Sun 07/18/10 06:39 PM
I will provide the steaks!!
Maybe we should have chicken! We do want Vivian to still be employed when we leave
ok ...I did hear she has ducks
Ducks and chickens...y'all like fish??
only fish wings
Sun 07/18/10 06:39 PM
I will provide the steaks!!
Maybe we should have chicken! We do want Vivian to still be employed when we leave
ok ...I did hear she has ducks
Ducks and chickens...y'all like fish??
Sun 07/18/10 06:40 PM
Hey jerry,  maybe we can split the ladies 50 - 50. You get the ones under fifty and I get the ones over????
works for me....wait a minute, somethings not right here
Hence the sheep????
Sun 07/18/10 06:40 PM
I will provide the steaks!!
Maybe we should have chicken! We do want Vivian to still be employed when we leave
ok ...I did hear she has ducks
Ducks and chickens...y'all like fish??
Love it if the fish aren't too fishy
<~~~~fears he would spend all his time ducking
Sun 07/18/10 06:41 PM
I will provide the steaks!!
Maybe we should have chicken! We do want Vivian to still be employed when we leave
ok ...I did hear she has ducks
Ducks and chickens...y'all like fish??
only fish wings
is that anything like buffalo wings ??
Sun 07/18/10 06:41 PM
Betty don't forget the broom!!!
Sun 07/18/10 06:42 PM
Hey jerry,  maybe we can split the ladies 50 - 50. You get the ones under fifty and I get the ones over????
works for me....wait a minute, somethings not right here
Hence the sheep????
up here we call them montana blondes jerry
Sun 07/18/10 06:42 PM
Hey jerry,  maybe we can split the ladies 50 - 50. You get the ones under fifty and I get the ones over????
works for me....wait a minute, somethings not right here
Hence the sheep????
Is this what you were talking about earlier ManO about being secretive......
you prefer sheep to us women????
Sun 07/18/10 06:43 PM
Betty don't forget the broom!!!
no brooms allowed at our get togethers, for my safety
Sun 07/18/10 06:43 PM
Betty don't forget the broom!!!
she can use yours while you're waxing my truck..
Sun 07/18/10 06:43 PM
I will provide the steaks!!
Maybe we should have chicken! We do want Vivian to still be employed when we leave
ok ...I did hear she has ducks
Ducks and chickens...y'all like fish??
Love it if the fish aren't too fishy
<~~~~fears he would spend all his time ducking
 oh my
Sun 07/18/10 06:44 PM
Hey jerry,  maybe we can split the ladies 50 - 50. You get the ones under fifty and I get the ones over????
works for me....wait a minute, somethings not right here
Hence the sheep????
up here we call them montana blondes jerry
oh boy
Sun 07/18/10 06:44 PM
I will provide the steaks!!
Maybe we should have chicken! We do want Vivian to still be employed when we leave
ok ...I did hear she has ducks
Ducks and chickens...y'all like fish??
OH I forgot!!!!
Sun 07/18/10 06:44 PM
Hey jerry,  maybe we can split the ladies 50 - 50. You get the ones under fifty and I get the ones over????
works for me....wait a minute, somethings not right here
Hence the sheep????
Is this what you were talking about earlier ManO about being secretive......
you prefer sheep to us women????
Sun 07/18/10 06:44 PM
Betty don't forget the broom!!!
she can use yours while you're waxing my truck..
Mine is hers. I gave it back. Too much responsibility
Sun 07/18/10 06:44 PM
Hey jerry,  maybe we can split the ladies 50 - 50. You get the ones under fifty and I get the ones over????
works for me....wait a minute, somethings not right here
Hence the sheep????
Is this what you were talking about earlier ManO about being secretive......
you prefer sheep to us women????
no comment
Sun 07/18/10 06:45 PM
Betty don't forget the broom!!!
I won't Jayne.I will bring my super duper industrial strength one.
Sun 07/18/10 06:45 PM
Betty don't forget the broom!!!
no brooms allowed at our get togethers, for my safety
Everybody bring their brooms!
Sun 07/18/10 06:45 PM
Sun 07/18/10 06:46 PM
Betty don't forget the broom!!!
she can use yours while you're waxing my truck..
Mine is hers. I gave it back. Too much responsibility
well I'm sure Viv will have one/some...