knightless's photo
Fri 06/29/07 06:11 PM
Even though they came out and said he did it..does not mean it is true. Yes, it may sound like he did..but, one never knows until all the facts are in, and the truth is out. They said someone from wikepedia had it on there about Mrs. Benoit dieing a good 6 or 8 hrs before they actually knew she was dead. I think that is rather odd too.

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sat 06/30/07 07:31 PM
Since the OHHHHHFICIAL report came out then WHY did the WWF put on that show??? I stand with armydoc, davidin, and bl8nt on their comments. He was selfish prick, twisted on dope, MURDERED THAT POOR SON OF HIS....makes me want to PUKE. Maybe i am a BIT PISSED OFF since MY CHILD HAS AUTISM and there is NEVER EVER any VALID REASON to SUFFOCATE or HOGTIE YOUR WIFE and STRANGLE her. Good thing he hung himself. Bye bye to BAD RUBBISH!!!!

mickey46's photo
Tue 07/03/07 09:35 PM
as for me i have been wrestling fan my whole life. at first when i heard of beniot death. was sad i was a fan of his. i still hope and pray he did not do what they say he done.

no photo
Wed 07/04/07 06:19 AM
He did, Mickey, he did. One act sent Benoit from one of the most respected men in his profession to something resembling a tragic cross between O.J.Simpson and Charles Manson. You really have to wonder who the next one will be.

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 07/04/07 07:36 AM
Maybe its something more psychological than just the steroids that everyone has been screaming about. Cause if you look at me, I look normal, but all I have to do is remove my shirt and you can see the scars that lay on my skin to know that I'm not as I appear.

Maybe hes always been twisted, but nobody ever said anything? Or maybe he just snapped and will never know the truth.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 07/04/07 07:59 AM
This man did not snap.this was a planned thing by a twisted mind.
I just dont understand why these people dont just kill themselves but have to take loved ones with them.

no photo
Wed 07/04/07 08:05 AM
as far as it goes--benoit's physician is being charged for the anabolic steroid on the wresler--what if the doc injected a lil too much on benoit that caused the murder/suicide------just wonderin'--

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sat 07/07/07 04:50 PM
yeah shadowdog I saw that his doctor is being charged and should be as well. There still was NO EXCUSE to MURDER his wife or autistic son. That was just as punk as it gets.:angry: :angry: and the WWF put on a show glorifying that murderer. Thank GOD i am NOT a fan of the WWF.

redmange420's photo
Sun 07/08/07 03:48 PM
There were also reports of him bein addicted to GHB, and that he might have been tryin to clean himself up. The thing that I saw said he had been usin it since his WCW days, and that withdrawls from GHB are 10 times worse than heroine. Don't know if it's factual or not, but it would kinda explain what the hell was goin on. Have they release the toxicology report yet?

unsure's photo
Sun 07/08/07 04:44 PM
My son enjoyed watching him...he was really shocked about what happened. His questioned was how can a parent do that to their own son? How could I honestly answer that question?? All I could say is that he had to be very sick and very disturbed. I think to kill your family like can't have any kind of feelings at all for them.
I read an article where it said that he was giving his son shots of steriods to make him bigger. It said that his son had needle marks on his body that were old...they assumed he wanted his son to be bigger because he was in the field that he was in.
I find this very sad that a father would do this, but then again, does he really deserve to be called a father??
I also don't think they should have done anything for him on the WWF...they should have just wiped him out just like he did his family. He doesn't deserve anything!!!

redmange420's photo
Sun 07/08/07 04:51 PM
Ted DiBiase, the legendary "Million Dollar Man," was kind enough to share his thoughts with tPC on Chris Benoit, Steroids, Vince McMahon and the WWE. Here is the pro wrestling hall of famer's exclusive article.

Here's what I know about Chris Benoit, about the guy that I knew and that many of my colleagues knew. We knew a man who was committed to his trade, who made all the sacrifices necessary to become one of the very best, who was unselfish, who went out of his way to help the other guys who were coming up in the field to be the best that they could be.

He was an encourager and he was soft-spoken. Chris Benoit was never known as one to fly off the handle or to have outbursts. He was a very soft-spoken guy, a genuine family man. Chris was the kind of guy who was known to fly home for 7 hours, when it would have been much easier and cheaper just to stay wherever he was to get to wherever he was having to go the next day.

But he made that sacrifice to be with his family.

That's the character of the man all of us knew. That's why all of us are in such shock and bewilderment as to -- what is it? -- What is it in the man's psyche that made him snap?

As I've watched the coverage, some say it's what you call... "fair and balanced" well it's not, it's almost like it's lets' see if we can bury the WWE.

Where do we draw the line in the sand and make people responsible for their actions? It's like Geraldo has this crusade to bury the WWE or make it the WWE's fault that 60 wrestlers, or whatever the figure is, have died in the last 10 or 20 years.

I quit physically wrestling in 1993. They had a drug policy in place then, and when Eddie Guerrero died, I just so happened to be working for the company again, and they instituted what is called the wellness program. The WWE has gone out and hired an independent company, independent of their organization, to do all the testing. In other words, they don't have any say-so in it.

So this company randomly picks wrestlers and they randomly test whoever they want to who is employed by the WWE…tests them for steroids and all drugs.

Any drug that you can test for, you're tested for. I know their policy, and their policy is this: If you test positive the first time, you automatically are suspended 30 days without pay. If you need rehab, the company will pay to put you thru the rehab.

If you flunk yet a second test, then it's a 60 day suspension without pay, and then if it happens a third time, then you're out, you're fired; you're no longer employed by the WWE.

Now it's a 3 strike rule: How many times can you give somebody a chance to grow up? Be responsible for your own actions? And that's my contention.

I've been a part of this industry for my entire life, I grew up in it, and I watched the old WWF, which is what it was when I was there. It was this enormous entity and like any other company, and any other business, it has had its growing pains. I was around when the federal government tried to nail Vince McMahon to the wall, and tried to get the world to believe that he was supplying steroids or that he was making wrestlers take steroids. I was one of those athletes. And I was never encouraged to take anything. And at that time, if Vince McMahon were guilty of anything, it may have been just like all other sports… simply turning a blind eye to it and not seeing it.

But that's not the case. The WWE has grown into this huge company now, and Vince does have a concern for his people, which I think is evident by his policy. As a company, a corporation, what else do we want him to do? That's what I would ask Geraldo… what else would you like Vince McMahon to do?

If you are going to try and cast stones at the WWE, and try to put the blame for all these deaths in the industry on the company for it's "failure," then I say let's go to football, basketball, and baseball. And more than any of the others, let's go to Hollywood. Let's go to rock and roll. What institution, what governing body, or what record label has ever had any kind of drug testing policy to protect the people they have under contract? It's unheard of.

Again the point becomes... when do we make the individual responsible for their actions? As far as those former employees who have come out attacking the WWE or Vince, none of them have ever made any significant contribution to the industry so consider the source.

As a man of God, as a Christian, and as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ... when you come right down to it, I believe that every man is born with a void and an emptiness -- and I call it a God-sized hole in their life and in their heart - and that all of us will continue to try to fill that void with whatever it is… success, fame, money, position, power… whatever it is. And will do so insatiably. We will continue to repeat the very same mistakes in our lives, over and over, either until it kills us or until, in this case, we kill ourselves or somebody else... or until we realize that the only thing that's going to fill that void is Jesus Christ.

Ted Dibiase

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Thu 07/12/07 03:05 AM
he was a family man who made a sacrifice?? OH? looks like that wife and AUTISTIC SON paid the ULTIMATE PRICE. YA THINK???explode

no photo
Thu 07/12/07 06:47 AM

Thank you for that post. It's astonishing to me that some wrestling fans are, after all that's came out, STILL defending Benoit. Look, I'm a wrestling fan, too(tho nowhere as much as I used to be), and as far as I'm concerned, none of his in-ring accomplishments can begin to make up for the fact that he murdered two INNOCENT people in cold blood. Let me ask, when he went to kill them, what possible defense could a 120 lb woman and a 7 year old boy do against a 230 lb. hopped-up madman? We need to realize one thing: we never knew him. We only knew what he was potrayed as on the wrestling shows. I've talked with several wrestlers over the years, and all say the same thing-you have to be a bit off-kilter to be in wrestling even to begin with. Very few make it out unscathed one way or another. Most settle into some form of addiction. Still more end up crippled. Even after all this, there is no excuse for what Benoit did. People say he snapped. That's no excuse, either. They say McMahon overworked him. That's also no excuse. How many of us who work regular jobs are overworked? I know I am. That doesn't make me want to get high on Lord knows what. It's all about personal responsibility, folks. We MUST be held accountable for our own actions. This isn't the media's fault. It isn't Vince McMahon's fault. It's not the fan's fault. No, the only one we can honestly blame for this is Chris Benoit himself. Of course, taking the ultimate coward's way out, he'll never be forced to face what he's done-but hopefully, he'll have lots of time to think about it while he's occupying a very special corner of Hell.

no photo
Thu 07/12/07 07:07 AM
I feel sorry for Chris Benoit and his family. It's very possible that he was mentally ill during that time period. Nobody chooses to be mentally ill, just like nobody decides they want cancer. Perhaps it was induced by the drugs he was taking, but they were all prescribed by a doctor, so why would he assume that bad reaction might happen?

He's dead and so is his wife and son. We won't know the truth of what happened, so don't you think we should stop talking about the terrible things we want to do to the man and/or how much he deserves to be in hell? We all deserve to go to hell and I, for one, hope that I don't get what I deserve.

no photo
Thu 07/12/07 07:22 AM

He was being perscribed a 10 month supply of steroids every three weeks, according to records. I don't know if you're on any medication, but think of this: If you were on, say, high blood pressure meds, and your doctor gave you a 10 month supply, you would know better than to take them in a 3 week period. Right up to the final days, if Benoit had any major mental issues, he hid them well. This is according to those who knew him best, not me.Wrestling is, sadly, a business that's a veritable haven for weirdos, freaks, and mental cases. And those are the best ones. I've read a lot of your past posts, Spider. Hell, I've had a few knock-down drag-outs with you(all in good fun,tho). You always talk about personal responsibility. I agree with you on that. My point is, we cannot blame others for what happened. Some say the business drove him crazy. If the business was doing that much harm to him, walk away. Please don't mention the money. Any rational person will realize that money's no good if you're working yourself into an early grave for it.As for no one being able to "walk away" from wrestling while young, I'll give you some recent examples of people who did: Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, Bill Goldberg, Trish Stratus. "Can't" is a nice-sounding excuse for "won't".

no photo
Thu 07/12/07 07:36 AM

Mental illness isn't always a 100% thing. People with mental illness experiance periods of lucidity, sometimes very long periods of lucidity, followed by a period of insanity. Sometimes they remember the period of insanity and sometimes they do not. Just as a thought exercise, let's assume that is what happened to Chris: Imagine Chris waking up from a period of insanity and he realizes that he has murdered his wife and son. At first he thinks it was a dream, but then he realizes that it's all too real. In horror at his own actions, he kills himself...the reality of what he did was just too much for him to bear. Just a possiblity. My point is that we won't and can't know the truth in this lifetime.

On the subject of personal responsiblity...
Chris is dead. There is nothing he can do or that we can do to change his fate. With his death, our authority to hold him responsible for his actions also died. He will be judged by God and punished/rewarded accordingly.

Would anybody really want to see someone else in Hell? I know I wouldn't.

no photo
Thu 07/12/07 10:41 AM
And we can't bring his INNOCENT wife and son back, either. Where is the conservative "personal responsibility" here? No, we can't put this gutless coward on trial. I have no problem with the idea of him burning in hell. Stick to politics, Spider, or study up on the twisted business that is pro wrestling. You'll be shocked at what you find, I promise you.

no photo
Thu 07/12/07 11:05 AM

It's not a question of wrestling, pro or otherwise. Don't that line of thought and read what I wrote again.

gardenforge's photo
Thu 07/12/07 12:41 PM
This guy was a wrestler and one hell of a big guy, just who the heck held him down and injected him with all these drugs against his will? He made a conscious decision to use these drugs to enhance his body to make more money and side effects be dammed. The doctor was wrong for giving them to him but he was wrong for taking them. It is about time we had a drug policy for ALL sports that says you get tested once a week and one strike and you are gone forever no exceptions.

no photo
Thu 07/12/07 01:56 PM

I'm not saying that Chris didn't screw up by taking all of those drugs, but WHAT do we gain by talking about how much we hate him? You had a helpful suggestion about drug testing. Shouldn't that be what we focus on instead of lashing out with impotent rage against a dead man? Steriods alone wouldn't have caused this, he was also on other psychoactive drugs to deal with depression. The man had problems, but he was trying to make a good life for his wife and son. We don't KNOW that he was in control of himself when this happened, unintended drug reactions happen all the time. Since the guy is dead and we can't do anything to him, let's all stop kicking his corpse and do something productive.