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Topic: O.K., So Tea Party Members Aren't "Racist" - They're Just Pr
Dragoness's photo
Thu 07/22/10 08:34 PM

I hate to point this out, but anyone makes comments that the President is black is actually being racist. You see racism at it's core takes at least two people: The racist fool that says something derogatory, and the racist fool that becomes offended. Without offense, no racism occurs.

If you add an adjective before "The President," you're being just as bad as the Tea Partiers and Birthers. Whether you voted for him or not, the majority of the country voted for this man and he is just "The President." In our Republic, that's what it usually takes (unless your George H. W. Bush or Benjamin Harrison). If, even in his defense, you acknowledge that he has color, you're part of the problem too.

He is just The President of the United States. To steal a line from the Republicans (which is cool because I am registered as a Republican) "If you don't like it, get out!!!"

Although this would be true in a perfect world, which we do not have, it is a wonderful sentiment.

As long as the predominant race in this country, white, continues to abuse those not like them, we will have this problem.

As for getting out, I will not leave a country that has been my home for a long time and if you don't like that you can get out.

My gauge on racism in this country is a pretty good one.
Ignorance in white folks runs rampant. I deal with white folks all the time so I do know what I am talking about. Some of the ignorance is not their fault others are blatant.

In actuality, there is no predominate race in this country. No race has more than half the populace. The largest is white with 39%, but even then, it won't be by 2025 (Hispanics will be the largest population by then at the longest estimate). The only segment of America that has a clear majority is women, who make up 53% of our population.

I'll admit it, I voted for Obama, and while I'm not pleased with quite a few of his programs (especially the health care bill), to me he is just the President, no more. Try to add a racial debate to every issue is something both sides are doing, and the main reason I will not vote for either party come November. Quite frankly until we can establish some third party, this nation will continue to head down the toilet.

To say that my original statement would only be true in a perfect world only perpetuates racist sentiment and such statements are only part of the problem. And to say that I don't know about white folks, look at my skin, I have a damn good idea about white people. I think maybe your gauge on racism in your neighborhood might be good, but to say you understand the sentiments of all whites around the country is just ludicrous. Not all whites are racist, just as all blacks, asians, etc. are above racism.

But to end the practice, it has to start with small things, so it can build to something larger. Give up your adjectives, and be part of the solution. Drop your white guilt, and move on.

Considering that your ratios of race are incorrect, I will forego that at get to the point.

Racism does happen with all races. But when you have a race who has made laws to benefit themselves and to oppress other races, which has been done here in this country all along. That is a bigger problem than just a few folks hating on others.

White racism is the main problem and when whites stop being racially biased other races will follow suit as they see that whites are not going to be ignorant anymore.

There is no white guilt here at all.

I have seen the prejudice of whites against other races that is where my view comes from.

RoamingOrator's photo
Thu 07/22/10 08:35 PM

If I remember my 2010 census form correctly, it had a category for Hispanic broken down by where they originated, either Cuban, Puerto Rican, Mexican and it seem like one more I think just a broad Latin American. They do the same for Native Americans, breaking it down into smaller categories such as Inuit, and other tribes. Therefor, it skews the census.

Of course if there was really no discrimination, race wouldn't be a category on a census form would it? It would just be number of occupants.

yes, but fortunately or unfortunately our culture does recognize a certain ASTHETIC racial categorization,,, the reason suspects usually arent just described as pale or brown skinned, but caucasian and black ....although in reality there is no way any of us TRULY knows where someone else's ancestors were from,, we have been taught to associate certain asthetic combinations with a race,,and as such that has become another category by which to discriminate...instead of something to respect about each other(individual heritage) its something else used to DIVIDE us into superior, inferior, deserving, or undeserving

most americans, who supposedly DO know their ancestors, will still categorize themself as WHITE in this country

I wish it was as ideal as your example, but reality is much sadder and harsher

Maybe next census we should all mark "Pacific Islander." That'd really mess with them. laugh happy laugh

RoamingOrator's photo
Thu 07/22/10 08:44 PM

I hate to point this out, but anyone makes comments that the President is black is actually being racist. You see racism at it's core takes at least two people: The racist fool that says something derogatory, and the racist fool that becomes offended. Without offense, no racism occurs.

If you add an adjective before "The President," you're being just as bad as the Tea Partiers and Birthers. Whether you voted for him or not, the majority of the country voted for this man and he is just "The President." In our Republic, that's what it usually takes (unless your George H. W. Bush or Benjamin Harrison). If, even in his defense, you acknowledge that he has color, you're part of the problem too.

He is just The President of the United States. To steal a line from the Republicans (which is cool because I am registered as a Republican) "If you don't like it, get out!!!"

Although this would be true in a perfect world, which we do not have, it is a wonderful sentiment.

As long as the predominant race in this country, white, continues to abuse those not like them, we will have this problem.

As for getting out, I will not leave a country that has been my home for a long time and if you don't like that you can get out.

My gauge on racism in this country is a pretty good one.
Ignorance in white folks runs rampant. I deal with white folks all the time so I do know what I am talking about. Some of the ignorance is not their fault others are blatant.

In actuality, there is no predominate race in this country. No race has more than half the populace. The largest is white with 39%, but even then, it won't be by 2025 (Hispanics will be the largest population by then at the longest estimate). The only segment of America that has a clear majority is women, who make up 53% of our population.

I'll admit it, I voted for Obama, and while I'm not pleased with quite a few of his programs (especially the health care bill), to me he is just the President, no more. Try to add a racial debate to every issue is something both sides are doing, and the main reason I will not vote for either party come November. Quite frankly until we can establish some third party, this nation will continue to head down the toilet.

To say that my original statement would only be true in a perfect world only perpetuates racist sentiment and such statements are only part of the problem. And to say that I don't know about white folks, look at my skin, I have a damn good idea about white people. I think maybe your gauge on racism in your neighborhood might be good, but to say you understand the sentiments of all whites around the country is just ludicrous. Not all whites are racist, just as all blacks, asians, etc. are above racism.

But to end the practice, it has to start with small things, so it can build to something larger. Give up your adjectives, and be part of the solution. Drop your white guilt, and move on.

Considering that your ratios of race are incorrect, I will forego that at get to the point.

Racism does happen with all races. But when you have a race who has made laws to benefit themselves and to oppress other races, which has been done here in this country all along. That is a bigger problem than just a few folks hating on others.

White racism is the main problem and when whites stop being racially biased other races will follow suit as they see that whites are not going to be ignorant anymore.

There is no white guilt here at all.

I have seen the prejudice of whites against other races that is where my view comes from.

My ratios of race are not necessarily incorrect, considering that according to the census bureau website, hispanics are counted as white.

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/22/10 08:51 PM

If I remember my 2010 census form correctly, it had a category for Hispanic broken down by where they originated, either Cuban, Puerto Rican, Mexican and it seem like one more I think just a broad Latin American. They do the same for Native Americans, breaking it down into smaller categories such as Inuit, and other tribes. Therefor, it skews the census.

Of course if there was really no discrimination, race wouldn't be a category on a census form would it? It would just be number of occupants.

yes, but fortunately or unfortunately our culture does recognize a certain ASTHETIC racial categorization,,, the reason suspects usually arent just described as pale or brown skinned, but caucasian and black ....although in reality there is no way any of us TRULY knows where someone else's ancestors were from,, we have been taught to associate certain asthetic combinations with a race,,and as such that has become another category by which to discriminate...instead of something to respect about each other(individual heritage) its something else used to DIVIDE us into superior, inferior, deserving, or undeserving

most americans, who supposedly DO know their ancestors, will still categorize themself as WHITE in this country

I wish it was as ideal as your example, but reality is much sadder and harsher

Maybe next census we should all mark "Pacific Islander." That'd really mess with them. laugh happy laugh

lol, I feel the sentiment, but it would backfire in reality,, I think because racism is real and race is asthetic,, refusing to aknowledge race on paper will do little to address the very real racial discrimination which happens in real time

Thomas3474's photo
Thu 07/22/10 08:54 PM
I think if racism really was at the core of the tea party we would be hearing on a daily basis how white people should be in power,how white people are superior,and how white people are better.I also believe we would be hearing how people are doing a bad job because of their race,how people are screwing things up because of their race,and why this country is going in the wrong direction because of people who are non whites.

I have not heard a single thing coming from the tea party saying they are protesting or upset because of someones race.I have not heard them saying white people do a better job and white people should be in power.I have also not heard anyone saying that they are protesting Obama because he is a black man.You can watch all the videos you want concerning the tea party.You won't find anyone saying they are protesting because it is a part of a race issue.

The tea party is protesting because of POLICY,BAD GOVERNMENT,OVERSPENDING,AND HIGH TAXES.Do you really think the tea party would be protesting Obama if he was lowering taxes,giving Americans more freedom,speaking up for the Christians,and trying to figure out ways to cut wasteful spending?No!

If you must insist we are racists so be it.If being a racist in your mind lowers taxes,gives Americans more freedom,and stands up for the Constitution then lable me a racist.Just shut the hell up already!

mightymoe's photo
Thu 07/22/10 09:28 PM

Naacp is not racist. They are for the equality of all people so that "rumor" isn't true at all.

As for the tea party, too bad they allow these people to represent them.

There are too many of the racist folks at the rallies for the tea partiers to be claiming a few bad apples.

no, according to you, only whites are racists...lol

mightymoe's photo
Thu 07/22/10 09:31 PM

If I remember my 2010 census form correctly, it had a category for Hispanic broken down by where they originated, either Cuban, Puerto Rican, Mexican and it seem like one more I think just a broad Latin American. They do the same for Native Americans, breaking it down into smaller categories such as Inuit, and other tribes. Therefor, it skews the census.

Of course if there was really no discrimination, race wouldn't be a category on a census form would it? It would just be number of occupants.

in texas, they are considered Caucasian/of latin desent... they are white in texas.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 07/22/10 09:33 PM

I think if racism really was at the core of the tea party we would be hearing on a daily basis how white people should be in power,how white people are superior,and how white people are better.I also believe we would be hearing how people are doing a bad job because of their race,how people are screwing things up because of their race,and why this country is going in the wrong direction because of people who are non whites.

I have not heard a single thing coming from the tea party saying they are protesting or upset because of someones race.I have not heard them saying white people do a better job and white people should be in power.I have also not heard anyone saying that they are protesting Obama because he is a black man.You can watch all the videos you want concerning the tea party.You won't find anyone saying they are protesting because it is a part of a race issue.

The tea party is protesting because of POLICY,BAD GOVERNMENT,OVERSPENDING,AND HIGH TAXES.Do you really think the tea party would be protesting Obama if he was lowering taxes,giving Americans more freedom,speaking up for the Christians,and trying to figure out ways to cut wasteful spending?No!

If you must insist we are racists so be it.If being a racist in your mind lowers taxes,gives Americans more freedom,and stands up for the Constitution then lable me a racist.Just shut the hell up already!

i think it's mainly because he's democrat...

msharmony's photo
Thu 07/22/10 09:34 PM

I think if racism really was at the core of the tea party we would be hearing on a daily basis how white people should be in power,how white people are superior,and how white people are better.I also believe we would be hearing how people are doing a bad job because of their race,how people are screwing things up because of their race,and why this country is going in the wrong direction because of people who are non whites.

I have not heard a single thing coming from the tea party saying they are protesting or upset because of someones race.I have not heard them saying white people do a better job and white people should be in power.I have also not heard anyone saying that they are protesting Obama because he is a black man.You can watch all the videos you want concerning the tea party.You won't find anyone saying they are protesting because it is a part of a race issue.

The tea party is protesting because of POLICY,BAD GOVERNMENT,OVERSPENDING,AND HIGH TAXES.Do you really think the tea party would be protesting Obama if he was lowering taxes,giving Americans more freedom,speaking up for the Christians,and trying to figure out ways to cut wasteful spending?No!

If you must insist we are racists so be it.If being a racist in your mind lowers taxes,gives Americans more freedom,and stands up for the Constitution then lable me a racist.Just shut the hell up already!

i think it's mainly because he's democrat...

you may be on to something, his approval is still nearly 90 percent amongst democrats and not even 10 percent amongst republicans,,,

mightymoe's photo
Thu 07/22/10 09:36 PM

I think if racism really was at the core of the tea party we would be hearing on a daily basis how white people should be in power,how white people are superior,and how white people are better.I also believe we would be hearing how people are doing a bad job because of their race,how people are screwing things up because of their race,and why this country is going in the wrong direction because of people who are non whites.

I have not heard a single thing coming from the tea party saying they are protesting or upset because of someones race.I have not heard them saying white people do a better job and white people should be in power.I have also not heard anyone saying that they are protesting Obama because he is a black man.You can watch all the videos you want concerning the tea party.You won't find anyone saying they are protesting because it is a part of a race issue.

The tea party is protesting because of POLICY,BAD GOVERNMENT,OVERSPENDING,AND HIGH TAXES.Do you really think the tea party would be protesting Obama if he was lowering taxes,giving Americans more freedom,speaking up for the Christians,and trying to figure out ways to cut wasteful spending?No!

If you must insist we are racists so be it.If being a racist in your mind lowers taxes,gives Americans more freedom,and stands up for the Constitution then lable me a racist.Just shut the hell up already!

i think it's mainly because he's democrat...

you may be on to something, his approval is still nearly 90 percent amongst democrats and not even 10 percent amongst republicans,,,
they fight like step-brothers i'm so sick of it

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