Topic: A God Question..of sorts
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Sat 06/30/07 12:52 AM

No, thank you. I realized after I re-read my post that it wasn't clear. If you hadn't pointed it out, it would have given people the wrong idea about what I believe.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Sat 06/30/07 12:59 AM
Glad it helped.

no photo
Sat 06/30/07 01:42 AM
I'd like to apologize for my rudeness in the first part of my first post in this thread. I was irritated, and allowed that to effect my manner of speaking. drinker

no photo
Sat 06/30/07 02:19 AM
Ja haben Sie Ihre Periode gehabt!!! laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 06/30/07 03:04 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Redykeulous's photo
Sat 06/30/07 05:53 AM
So we seem to be proving, over and over again, that Einstein was on to something with regards to universalism. Well, at least as far as humans go. It's incredible, don't you think, how many varying opinions there can be with regards to a scientific theory.
Especially those whose basis begins with certain proven facts. We can begin with those facts, and then ad hoc about what could, or might follow, and maybe one of the is right, maybe not and maybe we just haven't found some other part of the equation.

Scientist theorize and bicker just as we do, here in these threads. They banter about ideas, compare new information, and always, they forge ahead looking for the ultimate truth, the final equations that can not be denied. In the end humanity will follow, the majority being unable or uninterested enough to follow, and assimilate all the proof, they just accept.

If only religion and those whose 'theories' are taken so totally to heart, could be more like scientists, willing to continue the search, taking all sides of an argument into consideration. But Theology and science are "not the same thing". Fact and opinion will never meet eye to eye because they are "not the same thing".

Loved the conversation, have been dying to see just this theory discussed at some level. Thanks AB, Mass, Spider.

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 06/30/07 08:54 AM
God is the Alpha and the Omega.
The before and the after.
He always was, therefore always will be.
He is infinate.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 06/30/07 09:08 AM
Hi ya CCP.

To answer your question (I think you already know my answer anyways. But.) We created God in our own image. Period. So I guess you knew that anyways. (Sorry I couldn't give an example that a child could understand.) But basically we created a deity to give us hope or some sort of meaning to this who chaos of life. Read quotes by Timothy Larry's "Think for yourself".
You can googol that and find a whole host of his quotes like that.

Sorry I came into this a bit late. I haven't been here in a while due to computer issues.:(

Anyways hi and good to see your still active here and in the religion forums.

Take care.


no photo
Sat 06/30/07 12:56 PM
Du weiss du liebst mich! :tongue:

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 06/30/07 05:51 PM

Didn't Eistien therory take a back seat to the therory of random atoms (i believe and remember i am sure you do) which Einstien hated.Yet wht do we have here a therory. Like cool hand luke. You may know where this break through went in 2001 several MIT professors stopped light in a vaccuum and then sped it up again at the rate they wanted. like turning your tv sound up. Where is that Technology now? shalom.. Miles

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 06/30/07 06:11 PM
I'm so sad seeing too many misleading comments

no photo
Sat 06/30/07 06:44 PM
Cherub, everything clear now?laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 07/02/07 09:12 PM
We will learn the answers to all things in due time. To know the answer to such does not help us to obtain what we need to obtain for this time in our existance. Those things understandable do them first, it will take you a lifetime. Then you will be given more understanding when you are able. All things in due time.

kidatheart70's photo
Mon 07/02/07 09:15 PM
You're absolutely right Len.

no photo
Mon 07/02/07 09:21 PM
Thank You! Like the car.

Eljay's photo
Mon 07/02/07 11:58 PM
Ghost wrote:
"We created God in our own image. Period."

On one hand - I'd have to agree with you, because most people's idea of God is what they want him to be - not what he is. However, having done that does not disprove that God is, was and always will be - just that the many perceptions of Him are what does not exist. Are you actually saying that because people have created their own God - that the one true God therefore does not exist because of the fallacies of many?


no photo
Tue 07/03/07 05:46 AM
God created man in their image and in return man created God in their image.

God gave no dought to those of old and still they bowed to their own will. Those of later times that believe God and believe he is have a greater faith. God wants us to believe him by faith and man wants to believe him and in him by proof.

If mankind had proof, then from fear, they would obey to save themselves from Hell. God wants those that choose from love and righteous desire to be his children. Those that have the fear removed after salvation will return to their own ways. That leaves us with confusion and a return to our destroying the world and ourselves another time. No peace shall ever come.

This was the situation with the falling of Lucifer and a third of the angels. What man wants is proof and proof destroys the plan for salvation by a returning to rebellion as before.

HillFolk's photo
Tue 07/03/07 06:14 AM
Some natives call it the great spirit. I thought the Voyager take was interesting on Star Trek. The android kept talking about what Vger wanted. I thought the flowing hair was awesome between the android and the human.

MicheleNC's photo
Tue 07/03/07 01:55 PM
Ahh, Poet, it all comes down to faith.

ezguy's photo
Tue 07/03/07 04:50 PM
Two good books:
Gary Renard wrote a book called 'The Disappearing Universe'.
He says God didn't create this universe, we did at the thought of seperation from God. Something to do with 'all is one' and a way to reconcile our guilt of thinking we aren't one with God.
Echardt Tolle's book 'The Power of Now' made me realize that
eternity is no time. As opposed to infinity being all-time.
Anyhows, I'd agree with Michele, it all comes down to faith.