Topic: If... | |
========================================= Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. -- ========================================== There are many ways to interpret scripture but those who study theology and history may have a bit more insight than the common people, who would interpret scripture in terms of what they EXPECT it to say. Try another view - written by scholars and ministers. That is the Gnostic view... 2 Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. |
Agreed. Show me the possible harm in gay marriage. similar to the possible harm in sibling marriage, disassembly of the very structure of family by equating all relationships to that of a mother and father, where family starts,,,, I think uncle dads and aunty moms would be a very confusing type of culture to promote or support bringing a child up in I think similary about daddy and daddy or mommy and mommy being a replacement or even on equal footing with mommy and daddy there were probably many people , when casual sex was just building up support, who thought that wasnt harmful either and look at the studies of how much worse off children have become since there have begun to be fewer and fewer DADDYS in their life to supplement the MOMMY and vice versa look at how adopted children seek out their biological roots look at how many STEPCHILDREN grow up feeling left out or confused its not any one simple thing, but many things point to why its BEST for children to have a foundation which begins out of a loving commitement with two people who not only created them through love of each other, but helped them to love themself by setting that primary example,,, this is where you come from, your mom and dad,, love there can arguably hardly be anything as good for children and their foundation in life than that.... I am a single parent, but not by choice, and I would never recommend it or put it on similar footing with the two parent home I grew up in with the two from whence I came,,, all the alternate things are just harming our families and our structure and it will only become apparent in the LONG LONG run, just as the consequence of all the irresponsible sex didnt become apparent right away,,, VERY WELL explained Msharmony !!! |
All good EXCEPT to compare homosexuality to incest or pedophilia is as discriminatory as making all black folks out to be drug dealers and hos.
Not. So basically the logic there is flawed from get. Being born homosexual should not be anything someone has to defend nor feel bad about. It doesn't hurt anyone anymore than heterosexual relationships hurt their participants. |
Edited by
Tue 08/24/10 07:08 PM
First i want to say no one is "born" homosexual. Cowboy, you can't prove this any more than I can prove its opposite. It is the truth, doesn't matter the genetics of a person or anything. It still boils down to a decision one has made to have that sexual orientation. For instance, i'm attracted to women, BUT if God was to have said it was a sin to sleep with women, then i'd have no choice but not to. Reason i put that is to spell out what i'm get'n at. Even though we are attracted to something, same sex, drugs, rush of murdering someone, ect DOES NOT mean we are to go with those urges. So since you're support homosexuals because they are attracted to each other and not the opposite sex because of genetics. Do you support mass murdering by mentally challenged people or someone that just has the extreme urge to destroy the world? Again, because of the desire they have due to genetics? In a roundabout way what i'm saying is, the attraction itself may not be a decision that person has made. But the actions taken upon this attraction is. Cowboy, you make sense for the first time I have been reading your posts. I disagree with how you see things, but that is far outweighed by the benefit of your making a statement that I believe is solid. There is two ways to reply to it: You said nobody is born gay. Later you say people may be attracted to someone, but to allow the attraction to move the person to action is or ought to be governed by the level of the person's desire to obey god. So. You say a man may not be attracted to women, but he must not be acting as gays do, even if he wants to. This brings the issue to ask: Is gayness the act of living out one's desire, or is gayness a quality that gives a man a desire to act in a certain way? Whether he acts it or not. If we can see that the quality of gayness is satisfied sufficiently by owning a desire to have sex with the same gender people, then your original statement, which I wished you to refute, that is, "nobody is born gay" is not true. However, if we agree that to be gay one must act as a gay, your original statement of "nobody's born gay" is true. Whether I support gays or mass murderers is not the issue. The issue is "can someone be born as a gay man"? You admit that one can be born with gay desires, but you do insist that they are not gay, so action is what decides a determination of gender preference. If we accept your definition, yes, nobody is born gay, in the act of homosexual love. What else do we get born without, in lack of having performed an activity that makes us a part of a group? Nobody is born blind. A blind person is liable to walk into walls when unaided. A newborn baby does NOT walk into walls. A blind person does get a card that certifies he or she is blind, and it restricts him or her from some privileges and aides him or her to privileges exclusive to blind people (for instance, driving a car int he first case, and carrying a dog on an airplane in the second case.) A baby does not drive, and does not carry a dog on an airplane. Yet there are babies born with no eyes. Very sad, but there are some. Are they not born blind? I wonder. Do they carry dogs on airplanes? Do they walk into walls? Do they apply for drivers licences and get refused an issue? No, no, and no. So nobody gets born blind. Even those who get born blind don't get born blind, because the newborns have not demonstrated with an ACT or ACTION that they are blind. Yet they are blind. On the strength of this above reasoning, I reject your statement that those who get born with a desire to have sex with people of the same gender, are not born gay, on the strength on their lack of action alone. I think an ability or a talent or a given character that one gets born with is a true talent or character, and others do not need the proof to see that person act in the capacity of showing the talent or the character to know for sure about the person's congenital possession of it. That's A. And B. is that God forbade only the Israelites to stay away from homosexual sex; but for everyone else, it was okay to do. God only wants all the Jews to be straight, all others can go themselves or anything that moves, for all God cares. (Deuteronomy 23, verse 17 17: There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. ) It is the same with pork and shrimp. The Bible forbids the JEWS to eat pork; all others can. Christians do. Christians eat pork and shrimp. So if a Jew cannot do something, somebody who is not a Jew, can still do it. Christians are allowed by God to have gay sex. The whole hoolaboo is based on not even an interpretation, but a misplaced moral judgment on an extrapolation that is not valid, since other extrapolations must be existing then, which don't at all. Christians are not Jews. Only their god is. =============================================== You said nobody is born gay. Later you say people may be attracted to someone, but to allow the attraction to move the person to action is or ought to be governed by the level of the person's desire to obey god. ================================================ Being attracted to someone of the same gender isn't "exactly" homosexual. It's the actions that follow that determines homosexuality. For instance, women tell each other they are pretty, beautiful, and so on all the time. Are they homosexual? Not unless they progress with it and proceed to act upon this attraction. =============================================== This brings the issue to ask: Is gayness the act of living out one's desire, or is gayness a quality that gives a man a desire to act in a certain way? Whether he acts it or not. ================================================ As previousely noted it's the action. We can't choose what we're attracted to weather it's sexually or you think it's beautiful. That's not something we "choose" to think. It's what we do with what we think. ================================================== Even those who get born blind don't get born blind, because the newborns have not demonstrated with an ACT or ACTION that they are blind. Yet they are blind. On the strength of this above reasoning, I reject your statement that those who get born with a desire to have sex with people of the same gender, are not born gay, on the strength on their lack of action alone. ===================================================== There is a problem with your reasoning. Being blind there is literally absolutely NO choice whatsoever. With homosexuality, there is always a choice weather they want to have a relation with same gender or not. We'll be judged on our actions we did in our lives. Being blind isn't an action we "chose" to do. |
Being attracted to the same sex is not a choice.
What you do with it may be. If you choose to be with someone of the same sex there is nothing wrong with it. No religion can make it so. And we have to make sure that our laws do not make it wrong. |
All good EXCEPT to compare homosexuality to incest or pedophilia is as discriminatory as making all black folks out to be drug dealers and hos. Not. So basically the logic there is flawed from get. Being born homosexual should not be anything someone has to defend nor feel bad about. It doesn't hurt anyone anymore than heterosexual relationships hurt their participants. Don't they say sex offenders can not help it is the reason thier is a Registry? So were they born that away 2? |
Considering homosexuality can't be compared to sex offenders, I am not sure what is meant there.
Edited by
Tue 08/24/10 07:29 PM
Considering homosexuality can't be compared to sex offenders, I am not sure what is meant there. what i am saying we have a registry because they can not (supposedly) be rehabilitaded. If that is the case are they being discriminated against? |
Considering homosexuality can't be compared to sex offenders, I am not sure what is meant there. what i am saying we have a registry because they can not (supposedly) be rehabilitaded. If that is the case are they being discriminated against? Oh, sorry I misunderstood you. No, the difference here is that the perpetrators of sex crimes commit crimes. Sexual crimes can be homosexual in nature at times too but the act of homosexuality between two or more consenting adults of sound mind is not a crime. |
Considering homosexuality can't be compared to sex offenders, I am not sure what is meant there. what i am saying we have a registry because they can not (supposedly) be rehabilitaded. If that is the case are they being discriminated against? Oh, sorry I misunderstood you. No, the difference here is that the perpetrators of sex crimes commit crimes. Sexual crimes can be homosexual in nature at times too but the act of homosexuality between two or more consenting adults of sound mind is not a crime. yes.. That is the law of the land.. Here in the states and many other countries. What i do not understand i guess is why they can not stop? The law of the land says they can not. Homosexuals say they can not. So the law of the land is saying they were both born that away? 100 years ago this was not true with the law. So where are we progressing to and who decides what is right and what is wrong. we seem to flipflop over time.. 100 years from now who knows what will be normal. This is the main reason we have written religions to look for over time what is normal. To me this makes since not to change laws that have been around forever. Because how do we decide what is right and what is wrong? Like have you ever seen what the rescideiscm rate for a sex offender really is? To become one u had to of been caught and labeled.. Just as homosexuals have had to express thier preference to be known. |
Actually sexual deviants are not always born that way. They are made too.
So the comparison is not exactly the same. When a child is young they start to feel attraction to others. Sometimes it is their same sex sometimes the opposite and both other times. Nothing is wrong with this. Laws should not be made to condemn this. |
Edited by
Tue 08/24/10 08:11 PM
Actually sexual deviants are not always born that way. They are made too. So the comparison is not exactly the same. When a child is young they start to feel attraction to others. Sometimes it is their same sex sometimes the opposite and both other times. Nothing is wrong with this. Laws should not be made to condemn this. God has condemned this because nothing comes of two homosexuals. The ENTIRE purpose for sexual actions is reproduction. Any other use of sex weather it's heterosexual or homosexual is a sin. And since no reproduction can come of homosexual it has been condemned and we have been told not to partake in this action. Sex outside of reproduction falls into the category of lust. It's for purely physical pleasure. Again homosexuals can not reproduce. So there for it's purely lust. |
Actually sexual deviants are not always born that way. They are made too. So the comparison is not exactly the same. When a child is young they start to feel attraction to others. Sometimes it is their same sex sometimes the opposite and both other times. Nothing is wrong with this. Laws should not be made to condemn this. God has condemned this because nothing comes of two homosexuals. The ENTIRE purpose for sexual actions is reproduction. Any other use of sex weather it's heterosexual or homosexual is a sin. And since no reproduction can come of homosexual it has been condemned and we have been told not to partake in this action. You mean YOU have been told this and YOU choose to apply it to YOUR life with YOU OR YOUR RELIGION having absolutely no right to tell ANYONE ELSE how to live or what to do. Right? |
Actually sexual deviants are not always born that way. They are made too. So the comparison is not exactly the same. When a child is young they start to feel attraction to others. Sometimes it is their same sex sometimes the opposite and both other times. Nothing is wrong with this. Laws should not be made to condemn this. God has condemned this because nothing comes of two homosexuals. The ENTIRE purpose for sexual actions is reproduction. Any other use of sex weather it's heterosexual or homosexual is a sin. And since no reproduction can come of homosexual it has been condemned and we have been told not to partake in this action. You mean YOU have been told this and YOU choose to apply it to YOUR life with YOU OR YOUR RELIGION having absolutely no right to tell ANYONE ELSE how to live or what to do. Right? No, we all have been told straight up not to do this. Weather you want to believe it or not is your choice. But regardless if you believe it or not, you still have been informed not to do homosexual actions. |
Actually sexual deviants are not always born that way. They are made too. So the comparison is not exactly the same. When a child is young they start to feel attraction to others. Sometimes it is their same sex sometimes the opposite and both other times. Nothing is wrong with this. Laws should not be made to condemn this. I agree. They are not born that away. Children learn most things through example. many of the posters have said this same thing. To let u see how sensationalism we are controlled through the media. The bureau of prisons consistantly show that only 3% of sex offenders once caught for the 1st time ever committ a sex offence again. The media just makes sure it is always on our minds. a scare tactic for legalized hate. Watching our nieghbors and a general fear of the unknown. This is what controls so much of our thought. When Will and Grace came out it was a planned show to make Gay people funny and anyone who did not agree with them they were bigots. The real uprising of the Homosexual community getting everyone else on board. Subtlely putting out seeds in our minds and our childrens minds What is RIGHT and what is WRONG> This is how i see at least us and this country and many others being played. Then over time this spread through colleges and eventually to our high schools at least as this is an alternative lifestyle. Working on peer pressure.. Yes we have allways had homosexuals and we can all remember the jokes about the closet. We have been played because we have. Evil men in High Places who seek to tear down the wall of what is normal traditionalism. When they do that it is Devide and Conquer. No different than wall street being allowed to steal from the middle class working towards an communist agenda of a 2 class rule. The Rich and the poor. all set out in scripture that this would happen and is on our door step. It is time people stand up and speak up for what all that has happened in the last 30+ years. Good will be Evil and Evil will be Good. The left and the right will be hard to figured out. We even hear today what is the Leftists Agenda |
Edited by
Tue 08/24/10 08:28 PM
Actually sexual deviants are not always born that way. They are made too. So the comparison is not exactly the same. When a child is young they start to feel attraction to others. Sometimes it is their same sex sometimes the opposite and both other times. Nothing is wrong with this. Laws should not be made to condemn this. God has condemned this because nothing comes of two homosexuals. The ENTIRE purpose for sexual actions is reproduction. Any other use of sex weather it's heterosexual or homosexual is a sin. And since no reproduction can come of homosexual it has been condemned and we have been told not to partake in this action. You mean YOU have been told this and YOU choose to apply it to YOUR life with YOU OR YOUR RELIGION having absolutely no right to tell ANYONE ELSE how to live or what to do. Right? No, we all have been told straight up not to do this. Weather you want to believe it or not is your choice. But regardless if you believe it or not, you still have been informed not to do homosexual actions. No, YOU have chosen to listen to a certain religion and believe it and live by it. WE are not part of that. We have a right to live as WE want to without YOU telling us anything. So YOU live how YOU AND YOUR RELIGION tell you to if YOU so want to and leave US AND WE alone to live how WE want to. Otherwise WE will start to believe that YOU AND YOUR RELIGION are threatening to US and we will have to work to restrict the freedom of YOUR RELIGION. In other words freedom of religion may start to be threatened if the religious cannot control themselves when it comes to EVERYONE'S FREEDOMS. |
Actually sexual deviants are not always born that way. They are made too. So the comparison is not exactly the same. When a child is young they start to feel attraction to others. Sometimes it is their same sex sometimes the opposite and both other times. Nothing is wrong with this. Laws should not be made to condemn this. I agree. They are not born that away. Children learn most things through example. many of the posters have said this same thing. To let u see how sensationalism we are controlled through the media. The bureau of prisons consistantly show that only 3% of sex offenders once caught for the 1st time ever committ a sex offence again. The media just makes sure it is always on our minds. a scare tactic for legalized hate. Watching our nieghbors and a general fear of the unknown. This is what controls so much of our thought. When Will and Grace came out it was a planned show to make Gay people funny and anyone who did not agree with them they were bigots. The real uprising of the Homosexual community getting everyone else on board. Subtlely putting out seeds in our minds and our childrens minds What is RIGHT and what is WRONG> This is how i see at least us and this country and many others being played. Then over time this spread through colleges and eventually to our high schools at least as this is an alternative lifestyle. Working on peer pressure.. Yes we have allways had homosexuals and we can all remember the jokes about the closet. We have been played because we have. Evil men in High Places who seek to tear down the wall of what is normal traditionalism. When they do that it is Devide and Conquer. No different than wall street being allowed to steal from the middle class working towards an communist agenda of a 2 class rule. The Rich and the poor. all set out in scripture that this would happen and is on our door step. It is time people stand up and speak up for what all that has happened in the last 30+ years. Good will be Evil and Evil will be Good. The left and the right will be hard to figured out. We even hear today what is the Leftists Agenda You did not agree with me at all at any level. ![]() |
Actually sexual deviants are not always born that way. They are made too. So the comparison is not exactly the same. When a child is young they start to feel attraction to others. Sometimes it is their same sex sometimes the opposite and both other times. Nothing is wrong with this. Laws should not be made to condemn this. God has condemned this because nothing comes of two homosexuals. The ENTIRE purpose for sexual actions is reproduction. Any other use of sex weather it's heterosexual or homosexual is a sin. And since no reproduction can come of homosexual it has been condemned and we have been told not to partake in this action. You mean YOU have been told this and YOU choose to apply it to YOUR life with YOU OR YOUR RELIGION having absolutely no right to tell ANYONE ELSE how to live or what to do. Right? No, we all have been told straight up not to do this. Weather you want to believe it or not is your choice. But regardless if you believe it or not, you still have been informed not to do homosexual actions. No, YOU have chosen to listen to a certain religion and believe it and live by it. WE are not part of that. We have a right to live as WE want to without YOU telling us anything. So YOU live how YOU AND YOUR RELIGION tell you to if YOU so want to and leave US AND WE alone to live how WE want to. Otherwise WE will start to believe that YOU AND YOUR RELIGION are threatening to US and we will have to work to restrict the freedom of YOUR RELIGION. In other words freedom of religion may start to be threatened if the religious cannot control themselves when it comes to EVERYONE'S FREEDOMS. It's like a family. A mom/dad can raise their children up as good as possible, but if the children refuse to be a part of the family, of course they aren't a part of the family. But nevertheless they are part of the family. Just because you choose not to listen to God and believe in other beliefs doesn't mean you aren't part of the family and should listen to the mom/dad (God) |
Actually sexual deviants are not always born that way. They are made too. So the comparison is not exactly the same. When a child is young they start to feel attraction to others. Sometimes it is their same sex sometimes the opposite and both other times. Nothing is wrong with this. Laws should not be made to condemn this. I agree. They are not born that away. Children learn most things through example. many of the posters have said this same thing. To let u see how sensationalism we are controlled through the media. The bureau of prisons consistantly show that only 3% of sex offenders once caught for the 1st time ever committ a sex offence again. The media just makes sure it is always on our minds. a scare tactic for legalized hate. Watching our nieghbors and a general fear of the unknown. This is what controls so much of our thought. When Will and Grace came out it was a planned show to make Gay people funny and anyone who did not agree with them they were bigots. The real uprising of the Homosexual community getting everyone else on board. Subtlely putting out seeds in our minds and our childrens minds What is RIGHT and what is WRONG> This is how i see at least us and this country and many others being played. Then over time this spread through colleges and eventually to our high schools at least as this is an alternative lifestyle. Working on peer pressure.. Yes we have allways had homosexuals and we can all remember the jokes about the closet. We have been played because we have. Evil men in High Places who seek to tear down the wall of what is normal traditionalism. When they do that it is Devide and Conquer. No different than wall street being allowed to steal from the middle class working towards an communist agenda of a 2 class rule. The Rich and the poor. all set out in scripture that this would happen and is on our door step. It is time people stand up and speak up for what all that has happened in the last 30+ years. Good will be Evil and Evil will be Good. The left and the right will be hard to figured out. We even hear today what is the Leftists Agenda You did not agree with me at all at any level. ![]() trying to show u the way we are is learned not born. Have you ever seen the wolf twins? The twin girls who were abanded in the woods and raised by a pack of wolves? How do u attest for them acting feeding snarling like wolves when they were found at about age 7? |
Actually sexual deviants are not always born that way. They are made too. So the comparison is not exactly the same. When a child is young they start to feel attraction to others. Sometimes it is their same sex sometimes the opposite and both other times. Nothing is wrong with this. Laws should not be made to condemn this. God has condemned this because nothing comes of two homosexuals. The ENTIRE purpose for sexual actions is reproduction. Any other use of sex weather it's heterosexual or homosexual is a sin. And since no reproduction can come of homosexual it has been condemned and we have been told not to partake in this action. You mean YOU have been told this and YOU choose to apply it to YOUR life with YOU OR YOUR RELIGION having absolutely no right to tell ANYONE ELSE how to live or what to do. Right? No, we all have been told straight up not to do this. Weather you want to believe it or not is your choice. But regardless if you believe it or not, you still have been informed not to do homosexual actions. No, YOU have chosen to listen to a certain religion and believe it and live by it. WE are not part of that. We have a right to live as WE want to without YOU telling us anything. So YOU live how YOU AND YOUR RELIGION tell you to if YOU so want to and leave US AND WE alone to live how WE want to. Otherwise WE will start to believe that YOU AND YOUR RELIGION are threatening to US and we will have to work to restrict the freedom of YOUR RELIGION. In other words freedom of religion may start to be threatened if the religious cannot control themselves when it comes to EVERYONE'S FREEDOMS. It's like a family. A mom/dad can raise their children up as good as possible, but if the children refuse to be a part of the family, of course they aren't a part of the family. But nevertheless they are part of the family. Just because you choose not to listen to God and believe in other beliefs doesn't mean you aren't part of the family and should listen to the mom/dad (God) No it isn't like that at all ![]() And please do not bring my or your parents into this. YOU chose to listen to a religion that TELLS YOU there is a god. That is your choice but you can't make it right for everyone. Your god has nothing to do with my god. |