Topic: Ever ask yourself....
Peccy's photo
Tue 08/17/10 12:38 PM
why am I here? (BTW "here" is however you want to interpret it)

Mayhem_J's photo
Tue 08/17/10 12:49 PM
Not so much "why", but more so on "how". Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had taken that left instead of going right. Not that I have any regret, but it keeps my simple mind entertained.

Gossipmpm's photo
Tue 08/17/10 12:54 PM
think I'm here to....................


luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 08/17/10 12:55 PM
Im here because all of the best people in the world are here.:heart: ....

and I like kickin it with them.smokin

no photo
Tue 08/17/10 02:48 PM
I'm here cos she's here ^^^ :wink:

minxone's photo
Tue 08/17/10 03:06 PM
I am here because my Mother and it on one night..and!!

JamieRawxx's photo
Tue 08/17/10 03:07 PM
I am "here" just because somehow i wound up "here" whatever/wherever that may be.