Topic: 'The perfect Guy'
chelsea466's photo
Thu 09/16/10 06:04 PM
The perfect guy only exists in your dreams.

However, once we find our perfect match we learn that with every imperfection they have, that is what draws us closer and makes them perfect in our own way.

Kinda rambled with that. I hope you guys catch my point. laugh

FETTS61's photo
Thu 09/16/10 06:07 PM

No such thing ohwell

Yeah there is and I got him...happy
god is the only perfect guy

who ever said god is a guy frown

God was alanis morissette in the movie Dogma:wink:

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 09/16/10 06:17 PM
So the OP is saying don't judge a book by it's cover? Isn't that kinda what is being done? Just because a guy is built or a gal is a "barbie" (I hate that term btw) doesn't mean they are jerks. They get judged just like everyone else.

There are good and bad everywhere.

But looks are important. My preferences on looks might be odd to someone else. But why would I want to be romantically involved with someone I'm not physically attracted to? It's a combo of physical attract as well as emotional or mental attraction too.

MelodyGirl's photo
Thu 09/16/10 06:31 PM

how bloody hard can it be to find someone perfect?
just seems with every silver lining, theres a hurricain that follows with it. are looks everything, is personality key? i used to think yh looks play a part but you couldnt live a life misserable just because a guy is fit!!!!

HOWEVER!!! people say personality is key, but still the majority of nice lookin guys are pricks! yes!! lol and just want some extremely fit guy. what do you think men are really like? what is perfect?
what should a guy look for?

Perfect is relative to each individual.

Balance is the key: attractiveness, intelligence, integrity and personality are all key parts to "someone's" perfect.

Yes, there are versions of the whole package; finding the right person for you is the challenge.

MelodyGirl's photo
Thu 09/16/10 06:32 PM

No such thing ohwell

Yeah there is and I got him...happy

Exactly!!! drinker He may not be perfect for anyone else but you - and you have him!! flowerforyou

MelodyGirl's photo
Thu 09/16/10 06:33 PM

No such thing ohwell

Yeah there is and I got him...happy
god is the only perfect guy

who ever said god is a guy frown

or that he even exists? what

Goofball73's photo
Thu 09/16/10 07:47 PM
I am so F'n tired of the "I want perfect this, or perfect that". You know, I can't tell you why women like me, or why a woman may think that I am "perfect" for her. I can look at myself and know I am far from being perfect. Hell, I am the least perfect person I know.

Last three women I dated, guys would walk up to me and ask, "How did you get with her?". They were implying that I wasn't "good enough" for her, and they were going on looks. I just laughed and said I had a big schlong. That shut them up.laugh How did I end up with them? Well, they liked me....for me. And I liked them for who they were. And both myself and these ladies loved the imperfections we had. I is a total package right? You take the good with the bad.

MelodyGirl's photo
Thu 09/16/10 07:50 PM

I am so F'n tired of the "I want perfect this, or perfect that". You know, I can't tell you why women like me, or why a woman may think that I am "perfect" for her. I can look at myself and know I am far from being perfect. Hell, I am the least perfect person I know.

Last three women I dated, guys would walk up to me and ask, "How did you get with her?". They were implying that I wasn't "good enough" for her, and they were going on looks. I just laughed and said I had a big schlong. That shut them up.laugh How did I end up with them? Well, they liked me....for me. And I liked them for who they were. And both myself and these ladies loved the imperfections we had. I is a total package right? You take the good with the bad.

Goofball73's photo
Thu 09/16/10 07:57 PM

I am so F'n tired of the "I want perfect this, or perfect that". You know, I can't tell you why women like me, or why a woman may think that I am "perfect" for her. I can look at myself and know I am far from being perfect. Hell, I am the least perfect person I know.

Last three women I dated, guys would walk up to me and ask, "How did you get with her?". They were implying that I wasn't "good enough" for her, and they were going on looks. I just laughed and said I had a big schlong. That shut them up.laugh How did I end up with them? Well, they liked me....for me. And I liked them for who they were. And both myself and these ladies loved the imperfections we had. I is a total package right? You take the good with the bad.

You love me for my writing! Haha! :thumbsup:

emtata's photo
Mon 09/20/10 03:06 PM
It's not about finding the perfect person, but creating a perfect
relationship. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Nobody's PERFECT, no matter how hard you try looking for Mr. Perfect, they will only live in your dream or in the fairytale.
drinks :angel: :thumbsup:

Aries151's photo
Mon 09/20/10 04:23 PM
Didn't Alanis Morissette sing a song about this?

no photo
Mon 09/20/10 04:58 PM
Edited by pmarco41 on Mon 09/20/10 04:59 PM
he may not be perfect, but hes perfect for me....thats all I need...

RyanLightsUp's photo
Sat 09/25/10 12:40 AM
if u really want a girl your gonna think shes perfect, if a gril really likes a guy shell think hes perfect even if hes an *******, experience will show u that, perfect is what u make it, so try not to blow it when u think u find that perfect girl. cuz u only get like one chance lol

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 09/25/10 01:00 AM

No such thing ohwell

Yeah there is and I got him...happy
god is the only perfect guy

who ever said god is a guy frown

the guys ohwell

laugh yup :thumbsup:

i never saw that many "she's" in the bible...
just sayin....

Did women write it?

Were women on the 'committee' deciding what made it in to the book?

... just sayin :angel:

Jtevans's photo
Sat 09/25/10 01:20 AM
eh,i'm sticking to old used up hookers.....

no photo
Sat 09/25/10 01:38 AM

No such thing ohwell

no photo
Sat 09/25/10 01:45 AM

eh,i'm sticking to old used up hookers.....
I'll send em your way when I'm thru with em bigsmile

kissablekiss's photo
Sat 09/25/10 01:49 AM
My perfect guy exist only in romance novel ....

leveller1's photo
Sat 09/25/10 02:20 AM

No such thing ohwell

Yeah there is and I got him...happy
god is the only perfect guy

who ever said god is a guy frown

Yea - with all that moody stuff: (especially in the older book) - if there is some god thing - it's just got to be a woman ...:wink: tongue2

ArtGurl's photo
Sat 09/25/10 02:42 AM

No such thing ohwell

Yeah there is and I got him...happy
god is the only perfect guy

who ever said god is a guy frown

Yea - with all that moody stuff: (especially in the older book) - if there is some god thing - it's just got to be a woman ...:wink: tongue2

laugh :tongue: