Topic: From the beautiful soul of a friend | |
"The main feature of a friend is its ability to disappoint." Pierre Desproges.
Having the head uppercuted, opening up the lips to be the taste of blood, break the nose against all doors of the universe. Agree. Having the hoses out of the stomach, felt the claws of vultures arisen to their highest, suppress nausea to vomit of grief. Agree. Having the heart scratched, swallow the broken glass of most major disappointments, to piss fluid and howl in a desert without echo. Agree Monitor constantly the end of the horizon and the massive herds which arise from it. Agree. Being prepared to the assailance of the rain who fall from heaven as rocks to maim. Agree. Digest the blades abruptly cropped from the earth for we tear up the way. Agree. Learn how the attacks of in the shade can be violent when they crush you by rear. Agree. Agree to all fires, all hell and all the tests. Agree to always recover, the more quickly as possible and the better. Agree to smile again and really, to continue advancing, ignore the fear and not let the courage trickles among the pavement. But die by hands and mouths that were so beloved no thank you. Feel the venom in the eyes known by heart flying... No thank you. Test the empty at present even where stretched the hand in balance won... No thank you. |