Topic: Identity - I am a(n)...American ??? | |
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Wed 10/13/10 07:11 PM
I agree! That whole line of "Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses," was a French Contribution and has affected our immigration standards a lot. The constitution didn't say we had to let just anybody in.
But does the phrase “Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses” have anything to do with AMERICAN – Constitutional VALUES? The thing is 'Poor' is a way of thinking. Welfare promotes the idea that people cannot do for themselves. Look at poor neighborhoods. Just because it looks run down does not mean it also has to be a filthy trash ridden dump of human habitation. Want to stop taggers, make them clean up their own mess. Want to deal with crime? Let people defend themselves. otherwise "Poor" people will victimize themselves and each other. The proof is in the crime statistics.
And what VALUES do the opinions above represent – personal or American and please connect that value to the SHARED set of values represented in the Constitution. Politicians feed on the chaos they create to justify their existence. It is so bad even Obama openly and Bold Faced lies to us constantly! They need to suffer for their actions and lies like the rest of us. Our two party system is a two way sell out of everyone caught in between. These idiots are over educated sh** heads who make being an American embarrassing!
We would be better off being run by Chimpanzees flinging poo at each other! What we have now is almost the same thing! The problem within the question is that there is what the Constitution says in clear words vs. how people want to bend its interpretation. So tell me – do you thing that the one most cherished SHARED VALUE of Americans is Freedom of speech? An Anti- Gun (whackjob) Liberal will say the Second Amendment is dated and times are different yet the founding Fathers clearly wrote that our right to bear arms was unimpeachable and unchallengeable and why, To protect ourselves from all enemies foreign and domestic. Now tell an Alaskan they cannot carry a side arm to protect themselves from Grizzly bears!
HERE WE GO – a possibility, What SHARED American value does the right to bear arms represent? The constitution says all men are created equal but we have to have "Minorities" catered too when the very constitution says we are all the same. We are being Smoke Screened, Baffled by BS, lied to openly, ripped of and robbed at every turn by our own leadership and them selling out our protections and regulations to "deregulation and privatization."
Wow, I’m riled up now – so what Constitutional SHARED American VALUES have our leaders misrepresented? I am sick of all the reinterpretation of the constitution. It was pretty simple to understand and yet azzholes try to tear it apart all the time from within. the constitution itself was a shared commonality between ideals but some idealists want more than a fair share, they want their say to rule supreme.
If there was a message in the above quote which had anything to do with the OP, it needs to be clarified – without unnecessary terminology. |
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Wed 10/13/10 07:16 PM
Do we all deserve equal representation under the law? Yes. Are we all equal? Equal in what? Physically, mentally? Hell no we aren't. Some people are average. Some people are above average some are awesome some are below average and some are horrible.
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Wed 10/13/10 07:21 PM
I am an american, my grandparents were all immigrants from Ireland and Italy, and come to this country to provide a better life for themselves, their families... and to achieve their dreams...
WHY? – What did they think was here that was better than anywhere else? How did the idea that America was the place to go? What VALUES drew them here? Americans do not share one value, or system of values - more so they share in the belief that the framwork established by the founders of our country are worth preserving, pursuing - and if need be defending.
If that framework did not represent VALUES, what did it represent? It's a belief in the structure of the country - established by the constitution and refined by the bill of rights - that we are free to pursue our own values within...
Is that structure something ALL American citizens should believe in? Why, what’s so great about it? "all men are created equal" is not a VALUE, it's an "UN-ALIENALBE RIGHT"...
What human characteristics do YOU think give an individual value? |
Why is all men created equal a right? It's not in the constitution.
This thread is meant to be a discussion of values represented in the Constitution that you think all Americans should share. At the end of the brief opener, you will asked to respond to questions of ‘value’. Politics is a predominant topic when discussing current news and events, and currently hot topics seem to be revolving around diversity - age, ethnicity, partisan politics, and gender, among others. Much of the disagreement when discussing these topics comes down to ‘personal’ values. But what about the ‘shared’ values of all Americans? The Constitution of the USA is not just a clarification of how governance will be imposed; it is also a declaration of values. How others (people, groups, nations) view the USA as a whole was meant to be derived from the values woven into the Constitution. Since the values contained within that Constitution are meant to influence the world’s view of us, it makes sense that all people, who choose to become or remain citizens of the USA, incorporate and support the core values exemplified through that document. So when an individual citizen of the USA answers the question: “I am?” with the response “an American”, that individual is defining a characteristic that connects the individual, through a shared set of values, to a unique group of people called Americans. What do Americans consider to be SHARED values AND how does the Constitution represent that value? ONE ‘PERSONAL’ EXAMPLE: “All men are created equal” To me that statement implies every human is connected at birth by the simple fact that they are born human – in THAT we are all equal. The VALUE within the statement “All men are created equal” is RESPECT. I define “Respect” in terms of basic human rights. Basic human rights exemplified = a baby is incapable of procuring the necessities to maintain life or pursue a satisfying existence – it is out of love and “Respect” that we do the best we can to provide those necessities. That kind of respect does not end when a child becomes an adult, they are still human. Therefore, to be consistent with the constitutional VALUE (respect), I agree, AS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN, to provide, through law, personal effort, charitable donation..etc, whatever is NECESSARY so that others can have access to the basic necessities of life. HERE ARE MY DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: What are the SHARED values between Americans and indicate how the Constitution represents that value? If you are at a loss to begin consider the following issues: government entitlement programs, (legal & non-legal) immigration, affirmative action, name-calling, propaganda, public media, veterans, DADT, DOMA, treatment of and support for those with disabilities…. Think of the recent threads you’ve posted in or reviewed. Thanks for asking...I'd rather just post a line from the Constitution that if honored would change everything: This should be respected as an American value...and a RULE. From Article 6 "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." After that maybe we can get some people elected who will deal with real life issues. Do any States still have such policies? I thought they were all declared unconstitutional. But I think I understand what you're saying. For some absurd reason, the majority in this country still seem to think that the best representitives for public office are those poeple whose VALUES are closely linked to a monotheistic religious affiliation, primarily some Christian faith. With so much division within and between these faiths how can we expect their personal religious values to reflect a spirt of partisanship? |
I dont think americans truly all share any one value at best, I think we share ideals such as being created equal, but the ideal falls apart when it meets 'group' mentality it will be interesting to see the answers of others, but I truly cant think of one value we all share that relates to the constitution Perhaps with respect one can 'share'. I am sure you have noticed that we do not 'share' the same point of view on many subjects. Yet I respect your right to state your views. I have noticed that you respect my right to state my views. so we do 'share' a belief in the 1st ammendment. |
Why is all men created equal a right? It's not in the constitution. We hold these truths to be self-evident... all men are endowed by their creator with... ... all men are created equal. yep... part of the constitution. Placed in the part the says 'under god'. Placed before the part that calls itself the bill of rights. Constitution does not 'give' that right... It assumes that god gave it to us allready. |
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Wed 10/13/10 08:13 PM
there are plenty of shared value's between all American's, and all HUMANS for that matter?
what is a "value"? to limit the definition of "value", one would first have to define the qualifier's used to measure value? if one is referring most to religous value's, moral value's, relationship value's, family value's, these no doubt will differ, as each hath a individual personality, with a totally unique human experience to shape itself... so, to stare at the actual "description of each unique set of value's, would leave no way to find common value's, or what is of root value to all, that none would dispute, as basic wants or needs of all? i presume this be most what you seek to find out, by way of reducing the equasion to the simplest root form? like any math equasion, reduce to the simplest equasion, or common denominator's, and it becomes redily apparent that human are not so complex after all, except in their desire to use complexity to create an image of intelligence, lol... so, what be of a shared "value", of American's unamimously, as shared in ALL CASES??? food......shared for sure, as many will kill for it in time of famine shelter.....shared health.....shared for sure life.....shared for sure, or all would kill themself right now, and none would have ever lived long enough for a knowing of committed suicide, lol... love......whether it be a person, or new car, or the neighbor's wife, everybody love's something enough to try to have it. safety.....shared, or none would try to protect themself from any harm. respect....shared for sure, so much so that it has come to be insisted and demanded by almost all, lol....not a good practice dignity....too close to respect? not really, for dignity rather means no one wishes to be exposed in vulnerable situation's, like a booger hanging from the nasal passage during a sales presentation, or a blood stain from a menstrual mishap while speaking before and audience... a heard voice.....shared in all cases without fail no pain without consent.....shared in all cases money.....shared for sure, as the total "system of life" has been built upon the ability of it to procure for self. happiness......shared for sure, or no one would care if another made them unhappy. freedom......shared for sure, to move about without restriction, or at least without undo restriction, as could apply to many of the above listed "value's"... other people......shared value for sure, even though many do not realize the misery that would ensue if no other human were around period, lol... it seem's the list could go on for sometime, and the use of the word "value" in itself, does not reduce to the simplest equasion in itself? it seems it would be more beneficial, if one was looking to find "commonality", to reduce all things to the natural "wants" of human's, for to define the line between need and want, then would be the only source of debate, lol..... the word "value's" in itself, denote to the brain more the figments of ideal's, that shrowd the simplicity of the word "value" itself, no doubt this being created by the sheer "want" of human's to make themself complex, to increase the value of oneself in it's own eyes? but one thing be for sure, not one of the things listed above, doth an American NOT VALUE, or any human for that matter, and none wish to do without them? so it cannot be denied that all of these are "shared things of value", to the American poplulous, and as well, common or shared by all human's within the world. so, what was the point of this anyhow? to bring human's together, to see that each have the same basic wants of all other's? well, that would be far too simplistic, and offend the very value human's place on themself, lol... there are no doubt many other things that human's value, beyond the scope of common, but age comes into play, when considering these things, such a religous freedom, sex, life partner preference, and the things of that sort, but still overall, the impact of the root drive to "procure" the above listed "shared value's", hath more power than one might aat first realize... the best way to see the power of each value, is to remove it from the equasion of humanity, and see the most extreme effect? as in food? starvation without, imminent death. these things really do tug more at the subconscious level, dictating the root drive of self preservation within the human species, so to underestimate their power to control human behaviour, toward the better good, or the less than good, would be a grave mistake. to focus on the wants, or value's, that drive human behaviour to shape the belief's as called value's, can never create any unity or commonality, as these will differ for each human born, so will be debateable unto infinity. each be righ in it's own eye's. just one cent |
Gee. I could rant for hours about this topic, but I don't have the time. Firstly, I don not think all men were created equal. I think some are prone to be workaholics and some are downright lazy. I do not think that the constitution gives all of benefits of hard work to those who avoid work at all costs. I think the government should provide "some" degree of support for those who cannot support themselves AND the families of people in need should provide help for family members. I do not think the government has the right to spend money it does not have. I do not think politicians who will say anything to get elected should be able to ignore all their campaign promises without any immediate consequences. Perjury should apply to all. I believe the two party system is broken and neither party represents the average view of the average American. I think the far left is socialist in nature and will destroy and/or bankrupt the US if given the chance with stupid spending and "give away" programs that defy the basic constitutional goal of each "citizen" having the "opportunity" to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Nancy Pelosi may be the world's dumbest human being. The Constitution is void if it only applies to some and not others but illegals are encouraged to mock the law while citizens are punished for self protection from the same illegals. One of the primary purposes of the Constitution is to give the federal government the DUTY to protect our borders. The complete failure of that charge would give all states and citizens the right to self defense to make up for that failure ... or so it would seem. The illegals represent potential voters to Democrats and cheap labor to Republicans so the US citizen who has to put up with crime and the cost of illegals gets screwed. The far right tries to merge religion with policy in ways not intended by God fearing constitution framers. Some of the far right is guided by large corporations who seek only protection for the corporation but can afford enough money to sway minds with rhetoric. Rush Limbaugh knows nothing about global warming, engineering, or a number of other issues but sways minds as if he was an expert. I, like the framers of the Constitution, believe in fiscal responsibility and personal freedom. The legal system should remove child molesters, rapists, career criminals, and the like from society, not provide never ending income for a bunch of worthless liberal attorneys. Texas leads the nation in executions. I am proud of that fact. Well said, MW! (Except for the pro-capital punishment bit). |
Why is all men created equal a right? It's not in the constitution. We hold these truths to be self-evident... all men are endowed by their creator with... ... all men are created equal. yep... part of the constitution. Placed in the part the says 'under god'. Placed before the part that calls itself the bill of rights. Constitution does not 'give' that right... It assumes that god gave it to us allready. Dude that is the declaration of independence not the constitution. It was used to go against the idea of the Divine right as kings. |
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Wed 10/13/10 08:42 PM
We know that the founders being white supremacists for the most part did not consider all humans equal. They considered all white humans equal. That's a pretty broad statement - How do we know that? Is there support for this idea anywhere else in that early Constitution? Because of religion the fight is even harder because religion is used to discriminate for more than just race and culture. But isn't religious freedom A value that all Americans are proud of? My thoughts here would be that all humans are created equally. Their differences in life choices and life paths is what makes our world a better and worse place. But they are all still equal at the human level. Consequences for actions should never depend on race, creed, sexual orientation, economic status, etc...
Another poster wrote: The problem within the question is that there is what the Constitution says in clear words vs. how people want to bend its interpretation.
I am sick of all the reinterpretation of the constitution Could it be that the addition of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was one of those “interpretation” errors that the poster is sick of? Shared values in this country are votes and possibly the American dream.
Ah yes – voting, I agree this is a shared source of pride but because it wasn’t always so, I had to think about what value or what human characteristic this behavior (voting) represents. WE THE PEOPLE, the preamble to the Constitution – We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
We (all citizens of the USA) have a goal, “to form a more perfect union” than those which have been established before us. It was through the Declaration of Independence that every citizen of these United States of America became a sovereign entity. On this principle was founded the idea that every citizen, in fact all men (humans) are sovereigns unto themselves (kings and queens) with the freedom to rule over their own destiny. Fortunately – the Constitution was designed for utility, in that it lacked detail in many areas. This detail was left to future generations to fill in. The U.S. Constitution stated in Amendment XV, which was ratified by the states in 1870:
"Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." The U.S. Constitution stated in Amendment XIX, which was ratified by the states in 1920: "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." The U.S. Constitution stated in Amendment XXIV, which was ratified by the states in 1964: "Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay poll tax or other tax. Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." The U.S. Constitution stated in Amendment XXVI, which was ratified by the states in 1971: "Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age. Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation." So it seems that, on occasion, it is NECESSARY, to ‘clarify’ what was intended – perhaps it is reinterpretation, but if the document were not a living part of our society it would provide little utility as an agent which serves to bind all citizens to a union with ‘common goals’. So, I think the human characteristic of value that voting represents IS that of equality. As for the American Dream:
The American Dream, sometimes in the phrase "Chasing the American Dream," is a national ethos of the United States in which freedom includes a promise of prosperity and success. In the American Dream, first expressed by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.[1] The idea of the American Dream is rooted in the second sentence of the United States Declaration of Independence which states that "all men are created equal" and that they are "endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights" including "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."[2] Home ownership is sometimes used as a proxy for achieving the promised prosperity; ownership has been a status symbol separating the middle classes from the poor.[3] Sometimes the Dream is identified with success in sports or how working class immigrants seek to join the American way of life.[4] That too is tied into the fundamental equality inherent in all humans – the basic rights of every human to have the liberty to pursue the necessities of life and find happiness in the process. |
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Wed 10/13/10 09:04 PM
I remember being taught that American was the great "melting pot"..that different ethnicities came together to form a great nation..there is a defininte sense of pride and a unique identity that goes with being "an American". Even if you guys cant put your finger on it, the rest of the world understands it.. Seems now a days, the focus is more on the differences rather than the similarities, with an eye on where you come from rather than where you are now..its a pity much divisivness...hope you all are able to over come it and come together as one nation again. Acutally, DIVERSITY, is all about BOTH our similarities and our differences. We are not really a melting pot, we are a union of people who share 'certain' ideals. As you said we cannot always put our finger on it, but it's there. That's not good enough though. We all ought to be able to pinpoint our similarities. Isn't that what NATIONALISM - pride in our country, is really supposed to be about? Instead we focus on our differences becasue we can no longer define what our similarities are -- THAT WAS THE PURPOSE OF THIS THREAD, to remind each other of those similarities. The progress this Nation has made, in its short existence, is the product of the diversity that this country has drawn to its shores. Without the diverse backgrounds and heritage of every citizen we could not have accomplished the role we have so long held in World leadership. Stating opinions is a WONDERFUL thing - they are the product of diversity and with those opinons are somebodies values BUT how can we do justice to our own values when we can't even pinpoint what they are. How we say things should represent the importance of the message. If we cannot respect how we represent ourselves, how can we find the respect of others for what we have to say? BY THE WAY, thanks for the post I'm happy you were able to decifer a larger message from the OP. |
Why is all men created equal a right? It's not in the constitution. We hold these truths to be self-evident... all men are endowed by their creator with... ... all men are created equal. yep... part of the constitution. Placed in the part the says 'under god'. Placed before the part that calls itself the bill of rights. Constitution does not 'give' that right... It assumes that god gave it to us allready. Dude that is the declaration of independence not the constitution. It was used to go against the idea of the Divine right as kings. Without the declaraton of independance the constitution is but a piece of paper. |
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Wed 10/13/10 09:09 PM
Why is all men created equal a right? It's not in the constitution. We hold these truths to be self-evident... all men are endowed by their creator with... ... all men are created equal. yep... part of the constitution. Placed in the part the says 'under god'. Placed before the part that calls itself the bill of rights. Constitution does not 'give' that right... It assumes that god gave it to us allready. Dude that is the declaration of independence not the constitution. It was used to go against the idea of the Divine right as kings. Without the declaraton of independance the constitution is but a piece of paper. It is still a piece of paper. It doesn't change the fact that it is not in the constitution. Also, we can't claim to be a free religious society and claim that the reason we are all equal is because God created us that way. Where does that put religious beliefs that don't believe in God. They also called it a truth and not a right. He was quoting rights but is never listed as such. |
Do we all deserve equal representation under the law? Yes. Are we all equal? Equal in what? Physically, mentally? Hell no we aren't. Some people are average. Some people are above average some are awesome some are below average and some are horrible. There seems to be a misunderstanding by many people about the definition of equality as it pertains values within the Constitution. But we are not alone in this mistake - if the value of human equality had been clear, we would not have needed clarification in the form of Civil Rights amendments. All humans are equal in very basic and fundamental ways. We all NEED the basic elements that sustain our lives, food, clean water, shelter, access to medical care and the freedom to develop our internal potential. We need a welcoming environment in which to externalize that potential and we all have a basic need to find purpose. Aside from that- as humans we are entitled (each of us) to certain legitimate expectations. Through our intrinsic nature we are all equal which legitimizes each individuals’ claim to be respected by others, to be unhindered in our right to pursue a livelihood and to freely believe, think, and speak without fearing other. Equality, however, is not a one-sided venture, on the other side of the equation individuals are NOT free of the responsibility to ensure that his own behavior does not impede or infringe of the same, equal, legitimate expectations of others. That is how we equal, not in temperament, not in experience or personality or intelligence or any other ‘individually’ held characteristics. Those are the ways in which we differ. However, we do come together to form groups in which we SHARE certain goals, ideals, and values. That was the idea behind the Constitution. |
Why is all men created equal a right? It's not in the constitution. We hold these truths to be self-evident... all men are endowed by their creator with... ... all men are created equal. yep... part of the constitution. Placed in the part the says 'under god'. Placed before the part that calls itself the bill of rights. Constitution does not 'give' that right... It assumes that god gave it to us allready. Thanks for joining in with the spirit of the OP. We argue so much in these threads about our differences that I think we forget how much we have in common. Whatever, we share in common it should be enough to warrent some basic respect. |
there are plenty of shared value's between all American's, and all HUMANS for that matter? what is a "value"? to limit the definition of "value", one would first have to define the qualifier's used to measure value? if one is referring most to religous value's, moral value's, relationship value's, family value's, these no doubt will differ, as each hath a individual personality, with a totally unique human experience to shape itself... so, to stare at the actual "description of each unique set of value's, would leave no way to find common value's, or what is of root value to all, that none would dispute, as basic wants or needs of all? i presume this be most what you seek to find out, by way of reducing the equasion to the simplest root form? like any math equasion, reduce to the simplest equasion, or common denominator's, and it becomes redily apparent that human are not so complex after all, except in their desire to use complexity to create an image of intelligence, lol... so, what be of a shared "value", of American's unamimously, as shared in ALL CASES??? food......shared for sure, as many will kill for it in time of famine shelter.....shared health.....shared for sure life.....shared for sure, or all would kill themself right now, and none would have ever lived long enough for a knowing of committed suicide, lol... love......whether it be a person, or new car, or the neighbor's wife, everybody love's something enough to try to have it. safety.....shared, or none would try to protect themself from any harm. respect....shared for sure, so much so that it has come to be insisted and demanded by almost all, lol....not a good practice dignity....too close to respect? not really, for dignity rather means no one wishes to be exposed in vulnerable situation's, like a booger hanging from the nasal passage during a sales presentation, or a blood stain from a menstrual mishap while speaking before and audience... a heard voice.....shared in all cases without fail no pain without consent.....shared in all cases money.....shared for sure, as the total "system of life" has been built upon the ability of it to procure for self. happiness......shared for sure, or no one would care if another made them unhappy. freedom......shared for sure, to move about without restriction, or at least without undo restriction, as could apply to many of the above listed "value's"... other people......shared value for sure, even though many do not realize the misery that would ensue if no other human were around period, lol... it seem's the list could go on for sometime, and the use of the word "value" in itself, does not reduce to the simplest equasion in itself? it seems it would be more beneficial, if one was looking to find "commonality", to reduce all things to the natural "wants" of human's, for to define the line between need and want, then would be the only source of debate, lol..... the word "value's" in itself, denote to the brain more the figments of ideal's, that shrowd the simplicity of the word "value" itself, no doubt this being created by the sheer "want" of human's to make themself complex, to increase the value of oneself in it's own eyes? but one thing be for sure, not one of the things listed above, doth an American NOT VALUE, or any human for that matter, and none wish to do without them? so it cannot be denied that all of these are "shared things of value", to the American poplulous, and as well, common or shared by all human's within the world. so, what was the point of this anyhow? to bring human's together, to see that each have the same basic wants of all other's? well, that would be far too simplistic, and offend the very value human's place on themself, lol... there are no doubt many other things that human's value, beyond the scope of common, but age comes into play, when considering these things, such a religous freedom, sex, life partner preference, and the things of that sort, but still overall, the impact of the root drive to "procure" the above listed "shared value's", hath more power than one might aat first realize... the best way to see the power of each value, is to remove it from the equasion of humanity, and see the most extreme effect? as in food? starvation without, imminent death. these things really do tug more at the subconscious level, dictating the root drive of self preservation within the human species, so to underestimate their power to control human behaviour, toward the better good, or the less than good, would be a grave mistake. to focus on the wants, or value's, that drive human behaviour to shape the belief's as called value's, can never create any unity or commonality, as these will differ for each human born, so will be debateable unto infinity. each be righ in it's own eye's. just one cent I did put limitations on the type of values that I thought would be relavent to the OP. The SHARED VALUES between the Citizens of the USA and their Constitution. |
Do we all deserve equal representation under the law? Yes. Are we all equal? Equal in what? Physically, mentally? Hell no we aren't. Some people are average. Some people are above average some are awesome some are below average and some are horrible. There seems to be a misunderstanding by many people about the definition of equality as it pertains values within the Constitution. But we are not alone in this mistake - if the value of human equality had been clear, we would not have needed clarification in the form of Civil Rights amendments. All humans are equal in very basic and fundamental ways. We all NEED the basic elements that sustain our lives, food, clean water, shelter, access to medical care and the freedom to develop our internal potential. We need a welcoming environment in which to externalize that potential and we all have a basic need to find purpose. Aside from that- as humans we are entitled (each of us) to certain legitimate expectations. Through our intrinsic nature we are all equal which legitimizes each individuals’ claim to be respected by others, to be unhindered in our right to pursue a livelihood and to freely believe, think, and speak without fearing other. Equality, however, is not a one-sided venture, on the other side of the equation individuals are NOT free of the responsibility to ensure that his own behavior does not impede or infringe of the same, equal, legitimate expectations of others. That is how we equal, not in temperament, not in experience or personality or intelligence or any other ‘individually’ held characteristics. Those are the ways in which we differ. However, we do come together to form groups in which we SHARE certain goals, ideals, and values. That was the idea behind the Constitution. I agree with you, but I think you misunderstood my post. I was not asking the question because I wanted an answer. I was asking the question because I wanted others to think on this. I could tell by your posts your thought process on this was already on the same level as mine I just make it more blunt because I am lazy XD. This was for all the others in the thread. |
Why is all men created equal a right? It's not in the constitution. We hold these truths to be self-evident... all men are endowed by their creator with... ... all men are created equal. yep... part of the constitution. Placed in the part the says 'under god'. Placed before the part that calls itself the bill of rights. Constitution does not 'give' that right... It assumes that god gave it to us allready. Dude that is the declaration of independence not the constitution. It was used to go against the idea of the Divine right as kings. That's true and the OP does specifically point to the Constitution. However, the Declaration of Independence encompassed the ideals of freedom and liberty. The document set the framework within which the Constitution was set. Reference is often made to the Declaration of Independence to clarify the values that were transferred to the Constitution. Just wanted to point that out. |
Do we all deserve equal representation under the law? Yes. Are we all equal? Equal in what? Physically, mentally? Hell no we aren't. Some people are average. Some people are above average some are awesome some are below average and some are horrible. There seems to be a misunderstanding by many people about the definition of equality as it pertains values within the Constitution. But we are not alone in this mistake - if the value of human equality had been clear, we would not have needed clarification in the form of Civil Rights amendments. All humans are equal in very basic and fundamental ways. We all NEED the basic elements that sustain our lives, food, clean water, shelter, access to medical care and the freedom to develop our internal potential. We need a welcoming environment in which to externalize that potential and we all have a basic need to find purpose. Aside from that- as humans we are entitled (each of us) to certain legitimate expectations. Through our intrinsic nature we are all equal which legitimizes each individuals’ claim to be respected by others, to be unhindered in our right to pursue a livelihood and to freely believe, think, and speak without fearing other. Equality, however, is not a one-sided venture, on the other side of the equation individuals are NOT free of the responsibility to ensure that his own behavior does not impede or infringe of the same, equal, legitimate expectations of others. That is how we equal, not in temperament, not in experience or personality or intelligence or any other ‘individually’ held characteristics. Those are the ways in which we differ. However, we do come together to form groups in which we SHARE certain goals, ideals, and values. That was the idea behind the Constitution. I agree with you, but I think you misunderstood my post. I was not asking the question because I wanted an answer. I was asking the question because I wanted others to think on this. I could tell by your posts your thought process on this was already on the same level as mine I just make it more blunt because I am lazy XD. This was for all the others in the thread. ![]() |