Topic: Can we stop with all the name calling and butchering? | |
I have no ill will toward Dragoness or anyone else, in fact I have agreed with Dragoness once or twice, but however misguided her politics is (in my opinion) when she has been right on something she's been right and I will always acknowledge that. As for elected officials, I have very little respect for most of them. Much in the same way I call McCain McLame I will continue to call Obama; Hussein the obamanable simply because I do not like them. as folks on here who have a distaste for Fox News will continue to call it Faux news. I have thick skin and it doesn't bother since its only an opinion. I've made no bones about my absolute contempt for the left and that will not stop. As long as I do not attack anyone on here personally there is no harm no foul. I just wouldn't worry about this too much because I believe that politics aside we would probably all get along pretty good. I have suggested to the mods to do away with this and the religion threads to stop what you're talking about but they chose to leave them up. Just my .02 on the subject. How did I get to be the center of this. I am really not bothered at all by all the names used for Obama. It actually shows the mind of the name caller which doesn't harm me at all. My politics are not even known on here. I play devils advocate many times and go to the extreme on others to make a point. People still don't know me. I like to make others think. Sometimes you have to be extreme to make people look at the situation in a different light or see it from a different perspective. And those who cannot do the above make me the target of their issues. I too have crossed the line on these threads. I have apologized when someone has told me that I hurt their feelings. I get into trouble just like everyone else. I just don't pout about it. Or make a scene. No one knows when I get into trouble. It isn't anyone's business. I think it is big of Lpdon to even post this thread. Your in the middle! Hehehehehehehe |
Political correctness is for the birds. plus that, it's just another tool to get people to do what they want... we are american, not african american, mexican american, just american... they alienate themselves by saying that stuff... Or they add to the melting pot. It depends on your point of view. I could be a German/Irish/Indian American. It is long but it shows the melting pot of America. whats wrong with American, of German - Irish - Indian decent? Whats wrong with the way I want to say it? It doesn't alienate actually brings me into many groups along with being an American. I think it adds to my communities not diminishes them. thats why everyone sees things different... what might be ok to you, is not ok to others...soon as you say that, your separating yourself from others...African Americans are different from Americans? We can see that they are not Hispanic, or Chinese...why the distinction? |
Political correctness is for the birds. plus that, it's just another tool to get people to do what they want... we are american, not african american, mexican american, just american... they alienate themselves by saying that stuff... Or they add to the melting pot. It depends on your point of view. I could be a German/Irish/Indian American. It is long but it shows the melting pot of America. whats wrong with American, of German - Irish - Indian decent? Whats wrong with the way I want to say it? It doesn't alienate actually brings me into many groups along with being an American. I think it adds to my communities not diminishes them. thats why everyone sees things different... what might be ok to you, is not ok to others...soon as you say that, your separating yourself from others...African Americans are different from Americans? We can see that they are not Hispanic, or Chinese...why the distinction? its just another part of the persons WHOLE identity I am an american female,, that doesnt diminish my americanness nor my femininity,,,, It just aknowledges both |
I stil use certain words to describe people, things, places, or events.
Its all good. |
the "feelings" induced in the body, over certain words spoken, are what human's don't like?
any feeling in the "body" of oneself, can be created by any human being, into either MORE OF THOSE FEELINGS, or LESS OF THOSE FEELINGS... in itself, a less than, or greater than scenario, that each hath the sole power to control which be created most? any feeling "seen as good", shall be created the more? any feelings seen as not good, shall be created the less? some would say what is "validated within oneself", is what be CREATED, OR ENGRAINED, OR INFUSED INTO THE VERY BRAIN, WHICH CONTROL THE "FEELINGS", and so then the "body"... so, anything that "validates" being offended, shall create more "feelings" of offense each day? anything that validates being offendable is not good, shall have less feelings of being offended each day such is validated? if any say, human's dont have POWER THEMSELF, over their feelings, then this would mean ALL HUMAN HAVE NO CONTROL OF SELF? well, that certainly can't be true, OR ALL WOULD QUALIFY FOR CLINICAL INSANITY? so, the self must always maintain to itself, THAT IT HAS FULL CONTROL OVER ITSELF, even though the natural urge is to "allow self" to believe, that ANOTHER MADE ME FEEL THIS WAY? such is the very first "victim mentality", created within the self, AND THESE SHALL BE OFFENDED OVER THE ENTIRE HUMAN SPECIES GIVEN DUE TIME.... problem is, the world trend has come to be that any self is validated, in it's "feelings" over ANY OFFENSE? if such be so, then each day as society marches forward, MORE OFFENSIVE FEELINGS ARE BEING VALIDATED BY ALL HUMANS, SO THEN CREATING MORE "FEELING" OFFENDED ENERGY? do human's FEEL each other's FEELINGS? the only any possible, is yes? is it debatable, as to whether human's FEEL each other's feelings? some would say yes... does each individual have power, TO HAVE CONTROL OVER, "IF", IT FEEL OTHER HUMAN'S FEELINGS? test it oneself and see? BUT THIS ANSWER BE NO. you may choose to ignore them, or disregard them, OR CONSIDER THEM AS INFERIOR FEELINGS THAN SELF'S, but still, THE HUMAN BODY IN TOTALITY is electro-magnetically neuro-logically intrinsically connected to ALL OTHER HUMAN FEELINGS IN SELFS SPACE, and since all human ARE IN THE SAME "BIG SPACE" CALLED EARTH, then as well, TIED TO ALL THE "FEELINGS" ON PLANET EARTH AS ONE? albeit, these "feelings" are as PULSING, RANDOMLY, AS BLINKING LIGHTS, ON AND OFF... can it be believed that "human feelings are controlled BY EACH OTHER, COLLECTIVELY? TEST AND SEE... walk into a room, WHERE THERE IS LAUGHTER, and scream **** OFF? did none induce other's to FEELINGS? of course... the one MOST able to be induced to "feelings", by way of the "**** off", be the most "CONTROLLED" BY OTHERS? this will be the one most easy to manipulate, decieve, fall prey to many con's, have the most fear, be the most paranoid, be the most manic, be the most easily led by other's, be the most to have difficulty finding wanted relationships, be the one most prone to VIOLENCE, this albeit, only in advanced stages of BELEIVING SELF HATH NO CONTROL OVER IT'S FEELINGS, IE, BLAMING FEELINGS INDUCED UPON ANYTHING IN IT'S ENVIRONMENT? again, human's themself, have the "greatst imnpact on other human's, of all the things in one's own environment? so, there is NO GOOD THING IN THE WORLD CREATED, BY HUMAN BELIEING THEY SHOULD BE VALIDATED IN THEIR PERSUIT AND QUEST TO "CATEGORIZE" MANY, MANY, MANY, AND MORE EACH DAY, THINGS AS "OFFENSIVE TO SELF"... and then there is the small matter of acumulative collective "feelings", which indeed can scientifically be proven to exist.... so, each day, like "feelings", are being spun into existence by human's... and each day "dislike feelings" are being "gernerated" into existence.... and IF feelings can be felt, THEN SELF WILL FEEL THEM? and each day, hate feelings being created... WHAT "FEELINGS" WILL SELF FEEL THEN, AT ANY SECOND IN TIME, THAT ALL THE REST THE WORLD BE "PRODUCING"... which ever "feelings" that itself BE FEELING AT THAT NANO SECOND IN TIME? the same as to say, IF SELF FEEL HATE FEELINGS, THEN IT INSERT IT'S OWN HEAD INTO THE "COLLECTIVE HATE FEELINGS OF THE WORLD"? so, if self feel love, then it itsert it's "body" into the ACCUMULATIVE COLLECTIVE "LOVE" FEELINGS BEING PRODUCED BY THE REST OF THE WORLD? make's sense i hope... so, such being the case, as the POPULATION INCREASE, SO SHALL ALL INTENSITY OF "FEELINGS", collectively, ie; hence the increased need for "meds" to control OR MAINTAIN "NORMAL" HUMAN FEELINGS? but, as the population CONTINUE'S TO INCREASE, the intensity OF COLLECTIVE FEELINGS INCREASES, SO MEDS WILL INCREASINGLY BE LESS EFFECTIVE? hence the "mob mentality", as so noticed down thru human cvilization, seen to have such power over the human being itself... the nantural inclination, of any society, is first to INCREASE LAWS, WITH THE LOGIC USED THAT "OFFENSE" IS CREATING VIOLENCE, but in doing so, WORDS SAID TO CAUSE OFFENSE, NOW HAVE MORE POWER, and the list of "offendable words grows", and SO THE FEELINGS OF OFFENSE THAT ARE VALIDATED GROWS, and this, COUPLED AGAIN WITH INCREASED POPLULATION, create a dragnet, or people seemingly "going over the edge", or "snapping" if you will... well, one could say, people have been snapping since the beginning of time? TRUE TRUE TRUE... but, there be one element, THAT NOTHING ALIVE in the past had as we do? COMMUNICATION'S MEDIUMS, AS TV, INTERNET, RADIO, CONNECTING ALL HUMAN FEELINGS INSTANTLY, TO WHAT IS SEEN AND HEARD FROM AROUND THE WORLD? do such things connect HUMAN FEELINGS? DOES ONE "FEEL" when it watch a TV SHOW, A MOVIE, A SONG ON THE RADIO? no one has to travel to the neighbor, down the road, TO AQUIRE SOME "FEELING", so FEELINGS ARE GENERATED BY INTERNET, TV, MOVIE, RADIO? nothing in this CURRENT MODERN MAN PERIOD, HAD SUCH AVAILABLE OR CREATED INTO EXISTENCE, so DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENT COMPLETELY, THAN ANY OTHER HUMAN ALIVE BEFORE "RIGHT NOW", as these "MEDIUMS" OF SENDING "FEELINGS" OVER THE AIRWAVES, BY WAY OF "FEELINGS" BEING CREATED BY THE LISTENER AND VIEWER? so, take this, and add to the increased population, so increased accumulative collective feelings, and what be the outcome? so, it seems it most wise in these days, to KNOW FOR CERTAIN, that self hath power over ALL IT'S OWN FEELINGS? or it shall fall prey as a victim to all the things listed, that by the way, FOLLOW ALL THE LAWS OF PHYSIC'S, THAT GOVERN THE MAKE UP OF THE WORLD AND COSMOS, AND OF ALL EXPIDENTIAL INCREASE, THAT APPLY TO THESE THINGS, SUCH AS THE LAW'S OF CAUSE AND EFFECT.... so, follow the trail of science, or the study of HOW THINGS WORK, or what CREATES THINGS FIRST INTO EXISTENCE, and then it appears more easily to see the many correlation's within some of the so called, or named as such, "religous statements" made down thru time, these duplicating the same principles of science, tha since science has extreme "feelings" against "religion", and visa-versa, that these things were NEVER EVEN INVESTIGATED, simply by the level of sheer self bias in each field.... perhaps more "scientific" than first noticed, as in the "meek shall inherit the earth", as these are not ONE TO 'VALIDATE' FEELINGS OF DISLKE AND HATE AS REDILY? and, then we have the myan's believing an "end", or new beginning, of some sort by 2012, and then seeing the planet's are indeed proven scientifically to be going to be in full alignment in galactic center.... and then the "end of days" as in text writings... and so the evidence of some 'HUMAN AND COSMOS COMBNINED' ELEMENT OF "CREATED CHANGE" SEEM IMMINENT... and so we have world leader's, the WISEST IN THE LAND, calling each other "whores", and idiot's, these are MOST REFINED CULTERED IN THE LAND, FALLING PREY TO THEIR OWN "FEELINGS", OVER DIPLOMACY, AND AMBASSADORSHIP, AS WORLD LEADERS, not to be missed, these in TOTALITY, HOLD THE FATE OF ALL HUMAN IN THE PALM OF THEIR HANDS? hum.... and they thought they were in control, lol.... and now they can keep their mouths shut up, when their feelings of anger rise, lol.... so, perhaps the story of "god" being in "control" of human civilization, WAS NOTHING MORE THAN THE ACTUAL PROPERTIES OF HUMAN EXISTENCE, CONTROL ALL HUMAN'S AS ONE? just one cent... |
Political correctness is for the birds. plus that, it's just another tool to get people to do what they want... we are american, not african american, mexican american, just american... they alienate themselves by saying that stuff... Or they add to the melting pot. It depends on your point of view. I could be a German/Irish/Indian American. It is long but it shows the melting pot of America. whats wrong with American, of German - Irish - Indian decent? Whats wrong with the way I want to say it? It doesn't alienate actually brings me into many groups along with being an American. I think it adds to my communities not diminishes them. thats why everyone sees things different... what might be ok to you, is not ok to others...soon as you say that, your separating yourself from others...African Americans are different from Americans? We can see that they are not Hispanic, or Chinese...why the distinction? Just as what is ok to you may not be ok to others, right? If you want to only call yourself American, go for it. I don't understand why it bothers you so much if someone else calls themselves something different. You seem kind of uptight about it. Why not just let it go, as it's not a big deal? |
human's made up all the derrogatory definition's of each other unto infinity, now they have to walk right back thru each one of them without getting "snagged by a "snapper", lol...
Sorry, but Oblowme deserves zero respect. And either does any politician who refuses to do whats right for the country, and the people. Name calling is a great way to express ones views, and you will find that the politicians partake in the very same thing (witness one of Jerry Browns cohorts calling Whitman a "whore"). Lines have been drawn a long time ago. This country is a divided country, and I stand on one side and oppose the other. Thats just the way it is. I am not saying respect Obama but fellow members of this community. Name calling is what I did in the 1st grade. Just sayin'. |
I have no ill will toward Dragoness or anyone else, in fact I have agreed with Dragoness once or twice, but however misguided her politics is (in my opinion) when she has been right on something she's been right and I will always acknowledge that. As for elected officials, I have very little respect for most of them. Much in the same way I call McCain McLame I will continue to call Obama; Hussein the obamanable simply because I do not like them. as folks on here who have a distaste for Fox News will continue to call it Faux news. I have thick skin and it doesn't bother since its only an opinion. I've made no bones about my absolute contempt for the left and that will not stop. As long as I do not attack anyone on here personally there is no harm no foul. I just wouldn't worry about this too much because I believe that politics aside we would probably all get along pretty good. I have suggested to the mods to do away with this and the religion threads to stop what you're talking about but they chose to leave them up. Just my .02 on the subject. Yea but do you know this is the only board I have ever been on that doesn't have a proper name rule? You can still show your dislike for someone or something without an insult or name butchering. It is offensive to other memebers in the community plain and simple. I disagree, politics is like a sporting event where everyone has their favorites. Would you go on ESPN and tell sports fans not to call the Dallas Cowboys the Phallus Chowboys? C'mon, if anyone gets offended on here because some calls Hussein "O'blowme" or something that is a person who is looking to be offended. People will never see eye to eye on something like politics and there will always be slander and perversion of political names. Its variety and that my friend is a spice of life. There is a way to handle it civilly. How far do you think any Republican Presidential candidate would get on the national stage by reffering to Obama as Oblowme or McCain as Mclame? Their career would be over. |
I have no ill will toward Dragoness or anyone else, in fact I have agreed with Dragoness once or twice, but however misguided her politics is (in my opinion) when she has been right on something she's been right and I will always acknowledge that. As for elected officials, I have very little respect for most of them. Much in the same way I call McCain McLame I will continue to call Obama; Hussein the obamanable simply because I do not like them. as folks on here who have a distaste for Fox News will continue to call it Faux news. I have thick skin and it doesn't bother since its only an opinion. I've made no bones about my absolute contempt for the left and that will not stop. As long as I do not attack anyone on here personally there is no harm no foul. I just wouldn't worry about this too much because I believe that politics aside we would probably all get along pretty good. I have suggested to the mods to do away with this and the religion threads to stop what you're talking about but they chose to leave them up. Just my .02 on the subject. Yea but do you know this is the only board I have ever been on that doesn't have a proper name rule? You can still show your dislike for someone or something without an insult or name butchering. It is offensive to other memebers in the community plain and simple. I disagree, politics is like a sporting event where everyone has their favorites. Would you go on ESPN and tell sports fans not to call the Dallas Cowboys the Phallus Chowboys? C'mon, if anyone gets offended on here because some calls Hussein "O'blowme" or something that is a person who is looking to be offended. People will never see eye to eye on something like politics and there will always be slander and perversion of political names. Its variety and that my friend is a spice of life. There is a way to handle it civilly. How far do you think any Republican Presidential candidate would get on the national stage by reffering to Obama as Oblowme or McCain as Mclame? Their career would be over. |
I have no ill will toward Dragoness or anyone else, in fact I have agreed with Dragoness once or twice, but however misguided her politics is (in my opinion) when she has been right on something she's been right and I will always acknowledge that. As for elected officials, I have very little respect for most of them. Much in the same way I call McCain McLame I will continue to call Obama; Hussein the obamanable simply because I do not like them. as folks on here who have a distaste for Fox News will continue to call it Faux news. I have thick skin and it doesn't bother since its only an opinion. I've made no bones about my absolute contempt for the left and that will not stop. As long as I do not attack anyone on here personally there is no harm no foul. I just wouldn't worry about this too much because I believe that politics aside we would probably all get along pretty good. I have suggested to the mods to do away with this and the religion threads to stop what you're talking about but they chose to leave them up. Just my .02 on the subject. Yea but do you know this is the only board I have ever been on that doesn't have a proper name rule? You can still show your dislike for someone or something without an insult or name butchering. It is offensive to other memebers in the community plain and simple. I disagree, politics is like a sporting event where everyone has their favorites. Would you go on ESPN and tell sports fans not to call the Dallas Cowboys the Phallus Chowboys? C'mon, if anyone gets offended on here because some calls Hussein "O'blowme" or something that is a person who is looking to be offended. People will never see eye to eye on something like politics and there will always be slander and perversion of political names. Its variety and that my friend is a spice of life. There is a way to handle it civilly. How far do you think any Republican Presidential candidate would get on the national stage by reffering to Obama as Oblowme or McCain as Mclame? Their career would be over. I certainly hope not,,,imagine all the lawsuits |
I have no ill will toward Dragoness or anyone else, in fact I have agreed with Dragoness once or twice, but however misguided her politics is (in my opinion) when she has been right on something she's been right and I will always acknowledge that. As for elected officials, I have very little respect for most of them. Much in the same way I call McCain McLame I will continue to call Obama; Hussein the obamanable simply because I do not like them. as folks on here who have a distaste for Fox News will continue to call it Faux news. I have thick skin and it doesn't bother since its only an opinion. I've made no bones about my absolute contempt for the left and that will not stop. As long as I do not attack anyone on here personally there is no harm no foul. I just wouldn't worry about this too much because I believe that politics aside we would probably all get along pretty good. I have suggested to the mods to do away with this and the religion threads to stop what you're talking about but they chose to leave them up. Just my .02 on the subject. Yea but do you know this is the only board I have ever been on that doesn't have a proper name rule? You can still show your dislike for someone or something without an insult or name butchering. It is offensive to other memebers in the community plain and simple. I disagree, politics is like a sporting event where everyone has their favorites. Would you go on ESPN and tell sports fans not to call the Dallas Cowboys the Phallus Chowboys? C'mon, if anyone gets offended on here because some calls Hussein "O'blowme" or something that is a person who is looking to be offended. People will never see eye to eye on something like politics and there will always be slander and perversion of political names. Its variety and that my friend is a spice of life. There is a way to handle it civilly. How far do you think any Republican Presidential candidate would get on the national stage by reffering to Obama as Oblowme or McCain as Mclame? Their career would be over. I certainly hope not,,,imagine all the lawsuits |
I have no ill will toward Dragoness or anyone else, in fact I have agreed with Dragoness once or twice, but however misguided her politics is (in my opinion) when she has been right on something she's been right and I will always acknowledge that. As for elected officials, I have very little respect for most of them. Much in the same way I call McCain McLame I will continue to call Obama; Hussein the obamanable simply because I do not like them. as folks on here who have a distaste for Fox News will continue to call it Faux news. I have thick skin and it doesn't bother since its only an opinion. I've made no bones about my absolute contempt for the left and that will not stop. As long as I do not attack anyone on here personally there is no harm no foul. I just wouldn't worry about this too much because I believe that politics aside we would probably all get along pretty good. I have suggested to the mods to do away with this and the religion threads to stop what you're talking about but they chose to leave them up. Just my .02 on the subject. Yea but do you know this is the only board I have ever been on that doesn't have a proper name rule? You can still show your dislike for someone or something without an insult or name butchering. It is offensive to other memebers in the community plain and simple. I disagree, politics is like a sporting event where everyone has their favorites. Would you go on ESPN and tell sports fans not to call the Dallas Cowboys the Phallus Chowboys? C'mon, if anyone gets offended on here because some calls Hussein "O'blowme" or something that is a person who is looking to be offended. People will never see eye to eye on something like politics and there will always be slander and perversion of political names. Its variety and that my friend is a spice of life. There is a way to handle it civilly. How far do you think any Republican Presidential candidate would get on the national stage by reffering to Obama as Oblowme or McCain as Mclame? Their career would be over. I certainly hope not,,,imagine all the lawsuits aww,, that is LOW palin? we arent friends no more ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I have no ill will toward Dragoness or anyone else, in fact I have agreed with Dragoness once or twice, but however misguided her politics is (in my opinion) when she has been right on something she's been right and I will always acknowledge that. As for elected officials, I have very little respect for most of them. Much in the same way I call McCain McLame I will continue to call Obama; Hussein the obamanable simply because I do not like them. as folks on here who have a distaste for Fox News will continue to call it Faux news. I have thick skin and it doesn't bother since its only an opinion. I've made no bones about my absolute contempt for the left and that will not stop. As long as I do not attack anyone on here personally there is no harm no foul. I just wouldn't worry about this too much because I believe that politics aside we would probably all get along pretty good. I have suggested to the mods to do away with this and the religion threads to stop what you're talking about but they chose to leave them up. Just my .02 on the subject. Yea but do you know this is the only board I have ever been on that doesn't have a proper name rule? You can still show your dislike for someone or something without an insult or name butchering. It is offensive to other memebers in the community plain and simple. I disagree, politics is like a sporting event where everyone has their favorites. Would you go on ESPN and tell sports fans not to call the Dallas Cowboys the Phallus Chowboys? C'mon, if anyone gets offended on here because some calls Hussein "O'blowme" or something that is a person who is looking to be offended. People will never see eye to eye on something like politics and there will always be slander and perversion of political names. Its variety and that my friend is a spice of life. There is a way to handle it civilly. How far do you think any Republican Presidential candidate would get on the national stage by reffering to Obama as Oblowme or McCain as Mclame? Their career would be over. I certainly hope not,,,imagine all the lawsuits aww,, that is LOW palin? we arent friends no more ![]() ![]() ![]() aww man...your to smart to be palin anyway... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I have no ill will toward Dragoness or anyone else, in fact I have agreed with Dragoness once or twice, but however misguided her politics is (in my opinion) when she has been right on something she's been right and I will always acknowledge that. As for elected officials, I have very little respect for most of them. Much in the same way I call McCain McLame I will continue to call Obama; Hussein the obamanable simply because I do not like them. as folks on here who have a distaste for Fox News will continue to call it Faux news. I have thick skin and it doesn't bother since its only an opinion. I've made no bones about my absolute contempt for the left and that will not stop. As long as I do not attack anyone on here personally there is no harm no foul. I just wouldn't worry about this too much because I believe that politics aside we would probably all get along pretty good. I have suggested to the mods to do away with this and the religion threads to stop what you're talking about but they chose to leave them up. Just my .02 on the subject. Yea but do you know this is the only board I have ever been on that doesn't have a proper name rule? You can still show your dislike for someone or something without an insult or name butchering. It is offensive to other memebers in the community plain and simple. I disagree, politics is like a sporting event where everyone has their favorites. Would you go on ESPN and tell sports fans not to call the Dallas Cowboys the Phallus Chowboys? C'mon, if anyone gets offended on here because some calls Hussein "O'blowme" or something that is a person who is looking to be offended. People will never see eye to eye on something like politics and there will always be slander and perversion of political names. Its variety and that my friend is a spice of life. There is a way to handle it civilly. How far do you think any Republican Presidential candidate would get on the national stage by reffering to Obama as Oblowme or McCain as Mclame? Their career would be over. I certainly hope not,,,imagine all the lawsuits aww,, that is LOW palin? we arent friends no more ![]() ![]() ![]() aww man...your to smart to be palin anyway... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I have no ill will toward Dragoness or anyone else, in fact I have agreed with Dragoness once or twice, but however misguided her politics is (in my opinion) when she has been right on something she's been right and I will always acknowledge that. As for elected officials, I have very little respect for most of them. Much in the same way I call McCain McLame I will continue to call Obama; Hussein the obamanable simply because I do not like them. as folks on here who have a distaste for Fox News will continue to call it Faux news. I have thick skin and it doesn't bother since its only an opinion. I've made no bones about my absolute contempt for the left and that will not stop. As long as I do not attack anyone on here personally there is no harm no foul. I just wouldn't worry about this too much because I believe that politics aside we would probably all get along pretty good. I have suggested to the mods to do away with this and the religion threads to stop what you're talking about but they chose to leave them up. Just my .02 on the subject. Yea but do you know this is the only board I have ever been on that doesn't have a proper name rule? You can still show your dislike for someone or something without an insult or name butchering. It is offensive to other memebers in the community plain and simple. I disagree, politics is like a sporting event where everyone has their favorites. Would you go on ESPN and tell sports fans not to call the Dallas Cowboys the Phallus Chowboys? C'mon, if anyone gets offended on here because some calls Hussein "O'blowme" or something that is a person who is looking to be offended. People will never see eye to eye on something like politics and there will always be slander and perversion of political names. Its variety and that my friend is a spice of life. There is a way to handle it civilly. How far do you think any Republican Presidential candidate would get on the national stage by reffering to Obama as Oblowme or McCain as Mclame? Their career would be over. I certainly hope not,,,imagine all the lawsuits Actually I get to meet Palin on Monday in Reno! ![]() |
I think we should all use proper names when talking about persons or businesses or organizations. .... You automatically lose the debate or discussion when you make comments like that and frankly sound like a third grader. I agree. But...can I call the tea part tea baggers if I agree with some of their politics? Its fun! Edit: as in fun for the third grader in me. Do you even know what tea bagger or tea bagging means? If not i'll be happy to provide the link because if I explain it I will get banned since it's XXX. |
I have no ill will toward Dragoness or anyone else, in fact I have agreed with Dragoness once or twice, but however misguided her politics is (in my opinion) when she has been right on something she's been right and I will always acknowledge that. As for elected officials, I have very little respect for most of them. Much in the same way I call McCain McLame I will continue to call Obama; Hussein the obamanable simply because I do not like them. as folks on here who have a distaste for Fox News will continue to call it Faux news. I have thick skin and it doesn't bother since its only an opinion. I've made no bones about my absolute contempt for the left and that will not stop. As long as I do not attack anyone on here personally there is no harm no foul. I just wouldn't worry about this too much because I believe that politics aside we would probably all get along pretty good. I have suggested to the mods to do away with this and the religion threads to stop what you're talking about but they chose to leave them up. Just my .02 on the subject. Yea but do you know this is the only board I have ever been on that doesn't have a proper name rule? You can still show your dislike for someone or something without an insult or name butchering. It is offensive to other memebers in the community plain and simple. I disagree, politics is like a sporting event where everyone has their favorites. Would you go on ESPN and tell sports fans not to call the Dallas Cowboys the Phallus Chowboys? C'mon, if anyone gets offended on here because some calls Hussein "O'blowme" or something that is a person who is looking to be offended. People will never see eye to eye on something like politics and there will always be slander and perversion of political names. Its variety and that my friend is a spice of life. There is a way to handle it civilly. How far do you think any Republican Presidential candidate would get on the national stage by reffering to Obama as Oblowme or McCain as Mclame? Their career would be over. I certainly hope not,,,imagine all the lawsuits ![]() |
This is a great thread, Bump!