Topic: Things you believe as a kid | |
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Wed 11/03/10 10:12 PM
plants would grow from inside of you if you swallowed seeds. +1 always made me nervous when i swallowed watermellon seeds |
i used to think the music playing on the radio was being played by the actual bands live in the studio and during the commercial breaks they would bring in the new bands.
The boogey man, especially in the basement, scared the heck out of me, now I think if he wants to come out and play
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same here with the seed thing and when people kissed and used their tongues thats how babies were made
With the short amount of replies, I can already see that brothers are total azzzholes!!! ![]() if you only knew what me and my brother used to do when my sister had her friends to stay over ![]() ![]() |
When I was maybe 7, all of us kids from the neighborhood were outside playing. (I know, weird huh?) Well anyway, there we were playing and my friends’ older sister started freaking out, screaming and crying, then she ran home calling for her mother. She was wearing a bathing suit and we could see that she was bleeding….one of the other girls told us that had gotten her first period and was just scared. My friend looks over to me and says “I don’t blame her; my dad is going to kill her for getting pregnant.” …yes we actually did think that having your period meant that you “were” pregnant. what things did you believe as a kid, that later turned out to be untrue? The boogey aunts had me fearing all sorts of things......but then again I now have a healthy fear of human beings more than anything imagined today..... |
When I was really young my older sister told me that if I don't love bears then one would visit me while I'm sleeping and tear me to shreds.
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That I would always have summers off.
The biggest disappointment in becoming an adult. ![]() |
lol these are funny..
my mom told me if i swallowed my gum i would plug up my bottom and eventually explode from within ![]() |
In Kindergarten, I was forced into the dentist's chair during school hours. They wanted to do some work because my earliest permanent teeth already had cavities. This was back in the dark ages, when dentists were still allowed to come into schools and torture kids as they saw fit.
I remember sitting in that dentist chair, I felt terror as I had never had before in my life. Then the dentist turned on the little drill, and I started shreiking...she tried to be reassuring by stating, "he'll survive." I had never heard that word before, and even in the throes of mad panic, I vividly recall pondering what it meant. My ultimate conclusion was that survive must mean the opposite of what it does. The notion that my existence was about to end at such a young age made me further uncooperative. Looking back, what I find most startling is that, I, who had just turned five and had barely developed a semantic memory, had any sort of idea what death was...but then I was always a timid, worried little tyke. |
Whenever I went to the barber in my young, young days, I was terrified of the shaver. I remember thinking that the old man who cut my hair had somehow trapped a hive of bees in the device, and I pictured their little stingers projecting through an apparatus of some sort and stinging me.
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plants would grow from inside of you if you swallowed seeds. +1 always made me nervous when i swallowed watermellon seeds Me too ![]() |
I believed life would always be perfect what a rude awakening that was........
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i used to think the music playing on the radio was being played by the actual bands live in the studio and during the commercial breaks they would bring in the new bands. I forgot I use to believe that too! ![]() Now you have me thinking... ![]() ![]() |
I use to believe in the tooth fairy but she always seemed to short change me
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i used to think the music playing on the radio was being played by the actual bands live in the studio and during the commercial breaks they would bring in the new bands. I forgot I use to believe that too! ![]() Now you have me thinking... ![]() ![]() In the early days of radio everything was live. At one time, this was a true story! ![]() |
I used to think my parents were "grown up" and someday, when I got to be their age, I'd be "grown up" too. Turns out I'm not. I suspect they weren't either.
Its not so much that I believed silly things when I was a kid, its more that I took most things literally. There are a lot of things which, if taken literally, are obviously stupid - like many idiomatic expressions. I couldn't figure out why adults appeared to believe these things, and it was a long time before I realized that adults simply spoke in an illogical manner, and their words didn't reflect their beliefs.
Why do people talking about waiting for cows to come home? Of course he isn't older than dirt - why say it? Why do people tell each other to break a leg? Thats not nice. Were some people so confused as to believe they had butterflies in their stomeache? |
Oh, I just thought of something. I heard about how carrier pigeons were used to deliver messages, and I wondered if the whole "storks bring babies" thing might be related to using storks as a kind of postal service for heavier, important things. But I couldn't get why anyone would trust a stork with a fragile human life.