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Topic: Reason #12672 not to message people
Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 10/04/10 09:05 AM
everyone knows......

I talk to everyone!!!!....

Noone is to crazy for me.....hahah....never take things on here to seriously!!:heart:

DTHRomeo's photo
Mon 10/04/10 09:33 AM
Edited by DTHRomeo on Mon 10/04/10 09:34 AM
I have never blocked anyone

I haven't had the need to

And i hope i won't have to either

beachdog50's photo
Mon 10/04/10 10:08 AM

I tend to block many women on here for the simple fact that they are working girls (not the 9-5 type).
You found working girls on here? Lucky!

no photo
Mon 10/04/10 10:13 AM

Why would someone block someone they have never corresponded with? Weird people on this earth I tell you.laugh

sometimes the messages r from scammers- dont see that so much on here, but one must be aware.

I think (@romeo) it is different for women.

if the message is just creepy

it happens

fortunately not often

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 10/04/10 12:02 PM

I have already blocked people for trying to chat with me. I just joined yesterday why would I want to IM someone this early? It stinks of someone looking for naughty chat time :( lol

Rachel78745, sometimes I IM a new person simply to welcome that person to Mingle2.

davidben1's photo
Mon 10/04/10 12:28 PM
to be fair about it, many more men rape women, than women that rape men?

many more men perpetrate violence on a female, then females that perpetrate violence on men?

and so, indeed it is very different, for a women than a man, as all things are different for each, as all are unqiue to a huge degree?

if a man really care's about a women, then he will know the greatest goal to have, for a women he cares about, it to not make her afraid of himself, to free her from fear?

for men WAY UNDERESTIMATE the impact or presence of themself upon a women?

a man should approach a women, as one would approach a wild lioness in the wild, considering himself a mere human, and her a lioness, able to rip oneself to shredds, but, able to be tamed as well, not taking the incredible wild out of her, but trying to own it, but fostering a no fear mentality, since human lash out and devour, most when they are afraid for THEMSELF?

it is nothing to feel rejected for in oneself, or to take offense at, or one will reduce it's perception to even foul and angry in due time?

of course, when a man, see's "fear" in the women's eye's, that he wants for himself, knowing that he himself created this fear, there can be severe self frustration displayed by him, and since many women have experienced this, even times a man taking this out on a women violently, then women indeed to learn to fear men, whether it is spoken or not...

such come forth from the man, as deep inside, he know's he has reduced chance's of him having this 'WOMEN FOR HIMSELF', and the more chance he himself has created that this women shall fIND ANOTHER?

touchy deeply impactful emotion's that one must meander thur these days, so whom should be condemed for trusting themself or their own instincts, in regards to each situation of interaction each one encounter?

indeed, to compare these situation's, where one would feel to block another, to find what is good or bad, is totally misleading, to use for any guide or basis of action, for is each situation is ENTIRELY different, for TO LOSE SIGHT THAT EACH OF THESE INVOLVE A "DIFFERENT PERSON", so then no comaprisonm give accurate assessment, leave one knowing for certain, IT HAS TO TRUST ITSELF, above all other's, or self is to blame?

for many a men, if he was in the relationship, just for "owning" her for himself, will indeed show the true color's of total none caring if he gets not what he wants, most if losing it to another mortal man...

so women indeed, have to trust their gut, as the it seems the mission of purpose most, of the male-female species, is for the women to trust herself empahtically, under all cases under the sun, and for the man to come to trust her emphatically, which he will do, if he truly loves her, for he will see, if she trust not herself, then she shall mistrust him all the more, and thus, these dynamic's existing between fe and male, to actually create the understanding of something besides oneself for a man, seeing what really makes a women tick and tock, down her life's path?

but indeed, any man that push a women to trust herself, shall find for the first time, he now understands himself, and is happy with himself, and no longer wishes to OWN ANY HUMAN BEING FOR HIMSELF...

such humanity shall learn, even when it seems all hope is lost, and thus create the grand epic of the greatness of the human species...

sorry for the rant, lol....


no photo
Tue 10/05/10 02:16 AM

Why would someone block someone they have never corresponded with? Weird people on this earth I tell you.laugh

A guy viewed me. I looked at his pictures. He was holding money up in one of his pictures, showing it off to the camera. I felt that meant he was looking for a particular type of woman. I do not wish to have someone looking for that type of woman contacting me, so I blocked him and his money. Besides, he was only holding up $20s. If I want a $20 I will go walk on Pacific Avenue in Atlantic City (five miles from my home)

myshell711's photo
Tue 10/05/10 03:05 AM

I have never blocked anyone

I haven't had the need to

And i hope i won't have to either


unsure's photo
Tue 10/05/10 04:08 AM
I honestly didn't know you could tell when you were blocked? I actually have blocked one person..he was to insane for me! The stalker types are just not so sexy anymore!!! :wink:

Ruth34611's photo
Tue 10/05/10 06:32 AM

Why would someone block someone they have never corresponded with? Weird people on this earth I tell you.laugh

That's just rude. Don't let it bother you....you lucked out that you didn't have to have a conversation with them. :wink: flowerforyou

JamieRawxx's photo
Tue 10/05/10 09:07 AM

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 10/05/10 09:17 AM
Blocked for looking. Thats interesting. I was told, "Why don't you take a picture? It will last longer." Now I am not even supposed to look at the picture. Fascinating. I love it. This place really is spiritual.:heart:

MelodyGirl's photo
Tue 10/05/10 09:28 AM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Tue 10/05/10 09:36 AM

I have blocked people who have only viewed my profile.

I rarely get profile views now since I started a relationship, and use a main pic with my boyfriend but ...

When I was single, if I received too many profile views from the same person - multiple times a day - with incessant nudges, adding me as a favorite, etc, I would block them.

It was annoying. whoa

Either contact me with an email or move on! Why would they continue to acting like a 5 year old rather than just sending an email? I’ve obviously seen their profile views of me and nudges. If I was interested, wouldn't I have contacted them? Common sense! Where art thou??

I also blocked those who sent friend requests without messages – especially suspicious profiles that might be scammers. I would never add anyone as a friend that I didn’t know via the forums. It’s bizarre to me that some people act too familiar too fast.

I have a looong block list; mostly those that are azzzz holes or send overtly sexual messages.

no photo
Tue 10/05/10 09:30 AM
these kinds of things really puts a limit on my lurking and stalking activities...grumble

no photo
Tue 10/05/10 09:35 AM
I block those who don't think this is cool


Dodo_David's photo
Tue 10/05/10 11:01 AM

these kinds of things really puts a limit on my lurking and stalking activities...grumble

pmarco, you are welcome to stalk me any time. bigsmile

Actually, I welcome all female stalkers. I need some excitement.

Suzanne20's photo
Fri 10/08/10 06:53 PM

I block those who don't think this is cool


Wow, I don't even know what to say to that. It's cool in a psychotic kinda way.

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