Topic: im new to this and will be in usa soon.
williamm0944's photo
Sun 09/26/10 07:53 AM
hey everyone im billy from dundee in scotland looking at movein to america to start new life and hopefully find the one so depending on visa il be there within a year maximum. :) look forward to meeting new people. x

no photo
Sun 09/26/10 08:32 AM
Welcome to Mingle2 and good luck with your move.waving

williamm0944's photo
Sun 09/26/10 08:43 AM
:banana: why thank you very much.

tanyaann's photo
Sun 09/26/10 09:10 AM
waving welcome to the site

Teditis's photo
Sun 09/26/10 09:12 AM
Hi & Welcome. waving

williamm0944's photo
Sun 09/26/10 09:14 AM
thank you all. :) i have never been on a dateing site before so thought i would try it out and see what happens.