Topic: Top secret files on Afghanistan leaked, reveal war crimes | |
Wikileaks should be shut down and the people running it thrown into jail and taken to court on charges of treason,abiding terrorism,posting classified documents,encouraging spying and sabatoge in the military,and supplying the enemy with classified military tactics.
Wikileaks is a no good Pro terrorism,Anti military,piece of trash that serves no purpose other to find reasons to hinder,obstruct,weaken,and demoralize our military. |
Wikileaks should be shut down and the people running it thrown into jail and taken to court on charges of treason,abiding terrorism,posting classified documents,encouraging spying and sabatoge in the military,and supplying the enemy with classified military tactics. Wikileaks is a no good Pro terrorism,Anti military,piece of trash that serves no purpose other to find reasons to hinder,obstruct,weaken,and demoralize our military. Well I guess if we are gonna throw them in jail we better do the same with Richard Armitage, Karl Rove, and Lewis Libby....oh but of course Bush commuted Libby...thats right. I agree that we should not reveal classified information to the press...however we need to be careful that we hold all guilty "parties" to the same level of accountability. Its one thing when a news agency reveals classified documents but I guess its okay when Bush's administration does it? Do your homework before you make such judgments...remember Matthew 7:2. |
Wikileaks should be shut down and the people running it thrown into jail and taken to court on charges of treason,abiding terrorism,posting classified documents,encouraging spying and sabatoge in the military,and supplying the enemy with classified military tactics. Wikileaks is a no good Pro terrorism,Anti military,piece of trash that serves no purpose other to find reasons to hinder,obstruct,weaken,and demoralize our military. |
Legality is subjective on this point. Is it humanly legal to invade other countries on false premises? I don't care who signed off on it, it is illegal. well, if you voted, it's your fault to then. |
Folks, it's simple: WikiLeaks is just the DISTRIBUTOR of the information that the WHITE HOUSE made sure got 'leaked' to them ...
In politics, there are NO 'accidents' - it's all planned. |
Wikileaks should be shut down and the people running it thrown into jail and taken to court on charges of treason,abiding terrorism,posting classified documents,encouraging spying and sabatoge in the military,and supplying the enemy with classified military tactics. Wikileaks is a no good Pro terrorism,Anti military,piece of trash that serves no purpose other to find reasons to hinder,obstruct,weaken,and demoralize our military. that why obama wants an internet kill switch... |
i don't think war is supposed to be nice. What war? I only see a series of Hitler-esque unconstitutional, illegal invasions and occupations. Let's eee, I don't see any concentration camps. Also Hitler concured countries to put them under German rule. We liberated two countries(After we were attacked) who are now holding open and free elections which hasn't happened in decades in either country. This under no circumstances has anything to do with Hitler. |
i don't think war is supposed to be nice. What war? I only see a series of Hitler-esque unconstitutional, illegal invasions and occupations. Let's eee, I don't see any concentration camps. Also Hitler concured countries to put them under German rule. We liberated two countries(After we were attacked) who are now holding open and free elections which hasn't happened in decades in either country. This under no circumstances has anything to do with Hitler. You misuse the word "liberated". Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan are still under the boot of US rule (directly or through puppet governments). This "liberation" was not justified by any attacks. The attackers were mostly from Saudi Arabia, which means the US regime used the counter-attacks (Bin Laden considered 9/11 to be counter-attacks for US intervention and occupation). (as an aside, Did you know that the "liberation" was so "successful" that the Taliban just reconquered a district? I didn't say the US invasion has "anything to do with Hitler". I said they are Hitler-esque, and they are. Hitler invaded numerous small, practically defenseless nations like Poland in the name of German nationalism. The "War On Terror" is just as illogical and unjust. |
Wikileaks should be shut down and the people running it thrown into jail and taken to court on charges of treason,abiding terrorism,posting classified documents,encouraging spying and sabatoge in the military,and supplying the enemy with classified military tactics. Wikileaks is a no good Pro terrorism,Anti military,piece of trash that serves no purpose other to find reasons to hinder,obstruct,weaken,and demoralize our military. Nonsense. Even if they were "a no good Pro terrorism,Anti military,piece of trash", they have the right to do so. What you're advocating is characteristic of totalitarian regimes. I'm sad you've sunk to this. ![]() |
i don't think war is supposed to be nice. What war? I only see a series of Hitler-esque unconstitutional, illegal invasions and occupations. Let's eee, I don't see any concentration camps. Also Hitler concured countries to put them under German rule. We liberated two countries(After we were attacked) who are now holding open and free elections which hasn't happened in decades in either country. This under no circumstances has anything to do with Hitler. You don't see concentration camps? Remember Abu Gahraib? The secret prisons run by the CIA? You're frankly fooling yourself if you believe what you're saying. |
i don't think war is supposed to be nice. What war? I only see a series of Hitler-esque unconstitutional, illegal invasions and occupations. Let's eee, I don't see any concentration camps. Also Hitler concured countries to put them under German rule. We liberated two countries(After we were attacked) who are now holding open and free elections which hasn't happened in decades in either country. This under no circumstances has anything to do with Hitler. You don't see concentration camps? Remember Abu Gahraib? The secret prisons run by the CIA? You're frankly fooling yourself if you believe what you're saying. |
If one US or Allied soldier, covert op, mission or civilian contractor is compromised because of this or if this causes death to any Soldier, US or Allied, contractor, various intelligence agents the website and the people behind it should be held criminally liable.
Also the person who leaked this information(who they will find, they always do. It might take some time like the helicopter incident, but he will be found) should be charged with many crimes, including treason with the Death Penalty on the table and pursued. Also law makers should pass a law making it a crime to publicize classified or top secret information. If they are an American based company that publicizes the information they should be charged with treason. People you need to write your Congressmen and Senators to get them to put together a law like this. |
i don't think war is supposed to be nice. What war? I only see a series of Hitler-esque unconstitutional, illegal invasions and occupations. Let's eee, I don't see any concentration camps. Also Hitler concured countries to put them under German rule. We liberated two countries(After we were attacked) who are now holding open and free elections which hasn't happened in decades in either country. This under no circumstances has anything to do with Hitler. You don't see concentration camps? Remember Abu Gahraib? The secret prisons run by the CIA? You're frankly fooling yourself if you believe what you're saying. There is a difference between a military prison and a concintration camp that gassed and incinerated millions of people. |
i don't think war is supposed to be nice. What war? I only see a series of Hitler-esque unconstitutional, illegal invasions and occupations. Let's eee, I don't see any concentration camps. Also Hitler concured countries to put them under German rule. We liberated two countries(After we were attacked) who are now holding open and free elections which hasn't happened in decades in either country. This under no circumstances has anything to do with Hitler. You misuse the word "liberated". Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan are still under the boot of US rule (directly or through puppet governments). This "liberation" was not justified by any attacks. The attackers were mostly from Saudi Arabia, which means the US regime used the counter-attacks (Bin Laden considered 9/11 to be counter-attacks for US intervention and occupation). (as an aside, Did you know that the "liberation" was so "successful" that the Taliban just reconquered a district? I didn't say the US invasion has "anything to do with Hitler". I said they are Hitler-esque, and they are. Hitler invaded numerous small, practically defenseless nations like Poland in the name of German nationalism. The "War On Terror" is just as illogical and unjust. They are not puppet governments at all. Hell, we dont even get along with the President of Afganistan. Oh and that town the Taliban has taken control of, first of all isn't strategically important and has bounced between NATo control and the Taliban Control several time, with the Taliban only having control for a small amount of time. |
Edited by
Mon 07/26/10 06:04 PM
i don't think war is supposed to be nice. What war? I only see a series of Hitler-esque unconstitutional, illegal invasions and occupations. Let's eee, I don't see any concentration camps. Also Hitler concured countries to put them under German rule. We liberated two countries(After we were attacked) who are now holding open and free elections which hasn't happened in decades in either country. This under no circumstances has anything to do with Hitler. You misuse the word "liberated". Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan are still under the boot of US rule (directly or through puppet governments). This "liberation" was not justified by any attacks. The attackers were mostly from Saudi Arabia, which means the US regime used the counter-attacks (Bin Laden considered 9/11 to be counter-attacks for US intervention and occupation). (as an aside, Did you know that the "liberation" was so "successful" that the Taliban just reconquered a district? I didn't say the US invasion has "anything to do with Hitler". I said they are Hitler-esque, and they are. Hitler invaded numerous small, practically defenseless nations like Poland in the name of German nationalism. The "War On Terror" is just as illogical and unjust. They are not puppet governments at all. Hell, we dont even get along with the President of Afganistan. Oh and that town the Taliban has taken control of, first of all isn't strategically important and has bounced between NATo control and the Taliban Control several time, with the Taliban only having control for a small amount of time. Of course, of course, it's no big deal, nothing to see here, folks. Just State incompetence, move along, now. ![]() Apparently you have a different understanding of puppet governments than the rest of the world. The Afghan puppet government is crumbling before our eyes. We must talk to the Taliban By WILLIAM DALRYMPLE Read more: Even the Afghans know it's a sham. ![]() |
Here's some words to remember for the war-hawks:
"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger. It works the same in every country." --- Hermann Goering, Hitler's Reich Marshall |
one thing people should remember about this, the first thing you see is TOP SECRET - anyone that publishes any form of top secret material should be punished. they made the term top secret for a reason, it is not for the public. the people that gave them the material, and the web-site that published it should be prosecuted.
one thing people should remember about this, the first thing you see is TOP SECRET - anyone that publishes any form of top secret material should be punished. they made the term top secret for a reason, it is not for the public. the people that gave them the material, and the web-site that published it should be prosecuted. Nothing good ever comes from war crimes. What Dr. King said long ago remains true today. “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world today -- my own government.” |
one thing people should remember about this, the first thing you see is TOP SECRET - anyone that publishes any form of top secret material should be punished. they made the term top secret for a reason, it is not for the public. the people that gave them the material, and the web-site that published it should be prosecuted. Welcome to the information age. Nothing is secret anymore. Here is the thing, whoever publishes it little to do of what and how. You might wanna ask who leaked it or who didn't secure it right. The Pentagon didn't secure it right, otherwise it wouldn't have leaked out. If someone steals my car, because I leave my ignition keys in it, guess what the cops gonna say? |
Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - Second President - 1797 - 1801