Topic: Only 39 Percent Would Vote to Re-Elect Obama in 2012 | |
Well he was not born a US citizen so fraud would be the most obvious choice. And yet, the people who contend this have prevailed in exactly ZERO court cases. Bring your evidence, this is what the courts are for, but so far, you've all struck out BIG TIME. After a while it just becomes yesterday's news, which in printed form is suitable only for wrapping fish at the market. -Kerry O. Yea and OJ was really innocent. And if an indictment for murder was even remotely similar to being elected President of the United States by a landslide, that statement might mean something. -Kerry O. In the context it was used in it did go perfectly. Sorry it went over your head. ![]() |
Wow, I just looked an at this point in President Bush's Presidency he was at 91% approval rating and Obama's at 41%. ![]() Hardly remarkable, considering that the 91% rating came right after the War in Iraq started. Anyone who dissented was branded as being a traitor. What IS remarkable, though, is that that 91 % dropped to the low 20s when it became so apparent how badly Bush's cronies had sold the country out. Without checking, I'd have to say that's the biggest 'fall' any president ever took during his term in office. Even Tricky Dick didn't fall this hard and he was just weeks from being impeached and removed from office. Hardly something to be bragging about or using as a measuring stick to compare others... -Kerry O. Actually the 91% was at the end of 2001 and in 2002. In 2001 September, United States was under attack. Makes a bit of a difference in opinions when people fear for their lives. |
Only 1.7% would vote to re-elect Geo. W. Bush!
Only 0.3% would vote to re-elect Sarah Palin! ![]() Only 0.121% would vote to re-elect Jimmy Carter! |
And I am just one more person who will not vote for his stupid arse either! ![]() I didn't buy his BS about change. All we got was Chicago style cronyism. He is such a FACE! No substance. All looks and pretty words! And he really is not black either. O*R*E*O! ![]() dont care for ur racial remarks Andy, but I am wiht u 100% on the cronyism - we just dont need it Please allow me to express the irony of my statement. First of all Obama ran a political platform previous to his run for president based on the following quote of his from an address he made to the University of Philadelphia, and I quote, "Corporate greed is White man's greed!" end quote. Obama gets voted in on the ideal he is a black president, the first one, and he IS the change America needed. Now we have the tale of the tape. He is part of the very greed he decried as "White Man's Greed." His administration changed nothing but inflamed a serious problem into something far worst! Black on the outside, White in the middle... O*R*E*O!!! Can you now see the Irony? The shoe so fits and it fits like a glove! But this time our little OJ in question cannot wiggle out of putting this one on. He already is wearing it! I'm not trying to be racist. I just find it ironic that a racist epitaph used by black people fits Obama so damn good! since you are quoting, do you mind providing a source? I have NEVER heard this and especially not during his campaigns which would be odd if it is indeed what he 'ran on' Here are some :) His comment about small town America mainly Pennsylvanians in liberal San Francisco a few days ago, said of small town Americans/Pennsylvanians that they are bitter and they cling to their guns, and are religious zealots. They are antipathetic to illegal aliens and anti-trade because they are bitter in their lives. Unfortunately to me, Barack Obama is talking about all small towns in America, mainly those of the Midwest not just Pennsylvania. And while searching for specifics I found this.... Yes, I said it: Obama is a racist. As the white, conservative mother of black/Mexican/white children, I know a racist when I hear one. So is his buddy, Henry Louis Gates. Don't let these two Ivy League-educated, erudite, distinguished black men convince you that only whites can be racists. Believe me, these two men are the worst kind of racists: black and elitist. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a racist is someone who believes "all members of each racial group possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another racial group or racial groups." When Sgt. Crowley investigated a possible burglary at Prof. Gates' Cambridge home this week, Gates met a white cop at his door and evidently assumed Crowley was a bad cop, a rogue, a racist cop who would treat him differently than any other suspected perp, just because he was black. That's racism, folks! What did Gates do when faced with a police officer investigating a burglary in his home? Was Gates polite and courteous to the cop? Did he cooperate and step onto the porch out of the darkened home so Crowley could see his face and ID? Did he calmly explain why a passerby saw him breaking in, if, in fact, it was his own house? Did he speak or act like the esteemed scholar and professor his ID claimed him to be? Nope. He was belligerent, accusatory, uncooperative, irrational and defamatory, throwing racial slurs at the white officer, even insulting the cop's mother (as in, "Yo momma is so..."). If ever a man did NOT act with Harvard professorial dignity and decorum, if ever a black man acted like a thug from the ‘hood, Gates did. Is it any wonder Officer Crowley asked for more ID, one that actually listed that house as his address, or asked for another person to corroborate Gates' identity? I would, wouldn't you? And when Gates refused, and became so incensed and insulting to the Sergeant who was there to protect his property that a crowd grew around his house, was Crowley supposed to allow this kind of behavior, just because Gates was black? No. He arrested Gates for disorderly conduct, as he was trained to do. Last time I checked, police arrest people regardless of race when they act like crazy people in the presence of peace officers. So why is President Obama a racist? Because he, like his friend Gates, automatically assumed the white police officer "acted stupidly." BO assumed it was the white officer's fault, because, of course, we all know white cops are racist, right? And later, when he slightly retracted his statement, he still felt the need to say, "It would have been better if cooler heads had prevailed." By now he knew the facts, that his friend Gates had lost his mind and acted like a fool, but he assumed that Sgt. Crowley similarly lost it and "got all up" in Gates' face, because, of course, that's what all white cops do. But this white cop didn't, because he's not just any cop, he is an expert at managing racial incidents just like this one became, because of Gates' racism. Friends and fellow officers of all races say Sgt. James Crowley is calm and reliable in situations racially hostile situs, because he was hand-picked by a black police commissioner to teach recruits how to avoid racial profiling, and Crowley has apparently been doing a stellar job at it for 5 years. But Gates and our esteemed president didn't know that, did they? So, who are the racists in this story? Gates accused a decent, decorated, above-reproach police officer of being a racist rogue cop, just because he was white. What did our esteemed "black" president do? He immediately took Gates' side, because he's a friend and black! Um, Mr. President, I thought you were going to help erase the racial lines that divide us? Shame on you for taking sides on something you admitted you knew nothing about, for commenting nationally on a small, local issue well beneath your pay grade, and for showing us all that you are not that different that the racist Gates who believes all white cops are bad cops, just because of their skin color. Mr. President, you are a racist. Shame on you. You are SO Sexy when you talk dirty like that! ![]() MORE PLEASE! ![]() ![]() A woman with eyes wide open! ![]() |
Only 1.7% would vote to re-elect Geo. W. Bush! Only 0.3% would vote to re-elect Sarah Palin! ![]() Only 0.121% would vote to re-elect Jimmy Carter! We need somebody new, with fresh ideas, integrity and solid as a rock in 2012. So far I am not impressed with any of the mainstream media clowns currently "hinting" their presidential bid. |
Wow, I just looked an at this point in President Bush's Presidency he was at 91% approval rating and Obama's at 41%. ![]() Hardly remarkable, considering that the 91% rating came right after the War in Iraq started. Anyone who dissented was branded as being a traitor. What IS remarkable, though, is that that 91 % dropped to the low 20s when it became so apparent how badly Bush's cronies had sold the country out. Without checking, I'd have to say that's the biggest 'fall' any president ever took during his term in office. Even Tricky Dick didn't fall this hard and he was just weeks from being impeached and removed from office. Hardly something to be bragging about or using as a measuring stick to compare others... -Kerry O. Actually the 91% was at the end of 2001 and in 2002. In 2001 September, United States was under attack. Makes a bit of a difference in opinions when people fear for their lives. Actually he had high approval rating before the attacks too. |
Someone new like Donald Trump!
![]() |
I am not sure......I am a lil more pessimistic about it personally, I don't trust that trump would be fair and balanced. We need an honest conservative with high provide the kind of balance conservatism thrives in.
I am not sure......I am a lil more pessimistic about it personally, I don't trust that trump would be fair and balanced. We need an honest conservative with high provide the kind of balance conservatism thrives in. |
Laura Schwartz...we need a jew in the white house to piss the muslims off... plus she could have a campaign slogan like "may the Schwartz be with you"... plus, shes cute too...
Edited by
Tue 10/05/10 06:47 PM
I would make it mandatory, that the candidate must have served at least 6 years in the United States Armed Forces. (any branch)
No exeptions. If the P. of the USA is the "Commander in Chief" of the military, he MUST be someone who has completed basic training and served. I know..some people gonna say "why". Why? Because if the "commander in chief" has the power to send armies around the world, let's have a responsibility and know what it's like being in those combat boots, jumped from planes, walked through the jungle and the desert, engaged in a firefight with enemy. If the person has ZERO experience in the military, he (or she) has no right to sit on the top of the chain of command. End of story. |
yeah but pizza the hut,may think other wise
I would make it mandatory, that the candidate must have served at least 6 years in the United States Armed Forces. (any branch) No exeptions. If the P. of the USA is the "Commander in Chief" of the military, he MUST be someone who has completed basic training and served. I know..some people gonna say "why". Why? Because if the "commander in chief" has the power to send armies around the world, let's have a responsibility and know what it's like being in those combat boots, jumped from planes, walked through the jungle and the desert, engaged in a firefight with enemy. If the person has ZERO experience in the military, he (or she) has no right to sit on the top of the chain of command. End of story. i wouldn't disagree with that |
I would make it mandatory, that the candidate must have served at least 6 years in the United States Armed Forces. (any branch) No exeptions. If the P. of the USA is the "Commander in Chief" of the military, he MUST be someone who has completed basic training and served. I know..some people gonna say "why". Why? Because if the "commander in chief" has the power to send armies around the world, let's have a responsibility and know what it's like being in those combat boots, jumped from planes, walked through the jungle and the desert, engaged in a firefight with enemy. If the person has ZERO experience in the military, he (or she) has no right to sit on the top of the chain of command. End of story. i wouldn't disagree with that AGREED! |
And I am just one more person who will not vote for his stupid arse either! ![]() I didn't buy his BS about change. All we got was Chicago style cronyism. He is such a FACE! No substance. All looks and pretty words! And he really is not black either. O*R*E*O! ![]() dont care for ur racial remarks Andy, but I am wiht u 100% on the cronyism - we just dont need it Please allow me to express the irony of my statement. First of all Obama ran a political platform previous to his run for president based on the following quote of his from an address he made to the University of Philadelphia, and I quote, "Corporate greed is White man's greed!" end quote. Obama gets voted in on the ideal he is a black president, the first one, and he IS the change America needed. Now we have the tale of the tape. He is part of the very greed he decried as "White Man's Greed." His administration changed nothing but inflamed a serious problem into something far worst! Black on the outside, White in the middle... O*R*E*O!!! Can you now see the Irony? The shoe so fits and it fits like a glove! But this time our little OJ in question cannot wiggle out of putting this one on. He already is wearing it! I'm not trying to be racist. I just find it ironic that a racist epitaph used by black people fits Obama so damn good! since you are quoting, do you mind providing a source? I have NEVER heard this and especially not during his campaigns which would be odd if it is indeed what he 'ran on' Here are some :) His comment about small town America mainly Pennsylvanians in liberal San Francisco a few days ago, said of small town Americans/Pennsylvanians that they are bitter and they cling to their guns, and are religious zealots. They are antipathetic to illegal aliens and anti-trade because they are bitter in their lives. Unfortunately to me, Barack Obama is talking about all small towns in America, mainly those of the Midwest not just Pennsylvania. And while searching for specifics I found this.... Yes, I said it: Obama is a racist. As the white, conservative mother of black/Mexican/white children, I know a racist when I hear one. So is his buddy, Henry Louis Gates. Don't let these two Ivy League-educated, erudite, distinguished black men convince you that only whites can be racists. Believe me, these two men are the worst kind of racists: black and elitist. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a racist is someone who believes "all members of each racial group possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another racial group or racial groups." When Sgt. Crowley investigated a possible burglary at Prof. Gates' Cambridge home this week, Gates met a white cop at his door and evidently assumed Crowley was a bad cop, a rogue, a racist cop who would treat him differently than any other suspected perp, just because he was black. That's racism, folks! What did Gates do when faced with a police officer investigating a burglary in his home? Was Gates polite and courteous to the cop? Did he cooperate and step onto the porch out of the darkened home so Crowley could see his face and ID? Did he calmly explain why a passerby saw him breaking in, if, in fact, it was his own house? Did he speak or act like the esteemed scholar and professor his ID claimed him to be? Nope. He was belligerent, accusatory, uncooperative, irrational and defamatory, throwing racial slurs at the white officer, even insulting the cop's mother (as in, "Yo momma is so..."). If ever a man did NOT act with Harvard professorial dignity and decorum, if ever a black man acted like a thug from the ‘hood, Gates did. Is it any wonder Officer Crowley asked for more ID, one that actually listed that house as his address, or asked for another person to corroborate Gates' identity? I would, wouldn't you? And when Gates refused, and became so incensed and insulting to the Sergeant who was there to protect his property that a crowd grew around his house, was Crowley supposed to allow this kind of behavior, just because Gates was black? No. He arrested Gates for disorderly conduct, as he was trained to do. Last time I checked, police arrest people regardless of race when they act like crazy people in the presence of peace officers. So why is President Obama a racist? Because he, like his friend Gates, automatically assumed the white police officer "acted stupidly." BO assumed it was the white officer's fault, because, of course, we all know white cops are racist, right? And later, when he slightly retracted his statement, he still felt the need to say, "It would have been better if cooler heads had prevailed." By now he knew the facts, that his friend Gates had lost his mind and acted like a fool, but he assumed that Sgt. Crowley similarly lost it and "got all up" in Gates' face, because, of course, that's what all white cops do. But this white cop didn't, because he's not just any cop, he is an expert at managing racial incidents just like this one became, because of Gates' racism. Friends and fellow officers of all races say Sgt. James Crowley is calm and reliable in situations racially hostile situs, because he was hand-picked by a black police commissioner to teach recruits how to avoid racial profiling, and Crowley has apparently been doing a stellar job at it for 5 years. But Gates and our esteemed president didn't know that, did they? So, who are the racists in this story? Gates accused a decent, decorated, above-reproach police officer of being a racist rogue cop, just because he was white. What did our esteemed "black" president do? He immediately took Gates' side, because he's a friend and black! Um, Mr. President, I thought you were going to help erase the racial lines that divide us? Shame on you for taking sides on something you admitted you knew nothing about, for commenting nationally on a small, local issue well beneath your pay grade, and for showing us all that you are not that different that the racist Gates who believes all white cops are bad cops, just because of their skin color. Mr. President, you are a racist. Shame on you. You are SO Sexy when you talk dirty like that! ![]() MORE PLEASE! ![]() ![]() A woman with eyes wide open! ![]() I love it when people have details of things they didnt witness,,, sorry, but how about an actual police report and not a commentary from a website,,, just PERHAPS(and again I dont know because I wasnt there and didnt read the police report) this professor had had a LONG trip back home, and found he didnt have a key to his house so he had to jimmy his way in, and therefore was not in the most AMICABLE of moods(which last I checked isnt illegal,,,) THEN, the officer arrived and entered his home where he was standing with his LUGGAGE(how many crooks break into a home with luggage) and using a CANE and most likely had pictures or other evidence of living at that abode and asked him for ID,,which he produced and THEN the officer proceded to make PHONE calls to further verify he was who he said he was.... PERHAPS , if I had lived through a time of segregation and blatant discrimination,, I might have presumed I was receiving ESPECIALLY suspect treatment for reasont that could be due to race being that I had presented evidence of my name and address and didnt fit any other profile of a burglar, being middle aged and using a cane and all.... |
And I am just one more person who will not vote for his stupid arse either! ![]() I didn't buy his BS about change. All we got was Chicago style cronyism. He is such a FACE! No substance. All looks and pretty words! And he really is not black either. O*R*E*O! ![]() dont care for ur racial remarks Andy, but I am wiht u 100% on the cronyism - we just dont need it Please allow me to express the irony of my statement. First of all Obama ran a political platform previous to his run for president based on the following quote of his from an address he made to the University of Philadelphia, and I quote, "Corporate greed is White man's greed!" end quote. Obama gets voted in on the ideal he is a black president, the first one, and he IS the change America needed. Now we have the tale of the tape. He is part of the very greed he decried as "White Man's Greed." His administration changed nothing but inflamed a serious problem into something far worst! Black on the outside, White in the middle... O*R*E*O!!! Can you now see the Irony? The shoe so fits and it fits like a glove! But this time our little OJ in question cannot wiggle out of putting this one on. He already is wearing it! I'm not trying to be racist. I just find it ironic that a racist epitaph used by black people fits Obama so damn good! since you are quoting, do you mind providing a source? I have NEVER heard this and especially not during his campaigns which would be odd if it is indeed what he 'ran on' Here are some :) His comment about small town America mainly Pennsylvanians in liberal San Francisco a few days ago, said of small town Americans/Pennsylvanians that they are bitter and they cling to their guns, and are religious zealots. They are antipathetic to illegal aliens and anti-trade because they are bitter in their lives. Unfortunately to me, Barack Obama is talking about all small towns in America, mainly those of the Midwest not just Pennsylvania. And while searching for specifics I found this.... Yes, I said it: Obama is a racist. As the white, conservative mother of black/Mexican/white children, I know a racist when I hear one. So is his buddy, Henry Louis Gates. Don't let these two Ivy League-educated, erudite, distinguished black men convince you that only whites can be racists. Believe me, these two men are the worst kind of racists: black and elitist. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a racist is someone who believes "all members of each racial group possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another racial group or racial groups." When Sgt. Crowley investigated a possible burglary at Prof. Gates' Cambridge home this week, Gates met a white cop at his door and evidently assumed Crowley was a bad cop, a rogue, a racist cop who would treat him differently than any other suspected perp, just because he was black. That's racism, folks! What did Gates do when faced with a police officer investigating a burglary in his home? Was Gates polite and courteous to the cop? Did he cooperate and step onto the porch out of the darkened home so Crowley could see his face and ID? Did he calmly explain why a passerby saw him breaking in, if, in fact, it was his own house? Did he speak or act like the esteemed scholar and professor his ID claimed him to be? Nope. He was belligerent, accusatory, uncooperative, irrational and defamatory, throwing racial slurs at the white officer, even insulting the cop's mother (as in, "Yo momma is so..."). If ever a man did NOT act with Harvard professorial dignity and decorum, if ever a black man acted like a thug from the ‘hood, Gates did. Is it any wonder Officer Crowley asked for more ID, one that actually listed that house as his address, or asked for another person to corroborate Gates' identity? I would, wouldn't you? And when Gates refused, and became so incensed and insulting to the Sergeant who was there to protect his property that a crowd grew around his house, was Crowley supposed to allow this kind of behavior, just because Gates was black? No. He arrested Gates for disorderly conduct, as he was trained to do. Last time I checked, police arrest people regardless of race when they act like crazy people in the presence of peace officers. So why is President Obama a racist? Because he, like his friend Gates, automatically assumed the white police officer "acted stupidly." BO assumed it was the white officer's fault, because, of course, we all know white cops are racist, right? And later, when he slightly retracted his statement, he still felt the need to say, "It would have been better if cooler heads had prevailed." By now he knew the facts, that his friend Gates had lost his mind and acted like a fool, but he assumed that Sgt. Crowley similarly lost it and "got all up" in Gates' face, because, of course, that's what all white cops do. But this white cop didn't, because he's not just any cop, he is an expert at managing racial incidents just like this one became, because of Gates' racism. Friends and fellow officers of all races say Sgt. James Crowley is calm and reliable in situations racially hostile situs, because he was hand-picked by a black police commissioner to teach recruits how to avoid racial profiling, and Crowley has apparently been doing a stellar job at it for 5 years. But Gates and our esteemed president didn't know that, did they? So, who are the racists in this story? Gates accused a decent, decorated, above-reproach police officer of being a racist rogue cop, just because he was white. What did our esteemed "black" president do? He immediately took Gates' side, because he's a friend and black! Um, Mr. President, I thought you were going to help erase the racial lines that divide us? Shame on you for taking sides on something you admitted you knew nothing about, for commenting nationally on a small, local issue well beneath your pay grade, and for showing us all that you are not that different that the racist Gates who believes all white cops are bad cops, just because of their skin color. Mr. President, you are a racist. Shame on you. You are SO Sexy when you talk dirty like that! ![]() MORE PLEASE! ![]() ![]() A woman with eyes wide open! ![]() I love it when people have details of things they didnt witness,,, sorry, but how about an actual police report and not a commentary from a website,,, just PERHAPS(and again I dont know because I wasnt there and didnt read the police report) this professor had had a LONG trip back home, and found he didnt have a key to his house so he had to jimmy his way in, and therefore was not in the most AMICABLE of moods(which last I checked isnt illegal,,,) THEN, the officer arrived and entered his home where he was standing with his LUGGAGE(how many crooks break into a home with luggage) and using a CANE and most likely had pictures or other evidence of living at that abode and asked him for ID,,which he produced and THEN the officer proceded to make PHONE calls to further verify he was who he said he was.... PERHAPS , if I had lived through a time of segregation and blatant discrimination,, I might have presumed I was receiving ESPECIALLY suspect treatment for reasont that could be due to race being that I had presented evidence of my name and address and didnt fit any other profile of a burglar, being middle aged and using a cane and all.... |
I may be naive, but I dont believe all police are just doing a job,, some of them have underlying issues that affect HOW they do their job
this officer, in my opinion, had what he needed once he had the id and had no reason not to turn around and go help someone in real need instead of sticking around to harass the man and then arresting him for coming on his front porch(with a |
I may be naive, but I dont believe all police are just doing a job,, some of them have underlying issues that affect HOW they do their job this officer, in my opinion, had what he needed once he had the id and had no reason not to turn around and go help someone in real need instead of sticking around to harass the man and then arresting him for coming on his front porch(with a I haven't met one yet. |
I may be naive, but I dont believe all police are just doing a job,, some of them have underlying issues that affect HOW they do their job this officer, in my opinion, had what he needed once he had the id and had no reason not to turn around and go help someone in real need instead of sticking around to harass the man and then arresting him for coming on his front porch(with a yea, the professors attitude... he has a right to talk about the cops mother? the cop was there DOING HIS JOB...then he has to listen to crap from this guy? |
Edited by
Tue 10/05/10 08:35 PM
I may be naive, but I dont believe all police are just doing a job,, some of them have underlying issues that affect HOW they do their job this officer, in my opinion, had what he needed once he had the id and had no reason not to turn around and go help someone in real need instead of sticking around to harass the man and then arresting him for coming on his front porch(with a yea, the professors attitude... he has a right to talk about the cops mother? the cop was there DOING HIS JOB...then he has to listen to crap from this guy? actually, he does have the RIGHT , on his property to talk about whatever or whomever he wishes,,especially if he is not under arrest or broken any law and COMPLIED with the officers request can you show me the law against talking about whomever I want on MY PROPERTY? for goodness sake, we can shoot people now for being on our property without permission but we will get arrested for talking trash to them? if you dont like what Im saying,, all the more reason to LEAVE..... |