This is why I believe we see chaos and a earth without form because Yahweh allowed him to go about his ways and his ways made a mess of everything and the Earth became a habitual of self serving devils u might say. So Yahweh through Yahshua recreated the earth to its original beginnings a Garden of Eden. Put Atlantis IMO out of the Angels control thats why Homer spoke of it. But without going to far into my thinkings at least the flood wiped all this out sunk Atlantis the almost 1000 year regign of people ended and the Rainbow Yahweh's promice of never destroying the earth came about with 8 people of one family to repopulate the earth. So even the beginning to Noah people had great power. They built cities and did again like the Angels rebelled.. Did whatever they seen as right because they knew Yahweh through Yahshua it says Enoch walked with Yahweh. He was in the Garden of Eden.Even with man just barely formed he already was being decieved to believe he could achieve immortality and be like the g-ds. Satans trick to eve because of all that had happened when he declared he could be like Yahweh. Solomon said that everything is the same. History repeats itself. Thier is nothing new under the sun.. or is it the Son? So after the flood which it says the fountains of waters.. coming from within the earth. covered the earth and we all know if we take water out of a crevis and then put all that wieght back on it the crevis will collapse from the wieght. Hence again recreating the earth from the fountains of water for 40 days. Yahshua spoke of it was not so in the Beginning. So what begining was he speaking of? He said because of the Hardness of your hearts. Then the 1 thing he specified was divorce. So why Divorce? Why is that such a big deal? Divorce is spoken of in many instances because it is a lifelong contract of source promicing to Love One Another Till Death do us Part. Life in General. The Angels are immortal yet they decided love was more than living forever Life needed Power in Satans case at least. Families are a subject of the Essence of Yahweh's throne. Loving one another and raising our offspring in a good and natural way. In otherwords to be like us. to memick us by word and actions.. But we give them freewill and how often does the offspring decide the Old Man is not right and causes chaos in the family. This spreads and contention arises and so it did with the angels. Picking sides in which should never be so what do you do? How do you achieve peace back in your family? You have to let the Rebeller go.. You have to let them see what its like with out the family atmospere and support. This is life and it started in the Heavens but you can not bring chaos back untill its changed. Divorce is Chaos. Total chaos that has to be completely redun and the people in it start reforming just like in the Beginning. It was not so. Yahshua spoke of Moses way after the flood.. He was allowed to allow it for adultry. laying in anothers Bed. The bond that u and only your wife has can not be shaared or it causes chaos. I got to go to Turkey day with my landlord so i will be back but think about this i am working towards. Immortal all seeing or Mortal and Trusting Faith..I will be Back..Happy Thanking Abra and All.. May Yahweh Bless You and All Who Hasd the privelage of Your Company Everyday of your lives....Shalom...Miles Good Thanksgiving huh Abra... U see how marraige works and how a 1 to 1 ratio is the true libility of Life. To keep our ratio balanced so we don't fly any fly saucers. Or the Time warp of existance would see the oppisite way.. So are Aliens Atlantis you might say? No thier the screwed up Demons we all have. Demons just waiting till its time to fly. Does not mean they are buried. Just that they hide. Hidden away are the secrets of the Antients. The Angels of YesterYear. No time no space just a wander till Atlantis Returns.. What will the world say??? Will they throw out all they believe for the more Correct Ones? Will religion and Peace Appear? We all want something. Were looking in every place we can to figure out the end. Atlantis fill that void. The time whe the world was the Angels playground, Thier Kingdom. Not a piece of land but the world is 1. What will we do? Will we reject it.. We all seen it. What can we do? These Atlantians who is 3 yet become many as the world has. They are destroyers they made the last world NuLL and VOID. Yet they are not without wonder. Who are we to see? Yahshua said it would Rise out of the sea and make Peace But a False Peace Because These are The Destroyers. They know no Peace.. You may know it as HoLY ATLANTIS Who can reject Her seduction? People have cried out SHOW ME.. ok Here it IS All 4 one and 1 for all |
Oh I just wanted to add i f you do not already know.
The Jews reverence the Torah so Much that for any Torah that is Used in a Synagogue worldwide now. It has to be done on special Paper pyparus i believe. Is a continuous scroll and has to be done by hand. Mostly in the Hebrew language. They do it stll the old way with a pen and a bottle opf ink to dobb. Every leter has to be perfect for it to be acceptible for use by the Rabbi or Reader of the Scroll. Costs for the 5 books of Moses a Years Pay. one man works all year to produce 1 hand copied scroll and a years wages to boot..., No volunteer work it has to be perfect. I was lucky and got to visit the inner Jewish community in Chicago one christmas actually and the tradition is amazing what they do and the links they will to accomplish things. Thought u might be interested in what they do but t5hen again u may already know. But that tradition of how Holy the Scroll is In the worship they do. Is the correlation of the Law written on our Hearts and Minds through the Holy Spirit sent from Yahweh through Yahshua.. Same thing but now spiritual instead of Physical writing. No better vine than that.. Shalom...Miles |
I found the following URL to be very interesting, makes you wonder how much choice most people in the world actually have regarding their religious beliefs. History - of – Religion How has the geography of religion evolved over the centuries, and where has it sparked wars? Our map gives us a brief history of the world's most well-known religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Selected periods of inter-religious bloodshed are also highlighted. Want to see 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds? Ready, Set, Go! If you ask most people, anywhere in the world, if they would ‘choose’ their own religious beliefs above any other, would you really expect anyone to say no? Yet the truth is that most people in the world actually have very little or no choice in the matter of religious belief. The five major world religions did not pass from state to state, country to country or continent to continent by consensus. One of the spoils of conquest, war, and colonization is the victor’s choice of beliefs. When conquest, war, and colonization are not brutal enough to force compliance to the victors’ beliefs, further human atrocities are the traditional answer to the problem and there has been no lack of religious involvement in these atrocities. While no religion can claim innocence, one religion is unsurpassed in brutality and atrocity and it began with the Roman Catholic Church. There are many Christians, even some in these threads, who defend the deeds of Christians, by disowning those deeds in the following manner – Those people where not Christians because that is not the way Jesus behaved – or – those were power struggles, often including ‘evil’ individuals who do not represent Christianity. Well amazingly those evil individuals found a lot of willing enforcers within the ranks of believers, and very often those ‘evil’ individuals claimed victory in the name of God. When newcomers to distant shores spread disease killing half of the indigenous populations, the victors (and followers) had no problem slaughtering and making slaves of the remainder because they believed it was the will of God who had helped them destroy the evil pagan and heathen element from their midst. (you can find sources to these claims in the history of the Americas, Australia and New Zealand.) Is it any wonder that so many Christians seek to disengage themselves from their heritage – Roman Catholicism? How many times have we seen a phrase similar to – ‘Christians and Catholics’ as if all other dogma between Christians and Christians is any different than the dogma between Christians and Catholics. It was not Catholics in particular who came to the America’s, but those seeking freedom from religious oppression. But it didn’t take them long (with God’s helpful epidemics) to nearly wipe the landscape free of the indigenous ‘heathens’, who couldn’t understand the language, much less comply with demands to foreign religious conversion. All Christian faiths have commonalities and they all stem from the same foundation, and changing a doctrine does not change the major tenants of the belief which unites them under the term Christian. Religious atrocities (not just Christian) continued throughout the 20th century and into the 21st. The Catholics seem to have changed little over the centuries, Islam is competing with them, and the Angelican and other Christian denominations have greatly influenced the continuance of force through oppression and violence. There is no need to list the places, names, events – those reading this post have internet access, the only other necessity is a desire to find the truth. I suggest that the very religious are either easily led by those they consider (evil individual leaders), or they are as power hungry as the leaders they follow. This is what makes organized religion such a dangerous thing. It’s also a good reason why individuals should consider their religious convictions, and practice of beliefs, a matter of personal growth and development, while taking extreme care to keep their beliefs as far away from political matters as possible. One ‘evil’ leader and a lot of religious followers, is all it takes to change a free country into a landscape of human atrocity. Freedom of religious expression is a personal freedom, not to be confused with a social majority political structure. If this nonsense is the best you can come up I feel sorry for you because it is poorly written and is full of lies from start to finish.As usual 99% of what we get in here is nothing but commentary with no facts to back up what they are talking about unless it comes from ihateChristians .com,no religon. com,or some other Atheist site with no credibility. Where you are getting the idea that Christians and Catholics are in some way completely opposites and want to distance themselves away from each other is baffling.Catholics are Christians!The only difference between Catholics and some other denomination is the way we worship.We all believe the same thing and Catholics have over 1 billion members and is hardly dying. Do you not realize that people join Christianity by their own free will and can leave at any time for what ever reason they want and will suffer no punishment at all from anyone?Who is forcing people to join Christianity?Christianity was offered to the people of this world as a invitation.People liked what they were offered and they took it. This is a far cry from Islam where you do not have the choice in choosing your religion.You will be born a Muslim and you will die a Muslim.Leaving Islam for some other form of religion will get you killed.It is there law. You can keep posting these already debated topics over and over and over again.That still doesn't change the facts. Since you have a hard time figuring out what you are looking for I decided to do it for you....List of Wars fought because of religion. In the comprehensive list of the history of human warfare, in the Encyclopedia of Wars by Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod documents 1763 wars, of which 123 (7%) have been classified to involve a religious conflict. Of these 123, 66 wars involved Islam. Below is a chart of Wars fought in just the 21st century and total dead because of them.None of these Wars were fought in the name of Christianity,were bible related,had anything to do with Jesus Christ,or were caused because of the church or Christianity.Many of these countries were either Islamic ruled or Atheist ruled. What percentage of these killings were due to religious democide? It is less than 3% of the totals. The surprising thing is that these killings occurred during a period of time when virtually all the peoples of the world were involved in some sort of religion. Here is the data for the 20th century: REGIMES YEARS DEMOCIDE2 Atheist? U.S.S.R. 1917-87 61,911,000 Yes China (PRC) 1949-87 35,236,000 Yes Germany 1933-45 20,946,000 No China (KMT) 1928-49 10,075,000 No Japan 1936-45 5,964,000 No China (Mao Soviets)3 1923-49 3,466,000 Yes Cambodia 1975-79 2,035,000 Yes Turkey (Armenian Genocide) 1909-18 1,883,000 No Vietnam 1945-87 1,670,000 Yes Poland 1945-48 1,585,000 Yes Pakistan 1958-87 1,503,000 No Yugoslavia (Tito) 1944-87 1,072,000 Yes North Korea 1948-87 1,663,000 Yes Mexico 1900-20 1,417,000 No Russia 1900-17 1,066,000 Yes China (Warlords) 1917-49 910,000 No Turkey (Ataturk) 1919-23 878,000 No United Kingdom 1900-87 816,000 No Portugal (Dictatorship) 1926-82 741,000 No Indonesia 1965-87 729,000 No LESSER MURDERERS 1900-87 2,792,000 ? WORLD TOTAL 1900-87 169,202,000 107,047,000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vox Day, in The Irrational Atheist, lists 22 atheistic regimes that committed 153,368,610 murders in the 20th century alone: Murders by Atheists (20th Century) Country Dates Murders Afghanistan 1978–1992 1,750,000 Albania 1944–1985 100,000 Angola 1975–2002 125,000 Bulgaria 1944–1989 222,000 China/PRC 1923–2007 76,702,000 Cuba 1959–1992 73,000 Czechoslovakia 1948–1968 65,000 Ethiopia 1974–1991 1,343,610 France 1793–1794 40,000 Greece 1946–1949 20,000 Hungary 1948–1989 27,000 Kampuchea/Cambodia 1973–1991 2,627,000 Laos 1975–2007 93,000 Mongolia 1926–2007 100,000 Mozambique 1975–1990 118,000 North Korea 1948–2007 3,163,000 Poland 1945–1948 1,607,000 Romania 1948–1987 438,000 Spain (Republic) 1936–1939 102,000 U.S.S.R. 1917–1987 61,911,000 Vietnam 1945–2007 1,670,000 Yugoslavia 1944–1980 1,072,000 |
I found the following URL to be very interesting, makes you wonder how much choice most people in the world actually have regarding their religious beliefs. History - of – Religion How has the geography of religion evolved over the centuries, and where has it sparked wars? Our map gives us a brief history of the world's most well-known religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Selected periods of inter-religious bloodshed are also highlighted. Want to see 5,000 years of religion in 90 seconds? Ready, Set, Go! If you ask most people, anywhere in the world, if they would ‘choose’ their own religious beliefs above any other, would you really expect anyone to say no? Yet the truth is that most people in the world actually have very little or no choice in the matter of religious belief. The five major world religions did not pass from state to state, country to country or continent to continent by consensus. One of the spoils of conquest, war, and colonization is the victor’s choice of beliefs. When conquest, war, and colonization are not brutal enough to force compliance to the victors’ beliefs, further human atrocities are the traditional answer to the problem and there has been no lack of religious involvement in these atrocities. While no religion can claim innocence, one religion is unsurpassed in brutality and atrocity and it began with the Roman Catholic Church. There are many Christians, even some in these threads, who defend the deeds of Christians, by disowning those deeds in the following manner – Those people where not Christians because that is not the way Jesus behaved – or – those were power struggles, often including ‘evil’ individuals who do not represent Christianity. Well amazingly those evil individuals found a lot of willing enforcers within the ranks of believers, and very often those ‘evil’ individuals claimed victory in the name of God. When newcomers to distant shores spread disease killing half of the indigenous populations, the victors (and followers) had no problem slaughtering and making slaves of the remainder because they believed it was the will of God who had helped them destroy the evil pagan and heathen element from their midst. (you can find sources to these claims in the history of the Americas, Australia and New Zealand.) Is it any wonder that so many Christians seek to disengage themselves from their heritage – Roman Catholicism? How many times have we seen a phrase similar to – ‘Christians and Catholics’ as if all other dogma between Christians and Christians is any different than the dogma between Christians and Catholics. It was not Catholics in particular who came to the America’s, but those seeking freedom from religious oppression. But it didn’t take them long (with God’s helpful epidemics) to nearly wipe the landscape free of the indigenous ‘heathens’, who couldn’t understand the language, much less comply with demands to foreign religious conversion. All Christian faiths have commonalities and they all stem from the same foundation, and changing a doctrine does not change the major tenants of the belief which unites them under the term Christian. Religious atrocities (not just Christian) continued throughout the 20th century and into the 21st. The Catholics seem to have changed little over the centuries, Islam is competing with them, and the Angelican and other Christian denominations have greatly influenced the continuance of force through oppression and violence. There is no need to list the places, names, events – those reading this post have internet access, the only other necessity is a desire to find the truth. I suggest that the very religious are either easily led by those they consider (evil individual leaders), or they are as power hungry as the leaders they follow. This is what makes organized religion such a dangerous thing. It’s also a good reason why individuals should consider their religious convictions, and practice of beliefs, a matter of personal growth and development, while taking extreme care to keep their beliefs as far away from political matters as possible. One ‘evil’ leader and a lot of religious followers, is all it takes to change a free country into a landscape of human atrocity. Freedom of religious expression is a personal freedom, not to be confused with a social majority political structure. If this nonsense is the best you can come up I feel sorry for you because it is poorly written and is full of lies from start to finish.As usual 99% of what we get in here is nothing but commentary with no facts to back up what they are talking about unless it comes from ihateChristians .com,no religon. com,or some other Atheist site with no credibility. Where you are getting the idea that Christians and Catholics are in some way completely opposites and want to distance themselves away from each other is baffling.Catholics are Christians!The only difference between Catholics and some other denomination is the way we worship.We all believe the same thing and Catholics have over 1 billion members and is hardly dying. Do you not realize that people join Christianity by their own free will and can leave at any time for what ever reason they want and will suffer no punishment at all from anyone?Who is forcing people to join Christianity?Christianity was offered to the people of this world as a invitation.People liked what they were offered and they took it. This is a far cry from Islam where you do not have the choice in choosing your religion.You will be born a Muslim and you will die a Muslim.Leaving Islam for some other form of religion will get you killed.It is there law. You can keep posting these already debated topics over and over and over again.That still doesn't change the facts. Since you have a hard time figuring out what you are looking for I decided to do it for you....List of Wars fought because of religion. In the comprehensive list of the history of human warfare, in the Encyclopedia of Wars by Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod documents 1763 wars, of which 123 (7%) have been classified to involve a religious conflict. Of these 123, 66 wars involved Islam. Below is a chart of Wars fought in just the 21st century and total dead because of them.None of these Wars were fought in the name of Christianity,were bible related,had anything to do with Jesus Christ,or were caused because of the church or Christianity.Many of these countries were either Islamic ruled or Atheist ruled. What percentage of these killings were due to religious democide? It is less than 3% of the totals. The surprising thing is that these killings occurred during a period of time when virtually all the peoples of the world were involved in some sort of religion. Here is the data for the 20th century: REGIMES YEARS DEMOCIDE2 Atheist? U.S.S.R. 1917-87 61,911,000 Yes China (PRC) 1949-87 35,236,000 Yes Germany 1933-45 20,946,000 No China (KMT) 1928-49 10,075,000 No Japan 1936-45 5,964,000 No China (Mao Soviets)3 1923-49 3,466,000 Yes Cambodia 1975-79 2,035,000 Yes Turkey (Armenian Genocide) 1909-18 1,883,000 No Vietnam 1945-87 1,670,000 Yes Poland 1945-48 1,585,000 Yes Pakistan 1958-87 1,503,000 No Yugoslavia (Tito) 1944-87 1,072,000 Yes North Korea 1948-87 1,663,000 Yes Mexico 1900-20 1,417,000 No Russia 1900-17 1,066,000 Yes China (Warlords) 1917-49 910,000 No Turkey (Ataturk) 1919-23 878,000 No United Kingdom 1900-87 816,000 No Portugal (Dictatorship) 1926-82 741,000 No Indonesia 1965-87 729,000 No LESSER MURDERERS 1900-87 2,792,000 ? WORLD TOTAL 1900-87 169,202,000 107,047,000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vox Day, in The Irrational Atheist, lists 22 atheistic regimes that committed 153,368,610 murders in the 20th century alone: Murders by Atheists (20th Century) Country Dates Murders Afghanistan 1978–1992 1,750,000 Albania 1944–1985 100,000 Angola 1975–2002 125,000 Bulgaria 1944–1989 222,000 China/PRC 1923–2007 76,702,000 Cuba 1959–1992 73,000 Czechoslovakia 1948–1968 65,000 Ethiopia 1974–1991 1,343,610 France 1793–1794 40,000 Greece 1946–1949 20,000 Hungary 1948–1989 27,000 Kampuchea/Cambodia 1973–1991 2,627,000 Laos 1975–2007 93,000 Mongolia 1926–2007 100,000 Mozambique 1975–1990 118,000 North Korea 1948–2007 3,163,000 Poland 1945–1948 1,607,000 Romania 1948–1987 438,000 Spain (Republic) 1936–1939 102,000 U.S.S.R. 1917–1987 61,911,000 Vietnam 1945–2007 1,670,000 Yugoslavia 1944–1980 1,072,000 China committed 76 million murders and they are a favored nation? |