Topic: Harry Reid's Greatest Hits!
Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/20/10 08:03 PM
Edited by Lpdon on Mon 09/20/10 08:03 PM
On the Iraq War..........

"The war is lost!"

On Presidential Candidate Barack Obama..........

"Light Skinned""With no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one."

On the death of Senator Ted Kennedy

"I think it's going to help us."

On Nevada Tourists.............

"You can always tell when it is summertime in Nevada because you can smell the visitors. The visitors stand out in the high humidity, heat and they sweat."

To a Lav Vegas-Review Journal Executive............

"I hope you go out of business."

On General Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff......


On Tea Party activists........

"Evil Mongers."

Is Harry Reid representing Nevada or is he just representing Harry Reid?

"Everything I've done in the last five years has been campaign related," he said. "That is what my life is about." surprised

and the #1 Reid hit is................

"Paying taxes are optional." surprised

TonkaTruck3's photo
Mon 09/20/10 08:21 PM
Thankfully, Harry "Ballsac" Reid will be a thing of the past very soon.

Lpdon's photo
Mon 09/20/10 08:23 PM

Thankfully, Harry "Ballsac" Reid will be a thing of the past very soon.

Yup and his little boy Rory is history too. He is 20 points behind his Republican opponent. He even wen't as far as not using his last name on ad's anymore........laugh

Lpdon's photo
Tue 09/21/10 02:55 PM
Ooooohhhhhhhhhhhh....... I almost forgot..........

March 5, 2010: Reid hails as good news a newly released labor report showing 36,000 jobs were lost in February.

"Today is a big day in America. Only 36,000 people lost their jobs today, which is really good," he says.

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/21/10 06:04 PM

"We needed to have the press be our friend ... We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported." --Sharron Angle, during an interview with Fox News Channel's Carl Cameron, Aug. 2, 2010

. "Government shouldn't be doing that to a private company. And I think you named it clearly: It's a slush fund." --Sharron Angle, on the BP escrow account set up at President Obama's urging to pay out oil spill claims, Alan Stock Show, July 7, 2010

Sharon will be for Harry what Sarah was for OBama,,,let her keep talking and I somehow dont think Harry will have much to be concerned about,,

Lpdon's photo
Tue 09/21/10 06:34 PM


"We needed to have the press be our friend ... We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported." --Sharron Angle, during an interview with Fox News Channel's Carl Cameron, Aug. 2, 2010

. "Government shouldn't be doing that to a private company. And I think you named it clearly: It's a slush fund." --Sharron Angle, on the BP escrow account set up at President Obama's urging to pay out oil spill claims, Alan Stock Show, July 7, 2010

Sharon will be for Harry what Sarah was for OBama,,,let her keep talking and I somehow dont think Harry will have much to be concerned about,,

Ummm, have you read anything in my previous posts? I am no fan of Sharron Angle, I will tell you after November. I am privledged to certain things people don't know about, and I don't support her and wont vote for her. I wont vote for Reid either.

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/21/10 07:15 PM


"We needed to have the press be our friend ... We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported." --Sharron Angle, during an interview with Fox News Channel's Carl Cameron, Aug. 2, 2010

. "Government shouldn't be doing that to a private company. And I think you named it clearly: It's a slush fund." --Sharron Angle, on the BP escrow account set up at President Obama's urging to pay out oil spill claims, Alan Stock Show, July 7, 2010

Sharon will be for Harry what Sarah was for OBama,,,let her keep talking and I somehow dont think Harry will have much to be concerned about,,

Ummm, have you read anything in my previous posts? I am no fan of Sharron Angle, I will tell you after November. I am privledged to certain things people don't know about, and I don't support her and wont vote for her. I wont vote for Reid either.

never stated otherwise, just offering a pov that a Harry Reid defeat isnt all that EMINENT,,,,both are currently tied at 48 percent

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 09/21/10 08:25 PM
I heard on the radio today (its even a "liberal station" too!!) that Angle leads Reid by almost 20 points.

If I could vote for Angle, I would....just get Reid out of there.

Lpdon's photo
Tue 09/21/10 08:40 PM

I heard on the radio today (its even a "liberal station" too!!) that Angle leads Reid by almost 20 points.

If I could vote for Angle, I would....just get Reid out of there.

No they are in a dead heat.

Sandoval beats his son Rory Reid by over 20 points.......

TonkaTruck3's photo
Tue 09/21/10 10:56 PM
Ahh, maybe that was it!!
I still think Harry Reid is gonna lose. There are too many people tired of him and his backstabbing.

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/22/10 12:21 AM
just as many are terrified of Angle leadership

Lpdon's photo
Wed 09/22/10 07:55 AM

just as many are terrified of Angle leadership

Not really, people hate Harry Reid. The newest created poll shows her up by 2 points. I think she will win.

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/22/10 08:04 AM

just as many are terrified of Angle leadership

Not really, people hate Harry Reid. The newest created poll shows her up by 2 points. I think she will win.

honestly, everyone in the political spotlight has people who 'hate' them

the man won the nomination by nearly eighty precent and he has been elected to office in 86,92,98, and 2004,,,plenty of people support him

I think so long as Angle keeps talking, he is gonna win.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 09/22/10 08:16 AM

just as many are terrified of Angle leadership

Not really, people hate Harry Reid. The newest created poll shows her up by 2 points. I think she will win.

honestly, everyone in the political spotlight has people who 'hate' them

the man won the nomination by nearly eighty precent and he has been elected to office in 86,92,98, and 2004,,,plenty of people support him

I think so long as Angle keeps talking, he is gonna win.

The mood has drastically changed since 2004. He is extremly hated. His approval rating is one of the lowest in Congress. He's done.

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/22/10 08:22 AM

just as many are terrified of Angle leadership

Not really, people hate Harry Reid. The newest created poll shows her up by 2 points. I think she will win.

honestly, everyone in the political spotlight has people who 'hate' them

the man won the nomination by nearly eighty precent and he has been elected to office in 86,92,98, and 2004,,,plenty of people support him

I think so long as Angle keeps talking, he is gonna win.

The mood has drastically changed since 2004. He is extremly hated. His approval rating is one of the lowest in Congress. He's done.

we will see, one of the lowest in Congress doesnt translate into least supported in NEVADA

Lpdon's photo
Wed 09/22/10 01:45 PM

just as many are terrified of Angle leadership

Not really, people hate Harry Reid. The newest created poll shows her up by 2 points. I think she will win.

honestly, everyone in the political spotlight has people who 'hate' them

the man won the nomination by nearly eighty precent and he has been elected to office in 86,92,98, and 2004,,,plenty of people support him

I think so long as Angle keeps talking, he is gonna win.

The mood has drastically changed since 2004. He is extremly hated. His approval rating is one of the lowest in Congress. He's done.

we will see, one of the lowest in Congress doesnt translate into least supported in NEVADA

Ummmmm, his approval rate in Nevada is in the toilet.

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/22/10 01:53 PM
from 9/22

'In Nevada, we see yet another close result between Angle and Reid. If the Republicans had nominated a better candidate, this race would have been an easy GOP victory. Indeed, Reid's approval rating in the poll is only 41%, yet he receives the votes of 45%! The fact that Reid is receiving votes from voters who disapprove of his performance indicates they really don't want to vote for Sharon Angle. President Obama's negative job approval (40%-52%) is surely not helping either.'

Lpdon's photo
Wed 09/22/10 05:19 PM

from 9/22

'In Nevada, we see yet another close result between Angle and Reid. If the Republicans had nominated a better candidate, this race would have been an easy GOP victory. Indeed, Reid's approval rating in the poll is only 41%, yet he receives the votes of 45%! The fact that Reid is receiving votes from voters who disapprove of his performance indicates they really don't want to vote for Sharon Angle. President Obama's negative job approval (40%-52%) is surely not helping either.'