Topic: Sex Offender M2 Justice: Castration, LWP, Electric Chair?? | |
and sometimes it does a take your money,
but you get no coke. |
Block up the coin slot - problem solved.
what was the problem you solved.
Im having at least 8 kids. Maybe all with the same woaman. Maybe 8 kids with 8 different women.
No coke baby
the lack of coke is a problem?
I prefer Pepsi. Does that make me racist?
quite the racist.
the lack of coke is a problem? Well, using it as a metaphor, I thought that the lack of coke was what you wanted. |
i still don't know where you found a problem.
Im having at least 8 kids. Maybe all with the same woaman. Maybe 8 kids with 8 different women. That's a lot of child support if you 8 kids with 8 different womeen. |
Im having at least 8 kids. Maybe all with the same woaman. Maybe 8 kids with 8 different women. That's a lot of child support if you 8 kids with 8 different womeen. Already got it covered. |
![]() Oh, and if they're castrated after the first offense, would there be a second?? Unfortunately YES, actual case in southeastern state. Man convicted of sex crimes, asked to be casterated & judge agreed. A few years later, he is arrested again for rape. Castration had gven him medical problems, for which he was given testosteron (pardon spelling), which gave him the ability to rape again. BEST PART, all his meds were paid for by the STATE. Electrocution first & last offense. |
i don't have anything against males. i'm highly attracted to them actually. but this world needs to stop reproducing. It's the female who gives birth. Should they be 'patched' and leave the men alone. Ron |
Congress doesn't seem to have solved the renascent sex offender problem. Have you Googled lately to see how many of those folks live around your area? Try googling "sex offender registry" plus your zip code and you will see and be more cautious. What do you guys think should be done to a sex offender? My view? - send the fella for "internship" (i really mean internment) in Iran or Indonesia under a bilateral or tripartite agreement between the U.S. and those governments. Otherwise, first offense = castration with crude medical equipments; second offense = life without parole (LWP); third offense = the electric chair or firing squad. What's your take? Please do not participate if you are uncomfortable for any reason. Dude, there is a lot to this matter. There are a lot of crimes that get labeled as sex offenses that are BS. Here in Nevada if you are drunk(or not) and get caught peeing in a bush, BOOM! sex offender. If your in High School and are 18 or 19 (JR or Senior) and are with someone who is 16, BOOM Sex offender. There are a ton of other stupid things like that where they shouldn't be sex crimes. In most states Sex Offenders are labeled into four catagories no Tier assigned, Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. Tier 0 and 1 are the stupid ones that shouldn't even be considered. Their information is NOT on the internet and is only available to law enforcement IF they commit another crime. Tier 2 are ones who have a medium to high risk to re-offend (Usually no violence involved). Not allowed to live around schools. Life time registration and monitoring by P&P. Their information is also on the internet for people see see their picture, address and work address. Tier 3 are ones guaranteed to re-offend. THey are true predators and violent and have other violent crimes in their background. THey have to register for life with the state they live in. They have to check in weekly with P&P for the rest of their life and in some states have to wear a GPS. Also their picture is put all over the TV and newspaper telling people where he lives and works and is on the internet to find. |
To anser your question. Tier two's should get 25 to life, first offense. If they get out and re-commit then life without parole.
Tier 3 should get the Death Penalty. PERIOD. Even some Tier twos should get Life without on the first offense depending on the crime or even Death. Those people DO NOT change, get better or whatever else you wanna call it. They are wired wrong. |
![]() Oh, and if they're castrated after the first offense, would there be a second?? Yes, there are other ways to hurt women sexually. |
![]() Oh, and if they're castrated after the first offense, would there be a second?? Yes, there are other ways to hurt women sexually. |
![]() Oh, and if they're castrated after the first offense, would there be a second?? Yes, there are other ways to hurt women sexually. |