Topic: Preferences
fireflysgirl's photo
Thu 11/04/10 05:47 PM
I wanna Indian Outlaw! haha-love that song laugh

LoveAlina's photo
Thu 11/04/10 05:56 PM

I love glasses on women. Big boobs are a plus, but eh...small ones will suffice. :wink:

You are hilarious..laugh

Blaze1978's photo
Thu 11/04/10 06:31 PM
Piercings and perfume are major turnoffs...sick

no photo
Thu 11/04/10 06:37 PM
I think as far as looks preferences change. Personality wise I think it depends on the individual. Preferences are more a guideline I think, sense of humor, doesn't take themselves or life too seriously. Can see the forest and the trees.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 11/04/10 06:44 PM

I think as far as looks preferences change. Personality wise I think it depends on the individual. Preferences are more a guideline I think, sense of humor, doesn't take themselves or life too seriously. Can see the forest and the trees.

I run into trees laugh

metalwing's photo
Thu 11/04/10 06:45 PM
I like women who like to eat!

newarkjw's photo
Thu 11/04/10 06:46 PM

I think as far as looks preferences change. Personality wise I think it depends on the individual. Preferences are more a guideline I think, sense of humor, doesn't take themselves or life too seriously. Can see the forest and the trees.

I run into trees laugh

Why am I not suprised........smokin

Lilypetal's photo
Thu 11/04/10 06:52 PM
Initial attraction for me is a smile or the look in his eyes or a witty comment. I've never had a "type" other than being clean cut. However, 90% of the men I have had serious relationships with have been left handed. I don't think it is something I choose. But considering only 8% of the population is left handed...

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 11/04/10 06:55 PM

Why am I not suprised........smokin

ummm excuse me Mister man.....the trees jumped out at me laugh

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 11/04/10 06:55 PM

I like women who like to eat!

eat what??? oh never mind laugh

metalwing's photo
Thu 11/04/10 06:57 PM

I like women who like to eat!

eat what??? oh never mind laugh

A mind (or a BBQ rib) is a terrible thing to waste!

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 11/04/10 06:58 PM
drool ribs drool

metalwing's photo
Thu 11/04/10 07:01 PM

drool ribs drool

drool Kim's ribs! drool

flawlessmeans's photo
Thu 11/04/10 07:02 PM

I want a red headed mountain man now laugh

I have a friend that fits this description who is at the moment single.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 11/04/10 07:07 PM

I want a red headed mountain man now laugh

I have a friend that fits this description who is at the moment single.

oh really????? hmmmmmm is he a sexy red head mountain man? I kinda like the scruffy look drool

Leave my ribs alone Joe :laughing:

flawlessmeans's photo
Thu 11/04/10 07:18 PM
who said my name was Joe? and yes he is scruffy but in a wird cut way at least thats what our mutual female friend says about him.

flawlessmeans's photo
Thu 11/04/10 07:19 PM
Ahhh what about ribs???what

flawlessmeans's photo
Thu 11/04/10 07:20 PM
Oh kims ribs never had em.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 11/04/10 07:20 PM

who said my name was Joe? and yes he is scruffy but in a wird cut way at least thats what our mutual female friend says about him.

laugh sorry...the Joe comment was for metalwing whose name is Joe.

sooooooooooooooo your friend is a mountain man huh?

And no ribs!laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 11/04/10 07:35 PM

Why am I not suprised........smokin

ummm excuse me Mister man.....the trees jumped out at me laugh

Go figure he is the one that runs into light post or was that telephone post he favors :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: