Topic: Jesse Ventura statements with Joy Behar......
msharmony's photo
Fri 10/15/10 10:33 AM

Its all about money!! If the lure of easy money was not there, nobody would even run for public office. But the incentives that the people have put forth for them, are too much of a temptation for them to resist.

Along with the big money comes corruption and evildoings.
this is all too true the fact that you have to have money to run or be connected to big business means we will never have a canidate that truly represents the average citizen and this must be changed to get out from under the never ending loop of the two party system

good point, BUT, how do we change that....

should people not be paid for their time and effort even in a job of 'civil servant'?

would people take the job and all the scrutiny and public nitpicking at their histories and reputations and their acquaintances and friends if they didnt have some SUBSTANTIAL incentive?

after all, that time they are investing in the job of civil servant , SOMEONE still has to be earning a living for their household,,,

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 10:48 AM

Its all about money!! If the lure of easy money was not there, nobody would even run for public office. But the incentives that the people have put forth for them, are too much of a temptation for them to resist.

Along with the big money comes corruption and evildoings.
this is all too true the fact that you have to have money to run or be connected to big business means we will never have a canidate that truly represents the average citizen and this must be changed to get out from under the never ending loop of the two party system

good point, BUT, how do we change that....

should people not be paid for their time and effort even in a job of 'civil servant'?

would people take the job and all the scrutiny and public nitpicking at their histories and reputations and their acquaintances and friends if they didnt have some SUBSTANTIAL incentive?

after all, that time they are investing in the job of civil servant , SOMEONE still has to be earning a living for their household,,,

oh no im not saying at all that they shouldnt be paid just that the fact that it takes millions and millions of dollars to run automatically disqualifies 98 pct of the population from running i.e.average joe i.e. someone who would TRULY represent us. and if i knew the answer to that prob i sure as hell wouldnt be talkin about it here! id be on Larry King or somethin! lol

s1owhand's photo
Fri 10/15/10 10:53 AM

Seakolony's photo
Fri 10/15/10 10:59 AM

Its all about money!! If the lure of easy money was not there, nobody would even run for public office. But the incentives that the people have put forth for them, are too much of a temptation for them to resist.

Along with the big money comes corruption and evildoings.
this is all too true the fact that you have to have money to run or be connected to big business means we will never have a canidate that truly represents the average citizen and this must be changed to get out from under the never ending loop of the two party system

good point, BUT, how do we change that....

should people not be paid for their time and effort even in a job of 'civil servant'?

would people take the job and all the scrutiny and public nitpicking at their histories and reputations and their acquaintances and friends if they didnt have some SUBSTANTIAL incentive?

after all, that time they are investing in the job of civil servant , SOMEONE still has to be earning a living for their household,,,

oh no im not saying at all that they shouldnt be paid just that the fact that it takes millions and millions of dollars to run automatically disqualifies 98 pct of the population from running i.e.average joe i.e. someone who would TRULY represent us. and if i knew the answer to that prob i sure as hell wouldnt be talkin about it here! id be on Larry King or somethin! lol

Then web pages are the way to go pop ups we all hate so much there are ways to run a cheaper campaign with ingenuity......nowadays........

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 11:07 AM
thats a very good point

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 11:12 AM
also,and this is a general statement not pointing fingers,how do we ever create any change if we spend half our time calling each other left wing nutjobs and right wing extremists? seems like that plays right into the hands of the two party proponents...

msharmony's photo
Fri 10/15/10 11:14 AM

also,and this is a general statement not pointing fingers,how do we ever create any change if we spend half our time calling each other left wing nutjobs and right wing extremists? seems like that plays right into the hands of the two party proponents...

I hate the political labels too,,,especially when used in insulting context,,,

incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 11:31 AM

also,and this is a general statement not pointing fingers,how do we ever create any change if we spend half our time calling each other left wing nutjobs and right wing extremists? seems like that plays right into the hands of the two party proponents...

I hate the political labels too,,,especially when used in insulting context,,,
i think the labels are purposely propogated by people on both sides of center to keep us fighting with each other instead of paying attention to issues

davidben1's photo
Fri 10/15/10 11:31 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Fri 10/15/10 11:42 AM
every post here is true!

but, can TWO things be true at the same time?


50,000 thousand things can be true at the same time.

but the prevailing method of human reasoning has come to be almost unanimously, that "one" truth, the self truth, and whomever agree with this, BE THE ONLY TRUE, or the only VALID, or the only thing of VALUE, such practiced to such an exteme, that EXTREME ENERGY flow with it, the extreme energy but to DEFEND self's belief, self insight, and of course, any that SEE the same, called "the self group", and so then ALL THE "SELF GROUPS", OPPOSE WITH ALL VIGOR AND MALICE, the opposing, which are HOW MANY?

in a melting pot of diveristy, CAN THEY EVEN BE COUNTED?


this can be witnessed within the two parties to such an advanced degree each day...

and indeed, is overwhelmingly ALIVE in the peoples that support either party...

and indeed, is overwhelmingly ALIVE in the peoples behind any third party...

and indeed, is alive in the peoples whom see none of the above as viable...

so, a stalemate...

the largest POWER, of any SELF GROUP, SHALL WIN.

in short, the saddest condition of any civilized society, society itself created, by beliving most in itself, so then SELF GROUP, so now none in society believe in ALL, which be the only thing that could KEEP OR EVEN CREATE UNITY OR PEACE FOR ALL, and only believe now in some, and then only a few, and now, some not even in a few...


each but wanting it's own GROUP TO SUCCEED, none seeing the greatest value be in the group outside of self group, or there would be none to DEFEND, SELL TO, FIGHT WITH, BUY FROM, TRY TO CHANGE, LOL...

but then what be wrong with change, for change is "becoming more" is it not?

all outside of the self group are suspect, the big red rubber stamp in each brain, slamming down for each human it see march before it's eye's, with either ignorant, stupid, irrelevant, not on topic, ridiculous, conspiracy, hater, bigot, racist, whore, bastard, unpatriotic, communnist, socialist, marxist, leftist, rightest...

each mortal making use of the infinity possible definition's human's themself made up, to discount the validity, so in the brain itself, the VALUE of all other's, each day the minnimized value of each other human outside the "SELF GROUP" coming to be LESS THAN, and in doing this, THE SELF GROUP OF ALL, gets smaller, and smaller, and smaller EACH DAY, until, wa lah, what we have now...

human civilization be like a tree, with all peoples as the leaves, so to create change for the entire tree, which be the only solution when all leaves have turned brown with self group agenda most, then one cannot treat each leaf with insecticide to bring THE TREE back to health, but rather treat the roots of the entire tree, the root being the "thinking process of misguided self agenda motivation"

if the SUPERIORTY THINKING of the self group CONTINUES TO INCREASE, well, then we have million's upon billion's believing the only "good" is "an exact copy of themself", or self group...

why are such things written?

for the every essence of change, is but to recognize the very first "motive" of the human self, that create all other things into existence?

looking for another that "feel exactely as itself", from the governing body to the poorest and feeble...

for to expand the brain, the mind, the intellect, the freedom of spirit, the love of life, is but to seek to embrace and find value in WHAT IS OPPOSITE OF SELF.

which of course, is what all the derrog lables are used to STOP.

because it is believed, that the "right" of each human, be to have what it wants for ITSELF, and it's SELF GROUP, if of course there be any left over after the "singular self interest" has taken it's share...

the question then asked, how to reform a broken beacon of light and freedom that has become a sucking black hole of self seeking interest.

can't do it.


self pain is the only thing that human's heed, to create change for the self.

take away a loved one, then see how much they see they did not REALLY value them, except for the feelings that self got from them for ITSELF...

so, what solution could there be...

leave them alone and destitude and in solitude, and only then do they see how much they took for granted, so much so, that they stood on hilltop's and screamed like children when they did not get what they wanted for themself...

and some even wanted others "eliminated" if they were the one not giving to self what it wanted, or took from self what it believe's be it's "RIGHT"...

so, since "pain" be the only thing that wakes up the innner person, to what be really most valuable, self pain the only thing capable of getting a person to stare at others more than itself, WHO, i say who, that cares, wishes to dose out pain unto another?

each one, each self group, but wants their own feelings protected at all cost?

it has come, that if one say they don't want a relationship, they are the evil...

it has come that if another does not want to do the same thing as self, they are the evil, the unloving, the cruel, the none carer OF SELF, lol...


this is the mentality of an entire world...

for each self group be but valuing itself, so then but seeking PROOF OF IT'S OWN VALUE.

no proof given can be ennough to fee a black hole, as it collapes in on itself, each thing given just creating a larger black hole...

black hole son...

is it thought, that the MAJORITY in an entire world, can come to think and believe as such, and the collective energy of such not cast the entire globe into catastrophic figting, for how the little individual feels about "many others in distian", so do the BIG PEOPLE, WITH THE BIG GUNS, AND BIG ARMIES, AND BIG POWER...

but the little people, so busy DISLIKING other's themself, they cant see what shall happen IF the BIG PEOPLE hate the same...

and since all human energy is accumulative and collective, THEN SUCH SHALL ONLY INCREASE.

SOMEONE WOULD HAVE TO CONVINCE THE ENTIRE WORLD TO GIVE UP HATE, REDUCING HATE TO BUT MEAN DISTAIN, DISTAIN REDUCED TO BUT DISLIKE, for none will admit they hate, and practically none they dislike, and that SUCH IS NOT GOOD for self, or any other, and soon creates the abyss for all.



fortunatley, they are all just people, and if you can be convicned what the devastion of SELF BIAS can do, so to can they, for there really is NOT ANY "THEY" IN THE WORLD...

for indeed, any THEY would FIRST have to be disolved in the human brains of mortal's, for any reversal of what man itself hath created...

but, why, hardly a one will admit they hate at all, justifing it with the infinity derrogatory labels human's made up themself, lol...

the people of the world have been so taught that all THINGS ARE MORE SUPERIOR THAN THEMSELF, most WHAT BE IN POWER, that they sit and pray to a god in the sky, and say have faith, when the "god" in the sky look's down and sayeth, then have faith in your fellow man, and go and figure out a solution for ALL, not just yourself, now get the **** outta here little minion, lol...

self is superior and all other's are equally superior, or there is first created self bias, so what superior then exist, as two superior's cancel out superior?

free speech...

yea right, but no one EMBRACES the speech of anything except what speaks or then thinks like itself, lol...

for the sum of humaninty has come to but disprove anything and everything heard as wrong, thinking and believing this create greater self intelligence, when indeed, such indicate an entirely closed mind.

the very first essence of an open mind, is to prove the words of other's as true, resisting the natural urge to but seek to disprove, to allow onself to be right, for if any can disprove, it can as well seek to prove as true.

words of people are as many staring at a portrait, EACH VIEW SEEN SO SPOKEN IS A TRUE REALITY.

for the goal, of course, to unite a nation and world divided to the point of it's own demise, self blinded by staring at the self group mentality, for remember, if the BIG PEOPLE IN POWER, feel distain and dislike just as you do, than BIG RUSSIA AND CHINA FEEL THE SAME?

if the people can at first come to be taught, SO BELIEVE, that GOVERNMENT IS SUPERIOR IN INTELLECT than the people, the peoples governed hath already lost all freedom, and become slaves.

just one cent....

and each cent is added, not subtracted, to create the greatest value for all.

6.9 billion things can be true at the same time.

not knowing that such be true, is why the divide amoungt becomes larger each day.


incidius's photo
Fri 10/15/10 11:53 AM
all i can say is youre fckin deep man

davidben1's photo
Fri 10/15/10 12:40 PM
in a world where shallow group interest threatens to annililate a place for each one's beloved children to run and play harmfree, void of all love for any life but self, only words deep enough to pluck the very heart out of the human body for recesitation shall survive.

for deep is but to truly care for something beside's oneself.

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 10/15/10 12:46 PM
Jesse is his own man for sure this is what he says about 911...........

AUSTIN, Texas, April 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- According to an appearance on the Alex Jones Show, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura blasted the official 9/11 story - citing that evidence disproves the government's claims that jet fuel melted the Twin Towers' steel girders.

"How could those buildings fall at the speed of gravity - if you put a stopwatch on them both of those World Trade Center buildings were on the ground in ten seconds - how can that be?" asked Ventura. "Never before in the annals of history has a fire caused a steel structure building to fall to the ground like these two did."

Ventura said he was convinced the collapses of the towers and WTC Building 7 were too similar to the controlled demolition of Las Vegas hotels. Ventura has experience with explosives from Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL training and believes unequivocally the buildings were deliberately imploded.

"I was on the site within two weeks after it happened and I saw none of these pancakes - wouldn't they all be piled up in a huge mass on the ground and yet everything was blown into dust - when you look at it from that aspect none of it makes any sense," Ventura told the Alex Jones Show.

Ventura expressed regret that he had initially believed the official story because he could have used his power as governor to raise pointed questions in the media.

"I kicked myself when it initially happened that the light didn't go off but I was so shocked that this thing had even taken place that I apologize for not being more aware," said Ventura, adding that watching Loose Change at the insistence of his son was part of the catalyst for his wake up call.

The Governor's bold comments about 9/11 come on the heels of similar views expressed by American icon Willie Nelson during an interview on the same radio show in February.

Former Governor Jesse Ventura: WTC Collapse A Controlled Demolition

VIDEO: Fmr. Gov. Jesse Ventura on the Alex Jones Show

Mockingbird Publishers Turned Down Best Seller Jesse Ventura's Book

Jesse Ventura Warns of Obama Assassination Attempt

All trademarks acknowledged.

NEWS SOURCE: The Alex Jones Show

Seakolony's photo
Fri 10/15/10 12:55 PM

Jesse is his own man for sure this is what he says about 911...........

AUSTIN, Texas, April 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- According to an appearance on the Alex Jones Show, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura blasted the official 9/11 story - citing that evidence disproves the government's claims that jet fuel melted the Twin Towers' steel girders.

"How could those buildings fall at the speed of gravity - if you put a stopwatch on them both of those World Trade Center buildings were on the ground in ten seconds - how can that be?" asked Ventura. "Never before in the annals of history has a fire caused a steel structure building to fall to the ground like these two did."

Ventura said he was convinced the collapses of the towers and WTC Building 7 were too similar to the controlled demolition of Las Vegas hotels. Ventura has experience with explosives from Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL training and believes unequivocally the buildings were deliberately imploded.

"I was on the site within two weeks after it happened and I saw none of these pancakes - wouldn't they all be piled up in a huge mass on the ground and yet everything was blown into dust - when you look at it from that aspect none of it makes any sense," Ventura told the Alex Jones Show.

Ventura expressed regret that he had initially believed the official story because he could have used his power as governor to raise pointed questions in the media.

"I kicked myself when it initially happened that the light didn't go off but I was so shocked that this thing had even taken place that I apologize for not being more aware," said Ventura, adding that watching Loose Change at the insistence of his son was part of the catalyst for his wake up call.

The Governor's bold comments about 9/11 come on the heels of similar views expressed by American icon Willie Nelson during an interview on the same radio show in February.

Former Governor Jesse Ventura: WTC Collapse A Controlled Demolition

VIDEO: Fmr. Gov. Jesse Ventura on the Alex Jones Show

Mockingbird Publishers Turned Down Best Seller Jesse Ventura's Book

Jesse Ventura Warns of Obama Assassination Attempt

All trademarks acknowledged.

NEWS SOURCE: The Alex Jones Show

Please stick to the OP...........this has nothing to do with this thread at all.............And obviously I am in opposition to this conspiracy theory.......and the OP is about political corruption and divsion of the US and using 9/11 could be considered a tool of politics used to divide and seperate..........focus on getting corruption and politicians out our government and maybe we wouldnt have to worry about conspiracies or theories of........

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 10/15/10 01:05 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Fri 10/15/10 01:11 PM

Jesse is his own man for sure this is what he says about 911...........

AUSTIN, Texas, April 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- According to an appearance on the Alex Jones Show, former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura blasted the official 9/11 story - citing that evidence disproves the government's claims that jet fuel melted the Twin Towers' steel girders.

"How could those buildings fall at the speed of gravity - if you put a stopwatch on them both of those World Trade Center buildings were on the ground in ten seconds - how can that be?" asked Ventura. "Never before in the annals of history has a fire caused a steel structure building to fall to the ground like these two did."

Ventura said he was convinced the collapses of the towers and WTC Building 7 were too similar to the controlled demolition of Las Vegas hotels. Ventura has experience with explosives from Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL training and believes unequivocally the buildings were deliberately imploded.

"I was on the site within two weeks after it happened and I saw none of these pancakes - wouldn't they all be piled up in a huge mass on the ground and yet everything was blown into dust - when you look at it from that aspect none of it makes any sense," Ventura told the Alex Jones Show.

Ventura expressed regret that he had initially believed the official story because he could have used his power as governor to raise pointed questions in the media.

"I kicked myself when it initially happened that the light didn't go off but I was so shocked that this thing had even taken place that I apologize for not being more aware," said Ventura, adding that watching Loose Change at the insistence of his son was part of the catalyst for his wake up call.

The Governor's bold comments about 9/11 come on the heels of similar views expressed by American icon Willie Nelson during an interview on the same radio show in February.

Former Governor Jesse Ventura: WTC Collapse A Controlled Demolition

VIDEO: Fmr. Gov. Jesse Ventura on the Alex Jones Show

Mockingbird Publishers Turned Down Best Seller Jesse Ventura's Book

Jesse Ventura Warns of Obama Assassination Attempt

All trademarks acknowledged.

NEWS SOURCE: The Alex Jones Show

Please stick to the OP...........this has nothing to do with this thread at all.............And obviously I am in opposition to this conspiracy theory.......and the OP is about political corruption and divsion of the US and using 9/11 could be considered a tool of politics used to divide and seperate..........focus on getting corruption and politicians out our government and maybe we wouldnt have to worry about conspiracies or theories of........
Sorry didnt think it was all that off topic just agreeing with another poster and agreeing that he is his own man. One would think it unwise to cherry pic a mans opinions and ignore his other opinions. I think it was yesterday when I saw A title about Jesse and he was complaining about how the Huffington Post censored his 911 views. I honestly thought when I chose to view this thread that was what it was about since Jesses rant against the Huffington Post was his most rescent event. My bad and my humblest appologies.

davidben1's photo
Fri 10/15/10 01:07 PM
with all due respect seakolony...

yes, it is known that bestinshow's pet project is 9/11, but then do not all having their own passion for justice, all seeing some sorruption here, and some there, for all are eye's viewing the planet, and those that care, each are touched by the corruption itself see...

so, all these eye's as joined, doth promote the largest justice?

the topic indeed was begun with words of "jessie"...

and concerned "corruption"?

shall all discount, and deem it's own eye the "decider" of "real corruption"...

can it be so, that million's whom sceam from the rooftops, foul play, that such should not even be considered in ANY FREE SOCIETY?

does not America first stand for "all voices" as having equal good valid reason for their concern?

just one cent

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 10/15/10 01:14 PM
Edited by Bestinshow on Fri 10/15/10 01:17 PM

with all due respect seakolony...

yes, it is known that bestinshow's pet project is 9/11, but then do not all having their own passion for justice, all seeing some sorruption here, and some there, for all are eye's viewing the planet, and those that care, each are touched by the corruption itself see...

so, all these eye's as joined, doth promote the largest justice?

the topic indeed was begun with words of "jessie"...

and concerned "corruption"?

shall all discount, and deem it's own eye the "decider" of "real corruption"...

can it be so, that million's whom sceam from the rooftops, foul play, that such should not even be considered in ANY FREE SOCIETY?

does not America first stand for "all voices" as having equal good valid reason for their concern?

just one cent
Thanks davidben. I wasnt trying to draw it off topic just adding a little more meat to the broth. In many circles it is well known that one of the biggest critics of the official version of 911 is Jesse Ventura.

Seakolony's photo
Fri 10/15/10 01:32 PM
Edited by Seakolony on Fri 10/15/10 01:36 PM
So th

with all due respect seakolony...

yes, it is known that bestinshow's pet project is 9/11, but then do not all having their own passion for justice, all seeing some sorruption here, and some there, for all are eye's viewing the planet, and those that care, each are touched by the corruption itself see...

so, all these eye's as joined, doth promote the largest justice?

the topic indeed was begun with words of "jessie"...

and concerned "corruption"?

shall all discount, and deem it's own eye the "decider" of "real corruption"...

can it be so, that million's whom sceam from the rooftops, foul play, that such should not even be considered in ANY FREE SOCIETY?

does not America first stand for "all voices" as having equal good valid reason for their concern?

just one cent

I get your point but was trying to focus on corruption and back room deals dividing the country without bringing specific incidences, conspiracies or conspiracy theories and maintain one focus of governmental corruption and how to change trying to bring both sides together in one focus......

Seakolony's photo
Fri 10/15/10 01:32 PM
Edited by Seakolony on Fri 10/15/10 01:39 PM
Oops dbl post

Bestinshow's photo
Fri 10/15/10 01:44 PM

So th

with all due respect seakolony...

yes, it is known that bestinshow's pet project is 9/11, but then do not all having their own passion for justice, all seeing some sorruption here, and some there, for all are eye's viewing the planet, and those that care, each are touched by the corruption itself see...

so, all these eye's as joined, doth promote the largest justice?

the topic indeed was begun with words of "jessie"...

and concerned "corruption"?

shall all discount, and deem it's own eye the "decider" of "real corruption"...

can it be so, that million's whom sceam from the rooftops, foul play, that such should not even be considered in ANY FREE SOCIETY?

does not America first stand for "all voices" as having equal good valid reason for their concern?

just one cent

I get your point but was trying to focus on corruption and back room deals dividing the country without bringing specific incidences, conspiracies or conspiracy theories and maintain one focus of governmental corruption and how to change trying to bring both sides together in one focus......
I do agree with you on this. Realy we only have one party in this country its the business party. Both dems and republicans are branches of it. Not realy a dimes worth of differance between the two. I voted for Obama and the dems in hopes that they had enough sence to get out of Iraq dig the evidence and find that smokeing gun to prosecute Bush and Cheney for war crimes. Its fairly obviouse that the reasons for that war are contrived and its a war crime, pretty basic stuff. So rather than forever put the republicans into the dust bin of history they ignored it and continue to pursue the course. quid pro quo

davidben1's photo
Fri 10/15/10 01:53 PM
no thanks needed...

my post was about what i believe the op really wants, the divide in society solved.

common purpose of the ALL the peoples moved forward, not just of some.

it seems the thread itself was most about solutions to corruption.

can any corruption be solved, unless that which be corrupt become FIRST willing to admit corruption be true?

how else would not the same occur again?

it seems if there ever was any solution actually possible, taking into account the large spread of corruption, it would have to be a joining of the peoples outside of the government itself, ALL and collectively agreeing to grant immunity to all guilty parties within the current system, in exchange for them extracting themself from all politics, lol...

and how could this ever occur?

any joining of ANY peoples, even daring to propose such would be immediately met with extreme resistence, for it has to be realized, that power IS FIGHTING FOR IT'S VERY EXISTENCE, it's very life, and the lifestyle it has so become accustomed to?

for itself, it's wife, it's children, it's friends...


these are EXTREME motivator's within the human self...

could any be compelled to "give them up for the "common good"...

it is highly doubtful...

for one would have to actually be able to take the anger of losing such from one's own wife, and children, and friends?

please, i know of few with such strength...

to have not one thing wanted from another human for oneself, would be what it would take, for any...

but, then indeed, those with the most inclination ever to do as such, would be the most extreme wealthy, as these have had ALL, and anything, at their disposal, and so having run the course of human want, come to be in the end, the most to see human sufferage and harm unto other's with the greatest insight and caring...

what about "lettermen's" rant about all the food show's, while 50 million in the world starve...

there would have to be a collecting of these type minds, selected from all around the world, one's such as ben stein, and brad pitt, and bono, and chris cornell, lettermen, perhaps oprah, Obama, yea, i think he cares, elton john, richard branson, paul mccartney, bill gates, ellen degenerous, john fogerty, warren buffet, hugo chavez, yea, he cares, and there is indeed a host of others, and all these would all have to gather together collectively, pool all collective finances, and create a new, better, more equal, system of ccivilization, for it could be no longer a "system of america", for we are global, so it would have to be a global system, just as many of the commoner's are against, but then these only seek the welfare of America, and indeed, America is dependent on the rest of the world, and has been for longer than most have been alive...

and so, those that believe the "bad" people, want to rule the world, so ruling the world is "bad", cannot see that "good" people are all over the world, who need representation as well, and are just as equal in value to any other mortal alive...

or the people stand back and allow the "power system" to implode upon itself, as it eventually has to, for that which hath lack of integrity, joined togteher, will turn on each other in due time.

just has been witnessed all down thru time, and most since the Obama admin.

I am 1000% pro Obama, but then i am pro all people, enough to know that to get them to admit their wrong, creates them into the true person they really are, the spirit America was founded upon, and the same spirit of the world that shall have to be created, if the peoples of the world shall survive their own self group interest run amock, each brain so thinking itself be the supreme authority of good intellect and insight...

it cannot be missed, that the fear of being found out, if one is indeed guilty of large crimes effecting harm unto many, in time has a way of reducing the rational thought process, of one and of all involved, until the irrational thought and action actually expose the guilt.

just one cent