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Topic: Michael Moore Pays For Defense of Traitor
InvictusV's photo
Sat 08/21/10 02:26 PM
According to the left wing conspiracy theorists daddy Bush was behind everything.. I'm surprised he wasn't labeled as a Kamikaze pilot during the second world war.. He did crash his plane into the ocean, I'm sure he was just incompetent and missed the American ship he was trying to sink..

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 08/21/10 02:28 PM

I can't stand looking at Michael Moore or hearing him speak, but at the same time, he's an American, one with a bigger voice tham any of us pleebs.

Call the kid a traitor??? Get real.

by the way, can anybody tell me who was in charge of the CIA when we funded a young arab 'freedom fighter' and helped him bring together people to fight the Russians out of Afghanistan??


speaking of traitors that is

LOL..dude, they only revise history here...which dooms us to see it repeated.

It's hard to revise something that is common knowledge and can be easily checked.

There were 3 directors of the CIA during the soviet afghan war.

Stansfield Turner.. William Casey.. and William Webster..

Take your pick.. Unless there was some shadow CIA director that was kept hidden and then planned the 9-11 attacks..

Do tell..

Whoosh...THE "young arab 'freedom fighter' " was OBL...lol.

mightymoe's photo
Sat 08/21/10 02:28 PM

According to the left wing conspiracy theorists daddy Bush was behind everything.. I'm surprised he wasn't labeled as a Kamikaze pilot during the second world war.. He did crash his plane into the ocean, I'm sure he was just incompetent and missed the American ship he was trying to sink..

that's funny...

laugh rofl laugh rofl

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 08/21/10 02:30 PM

He did crash his plane into the ocean, I'm sure he was just incompetent and missed the American ship he was trying to sink..

Nope...he and his crew bailed out...and landed safely using Hemp parachutes...History anyone?

InvictusV's photo
Sat 08/21/10 02:33 PM

He did crash his plane into the ocean, I'm sure he was just incompetent and missed the American ship he was trying to sink..

Nope...he and his crew bailed out...and landed safely using Hemp parachutes...History anyone?

I know the story.. But we all know how much you lefties like a good conspiracy theory..

InvictusV's photo
Sat 08/21/10 02:35 PM

I can't stand looking at Michael Moore or hearing him speak, but at the same time, he's an American, one with a bigger voice tham any of us pleebs.

Call the kid a traitor??? Get real.

by the way, can anybody tell me who was in charge of the CIA when we funded a young arab 'freedom fighter' and helped him bring together people to fight the Russians out of Afghanistan??


speaking of traitors that is

LOL..dude, they only revise history here...which dooms us to see it repeated.

It's hard to revise something that is common knowledge and can be easily checked.

There were 3 directors of the CIA during the soviet afghan war.

Stansfield Turner.. William Casey.. and William Webster..

Take your pick.. Unless there was some shadow CIA director that was kept hidden and then planned the 9-11 attacks..

Do tell..

Whoosh...THE "young arab 'freedom fighter' " was OBL...lol.

Do you read before you type?

The question was..

"by the way, can anybody tell me who was in charge of the CIA when we funded a young arab 'freedom fighter' and helped him bring together people to fight the Russians out of Afghanistan"??

Obviously OBL was the young freedom fighter.. But he didn't ask who the young freedom fighter was, did he?

I suggest you work on one reply at a time.. You seem to get confused quite easily..

InvictusV's photo
Sat 08/21/10 02:44 PM

He did crash his plane into the ocean, I'm sure he was just incompetent and missed the American ship he was trying to sink..

Nope...he and his crew bailed out...and landed safely using Hemp parachutes...History anyone?

Oh yeah.. his 2 crew mates died.. History anyone?

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 08/21/10 02:57 PM

He did crash his plane into the ocean, I'm sure he was just incompetent and missed the American ship he was trying to sink..

Nope...he and his crew bailed out...and landed safely using Hemp parachutes...History anyone?

Oh yeah.. his 2 crew mates died.. History anyone?

Yes and the Dippc was the Best President Ever~, Whatever dude could care less...but what was this thread about again?...oh yeah...it's the Say Anything thread. Conservative stupidity 101....see The Corporation yet? Didn't think so because it'd have made one think...can't have that.

InvictusV's photo
Sat 08/21/10 04:06 PM

He did crash his plane into the ocean, I'm sure he was just incompetent and missed the American ship he was trying to sink..

Nope...he and his crew bailed out...and landed safely using Hemp parachutes...History anyone?

Oh yeah.. his 2 crew mates died.. History anyone?

Yes and the Dippc was the Best President Ever~, Whatever dude could care less...but what was this thread about again?...oh yeah...it's the Say Anything thread. Conservative stupidity 101....see The Corporation yet? Didn't think so because it'd have made one think...can't have that.

Dude... I answered the mans question. You started in with the revisionist stuff. It wasn't a complex issue that needed to be debated. I think you want to argue for the sake of arguing. It was pointless.

And for the record.. I did start watching "The Corporation". I haven't finished it, but I watched the first 30 minutes.

eklectek's photo
Sat 08/21/10 04:41 PM

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 08/21/10 05:17 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Sat 08/21/10 05:24 PM

He did crash his plane into the ocean, I'm sure he was just incompetent and missed the American ship he was trying to sink..

Nope...he and his crew bailed out...and landed safely using Hemp parachutes...History anyone?

Oh yeah.. his 2 crew mates died.. History anyone?

Yes and the Dippc was the Best President Ever~, Whatever dude could care less...but what was this thread about again?...oh yeah...it's the Say Anything thread. Conservative stupidity 101....see The Corporation yet? Didn't think so because it'd have made one think...can't have that.

Dude... I answered the mans question. You started in with the revisionist stuff. It wasn't a complex issue that needed to be debated. I think you want to argue for the sake of arguing. It was pointless.

And for the record.. I did start watching "The Corporation". I haven't finished it, but I watched the first 30 minutes.

Eh, I was at work and it was slow...

But gee, guess who's also in the movie?...just suck it up...MM is not a bad guy he just picks at the scab problems on this planet and the people who get outed for their puss get pizzed off and attack him. Demonize him!...lol.

I am glad he's helping the guy out. Let's get the truth about things so we don't allow them to happen again...it does not take a historian to understand that simple concept.

AndyBgood's photo
Sat 08/21/10 05:54 PM

then use a b52 lol or a b2

Still not strong or big enough.......... Hell they probably couldn't do it with a C-130.

This plane can deliver his fat azz!

The Anotov 225! It can carry what other planes cannot! Note the comparison to a 747 which is fatter and just as long as a B-52.

He would have to be deployed like this though...

Yep! it will take a huge parachute to pull his fat azz out of the back of the plane though. You may need to include a pneumatic launcher too!

Expect the impact to be horrendous! His fat azz has to be good for at least 50M tons of impact yield with all of that fat and hot air he has!

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 08/21/10 06:06 PM

eklectek's photo
Sat 08/21/10 10:15 PM

then use a b52 lol or a b2

Still not strong or big enough.......... Hell they probably couldn't do it with a C-130.

This plane can deliver his fat azz!

The Anotov 225! It can carry what other planes cannot! Note the comparison to a 747 which is fatter and just as long as a B-52.

He would have to be deployed like this though...

Yep! it will take a huge parachute to pull his fat azz out of the back of the plane though. You may need to include a pneumatic launcher too!

Expect the impact to be horrendous! His fat azz has to be good for at least 50M tons of impact yield with all of that fat and hot air he has!
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl I cant stop!

Lpdon's photo
Mon 08/23/10 10:47 PM

then use a b52 lol or a b2

Still not strong or big enough.......... Hell they probably couldn't do it with a C-130.

This plane can deliver his fat azz!

The Anotov 225! It can carry what other planes cannot! Note the comparison to a 747 which is fatter and just as long as a B-52.

He would have to be deployed like this though...

Yep! it will take a huge parachute to pull his fat azz out of the back of the plane though. You may need to include a pneumatic launcher too!

Expect the impact to be horrendous! His fat azz has to be good for at least 50M tons of impact yield with all of that fat and hot air he has!

Still not big enough.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 08/28/10 12:22 AM
I love how the Liberal MSM buried this story.

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