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Topic: so who are you?
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Mon 11/22/10 10:23 PM

I'm Connie and I'm an internet junkie.

Oh wrong room.blushing

hold on missy. you look alot like my future ex wife. would you be interested in a MOC. then leaving with half my stuff and all my dignity loaded in the back of my truck

How funny I too am looking for my next ex!

Whats a MOC?

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Mon 11/22/10 10:24 PM

I'm Connie and I'm an internet junkie.

Oh wrong room.blushing

hold on missy. you look alot like my future ex wife. would you be interested in a MOC. then leaving with half my stuff and all my dignity loaded in the back of my truck

How funny I too am looking for my next ex!

Whats a MOC?

Doesn't matter you said HALF of your stuff, right?

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Mon 11/22/10 10:27 PM
marriage of convenience

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Mon 11/22/10 10:30 PM
Edited by esebulldog on Mon 11/22/10 10:30 PM

Doesn't matter you said HALF of your stuff, right?


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Mon 11/22/10 10:30 PM
Came to me after I asked.
And Bulldog, I'm flattered blushing
Have you got good stuff? And what kind of truck?

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Mon 11/22/10 10:32 PM

Doesn't matter you said HALF of your stuff, right?


Big Chicken...what did you say?laugh laugh

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Mon 11/22/10 10:34 PM
Edited by esebulldog on Mon 11/22/10 10:47 PM
not much stuff. haven't figured out how to spend the inheritance money yet. and no self respecting hispanic would be caught dead in a ford. we drive chevy's

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