Topic: Marriage, you are the weakest evolutionary link, Goodbye ! | |
Well i have never been married i don't plan on it and i am pregnant so does this make me the spawn of satan?
Why would it? You are no worse than the people who fill churches each Sunday (me being one of them). |
I would absolutely still get married for love. For me, it is not about the possible benefits that you get from it. Others may find it just to be a piece of paper, which works for them. I do know that I would want to be sure that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him if I chose to get married. My feelings exactly |
Damn....4 pages...nice Very interesting responses. I believe 90% of the USA, wouldn't get married if there wasn't an economical benefit to them...and I still think I'm pretty close to that percentage...still, some responses make me think I might be dead wrong...interesting indeed
Everybody is crying to me about the damn marriage, I hear nothing but bad bad bad.. I have never been married and I never had kids. Here is the deal. The majority of the population on this planet are married, you like it or not. Most of them have kids, you like it or not. Most are also happy you like it or not. Of course, we won't hear about them, even though they are the majority, since they wouldn't be on a dating site. So anyone reading this..just take it as it's dissatisfied, divorced singles who continuously make it look like the marriage and/or having kids is the end of the world, worse than hell itself. ..Meanwhile the 9/8th of the world population continues to live happily married ever after, and the continuous bashing of marriage and family leaves a mark by making any other singles question themselves, whether they would making a good decision by getting married or to have kids. I'll have what your smoking All I have are married friends and they're all miserable...divorce rate is around 50% in my county...thats not saying much for all your happily married couples |
There is no such thing as a happily married couple. They all can't be 100% perfectly fine with there marriages. Everyone has problems. Marriage is not for everyone as it is for others. I still stand by my statement about how love does not equal marriage. They are not one in the same, sometimes they they may go hand in hand, but you do not need love to marry it is just a nice accommodation, just like you don't marriage to find love. Perhaps we hear more about how marriage sucks because there really isn't to many "Happily Married" couples out there. and if you are boasting about being happily married then why are you on a dating website in the first place? This is just all my opinion of course, we are all entitled to our own opinions and i am not undermining anyone when i post my feelings on certain subjects. but if you "happily married" couples out there were fully satisfied with your marriage then why are you searching on here? unless you are swingers of course. Then i have nothing further to say. =)
I was married for 15 years and wouldn't trade a day of it away.
The only thing that interupted my marriage was death. There IS something special about standing in front of your family and friend and making a promise to one person that you will honor their love and keep the respect of your realtionship. Nothing compares. Most of the people that I know are terrified of making such a public promise and hide that fear in saying things like, its just a piece of paper, love shouldn't have to have a contract, and the "statistic" that 50% of them fail anyway. To the men reading this. Do you REALLY love the woman???? Then promise to be with her for the rest of your life in front of all your friends and family. Make a public statement. |
You do not need marriage to propose how much love you feel for one another, i admit there was a time that i wanted to get married and have the whole shebang but i am so glad i didn't cause' it would have never been worth it. I am not afraid of marriage, the "it is only a piece of paper" really is how i feel about it. But like i said before, what is good for one person is not always good for another.
I hope to marry again someday, and love is the only reason I will. There are happy marriages, and those are strenghthened by the rough times that a couple with a true commitment support each other through. Marriage isn't supposed to make life magically happy in every aspect, life still happens. Health issues, job or money woes, conflicts in a miriad of aspects happen to all of us, married or not. A good marriage is one in which you have each other to lean on and trust. Just because I'm divorced doesn't mean I'll give up on finding a man I can trust to truly want the best for me. Marriage isn't a piece of paper, it's a promise of forever that I long to fulfil.
Humm would I re-marry sure if the right one came along and they wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with them.
I've been married before for 11 years and divorced for almost 19 now but I still believe in marriage.... It is not something that I have to have but if it was to happen I would not shun it.... And love is the only reason that I would ever get married..... |
yes..for true love i would re-marry
Very interesting indeed
You cannot predict love. Period. You can not predict the outcome either. I have no clue how I would deal with a relationship where I don't stand to gain something from it. To get sucked into a relationship where I am sole support? NO WAY! That is utter BS and a lie. She has to have an income too. A worthless woman is the worst kind to get involved with (and there are a lot of worthless men out there too and how they manage to get married still leaves me in a state of confusion).
It sucks being the dog covered in FLEAS! |
I'd like to get married someday. My parents have been married for 29 years and they are still madly in love. Marriage is a commitment, a promise that I intend to honor when the time comes and I find the right person. I want that kind of promise from "the one." Marriage makes you accountable: if you mess it up, there are consequences which can be painful. Much better than a verbal promise, don't you think?
Plus, how awesome are weddings? ;) |
I would definitely marry again. For love, for committment, for romance, companionship and family (tying together my children, my partner and myself)
Living together will never be an option for me. I want all the things surrounding a permanent relationship, so marriage is my option. I want someone serious about being with me, not just looking for an easy way to the back door if things don't work out. |
That man
would haveto be one hell of a dynamite stick in bed for me to ever marry again!!! Oh wait he is!!!!!!!!!! ****!!!!! Do I wear white?? |