Topic: Richard Dawkins | |
Wow your giving me information from am really supposed to believe anything from a obviously anti Christian website that will post any kind of rant from anyone regardless if it is credible or not? Hitler just like any person on this planet can claim to be anything they want including saying they are a Christian.You can call yourself a Christian and and go whoring every night,rob liquor stores,rape women,and go on a murdering spree.It is your actions and actions alone that determine if you are a real Christian or a man pretending to be a Christian.Where do yo draw the line by determining if someone is really a Christian or not?Nothing Hitler did was ever justified using the bible.Nothing Hitler was doing was Christ like,good,forgiving,or biblical correct.Hitler was a Anti Christ who was killing Gods chosen people. Anyone can see that Hitler was the exact opposite of a Christian man for these reasons. "And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God… ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.' ...Hitler believed he was God and people should worship him as such.Hitler did not submit to God or Jesus in any way or consider them superior to him.He wanted the Christian religion abolished along with the bible. TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.' Hitler used the Swatica as his symbol for murder everywhere he went.Big photos of Hitler were on every street corner THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.' Hitler called the Jews and the God they worshiped every deplorable name in the book thousands of time. FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' Hitler did not practice any Jewish tradations. FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.' SIX: 'You shall not murder.' Hitler wanted everyone killed who was not white skinned German blood. SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.' Can't comment on that one. EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.' Hitlers Army stole or destroyed everything in site. NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.' Claiming the Jews were the reasons for the worlds problems is a good start. TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.' Hitler wanted the world and everything in it. The official song of the Hitlerjugend (‘Youth of Hitler’) at the Reichsparteitag 1934: "We are Hitler’s joyous youth, What need we Christian virtue!, Our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler Is always our redeemer! No wicked priest can hinder us, To sense that we are Hitler’s children; We follow not Christ but Horst Wessel, Away with incense and holy water!." In 1941, Martin Bormann, a close associate of Hitler said publicly "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable".[51] In 1942 he also declared in a confidential memo to Gauleiters that the Christian Churches 'must absolutely and finally be broken.' Thus it is evident that he believed Nazism, based as it was on a 'scientific' world-view, to be completely incompatible with Christianity.[52] When we [National Socialists] speak of belief in God, we do not mean, like the naive Christians and their spiritual exploiters, a man-like being sitting around somewhere in the universe. The force governed by natural law by which all these countless planets move in the universe, we call omnipotence or God. The assertion that this universal force can trouble itself about the destiny of each individual being, every smallest earthly bacillus, can be influenced by so-called prayers or other surprising things, depends upon a requisite dose of naivety or else upon shameless professional self-interest.[53] Other members of the Hitler government, including Rosenberg, during the war formulated a thirty-point program for the "National Reich Church" which included: 1. The National Reich Church specifically demands the immediate turning over to its possession of all churches and chapels, to become national churches. 5. The National Reich Church is immutably fixed in its one objective: to destroy that Christian belief imported into Germany in the unfortunate year 800, whose tenets conflict with both the heart and mentality of the German. 13. The National Reich Church demands the immediate cessation of the printing of the Bible, as well as its dissemination, throughout the Reich and colonies. All Sunday papers with any religious content shall also be suppressed. 14. The National Reich Church shall see that the importation of the Bible and other religious works into Reich territory is made impossible. 15. The National Reich Church decrees that the most important document of all time-therefore the guiding document of the German people-is the book of our Fuhrer, “Mein Kampf.” It recognizes that this book contains the principles of the purist ethnic morals under which the German people must live. 16. The National Reich Church will see to it that this book spread its active forces among the entire population and that all Germans live by it. 18. The National Reich Church will remove from the altars of all churches the Bible, the cross and religious objects. 19. In their places will be set that which must be venerated by the German people and therefore is by God, our most saintly book, “Mein Kampf,” and to the left of this a sword. 21. In the National Reich Church there will be no remission of sins; its tenet is that, once committed, a sin is irrevocable and will be implacably punished by the laws of nature and in this world. 30. On the day of the foundation of the National Reich Church the Christian cross shall be removed from all churches, cathedrals, and chapels inside the frontiers of the Reich and its colonies and will be replaced by the symbol of invincible Germany-the swastika. "You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?" (Adolf Hitler, quoted by Albert Speer, p. 96, Inside the Third Reich.) "If Jehovah has lost all meaning for us Germans, the same must be said of Jesus Christ, his son...He certainly lacks those characteristics which he would require to be a true German. Indeed, he is as disappointing, if we read his record carefully, as is his father.-- E. K. Heidemann, 'What the Christian Does not Know about Christianity,' September, 1935, quoted p. 105, The War Against God, edited by Carl Carmer). Ha, In 1941, Martin Bormann, a close associate of Hitler said publicly "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable"." HEARSAY! That crap was the beginning of the clean up by Christians in a lame attempt to hide the fact that Hitler was you you. Show me a speech or reference a text from Hitler...not from the people trying to revise history... Got any? Didn't think so... Oh but Hitler wasn't a Christian regardless if he claimed to be. Being a Christian is much more then just saying you are, it's a lifestyle. Proof is in the pudding if you will. Someone can claim they are Christian but if they go off mass murdering thousands of people, their actions speak differently then their words and thus they obviously aren't a Christian. Hitler did what EVERY Christian does. He 'interpreted' scripture and not only did HE think he had correctly done so, but the Church acted on his behalf and backed up his interpretation about the Jews. In a few threads you and others have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is NO WAY to ultimately define a Christian. Christians are a cult of one with each cult self-defined. |
Wow your giving me information from am really supposed to believe anything from a obviously anti Christian website that will post any kind of rant from anyone regardless if it is credible or not? Hitler just like any person on this planet can claim to be anything they want including saying they are a Christian.You can call yourself a Christian and and go whoring every night,rob liquor stores,rape women,and go on a murdering spree.It is your actions and actions alone that determine if you are a real Christian or a man pretending to be a Christian.Where do yo draw the line by determining if someone is really a Christian or not?Nothing Hitler did was ever justified using the bible.Nothing Hitler was doing was Christ like,good,forgiving,or biblical correct.Hitler was a Anti Christ who was killing Gods chosen people. Anyone can see that Hitler was the exact opposite of a Christian man for these reasons. "And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God… ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.' ...Hitler believed he was God and people should worship him as such.Hitler did not submit to God or Jesus in any way or consider them superior to him.He wanted the Christian religion abolished along with the bible. TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.' Hitler used the Swatica as his symbol for murder everywhere he went.Big photos of Hitler were on every street corner THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.' Hitler called the Jews and the God they worshiped every deplorable name in the book thousands of time. FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' Hitler did not practice any Jewish tradations. FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.' SIX: 'You shall not murder.' Hitler wanted everyone killed who was not white skinned German blood. SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.' Can't comment on that one. EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.' Hitlers Army stole or destroyed everything in site. NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.' Claiming the Jews were the reasons for the worlds problems is a good start. TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.' Hitler wanted the world and everything in it. The official song of the Hitlerjugend (‘Youth of Hitler’) at the Reichsparteitag 1934: "We are Hitler’s joyous youth, What need we Christian virtue!, Our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler Is always our redeemer! No wicked priest can hinder us, To sense that we are Hitler’s children; We follow not Christ but Horst Wessel, Away with incense and holy water!." In 1941, Martin Bormann, a close associate of Hitler said publicly "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable".[51] In 1942 he also declared in a confidential memo to Gauleiters that the Christian Churches 'must absolutely and finally be broken.' Thus it is evident that he believed Nazism, based as it was on a 'scientific' world-view, to be completely incompatible with Christianity.[52] When we [National Socialists] speak of belief in God, we do not mean, like the naive Christians and their spiritual exploiters, a man-like being sitting around somewhere in the universe. The force governed by natural law by which all these countless planets move in the universe, we call omnipotence or God. The assertion that this universal force can trouble itself about the destiny of each individual being, every smallest earthly bacillus, can be influenced by so-called prayers or other surprising things, depends upon a requisite dose of naivety or else upon shameless professional self-interest.[53] Other members of the Hitler government, including Rosenberg, during the war formulated a thirty-point program for the "National Reich Church" which included: 1. The National Reich Church specifically demands the immediate turning over to its possession of all churches and chapels, to become national churches. 5. The National Reich Church is immutably fixed in its one objective: to destroy that Christian belief imported into Germany in the unfortunate year 800, whose tenets conflict with both the heart and mentality of the German. 13. The National Reich Church demands the immediate cessation of the printing of the Bible, as well as its dissemination, throughout the Reich and colonies. All Sunday papers with any religious content shall also be suppressed. 14. The National Reich Church shall see that the importation of the Bible and other religious works into Reich territory is made impossible. 15. The National Reich Church decrees that the most important document of all time-therefore the guiding document of the German people-is the book of our Fuhrer, “Mein Kampf.” It recognizes that this book contains the principles of the purist ethnic morals under which the German people must live. 16. The National Reich Church will see to it that this book spread its active forces among the entire population and that all Germans live by it. 18. The National Reich Church will remove from the altars of all churches the Bible, the cross and religious objects. 19. In their places will be set that which must be venerated by the German people and therefore is by God, our most saintly book, “Mein Kampf,” and to the left of this a sword. 21. In the National Reich Church there will be no remission of sins; its tenet is that, once committed, a sin is irrevocable and will be implacably punished by the laws of nature and in this world. 30. On the day of the foundation of the National Reich Church the Christian cross shall be removed from all churches, cathedrals, and chapels inside the frontiers of the Reich and its colonies and will be replaced by the symbol of invincible Germany-the swastika. "You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?" (Adolf Hitler, quoted by Albert Speer, p. 96, Inside the Third Reich.) "If Jehovah has lost all meaning for us Germans, the same must be said of Jesus Christ, his son...He certainly lacks those characteristics which he would require to be a true German. Indeed, he is as disappointing, if we read his record carefully, as is his father.-- E. K. Heidemann, 'What the Christian Does not Know about Christianity,' September, 1935, quoted p. 105, The War Against God, edited by Carl Carmer). Ha, In 1941, Martin Bormann, a close associate of Hitler said publicly "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable"." HEARSAY! That crap was the beginning of the clean up by Christians in a lame attempt to hide the fact that Hitler was you you. Show me a speech or reference a text from Hitler...not from the people trying to revise history... Got any? Didn't think so... Oh but Hitler wasn't a Christian regardless if he claimed to be. Being a Christian is much more then just saying you are, it's a lifestyle. Proof is in the pudding if you will. Someone can claim they are Christian but if they go off mass murdering thousands of people, their actions speak differently then their words and thus they obviously aren't a Christian. Hitler did what EVERY Christian does. He 'interpreted' scripture and not only did HE think he had correctly done so, but the Church acted on his behalf and backed up his interpretation about the Jews. In a few threads you and others have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is NO WAY to ultimately define a Christian. Christians are a cult of one with each cult self-defined. Hitler did NOT do what every Christian does. Christians don't mass murder people, don't try to rule people's lives, ect ect. |
Wow your giving me information from am really supposed to believe anything from a obviously anti Christian website that will post any kind of rant from anyone regardless if it is credible or not? Hitler just like any person on this planet can claim to be anything they want including saying they are a Christian.You can call yourself a Christian and and go whoring every night,rob liquor stores,rape women,and go on a murdering spree.It is your actions and actions alone that determine if you are a real Christian or a man pretending to be a Christian.Where do yo draw the line by determining if someone is really a Christian or not?Nothing Hitler did was ever justified using the bible.Nothing Hitler was doing was Christ like,good,forgiving,or biblical correct.Hitler was a Anti Christ who was killing Gods chosen people. Anyone can see that Hitler was the exact opposite of a Christian man for these reasons. "And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God… ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.' ...Hitler believed he was God and people should worship him as such.Hitler did not submit to God or Jesus in any way or consider them superior to him.He wanted the Christian religion abolished along with the bible. TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.' Hitler used the Swatica as his symbol for murder everywhere he went.Big photos of Hitler were on every street corner THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.' Hitler called the Jews and the God they worshiped every deplorable name in the book thousands of time. FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' Hitler did not practice any Jewish tradations. FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.' SIX: 'You shall not murder.' Hitler wanted everyone killed who was not white skinned German blood. SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.' Can't comment on that one. EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.' Hitlers Army stole or destroyed everything in site. NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.' Claiming the Jews were the reasons for the worlds problems is a good start. TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.' Hitler wanted the world and everything in it. The official song of the Hitlerjugend (‘Youth of Hitler’) at the Reichsparteitag 1934: "We are Hitler’s joyous youth, What need we Christian virtue!, Our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler Is always our redeemer! No wicked priest can hinder us, To sense that we are Hitler’s children; We follow not Christ but Horst Wessel, Away with incense and holy water!." In 1941, Martin Bormann, a close associate of Hitler said publicly "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable".[51] In 1942 he also declared in a confidential memo to Gauleiters that the Christian Churches 'must absolutely and finally be broken.' Thus it is evident that he believed Nazism, based as it was on a 'scientific' world-view, to be completely incompatible with Christianity.[52] When we [National Socialists] speak of belief in God, we do not mean, like the naive Christians and their spiritual exploiters, a man-like being sitting around somewhere in the universe. The force governed by natural law by which all these countless planets move in the universe, we call omnipotence or God. The assertion that this universal force can trouble itself about the destiny of each individual being, every smallest earthly bacillus, can be influenced by so-called prayers or other surprising things, depends upon a requisite dose of naivety or else upon shameless professional self-interest.[53] Other members of the Hitler government, including Rosenberg, during the war formulated a thirty-point program for the "National Reich Church" which included: 1. The National Reich Church specifically demands the immediate turning over to its possession of all churches and chapels, to become national churches. 5. The National Reich Church is immutably fixed in its one objective: to destroy that Christian belief imported into Germany in the unfortunate year 800, whose tenets conflict with both the heart and mentality of the German. 13. The National Reich Church demands the immediate cessation of the printing of the Bible, as well as its dissemination, throughout the Reich and colonies. All Sunday papers with any religious content shall also be suppressed. 14. The National Reich Church shall see that the importation of the Bible and other religious works into Reich territory is made impossible. 15. The National Reich Church decrees that the most important document of all time-therefore the guiding document of the German people-is the book of our Fuhrer, “Mein Kampf.” It recognizes that this book contains the principles of the purist ethnic morals under which the German people must live. 16. The National Reich Church will see to it that this book spread its active forces among the entire population and that all Germans live by it. 18. The National Reich Church will remove from the altars of all churches the Bible, the cross and religious objects. 19. In their places will be set that which must be venerated by the German people and therefore is by God, our most saintly book, “Mein Kampf,” and to the left of this a sword. 21. In the National Reich Church there will be no remission of sins; its tenet is that, once committed, a sin is irrevocable and will be implacably punished by the laws of nature and in this world. 30. On the day of the foundation of the National Reich Church the Christian cross shall be removed from all churches, cathedrals, and chapels inside the frontiers of the Reich and its colonies and will be replaced by the symbol of invincible Germany-the swastika. "You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?" (Adolf Hitler, quoted by Albert Speer, p. 96, Inside the Third Reich.) "If Jehovah has lost all meaning for us Germans, the same must be said of Jesus Christ, his son...He certainly lacks those characteristics which he would require to be a true German. Indeed, he is as disappointing, if we read his record carefully, as is his father.-- E. K. Heidemann, 'What the Christian Does not Know about Christianity,' September, 1935, quoted p. 105, The War Against God, edited by Carl Carmer). Ha, In 1941, Martin Bormann, a close associate of Hitler said publicly "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable"." HEARSAY! That crap was the beginning of the clean up by Christians in a lame attempt to hide the fact that Hitler was you you. Show me a speech or reference a text from Hitler...not from the people trying to revise history... Got any? Didn't think so... Oh but Hitler wasn't a Christian regardless if he claimed to be. Being a Christian is much more then just saying you are, it's a lifestyle. Proof is in the pudding if you will. Someone can claim they are Christian but if they go off mass murdering thousands of people, their actions speak differently then their words and thus they obviously aren't a Christian. Hitler did what EVERY Christian does. He 'interpreted' scripture and not only did HE think he had correctly done so, but the Church acted on his behalf and backed up his interpretation about the Jews. In a few threads you and others have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is NO WAY to ultimately define a Christian. Christians are a cult of one with each cult self-defined. Hitler did NOT do what every Christian does. Christians don't mass murder people, don't try to rule people's lives, ect ect. And i see what you're getting at because of the different denominations eg., different interpretations. But still bottom line the 10 COMMANDMENTS which do NOT need translating state specifically "thou shall not kill" and "thou shall not steal" You can see what kind of person someone is by their fruits. And Hitlers fruits were corrupt and evil. So therefore could not possibly have been any works of a Christian. |
Wow your giving me information from am really supposed to believe anything from a obviously anti Christian website that will post any kind of rant from anyone regardless if it is credible or not? Hitler just like any person on this planet can claim to be anything they want including saying they are a Christian.You can call yourself a Christian and and go whoring every night,rob liquor stores,rape women,and go on a murdering spree.It is your actions and actions alone that determine if you are a real Christian or a man pretending to be a Christian.Where do yo draw the line by determining if someone is really a Christian or not?Nothing Hitler did was ever justified using the bible.Nothing Hitler was doing was Christ like,good,forgiving,or biblical correct.Hitler was a Anti Christ who was killing Gods chosen people. Anyone can see that Hitler was the exact opposite of a Christian man for these reasons. "And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God… ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.' ...Hitler believed he was God and people should worship him as such.Hitler did not submit to God or Jesus in any way or consider them superior to him.He wanted the Christian religion abolished along with the bible. TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.' Hitler used the Swatica as his symbol for murder everywhere he went.Big photos of Hitler were on every street corner THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.' Hitler called the Jews and the God they worshiped every deplorable name in the book thousands of time. FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' Hitler did not practice any Jewish tradations. FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.' SIX: 'You shall not murder.' Hitler wanted everyone killed who was not white skinned German blood. SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.' Can't comment on that one. EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.' Hitlers Army stole or destroyed everything in site. NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.' Claiming the Jews were the reasons for the worlds problems is a good start. TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.' Hitler wanted the world and everything in it. The official song of the Hitlerjugend (‘Youth of Hitler’) at the Reichsparteitag 1934: "We are Hitler’s joyous youth, What need we Christian virtue!, Our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler Is always our redeemer! No wicked priest can hinder us, To sense that we are Hitler’s children; We follow not Christ but Horst Wessel, Away with incense and holy water!." In 1941, Martin Bormann, a close associate of Hitler said publicly "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable".[51] In 1942 he also declared in a confidential memo to Gauleiters that the Christian Churches 'must absolutely and finally be broken.' Thus it is evident that he believed Nazism, based as it was on a 'scientific' world-view, to be completely incompatible with Christianity.[52] When we [National Socialists] speak of belief in God, we do not mean, like the naive Christians and their spiritual exploiters, a man-like being sitting around somewhere in the universe. The force governed by natural law by which all these countless planets move in the universe, we call omnipotence or God. The assertion that this universal force can trouble itself about the destiny of each individual being, every smallest earthly bacillus, can be influenced by so-called prayers or other surprising things, depends upon a requisite dose of naivety or else upon shameless professional self-interest.[53] Other members of the Hitler government, including Rosenberg, during the war formulated a thirty-point program for the "National Reich Church" which included: 1. The National Reich Church specifically demands the immediate turning over to its possession of all churches and chapels, to become national churches. 5. The National Reich Church is immutably fixed in its one objective: to destroy that Christian belief imported into Germany in the unfortunate year 800, whose tenets conflict with both the heart and mentality of the German. 13. The National Reich Church demands the immediate cessation of the printing of the Bible, as well as its dissemination, throughout the Reich and colonies. All Sunday papers with any religious content shall also be suppressed. 14. The National Reich Church shall see that the importation of the Bible and other religious works into Reich territory is made impossible. 15. The National Reich Church decrees that the most important document of all time-therefore the guiding document of the German people-is the book of our Fuhrer, “Mein Kampf.” It recognizes that this book contains the principles of the purist ethnic morals under which the German people must live. 16. The National Reich Church will see to it that this book spread its active forces among the entire population and that all Germans live by it. 18. The National Reich Church will remove from the altars of all churches the Bible, the cross and religious objects. 19. In their places will be set that which must be venerated by the German people and therefore is by God, our most saintly book, “Mein Kampf,” and to the left of this a sword. 21. In the National Reich Church there will be no remission of sins; its tenet is that, once committed, a sin is irrevocable and will be implacably punished by the laws of nature and in this world. 30. On the day of the foundation of the National Reich Church the Christian cross shall be removed from all churches, cathedrals, and chapels inside the frontiers of the Reich and its colonies and will be replaced by the symbol of invincible Germany-the swastika. "You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?" (Adolf Hitler, quoted by Albert Speer, p. 96, Inside the Third Reich.) "If Jehovah has lost all meaning for us Germans, the same must be said of Jesus Christ, his son...He certainly lacks those characteristics which he would require to be a true German. Indeed, he is as disappointing, if we read his record carefully, as is his father.-- E. K. Heidemann, 'What the Christian Does not Know about Christianity,' September, 1935, quoted p. 105, The War Against God, edited by Carl Carmer). Ha, In 1941, Martin Bormann, a close associate of Hitler said publicly "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable"." HEARSAY! That crap was the beginning of the clean up by Christians in a lame attempt to hide the fact that Hitler was you you. Show me a speech or reference a text from Hitler...not from the people trying to revise history... Got any? Didn't think so... Oh but Hitler wasn't a Christian regardless if he claimed to be. Being a Christian is much more then just saying you are, it's a lifestyle. Proof is in the pudding if you will. Someone can claim they are Christian but if they go off mass murdering thousands of people, their actions speak differently then their words and thus they obviously aren't a Christian. Hitler did what EVERY Christian does. He 'interpreted' scripture and not only did HE think he had correctly done so, but the Church acted on his behalf and backed up his interpretation about the Jews. In a few threads you and others have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is NO WAY to ultimately define a Christian. Christians are a cult of one with each cult self-defined. Hitler did NOT do what every Christian does. Christians don't mass murder people, don't try to rule people's lives, ect ect. God ordered humans to murder other poeple, many times. Hitler did not murder all those millions by himself, people did - many Christians did. If ALL those Christians are NOT Christians simply becuase they 'sinned' (according to some Christians), THAN no one is a Christian and that information comes from the mouth of every Christian who believes that no human is without sin. |
Edited by
Thu 09/23/10 12:35 PM
Wow your giving me information from am really supposed to believe anything from a obviously anti Christian website that will post any kind of rant from anyone regardless if it is credible or not?
A source was provided. If the information OF ANY PARTICULAR souce, is deemed unacceptable, the most logical course of action would be to refute the information with research from another source. To add (if I may): The Evil Bible and No Belief orgs are only posting the actual quotes from Hitler as well as chronicling his actions and past religious affiliations proving his Christianity. These are facts and not at all part of the truthiness that some Christians live by...and these facts are available anywhere there is an honest reporting of history. The other posterchild who's trying to debate and deny these historical facts is just spinning like a top. Nothing written in this work of fiction they call the "bible" can dispute nor justify what happened many years after it was written. An estimated 850 Million people have been slaughtered due to religion...many more tortured and even today many discriminated against. Religion breeds hate and ignorances. It's like a drug to people...they may like the high they get...but I do NOT want that drug to infect humanity any further than it already has. Dawkins is SPOT on...and anyone wanting to recover from their addiction to religiosity can go here for help: Come OUT of the Dark Ages already. |
Wow your giving me information from am really supposed to believe anything from a obviously anti Christian website that will post any kind of rant from anyone regardless if it is credible or not? Hitler just like any person on this planet can claim to be anything they want including saying they are a Christian.You can call yourself a Christian and and go whoring every night,rob liquor stores,rape women,and go on a murdering spree.It is your actions and actions alone that determine if you are a real Christian or a man pretending to be a Christian.Where do yo draw the line by determining if someone is really a Christian or not?Nothing Hitler did was ever justified using the bible.Nothing Hitler was doing was Christ like,good,forgiving,or biblical correct.Hitler was a Anti Christ who was killing Gods chosen people. Anyone can see that Hitler was the exact opposite of a Christian man for these reasons. "And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God… ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.' ...Hitler believed he was God and people should worship him as such.Hitler did not submit to God or Jesus in any way or consider them superior to him.He wanted the Christian religion abolished along with the bible. TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.' Hitler used the Swatica as his symbol for murder everywhere he went.Big photos of Hitler were on every street corner THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.' Hitler called the Jews and the God they worshiped every deplorable name in the book thousands of time. FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' Hitler did not practice any Jewish tradations. FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.' SIX: 'You shall not murder.' Hitler wanted everyone killed who was not white skinned German blood. SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.' Can't comment on that one. EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.' Hitlers Army stole or destroyed everything in site. NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.' Claiming the Jews were the reasons for the worlds problems is a good start. TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.' Hitler wanted the world and everything in it. The official song of the Hitlerjugend (‘Youth of Hitler’) at the Reichsparteitag 1934: "We are Hitler’s joyous youth, What need we Christian virtue!, Our Fuehrer Adolf Hitler Is always our redeemer! No wicked priest can hinder us, To sense that we are Hitler’s children; We follow not Christ but Horst Wessel, Away with incense and holy water!." In 1941, Martin Bormann, a close associate of Hitler said publicly "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable".[51] In 1942 he also declared in a confidential memo to Gauleiters that the Christian Churches 'must absolutely and finally be broken.' Thus it is evident that he believed Nazism, based as it was on a 'scientific' world-view, to be completely incompatible with Christianity.[52] When we [National Socialists] speak of belief in God, we do not mean, like the naive Christians and their spiritual exploiters, a man-like being sitting around somewhere in the universe. The force governed by natural law by which all these countless planets move in the universe, we call omnipotence or God. The assertion that this universal force can trouble itself about the destiny of each individual being, every smallest earthly bacillus, can be influenced by so-called prayers or other surprising things, depends upon a requisite dose of naivety or else upon shameless professional self-interest.[53] Other members of the Hitler government, including Rosenberg, during the war formulated a thirty-point program for the "National Reich Church" which included: 1. The National Reich Church specifically demands the immediate turning over to its possession of all churches and chapels, to become national churches. 5. The National Reich Church is immutably fixed in its one objective: to destroy that Christian belief imported into Germany in the unfortunate year 800, whose tenets conflict with both the heart and mentality of the German. 13. The National Reich Church demands the immediate cessation of the printing of the Bible, as well as its dissemination, throughout the Reich and colonies. All Sunday papers with any religious content shall also be suppressed. 14. The National Reich Church shall see that the importation of the Bible and other religious works into Reich territory is made impossible. 15. The National Reich Church decrees that the most important document of all time-therefore the guiding document of the German people-is the book of our Fuhrer, “Mein Kampf.” It recognizes that this book contains the principles of the purist ethnic morals under which the German people must live. 16. The National Reich Church will see to it that this book spread its active forces among the entire population and that all Germans live by it. 18. The National Reich Church will remove from the altars of all churches the Bible, the cross and religious objects. 19. In their places will be set that which must be venerated by the German people and therefore is by God, our most saintly book, “Mein Kampf,” and to the left of this a sword. 21. In the National Reich Church there will be no remission of sins; its tenet is that, once committed, a sin is irrevocable and will be implacably punished by the laws of nature and in this world. 30. On the day of the foundation of the National Reich Church the Christian cross shall be removed from all churches, cathedrals, and chapels inside the frontiers of the Reich and its colonies and will be replaced by the symbol of invincible Germany-the swastika. "You see, it's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?" (Adolf Hitler, quoted by Albert Speer, p. 96, Inside the Third Reich.) "If Jehovah has lost all meaning for us Germans, the same must be said of Jesus Christ, his son...He certainly lacks those characteristics which he would require to be a true German. Indeed, he is as disappointing, if we read his record carefully, as is his father.-- E. K. Heidemann, 'What the Christian Does not Know about Christianity,' September, 1935, quoted p. 105, The War Against God, edited by Carl Carmer). Ha, In 1941, Martin Bormann, a close associate of Hitler said publicly "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable"." HEARSAY! That crap was the beginning of the clean up by Christians in a lame attempt to hide the fact that Hitler was you you. Show me a speech or reference a text from Hitler...not from the people trying to revise history... Got any? Didn't think so... Oh but Hitler wasn't a Christian regardless if he claimed to be. Being a Christian is much more then just saying you are, it's a lifestyle. Proof is in the pudding if you will. Someone can claim they are Christian but if they go off mass murdering thousands of people, their actions speak differently then their words and thus they obviously aren't a Christian. Hitler did what EVERY Christian does. He 'interpreted' scripture and not only did HE think he had correctly done so, but the Church acted on his behalf and backed up his interpretation about the Jews. In a few threads you and others have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is NO WAY to ultimately define a Christian. Christians are a cult of one with each cult self-defined. Hitler did NOT do what every Christian does. Christians don't mass murder people, don't try to rule people's lives, ect ect. God ordered humans to murder other poeple, many times. Hitler did not murder all those millions by himself, people did - many Christians did. If ALL those Christians are NOT Christians simply becuase they 'sinned' (according to some Christians), THAN no one is a Christian and that information comes from the mouth of every Christian who believes that no human is without sin. God ordered no one to murder anyone. You're taking this knowledge out of the old testament, in those times we were judged on earth for our sins. The only reward for sin is death, therefore their were judged with the sentence of death. As a Christian we are to strive to live perfect and not sin. Yes we stumble time to time eg., no man is without sin. But there is a huge difference from making mistakes here and there and intentionally murdering thousands of people. |
Wow your giving me information from am really supposed to believe anything from a obviously anti Christian website that will post any kind of rant from anyone regardless if it is credible or not?
A source was provided. If the information OF ANY PARTICULAR souce, is deemed unacceptable, the most logical course of action would be to refute the information with research from another source. To add (if I may): The Evil Bible and No Belief orgs are only posting the actual quotes from Hitler as well as chronicling his actions and past religious affiliations proving his Christianity. These are facts and not at all part of the truthiness that some Christians live by...and these facts are available anywhere there is an honest reporting of history. The other posterchild who's trying to debate and deny these historical facts is just spinning like a top. Nothing written in this work of fiction they call the "bible" can dispute nor justify what happened many years after it was written. An estimated 850 Million people have been slaughtered due to religion...many more tortured and even today many discriminated against. Religion breeds hate and ignorances. It's like a drug to people...they may like the high they get...but I do NOT want that drug to infect humanity any further than it already has. Dawkins is SPOT on...and anyone wanting to recover from their addiction to religiosity can go here for help: Come OUT of the Dark Ages already. Christianity in no way spreads hate, ignorance, or discrimination. God has specifically told us we ALL fall short in the glory of God, ALL men have sinned, ect ect. There only person that was perfect was Jesus Christ. We ALL sin. So therefore we treat EVERYONE with the same level of respect and love for we all are equal and in the same boat. |
And i see what you're getting at because of the different denominations eg., different interpretations. But still bottom line the 10 COMMANDMENTS which do NOT need translating state specifically "thou shall not kill" and "thou shall not steal"
You can see what kind of person someone is by their fruits. And Hitlers fruits were corrupt and evil. So therefore could not possibly have been any works of a Christian. Well, that's problem with religions, especially the Christian religion. No individual 'Christian' can say what any other Christian might or might not belief. Attempting to do so is creating a generalization which makes the cult of one, feel like a knowledgable part of a large group. It is not possible to judge the actions of any Christian (Hitler included) on the basis of Christian belief - because there is no unifying all encompassing set of doctrine that unites all Chrstians in their beliefs. NOT EVEN THE TEN COMMANDMENTS can be invoked in that argument, becasue even the ten commandments are subject to a very broad, and very wide array of interpretations. |
Wow your giving me information from am really supposed to believe anything from a obviously anti Christian website that will post any kind of rant from anyone regardless if it is credible or not?
A source was provided. If the information OF ANY PARTICULAR souce, is deemed unacceptable, the most logical course of action would be to refute the information with research from another source. To add (if I may): The Evil Bible and No Belief orgs are only posting the actual quotes from Hitler as well as chronicling his actions and past religious affiliations proving his Christianity. These are facts and not at all part of the truthiness that some Christians live by...and these facts are available anywhere there is an honest reporting of history. The other posterchild who's trying to debate and deny these historical facts is just spinning like a top. Nothing written in this work of fiction they call the "bible" can dispute nor justify what happened many years after it was written. An estimated 850 Million people have been slaughtered due to religion...many more tortured and even today many discriminated against. Religion breeds hate and ignorances. It's like a drug to people...they may like the high they get...but I do NOT want that drug to infect humanity any further than it already has. Dawkins is SPOT on...and anyone wanting to recover from their addiction to religiosity can go here for help: Come OUT of the Dark Ages already. Christianity in no way spreads hate, ignorance, or discrimination. God has specifically told us we ALL fall short in the glory of God, ALL men have sinned, ect ect. There only person that was perfect was Jesus Christ. We ALL sin. So therefore we treat EVERYONE with the same level of respect and love for we all are equal and in the same boat. ![]() "They never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge." -- Thomas Brackett Reed |
Wow your giving me information from am really supposed to believe anything from a obviously anti Christian website that will post any kind of rant from anyone regardless if it is credible or not?
A source was provided. If the information OF ANY PARTICULAR souce, is deemed unacceptable, the most logical course of action would be to refute the information with research from another source. To add (if I may): The Evil Bible and No Belief orgs are only posting the actual quotes from Hitler as well as chronicling his actions and past religious affiliations proving his Christianity. These are facts and not at all part of the truthiness that some Christians live by...and these facts are available anywhere there is an honest reporting of history. The other posterchild who's trying to debate and deny these historical facts is just spinning like a top. Nothing written in this work of fiction they call the "bible" can dispute nor justify what happened many years after it was written. An estimated 850 Million people have been slaughtered due to religion...many more tortured and even today many discriminated against. Religion breeds hate and ignorances. It's like a drug to people...they may like the high they get...but I do NOT want that drug to infect humanity any further than it already has. Dawkins is SPOT on...and anyone wanting to recover from their addiction to religiosity can go here for help: Come OUT of the Dark Ages already. Perhaps too often I give people the benefit when I'm in doubt. However, in this case I think the addition of the post was necessary as many attempt to refute historical points with Biblical content, even when the history being pointed to occurred 2,000 years after Jesus death. We cannot count on 'logic' to suface when the veil of bias covers its process. Nothing written in this work of fiction they call the "bible" can dispute nor justify what happened many years after it was written.
And i see what you're getting at because of the different denominations eg., different interpretations. But still bottom line the 10 COMMANDMENTS which do NOT need translating state specifically "thou shall not kill" and "thou shall not steal"
You can see what kind of person someone is by their fruits. And Hitlers fruits were corrupt and evil. So therefore could not possibly have been any works of a Christian. Well, that's problem with religions, especially the Christian religion. No individual 'Christian' can say what any other Christian might or might not belief. Attempting to do so is creating a generalization which makes the cult of one, feel like a knowledgable part of a large group. It is not possible to judge the actions of any Christian (Hitler included) on the basis of Christian belief - because there is no unifying all encompassing set of doctrine that unites all Chrstians in their beliefs. NOT EVEN THE TEN COMMANDMENTS can be invoked in that argument, becasue even the ten commandments are subject to a very broad, and very wide array of interpretations. the 10 commandments are subject to a very broad and very wide array of interpretations? :o now that's news to me. Care to share some various interpretations of the 10 commandments? |
God ordered no one to murder anyone. You're taking this knowledge out of the old testament, in those times we were judged on earth for our sins. The only reward for sin is death, therefore their were judged with the sentence of death. As a Christian we are to strive to live perfect and not sin. Yes we stumble time to time eg., no man is without sin. But there is a huge difference from making mistakes here and there and intentionally murdering thousands of people. The number of sins, or the nature of the sin, has nothing to do with who can claim the title of Christian. Only the individual claiming that title, knows the beliefs behind thier own religion. You know your beleifs, but you cannot 'assume' your beliefs are any more valid than the beliefs of any other person claiming to be a Christian. Now, if YOUR belief includes doctrine that considers personal judgment of others to be a sin, then you sin when you judge others, and making a judgement of what Christians are 'supposed' to believe is a sin. It's difficult to have a personal belief full of expectations in Godly values in which non-attainment ends in self-demolition. It's a good reason to keep a personal belief personal, that way your sins are only known to yourself. |
Edited by
Thu 09/23/10 01:17 PM
And i see what you're getting at because of the different denominations eg., different interpretations. But still bottom line the 10 COMMANDMENTS which do NOT need translating state specifically "thou shall not kill" and "thou shall not steal"
You can see what kind of person someone is by their fruits. And Hitlers fruits were corrupt and evil. So therefore could not possibly have been any works of a Christian. Well, that's problem with religions, especially the Christian religion. No individual 'Christian' can say what any other Christian might or might not belief. Attempting to do so is creating a generalization which makes the cult of one, feel like a knowledgable part of a large group. It is not possible to judge the actions of any Christian (Hitler included) on the basis of Christian belief - because there is no unifying all encompassing set of doctrine that unites all Chrstians in their beliefs. NOT EVEN THE TEN COMMANDMENTS can be invoked in that argument, becasue even the ten commandments are subject to a very broad, and very wide array of interpretations. the 10 commandments are subject to a very broad and very wide array of interpretations? :o now that's news to me. Care to share some various interpretations of the 10 commandments? You are still not comprehending here. NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU BELIEVE. ONLY YOU BELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE. Therefore, any attempt to explain what another believes will only result in your refuting what that person believes, because it does not corruspond with what YOU BELIEVE. DANG - I think I just defined the word CHRISTIAN. |
And i see what you're getting at because of the different denominations eg., different interpretations. But still bottom line the 10 COMMANDMENTS which do NOT need translating state specifically "thou shall not kill" and "thou shall not steal"
You can see what kind of person someone is by their fruits. And Hitlers fruits were corrupt and evil. So therefore could not possibly have been any works of a Christian. Well, that's problem with religions, especially the Christian religion. No individual 'Christian' can say what any other Christian might or might not belief. Attempting to do so is creating a generalization which makes the cult of one, feel like a knowledgable part of a large group. It is not possible to judge the actions of any Christian (Hitler included) on the basis of Christian belief - because there is no unifying all encompassing set of doctrine that unites all Chrstians in their beliefs. NOT EVEN THE TEN COMMANDMENTS can be invoked in that argument, becasue even the ten commandments are subject to a very broad, and very wide array of interpretations. the 10 commandments are subject to a very broad and very wide array of interpretations? :o now that's news to me. Care to share some various interpretations of the 10 commandments? You are still not comprehending here. NO ONE BELIEVES WHAT YOU BELIEVE. ONLY YOU BELIEVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE. Therefore, any attempt to explain what another believes will only result in your refuting what that person believes, because it does not corruspond with what YOU BELIEVE. DANG - I think I just defined the word CHRISTIAN. Now you're just trying to cause conflict. Of what i believed was not included in what i said. All i asked was for you to give different interpretations of the 10 commandments since you claim there is. The 10 commandments are cut and dry, it's the rest of the bible and what it says that contains different interpretations, not the 10 commandments for again they are cut and dry, they are the building blocks of Christianity and what it stands for. If you claim to be Christian, you're lieing less you atleast try your hardest to keep all commandments. Bottom line a Christian at the very least tries their hardest to follow the 10 commandments. And since one of the commandments is thou shall not kill, then anyone that murders especially mass murders as Adolf did, then it would be an oxymoron to call yourself a Christian quite impossible. |
All i asked was for you to give different interpretations of the 10 commandments since you claim there is. The 10 commandments are cut and dry, it's the rest of the bible and what it says that contains different interpretations, not the 10 commandments for again they are cut and dry, they are the building blocks of Christianity and what it stands for. Obviously that is YOUR belief. It is not difficult to look around and see that other Christians do not give the 10 commandments the same value that you do. Obviously that means they (10 commandments) can be and are, interpreted according to individual perspective. If you claim to be Christian, you're lieing less you atleast try your hardest to keep all commandments.
Which is much easier to do when Christians determine for themselves what value (and validity) should be assigned to the 10 commandemnts. And since one of the commandments is thou shall not kill, then anyone that murders especially mass murders as Adolf did, then it would be an oxymoron to call yourself a Christian quite impossible.
Kill and murder are not the same thing - that explains many ways in which that commandment can be interpreted. How many people did Hitler kill or murder with his own hands? How many Christians did it take to deny the 10 commandments and kill all those millions of innocent people? Yet you declare that Hitler was the monster and a non-Christian. Furthermore, by your own admission, no sin is worse than another, they all end with the same result. So what difference does it make to any Christian how many sins another Christian has their hands? Obviously Christians are not holding those OTHER Christians responsible for the murders they committed, it is only Hitler that is being judged and condemmed. Accoding to Hitler murder was not what was taking place, becuase his interpretation of scripture was that Jesus had (basically) declared war against the Jews - and Hitler took up the holy war as did millions of other Christians who followed him. ONCE AGAIN we can see how easy it is to interpret the 10 commandments. Some think killing is an acceptible act because killing an enemy of god is an act or war and that is clearly different than murdering. Of course you will not understand that because it doesn't agree with what YOU believe. You HAVE to think your belief is the only true belief to hold, otherwise your own sin would make you every bit the monster you think Hitler was. Sorry, I can't sympathise with your situation. |
Christianity in no way spreads hate, ignorance, or discrimination. That's basically all it ever does. It spreads hatred against anyone who refuses to believe the Jesus is God. It spreads ignorance because it insists that Jesus is God. It spreads discrimination because it demands that the Bible is the ONLY word of God. Christianity is the epitome of hatefulness, ignorance, and discrimination. Christians use Jesus' name as an excuse to hate everyone who doesn't suck-up to their bigotry. I have far more respect for Jesus than most Christians have exhibited throughout history. You can reject that the Crusades and Witch Burnings were "True Christianity" until the cows come home. But the fact of the matter that's precisely what they were. Christianity is the epitome of hatefulness. I feel completely confident that if Jesus were alive today and knew what was going down in his name he would renounce the whole thing just like he did when he was alive. He would point out the fact that all these religious Paper Popes (along with the Catholic Pope) are truly nothing more than just more Scribes and Pharisees continuing to be totally hypocritical just like they were in his day. Jesus preached against organized religion, not for it. |
All i asked was for you to give different interpretations of the 10 commandments since you claim there is. The 10 commandments are cut and dry, it's the rest of the bible and what it says that contains different interpretations, not the 10 commandments for again they are cut and dry, they are the building blocks of Christianity and what it stands for. Obviously that is YOUR belief. It is not difficult to look around and see that other Christians do not give the 10 commandments the same value that you do. Obviously that means they (10 commandments) can be and are, interpreted according to individual perspective. If you claim to be Christian, you're lieing less you atleast try your hardest to keep all commandments.
Which is much easier to do when Christians determine for themselves what value (and validity) should be assigned to the 10 commandemnts. And since one of the commandments is thou shall not kill, then anyone that murders especially mass murders as Adolf did, then it would be an oxymoron to call yourself a Christian quite impossible.
Kill and murder are not the same thing - that explains many ways in which that commandment can be interpreted. How many people did Hitler kill or murder with his own hands? How many Christians did it take to deny the 10 commandments and kill all those millions of innocent people? Yet you declare that Hitler was the monster and a non-Christian. Furthermore, by your own admission, no sin is worse than another, they all end with the same result. So what difference does it make to any Christian how many sins another Christian has their hands? Obviously Christians are not holding those OTHER Christians responsible for the murders they committed, it is only Hitler that is being judged and condemmed. Accoding to Hitler murder was not what was taking place, becuase his interpretation of scripture was that Jesus had (basically) declared war against the Jews - and Hitler took up the holy war as did millions of other Christians who followed him. ONCE AGAIN we can see how easy it is to interpret the 10 commandments. Some think killing is an acceptible act because killing an enemy of god is an act or war and that is clearly different than murdering. Of course you will not understand that because it doesn't agree with what YOU believe. You HAVE to think your belief is the only true belief to hold, otherwise your own sin would make you every bit the monster you think Hitler was. Sorry, I can't sympathise with your situation. It is obvious you have ran out of ammunition during this debate because what you are saying is just nothing but a bunch of fluff that isn't even worth debating. If you can't interpret "Thou shall not steal" and "Thou shall not kill" and tell people they are too stupid to interpret that other than what it actually means I don't know what to tell you.Little kids in pre-school can understand the ten commandments and know what they mean.To this day I have never heard any Christians saying that they don't understand the 10 commandants and that the 10 commandments can mean many different things.The 10 commandments are so plain forward and simply anyone understands them. Getting back to this totally stupid debate about Hitler being a Christian.... I have said several times that Jesus is a Jew and if Hitler was a Christian he would be worshiping a Jew.I have yet to have any responses concerning this statement. The more this debate goes on the more stupid it is beginning to sound.It really doesn't matter who claims they are a Christian and what crimes they are commiting.The BIG PICTURE AND WHAT YOU CAN"T UNDERSTAND is that you can't back up your killing spree using the bible as a reason to commit your crimes. Answer me these questions using the bible for reference. Using the bible-What justification can there be for killing innocent people as Hitler did? Using the bible-What justification can there be for degrading and killing millions of Jews as Hitler did? Using the bible-What justification can there be for burning churches down,killing nuns,killing priests,and Bishops? Using the bible-What justification can there be for invading other countries,killing the people who live there,and taking over that country? Using the bible-What justification can there be for spreading hate,anger,racism,and superiority by race? Using the bible-What justification can there be for imprisoning innocent people based on the color of their skin and what they believe? Your interpretation of Jesus and you phony Holy war using Christianity is not accurate at all.There was never a War against the Jews in either the Old or New testaments.Jesus was a Jew and all of his followers were Jews.Is Jesus going to wage War against himself?No where in the bible does it say that Christians are ever to start Wars or to kill people for any reason. It was Hitler the anti Christ that waged War against the Jews.Anyone that believed in Hilter and fought in his war was no Christian because no Christian would be killing,torturing,and burning innocent people everywhere they went. I could care less if Hitler claimed he was the Pope and sent from God.His actions,his speeches,and his bloodshed WAS NOT BIBLICAL JUSTIFIED,CORRECT,OR ACCEPTABLE IN ANY WAY.Everything that Hitler did was wrong.Nothing Hitler did was in any way similar to the message that Jesus was preaching.No Christian on this planet would ever compare or justify any of Hitlers actions as Holy,good,loving,peaceful,beautiful,or in line with what the bible commanded us to do.The bible commands us to love one another,not to kill,not to steal,to help each other,to forgive,to gather and do good things,to not do evil deeds,etc.Hitler did NOT ONE of these things. I would rank your understanding of what makes a Christian a Christian at about a 3rd grade education level.Maybe one day you will think like a adult and know the difference between what someone claims they are and what someone really is by the way they conduct their actions.Because you don't have a clue what you are talking about. |
CowboyGH Hitler did NOT do what every Christian does. Christians don't mass murder people, don't try to rule people's lives, ect ect.
Interesting? So what was the inquisition about? Oh and please tell us about some of the hideous tortures? |
Thomas3474 I have said several times that Jesus is a Jew and if Hitler was a Christian he would be worshiping a Jew. I have yet to have any responses concerning this statement.
Regardless Of Christs religion Christians are followers of the same religion Judaism. So at the end of the day, you are who you follow. |
This is a reminder to keep the debate civil at all times.
Kim |