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Topic: Complaining
Italy0219's photo
Wed 07/21/10 07:26 PM
I get so tired of people complaining, complaining about their marriage, their figure, their money problems, their hair, other people, their husbands, their kids, it seems it's always something, I hardly ever meet pleasant people who don't complain, I get so sick of it, and it can be very contagios, it almost makes you feel like you have to complain to be like them. Does anyone ever feel this way? Or is it just me?

Gossipmpm's photo
Wed 07/21/10 07:29 PM
No you are not the only one at all!!!

I've been saying this too!

Everyones complaining about everything

No one will throw it away (or very few)

you feel happiness from sooo few really!!

I'm glad someone else feels this!!:heart:

grneyedldy1967's photo
Wed 07/21/10 07:31 PM
I think everyone complains now days because with all that is going on in the world no one seems to be happy. I see patients all day long and all I hear is complaining so yes it gets very old! What's even worse is if you have a friend that constantly complains... it just drains the very life out of you. We all complain about some things.. but to complain all the time makes people want to avoid you like the plague!

Italy0219's photo
Wed 07/21/10 07:47 PM

I think everyone complains now days because with all that is going on in the world no one seems to be happy. I see patients all day long and all I hear is complaining so yes it gets very old! What's even worse is if you have a friend that constantly complains... it just drains the very life out of you. We all complain about some things.. but to complain all the time makes people want to avoid you like the plague!

Yes, this is happening to me at one of my jobs, this girl who I like but is going thru a divorce is constantly at my work station, with the yada,yada, yada, of the divorce, and I have been thru one so I kinda feel like she needs feedback, I guess this is where it went wrong, I can hardly stand to go in to work when I know she is there. It is draining me.

Italy0219's photo
Wed 07/21/10 07:48 PM
I'm glad to know I am not alone with how I feel, thanks:smile:

grneyedldy1967's photo
Wed 07/21/10 07:49 PM

I think everyone complains now days because with all that is going on in the world no one seems to be happy. I see patients all day long and all I hear is complaining so yes it gets very old! What's even worse is if you have a friend that constantly complains... it just drains the very life out of you. We all complain about some things.. but to complain all the time makes people want to avoid you like the plague!

Yes, this is happening to me at one of my jobs, this girl who I like but is going thru a divorce is constantly at my work station, with the yada,yada, yada, of the divorce, and I have been thru one so I kinda feel like she needs feedback, I guess this is where it went wrong, I can hardly stand to go in to work when I know she is there. It is draining me.

Ouch! Yeah I can't blame you! Maybe she talks to you because she feels like she can relate to you since you've been through one as well. I know that can be very draining and you might just have to take her aside and nicely tell her how it makes you feel.

no photo
Wed 07/21/10 07:52 PM

I get so tired of people complaining, complaining about their marriage, their figure, their money problems, their hair, other people, their husbands, their kids, it seems it's always something, I hardly ever meet pleasant people who don't complain, I get so sick of it, and it can be very contagios, it almost makes you feel like you have to complain to be like them. Does anyone ever feel this way? Or is it just me?

I get so tired of people complaining about people who complain, LOL....sorry, it's contagious:laughing:

silly's photo
Wed 07/21/10 08:05 PM
I I get so tired of people complaining, complaining about their marriage, their figure, their money problems, their hair, other people, their husbands, their kids, it seems it's always something, I hardly ever meet pleasant people who don't complain, I get so sick of it, and it can be very contagios, it almost makes you feel like you have to complain to be like them. Does anyone ever feel this way? Or is it just me?
I rather be around ppl that are happy and talk to ppl that are happy,Happiness can be contagious too.:heart: :banana:

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 07/21/10 08:13 PM

I get so tired of people complaining, complaining about their marriage, their figure, their money problems, their hair, other people, their husbands, their kids, it seems it's always something, I hardly ever meet pleasant people who don't complain, I get so sick of it, and it can be very contagios, it almost makes you feel like you have to complain to be like them. Does anyone ever feel this way? Or is it just me?

Fade2Black's photo
Wed 07/21/10 08:14 PM

I get so tired of people complaining, complaining about their marriage, their figure, their money problems, their hair, other people, their husbands, their kids, it seems it's always something, I hardly ever meet pleasant people who don't complain, I get so sick of it, and it can be very contagios, it almost makes you feel like you have to complain to be like them. Does anyone ever feel this way? Or is it just me?

spock Are you complaining? spock

delilady's photo
Wed 07/21/10 08:19 PM
Crap happens to all of us and sometimes we need to let it out to keep our sanity. I find nothing wrong with my friends telling me when they are upset about something. I think it is when someone dwells on it and can't seem to get past it is where the problem comes in.

I don't dwell on what is wrong but prefer to put my energy into looking for a solution to change the situation. I believe I am the only one who can make me miserable. I'd rather be smiling than frowning.

jemare's photo
Wed 07/21/10 08:44 PM
Edited by jemare on Wed 07/21/10 08:45 PM
I have a small group of girlfriends that meet once a month for a pot-luck and DVD movies. We spend about a half an hour (or more sometimes) in between movies doing nothing but "venting" (complaining) about things that are bothering us. We each have a turn (ha). It is good to know that a friend listens and cares and maybe even actually understands. To know that each of our lives is not perfect and we don't judge each other is something that I think is better than paying for a psychologist. It is certainly easier on our budgets that way...and we have a FUN evening in the end. Hearing people complain all the time on a daily basis....well that's horse of another color (ha).

msmyka's photo
Wed 07/21/10 08:57 PM
Edited by msmyka on Wed 07/21/10 08:58 PM
It's called freedom of speech! Where would we be if we weren't ALLOWED to complain about anything?

Oh and these "pleasant" people you speak of are usually pleasantly FAKE.

RoamingOrator's photo
Wed 07/21/10 09:02 PM
Edited by RoamingOrator on Wed 07/21/10 09:03 PM
The way I figure it, complaining is what we do to keep from going insane. If we bottled everything that bothered us up all the time sooner or later we'd snap, and who knows what would happen then.

Now, I figure most people complain to strangers if they can, because it's quick, and odds are, you'll never have to worry about what a stranger thinks of your current problems. Most friends don't let you just vent (or at least mine don't), and we have to get these things out.

So, when I hear folks complain I usually try to act like I'm empathizing, maybe offer advice if I can, and then b1tch to someone else about it.

TonkaTruck3's photo
Wed 07/21/10 09:05 PM

I get so tired of people complaining, complaining about their marriage, their figure, their money problems, their hair, other people, their husbands, their kids, it seems it's always something, I hardly ever meet pleasant people who don't complain, I get so sick of it, and it can be very contagios, it almost makes you feel like you have to complain to be like them. Does anyone ever feel this way? Or is it just me?
Welcome to the real world...get over it.

no photo
Wed 07/21/10 09:09 PM
Last Friday, while on public transportation, I had the pleasure of chatting up a beautiful lady by the name of Rose. I won't turn this into a long story. Suffice it to say, she shared with me that she immigrated here to Calgary 4 years ago from the Belgian Congo. After hearing about what she experienced while living there, I realized that I have abslolutely nothing to complain about. This lady was my small miracle that day.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 07/21/10 09:32 PM

I think everyone complains now days because with all that is going on in the world no one seems to be happy. I see patients all day long and all I hear is complaining so yes it gets very old! What's even worse is if you have a friend that constantly complains... it just drains the very life out of you. We all complain about some things.. but to complain all the time makes people want to avoid you like the plague!

Yes, this is happening to me at one of my jobs, this girl who I like but is going thru a divorce is constantly at my work station, with the yada,yada, yada, of the divorce, and I have been thru one so I kinda feel like she needs feedback, I guess this is where it went wrong, I can hardly stand to go in to work when I know she is there. It is draining me.

slap her

PATSFAN's photo
Wed 07/21/10 09:39 PM

Roco's photo
Wed 07/21/10 09:57 PM
quite contrarily for me, there isn't much complaining going on at work, -- employees, suppliers, and most importantly customers..

customers complain now and then, but for every one of there complaint, there are 10 very satisfied customers that express it vocally..and the rest don't say much at all

for the most part, people act very mature and restrain from verbal vomit...

friends too, not much complaining there either....

and i certainly don't live in bubble either.


dec47's photo
Wed 07/21/10 11:12 PM

I get so tired of people complaining, complaining about their marriage, their figure, their money problems, their hair, other people, their husbands, their kids, it seems it's always something, I hardly ever meet pleasant people who don't complain, I get so sick of it, and it can be very contagios, it almost makes you feel like you have to complain to be like them. Does anyone ever feel this way? Or is it just me?

Gosh you sure complain alot...laugh

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