Topic: see i have an issue
RKISIT's photo
Sun 08/08/10 03:03 PM
hey d24drinker

d24's photo
Sun 08/08/10 03:05 PM

hey d24drinker
Were ya been?

s1owhand's photo
Sun 08/08/10 06:14 PM

merely accepting jesus christ as lord and savior does not guarantee anything. if the person doing the accepting is otherwise a vile and mean individual then no reasonable god would ever reward such behavior while punishing others who were good and kind but who did not accept jesus christ as lord and savior.

god doesn't really care if you are gay, bi, lesbian or heterosexual as long as you treat others with respect and kindness you can't go wrong. merely having a god-given preference for men, women or both does not affect what kind of person you choose to be. the key is your choices and how you exercise them.

there are no deathbed conversions which will wash a way a lifetime of abusing others and by the same token there is no way to erase a lifetime of good works because of which rituals you observed as a pagan, jew, medicine man or southern baptist.

so, be good and you shall find that it is rewarding in every way

so homosexuals aren't considered an abomination..hmmmm, so whats does this mean then Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13

These are passages which generally state that homosexual activity is not preferred. Not a big deal. The term abomination is probably a mistranslation anyway. Just means that back in the day - it was not preferred.

Almost all Christians and Jews interpret it as nothing more than that nowadays.

Tromette's photo
Sun 08/08/10 06:18 PM

with the gay thing... some gays believe in god and jesus but yet christains have this belief rather it be a chester or rapist..etc that as long as they accept jesus as their lord and savior they are going to heaven,so the old testament god says you shall not worship any god before me or whatever ways you want to type it's meaningless meaning...even my homeboy isaac newton questioned this one,so if a gay man says i accept jesus as my lord and savior does that mean he is going to heaven...even though he meaning god never produced women for adam and eves kids to keep the population going or rather its an abomination

He might not go to heaven, but the Pope will cover up his molestation charges and he can still be a priest, just at a different location.

d24's photo
Sun 08/08/10 06:30 PM

with the gay thing... some gays believe in god and jesus but yet christains have this belief rather it be a chester or rapist..etc that as long as they accept jesus as their lord and savior they are going to heaven,so the old testament god says you shall not worship any god before me or whatever ways you want to type it's meaningless meaning...even my homeboy isaac newton questioned this one,so if a gay man says i accept jesus as my lord and savior does that mean he is going to heaven...even though he meaning god never produced women for adam and eves kids to keep the population going or rather its an abomination

He might not go to heaven, but the Pope will cover up his molestation charges and he can still be a priest, just at a different location.
laugh laugh VERY TRUE!!laugh

Foliel's photo
Mon 08/09/10 06:04 AM
I always kinda figured that since one of the 10 commandments is thou shalt not lie, lying about your sexual preference would be bad, marrying a woman under that lie would be worse, then lying to your children (if you have any cuz i know I couldnt have children with a someone I don't love) about all of it would be beyond anything I could deal with.

So huge make other people happy...will probly condemn you to hell. No thanks, I will be who I am, IF I were to accept God for who he is and Jesus for who he is then they can accept me for who I am as I am. Mind you I am not religious....there are a great many reasons I cannot accept christianity.

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/09/10 10:29 AM
Just a thought, not a judgement:

I think lying about a feeling and performing an act are not the same.

I dont lie about who I am. I also do not SHARE everything about what I feel. I may FEEL like pulling out my own hair, but if I dont share that am I lying,,,,,not really.

If I dont proceed to pull it out,, am I not being myself,,no,, I am just making the best decision I can at the time. We act on more than impulse or feeling,,which makes us a bit more 'evolved' than the animals.

so we shouldnt marry people we dont love, on this I can agree.
I cant agree though, that we should therefore marry or engage in intimate relations with anyone or everyone we DO love.

earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 08/09/10 10:43 AM

with the gay thing... some gays believe in god and jesus but yet christains have this belief rather it be a chester or rapist..etc that as long as they accept jesus as their lord and savior they are going to heaven,so the old testament god says you shall not worship any god before me or whatever ways you want to type it's meaningless meaning...even my homeboy isaac newton questioned this one,so if a gay man says i accept jesus as my lord and savior does that mean he is going to heaven...even though he meaning god never produced women for adam and eves kids to keep the population going or rather its an abomination

No. If you read the bible youd know that.

msharmony's photo
Mon 08/09/10 10:45 AM
there is no one statement or action that guarantees heaven

we need faith AND works,,,,,,not just a claim or an offering,,

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 08/09/10 10:58 AM

with the gay thing... some gays believe in god and jesus but yet christains have this belief rather it be a chester or rapist..etc that as long as they accept jesus as their lord and savior they are going to heaven,so the old testament god says you shall not worship any god before me or whatever ways you want to type it's meaningless meaning...even my homeboy isaac newton questioned this one,so if a gay man says i accept jesus as my lord and savior does that mean he is going to heaven...even though he meaning god never produced women for adam and eves kids to keep the population going or rather its an abomination

The reason Christians have such a big problem with gays is because gays are corrupting the church.They are telling flat out lies and decieving many people.The gays believe that they can disobey Gods word and be happy about it.They believe that you can be a sinner and still be good and Holy.They do not believe in repantance or delieverance.

The difference between gays and the rest of the adulters,booze bags,prostitues,and others who are sinning in Gods eyes is that those people who come to church are looking to lead a better more Holy life.The gays are not interested in changing.The gays are unrepentant sinners.Unrepentant sinners are not to be welcomed into the church or should they be allowed in the church.The reason they are not to be welcomed is because nobody wants to see a person walking out of a church and straight into a strip club or a gay pride parade.They end up driving away future Christians,makes the church look like hypocrites and liars,and makes the church look weak and fake.

Concerning the idea that gays claim to be Christian are are saved by Christ is a complicated question.Yes Christ will save anyone who asked to be saved and will go to heaven but Christ also warned of the dangers of people claiming to be Christians yet doing only bad.Jesus said "I will give you the crown of life and also take it away from you".God warned us of being "neither cold or hot so I spit you out".Christ also talked about a "Unforgivable sin".The unforgviable sin is people who work in high positions of the church telling people lies about the bible and God.Everyone will be judged by God in the end.If you insist on calling yourself a Christian and doing everything against it you will be held accountable for your actions and what punishment God will hold for you I do not know.

Gays are more than welcome in my church if they want to start living a straight lifestyle for Christ.If you are coming to my church opening gay,not willing to change,and not calling homosexuality a sin and promoting it.Then I will tell you to leave.

For all of you who are going to start up with the Old testament jazz and how it is somehow irrelavant to what Jesus was talking about.Everything Jesus spoke to us about concerning the bible was from the Old testament.If you want to discredit the Old testament then also discredit everything Jesus said concerning the bible also.

Thomas3474's photo
Mon 08/09/10 11:12 AM

merely accepting jesus christ as lord and savior does not guarantee anything. if the person doing the accepting is otherwise a vile and mean individual then no reasonable god would ever reward such behavior while punishing others who were good and kind but who did not accept jesus christ as lord and savior.

god doesn't really care if you are gay, bi, lesbian or heterosexual as long as you treat others with respect and kindness you can't go wrong. merely having a god-given preference for men, women or both does not affect what kind of person you choose to be. the key is your choices and how you exercise them.

there are no deathbed conversions which will wash a way a lifetime of abusing others and by the same token there is no way to erase a lifetime of good works because of which rituals you observed as a pagan, jew, medicine man or southern baptist.

so, be good and you shall find that it is rewarding in every way

Total nonsense.You have no idea what you are talking about.

Good works by nonbelievers means nothing to God or Jesus because they do not know who you are.When you die you could have done all the good works in the world and they will both tell you "Go away from me I do not know who you are".Good works does not get you into heaven and good works does not help you build a relationship with God.

God does care about what kind of life you are living because the entire bible tells about what kind of life you are supposed to be living,what you should be doing and what you should not be doing.Homosexuality upset God so much he destroyed a entire city because of it.It goes against all of Gods laws including marriage,sex,and family.

Perhaps you can show me in the bible where it says "God said I have written these laws concerning sin.But as long as you are good to other people you can do what you want including homosexuality".

The only people going to heaven and the only people who are blessed by their good works is Christians and Christians only.There is no scripture to tell us otherswise.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/09/10 11:26 AM

merely accepting jesus christ as lord and savior does not guarantee anything. if the person doing the accepting is otherwise a vile and mean individual then no reasonable god would ever reward such behavior while punishing others who were good and kind but who did not accept jesus christ as lord and savior.

god doesn't really care if you are gay, bi, lesbian or heterosexual as long as you treat others with respect and kindness you can't go wrong. merely having a god-given preference for men, women or both does not affect what kind of person you choose to be. the key is your choices and how you exercise them.

there are no deathbed conversions which will wash a way a lifetime of abusing others and by the same token there is no way to erase a lifetime of good works because of which rituals you observed as a pagan, jew, medicine man or southern baptist.

so, be good and you shall find that it is rewarding in every way

Total nonsense.You have no idea what you are talking about.

Good works by nonbelievers means nothing to God or Jesus because they do not know who you are.When you die you could have done all the good works in the world and they will both tell you "Go away from me I do not know who you are".Good works does not get you into heaven and good works does not help you build a relationship with God.

God does care about what kind of life you are living because the entire bible tells about what kind of life you are supposed to be living,what you should be doing and what you should not be doing.Homosexuality upset God so much he destroyed a entire city because of it.It goes against all of Gods laws including marriage,sex,and family.

Perhaps you can show me in the bible where it says "God said I have written these laws concerning sin.But as long as you are good to other people you can do what you want including homosexuality".

The only people going to heaven and the only people who are blessed by their good works is Christians and Christians only.There is no scripture to tell us otherswise.


You can not "buy" your way into heaven by doing good works. You have to have faith and love for our father and do these good works out of love for our father.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/09/10 11:28 AM

with the gay thing... some gays believe in god and jesus but yet christains have this belief rather it be a chester or rapist..etc that as long as they accept jesus as their lord and savior they are going to heaven,so the old testament god says you shall not worship any god before me or whatever ways you want to type it's meaningless meaning...even my homeboy isaac newton questioned this one,so if a gay man says i accept jesus as my lord and savior does that mean he is going to heaven...even though he meaning god never produced women for adam and eves kids to keep the population going or rather its an abomination

The reason Christians have such a big problem with gays is because gays are corrupting the church.They are telling flat out lies and decieving many people.The gays believe that they can disobey Gods word and be happy about it.They believe that you can be a sinner and still be good and Holy.They do not believe in repantance or delieverance.

The difference between gays and the rest of the adulters,booze bags,prostitues,and others who are sinning in Gods eyes is that those people who come to church are looking to lead a better more Holy life.The gays are not interested in changing.The gays are unrepentant sinners.Unrepentant sinners are not to be welcomed into the church or should they be allowed in the church.The reason they are not to be welcomed is because nobody wants to see a person walking out of a church and straight into a strip club or a gay pride parade.They end up driving away future Christians,makes the church look like hypocrites and liars,and makes the church look weak and fake.

Concerning the idea that gays claim to be Christian are are saved by Christ is a complicated question.Yes Christ will save anyone who asked to be saved and will go to heaven but Christ also warned of the dangers of people claiming to be Christians yet doing only bad.Jesus said "I will give you the crown of life and also take it away from you".God warned us of being "neither cold or hot so I spit you out".Christ also talked about a "Unforgivable sin".The unforgviable sin is people who work in high positions of the church telling people lies about the bible and God.Everyone will be judged by God in the end.If you insist on calling yourself a Christian and doing everything against it you will be held accountable for your actions and what punishment God will hold for you I do not know.

Gays are more than welcome in my church if they want to start living a straight lifestyle for Christ.If you are coming to my church opening gay,not willing to change,and not calling homosexuality a sin and promoting it.Then I will tell you to leave.

For all of you who are going to start up with the Old testament jazz and how it is somehow irrelavant to what Jesus was talking about.Everything Jesus spoke to us about concerning the bible was from the Old testament.If you want to discredit the Old testament then also discredit everything Jesus said concerning the bible also.

i don't think jesus every spoke about gay people in the bible. the old testament did, but god seemed a little pissed and self centered in that one. god doesn't like gays, but i don't think jesus cares one way or the other.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/09/10 11:41 AM

with the gay thing... some gays believe in god and jesus but yet christains have this belief rather it be a chester or rapist..etc that as long as they accept jesus as their lord and savior they are going to heaven,so the old testament god says you shall not worship any god before me or whatever ways you want to type it's meaningless meaning...even my homeboy isaac newton questioned this one,so if a gay man says i accept jesus as my lord and savior does that mean he is going to heaven...even though he meaning god never produced women for adam and eves kids to keep the population going or rather its an abomination

The reason Christians have such a big problem with gays is because gays are corrupting the church.They are telling flat out lies and decieving many people.The gays believe that they can disobey Gods word and be happy about it.They believe that you can be a sinner and still be good and Holy.They do not believe in repantance or delieverance.

The difference between gays and the rest of the adulters,booze bags,prostitues,and others who are sinning in Gods eyes is that those people who come to church are looking to lead a better more Holy life.The gays are not interested in changing.The gays are unrepentant sinners.Unrepentant sinners are not to be welcomed into the church or should they be allowed in the church.The reason they are not to be welcomed is because nobody wants to see a person walking out of a church and straight into a strip club or a gay pride parade.They end up driving away future Christians,makes the church look like hypocrites and liars,and makes the church look weak and fake.

Concerning the idea that gays claim to be Christian are are saved by Christ is a complicated question.Yes Christ will save anyone who asked to be saved and will go to heaven but Christ also warned of the dangers of people claiming to be Christians yet doing only bad.Jesus said "I will give you the crown of life and also take it away from you".God warned us of being "neither cold or hot so I spit you out".Christ also talked about a "Unforgivable sin".The unforgviable sin is people who work in high positions of the church telling people lies about the bible and God.Everyone will be judged by God in the end.If you insist on calling yourself a Christian and doing everything against it you will be held accountable for your actions and what punishment God will hold for you I do not know.

Gays are more than welcome in my church if they want to start living a straight lifestyle for Christ.If you are coming to my church opening gay,not willing to change,and not calling homosexuality a sin and promoting it.Then I will tell you to leave.

For all of you who are going to start up with the Old testament jazz and how it is somehow irrelavant to what Jesus was talking about.Everything Jesus spoke to us about concerning the bible was from the Old testament.If you want to discredit the Old testament then also discredit everything Jesus said concerning the bible also.

i don't think jesus every spoke about gay people in the bible. the old testament did, but god seemed a little pissed and self centered in that one. god doesn't like gays, but i don't think jesus cares one way or the other.

Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet

I would like to point out a few things in this.

1.- Vile affections.
2.- Women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST nature: Likewise also the men.
3.- burned in their lust one toward another.

Yes it states God gave them up unto... This implies God allowed Satan to tempt us with this, but is still wrong nevertheless. Vile affections, AGAINST nature.

mightymoe's photo
Mon 08/09/10 11:50 AM

with the gay thing... some gays believe in god and jesus but yet christains have this belief rather it be a chester or rapist..etc that as long as they accept jesus as their lord and savior they are going to heaven,so the old testament god says you shall not worship any god before me or whatever ways you want to type it's meaningless meaning...even my homeboy isaac newton questioned this one,so if a gay man says i accept jesus as my lord and savior does that mean he is going to heaven...even though he meaning god never produced women for adam and eves kids to keep the population going or rather its an abomination

The reason Christians have such a big problem with gays is because gays are corrupting the church.They are telling flat out lies and decieving many people.The gays believe that they can disobey Gods word and be happy about it.They believe that you can be a sinner and still be good and Holy.They do not believe in repantance or delieverance.

The difference between gays and the rest of the adulters,booze bags,prostitues,and others who are sinning in Gods eyes is that those people who come to church are looking to lead a better more Holy life.The gays are not interested in changing.The gays are unrepentant sinners.Unrepentant sinners are not to be welcomed into the church or should they be allowed in the church.The reason they are not to be welcomed is because nobody wants to see a person walking out of a church and straight into a strip club or a gay pride parade.They end up driving away future Christians,makes the church look like hypocrites and liars,and makes the church look weak and fake.

Concerning the idea that gays claim to be Christian are are saved by Christ is a complicated question.Yes Christ will save anyone who asked to be saved and will go to heaven but Christ also warned of the dangers of people claiming to be Christians yet doing only bad.Jesus said "I will give you the crown of life and also take it away from you".God warned us of being "neither cold or hot so I spit you out".Christ also talked about a "Unforgivable sin".The unforgviable sin is people who work in high positions of the church telling people lies about the bible and God.Everyone will be judged by God in the end.If you insist on calling yourself a Christian and doing everything against it you will be held accountable for your actions and what punishment God will hold for you I do not know.

Gays are more than welcome in my church if they want to start living a straight lifestyle for Christ.If you are coming to my church opening gay,not willing to change,and not calling homosexuality a sin and promoting it.Then I will tell you to leave.

For all of you who are going to start up with the Old testament jazz and how it is somehow irrelavant to what Jesus was talking about.Everything Jesus spoke to us about concerning the bible was from the Old testament.If you want to discredit the Old testament then also discredit everything Jesus said concerning the bible also.

i don't think jesus every spoke about gay people in the bible. the old testament did, but god seemed a little pissed and self centered in that one. god doesn't like gays, but i don't think jesus cares one way or the other.

Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet

I would like to point out a few things in this.

1.- Vile affections.
2.- Women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST nature: Likewise also the men.
3.- burned in their lust one toward another.

Yes it states God gave them up unto... This implies God allowed Satan to tempt us with this, but is still wrong nevertheless. Vile affections, AGAINST nature.


imply [ɪmˈplaɪ]
vb -plies, -plying, -plied (tr; may take a clause as object)
1. to express or indicate by a hint; suggest what are you implying by that remark?
2. (Philosophy / Logic) to suggest or involve as a necessary consequence
3. (Philosophy / Logic) Logic to enable (a conclusion) to be inferred
4. Obsolete to entangle or enfold
[from Old French emplier, from Latin implicāre to involve; see implicate]

Yes it states God gave them up unto....
doesn't say anything about the devil there...
but i agree with the rest, that sounds a lot like "don't do it"...

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/09/10 11:55 AM

with the gay thing... some gays believe in god and jesus but yet christains have this belief rather it be a chester or rapist..etc that as long as they accept jesus as their lord and savior they are going to heaven,so the old testament god says you shall not worship any god before me or whatever ways you want to type it's meaningless meaning...even my homeboy isaac newton questioned this one,so if a gay man says i accept jesus as my lord and savior does that mean he is going to heaven...even though he meaning god never produced women for adam and eves kids to keep the population going or rather its an abomination

The reason Christians have such a big problem with gays is because gays are corrupting the church.They are telling flat out lies and decieving many people.The gays believe that they can disobey Gods word and be happy about it.They believe that you can be a sinner and still be good and Holy.They do not believe in repantance or delieverance.

The difference between gays and the rest of the adulters,booze bags,prostitues,and others who are sinning in Gods eyes is that those people who come to church are looking to lead a better more Holy life.The gays are not interested in changing.The gays are unrepentant sinners.Unrepentant sinners are not to be welcomed into the church or should they be allowed in the church.The reason they are not to be welcomed is because nobody wants to see a person walking out of a church and straight into a strip club or a gay pride parade.They end up driving away future Christians,makes the church look like hypocrites and liars,and makes the church look weak and fake.

Concerning the idea that gays claim to be Christian are are saved by Christ is a complicated question.Yes Christ will save anyone who asked to be saved and will go to heaven but Christ also warned of the dangers of people claiming to be Christians yet doing only bad.Jesus said "I will give you the crown of life and also take it away from you".God warned us of being "neither cold or hot so I spit you out".Christ also talked about a "Unforgivable sin".The unforgviable sin is people who work in high positions of the church telling people lies about the bible and God.Everyone will be judged by God in the end.If you insist on calling yourself a Christian and doing everything against it you will be held accountable for your actions and what punishment God will hold for you I do not know.

Gays are more than welcome in my church if they want to start living a straight lifestyle for Christ.If you are coming to my church opening gay,not willing to change,and not calling homosexuality a sin and promoting it.Then I will tell you to leave.

For all of you who are going to start up with the Old testament jazz and how it is somehow irrelavant to what Jesus was talking about.Everything Jesus spoke to us about concerning the bible was from the Old testament.If you want to discredit the Old testament then also discredit everything Jesus said concerning the bible also.

i don't think jesus every spoke about gay people in the bible. the old testament did, but god seemed a little pissed and self centered in that one. god doesn't like gays, but i don't think jesus cares one way or the other.

Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet

I would like to point out a few things in this.

1.- Vile affections.
2.- Women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST nature: Likewise also the men.
3.- burned in their lust one toward another.

Yes it states God gave them up unto... This implies God allowed Satan to tempt us with this, but is still wrong nevertheless. Vile affections, AGAINST nature.


imply [ɪmˈplaɪ]
vb -plies, -plying, -plied (tr; may take a clause as object)
1. to express or indicate by a hint; suggest what are you implying by that remark?
2. (Philosophy / Logic) to suggest or involve as a necessary consequence
3. (Philosophy / Logic) Logic to enable (a conclusion) to be inferred
4. Obsolete to entangle or enfold
[from Old French emplier, from Latin implicāre to involve; see implicate]

Yes it states God gave them up unto....
doesn't say anything about the devil there...
but i agree with the rest, that sounds a lot like "don't do it"...

No there is no referance to specifically Satan in that one. But Satan is the one who temps us to do sinful actions, disobey our father.

How you live weather it is sinful or less sin, that shows who you are following after/worshipping. In the same meaning, you can't judge a book by it's cover. Someone could go to church EVERY sunday like a saint. But on Saturday he was robbing a bank. Just because he says he's following God, does not mean he truely is. While he was in church he was worshipping/following God's will. But while he was robbing the bank he was worshipping/following Satan's will.

Little example of what i was trying to say with your comment on the devil being there.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/09/10 11:59 AM

with the gay thing... some gays believe in god and jesus but yet christains have this belief rather it be a chester or rapist..etc that as long as they accept jesus as their lord and savior they are going to heaven,so the old testament god says you shall not worship any god before me or whatever ways you want to type it's meaningless meaning...even my homeboy isaac newton questioned this one,so if a gay man says i accept jesus as my lord and savior does that mean he is going to heaven...even though he meaning god never produced women for adam and eves kids to keep the population going or rather its an abomination

The reason Christians have such a big problem with gays is because gays are corrupting the church.They are telling flat out lies and decieving many people.The gays believe that they can disobey Gods word and be happy about it.They believe that you can be a sinner and still be good and Holy.They do not believe in repantance or delieverance.

The difference between gays and the rest of the adulters,booze bags,prostitues,and others who are sinning in Gods eyes is that those people who come to church are looking to lead a better more Holy life.The gays are not interested in changing.The gays are unrepentant sinners.Unrepentant sinners are not to be welcomed into the church or should they be allowed in the church.The reason they are not to be welcomed is because nobody wants to see a person walking out of a church and straight into a strip club or a gay pride parade.They end up driving away future Christians,makes the church look like hypocrites and liars,and makes the church look weak and fake.

Concerning the idea that gays claim to be Christian are are saved by Christ is a complicated question.Yes Christ will save anyone who asked to be saved and will go to heaven but Christ also warned of the dangers of people claiming to be Christians yet doing only bad.Jesus said "I will give you the crown of life and also take it away from you".God warned us of being "neither cold or hot so I spit you out".Christ also talked about a "Unforgivable sin".The unforgviable sin is people who work in high positions of the church telling people lies about the bible and God.Everyone will be judged by God in the end.If you insist on calling yourself a Christian and doing everything against it you will be held accountable for your actions and what punishment God will hold for you I do not know.

Gays are more than welcome in my church if they want to start living a straight lifestyle for Christ.If you are coming to my church opening gay,not willing to change,and not calling homosexuality a sin and promoting it.Then I will tell you to leave.

For all of you who are going to start up with the Old testament jazz and how it is somehow irrelavant to what Jesus was talking about.Everything Jesus spoke to us about concerning the bible was from the Old testament.If you want to discredit the Old testament then also discredit everything Jesus said concerning the bible also.

i don't think jesus every spoke about gay people in the bible. the old testament did, but god seemed a little pissed and self centered in that one. god doesn't like gays, but i don't think jesus cares one way or the other.

Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet

I would like to point out a few things in this.

1.- Vile affections.
2.- Women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST nature: Likewise also the men.
3.- burned in their lust one toward another.

Yes it states God gave them up unto... This implies God allowed Satan to tempt us with this, but is still wrong nevertheless. Vile affections, AGAINST nature.


imply [ɪmˈplaɪ]
vb -plies, -plying, -plied (tr; may take a clause as object)
1. to express or indicate by a hint; suggest what are you implying by that remark?
2. (Philosophy / Logic) to suggest or involve as a necessary consequence
3. (Philosophy / Logic) Logic to enable (a conclusion) to be inferred
4. Obsolete to entangle or enfold
[from Old French emplier, from Latin implicāre to involve; see implicate]

Yes it states God gave them up unto....
doesn't say anything about the devil there...
but i agree with the rest, that sounds a lot like "don't do it"...

No there is no referance to specifically Satan in that one. But Satan is the one who temps us to do sinful actions, disobey our father.

How you live weather it is sinful or less sin, that shows who you are following after/worshipping. In the same meaning, you can't judge a book by it's cover. Someone could go to church EVERY sunday like a saint. But on Saturday he was robbing a bank. Just because he says he's following God, does not mean he truely is. While he was in church he was worshipping/following God's will. But while he was robbing the bank he was worshipping/following Satan's will.

Little example of what i was trying to say with your comment on the devil being there.

And in the same sence, when one is doing evil/disobeying God, Satan is there. When one is doing good/obeying God, God is there.

RoamingOrator's photo
Mon 08/09/10 12:28 PM
You know, I think it's okay to kill snakes even if you're a vegetarian. God really hated snakes. As proof I offer the fact that male snakes have two penises and no hands.

Oh, and Jesus brought forth a new covenant on the earth, which means the old one, the one the Jews had to follow, was null and void. The old testament is only supposed to be read to "prove" that Jesus "fulfilled" the prophesy. All the junk in Deuteronomy and Leviticus, doesn't matter. That's why we don't have to take small animals to burn in church anymore.

Also, Jesus didn't come for us "Gentiles." Originally he was still going to let us fry, but when the Jews wouldn't accept his message, he opened it for the rest of us. Basically he defied god, and took the message to those who would listen. His message actually tells us to avoid churches, and he didn't order one to be built. He saw what the old church had be come and didn't care for it.

It was Paul (known as Saul) who ordered the churches to be built. I think he saw a power vacuum and tried to seize it himself. Paul is the one who said not to marry if you can avoid it, try not to have sex even if married, and build a new church. Kind of like the Shakers of old, I think he was trying to find a way to destroy a new religion, basically his old job done a new way.

RoamingOrator's photo
Mon 08/09/10 12:31 PM

Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet

I would like to point out a few things in this.

1.- Vile affections.
2.- Women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST nature: Likewise also the men.
3.- burned in their lust one toward another.

Yes it states God gave them up unto... This implies God allowed Satan to tempt us with this, but is still wrong nevertheless. Vile affections, AGAINST nature.

Not Jesus there, that's Paul again, trying to bring Christians back to Judaism, try again.

CowboyGH's photo
Mon 08/09/10 12:42 PM

You know, I think it's okay to kill snakes even if you're a vegetarian. God really hated snakes. As proof I offer the fact that male snakes have two penises and no hands.

Oh, and Jesus brought forth a new covenant on the earth, which means the old one, the one the Jews had to follow, was null and void. The old testament is only supposed to be read to "prove" that Jesus "fulfilled" the prophesy. All the junk in Deuteronomy and Leviticus, doesn't matter. That's why we don't have to take small animals to burn in church anymore.

Also, Jesus didn't come for us "Gentiles." Originally he was still going to let us fry, but when the Jews wouldn't accept his message, he opened it for the rest of us. Basically he defied god, and took the message to those who would listen. His message actually tells us to avoid churches, and he didn't order one to be built. He saw what the old church had be come and didn't care for it.

It was Paul (known as Saul) who ordered the churches to be built. I think he saw a power vacuum and tried to seize it himself. Paul is the one who said not to marry if you can avoid it, try not to have sex even if married, and build a new church. Kind of like the Shakers of old, I think he was trying to find a way to destroy a new religion, basically his old job done a new way.

No we don't need a "church". And please reference verses when you claim something in the bible. Because Jesus never once had anything wrong with churches. Yes he had problems with "temples" but no a "church". They are two totally different things, our bodies are the temple of God.

And I have NO IDEA what you're talking about with the snakes.