Topic: Dianetics - Church of Scientology | |
Anyone ever read Dianetics by L.Ron Hubbard? Anyone here a
Scientologist? I was a huge Sci Fi buff, and enjoyed reading the books of LR Hubbard. Many, many years ago I read his book Dianetics. I was quite enthralled. It seemed to bring together a lot of the more Eastern religions into a Westernized version. Discussing Pantheism with Abra, make me think of it again. I think it had a quite a bit of that flavor to it. When I first began hearing about the Church of Scientology I did not relate the two. It would be many years before I understood they were one in the same. So has anyone here had any experience with this organisation? or want to make a comment or discuss? |
Trust me U don't want to get involved with there org. I wrtie u latewr
with details... the Chef |
I liked L. Ron Hubbard's view of clearing better than hypnotism which he
discussed in his book. I thought the idea of trust was easier with clearing than hypnotism. Clearing allows the one going under control while hypnotism is opposite because the hypnotherapist is in total control. With clearing the one going under shares more with the therapy and can understand the therapy while it is being administered. |
Hey Chef - I'm not goin there, trust me on that one. I just remembered
how interesting the book was and wondered if anyone else found it so. I never quite understood how the actual church evolved. I mean the book seemed to offer something fairly stable, harmless. I remember thinking, at the time, this would be interesting to explore with a group of others. NOW, of course,I don't see the church the same way, but based on the book alone, it could have been different. Rainbow, I too thought that the clearing process seemed aesthetic. More a trip into meditation for self realization. Thus providing a more healthful body. But it does not seem to be that at all, according to what I've read about how the church proceeds with it. |
>> Anyone ever read Dianetics by L.Ron Hubbard?
Yes. Its been over 20 years, so I don't remember much about the book. I do remember getting from it some kind of meditative exercise, which seemed to give me more energy (in the everyday, 'opposite of fatigue' sense of the word) and a more positive attitude. >> I'm not goin there, trust me on that one. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Not only that, Red but the condition that one's mind is at the time one
reads the book Dianetics. I mean if you read it like one might read a normal book from cover to cover and be done with it might be different if you actually study the book. Of course being an avid fan of science fiction and fantasy books I did deem the book to be more than that. L. Ron Hubbard wrote some great books besides just that book but one can see that this work a different kind of book than his other genre. Arthur C. Clarke wrote some good science fiction books but his Van Allen Belt was taken seriously, thank heavens, or we wouldn't have satellites like they are today. In the same measure Issac Asimov's, 'I Robot' from whence robotics started to originate from. Those arthurs were scientists in their own right which added to the validity of their findings. Particularly interesting to me was the regression technique discussed in the book where one lady was regressed to sucking her thumb like she did when she was a baby. I also was interested in his view of blocking which was discussed in the books. In hypnotism and dianetics the mind can put up a defense to being invaded so I would want to only proceed with caution with either and work with a trusted person. One would want to know what one was getting into and thoroughly read the book. |
Actually the clearing technique is a good topic in regards to
scientology when you apply it to the study of computer logic. Computer logic in the terms of garbage in-garbage out. It has been years since I read the book. I can remember the big hype over it and it being on the number one best seller's list for a long time. But besides that it was a most interesting book. I even invented this God I called Scientol from it, lol. A computer generated God which dealt only in logic, lol. At one time for me there was only logic and antilogic. I had at that time regressed to a nonemotional state of being. I didn't error; I malfunctioned, lol. I was studying theology and philosophy. I was very technical in how I viewed everything and if it was not valid programming then to me it was like a virus. If it didn't compute then I trashed it, lol. Going through rehab and questioning everything I just about trashed everything and started over from scratch. Like the clearing I did get a moment of clarity. I took a honest appraisal and had to ask myself what was I doing to myself. It was the beginning of a lot of honesty for me. |
Hey I live in's the Scientology capital of the world -
they've bought up all the property downtown and we always see those little uniformed robots walking around....I get 20 points everytime I think about running them over lol but I don't really think about it - that's just mean. |
As my understanding of this God, Scientol that I invented grew in my
mind who was based on a combination of Kung Fu and Spock I began to understand that the unemotional state was true logic and that any kind of deviation from logic was a sin. I tried my best to exorcise feelings and emotions because they were demons that tried to undermine my logical understanding of life. A truly sentient individual gains enlightment and human emotions were the signs of a sick and twisted individual who was still in the dark ages. I had risen beyond that and nirvana had become my val halla. Eventually I ascended to this wonderful and peaceful state of nonexistance. I became an absolute stone. |
Rainbow, that's funny. Actually, I think there's something to your
theory. But since only sociopaths seem able to rise above their emotions, I think the road to enlightenment is more that we attempt to understand our emotions and deal with them logically, whenever possible. That takes a lot of control and a lot of self analysis, and unfortunately a lot of people just don't want to work at it. It just seems easier to let the dam burst than to figure out why it is overflowing. |
oh oh oh!!!! rising above one's emotions and a lack of
conscience.....are for me VERY DIFFERENT.....sigh had me scared for a second...i thought by your definition i was a sociopath!!! lmao i've been called |
Emotions are part chemical and part elemental, sometime's you learn to
walk with the wind and sometimes you walk against it. LOL @ Bl8ant *Hic* I mean WITH. |
Dated a lady involved with this for a while. Great lady, learned from
her to find more peace. Was a couple yrs after Gwen's death; needed the peace. We just didn't fit & are still distant friends. |
Redykeulous, It was then that we had this big talk about 'i' over 'e' or
intellect over emotions. It was a good thing I wasn't an alpha male but an andrygous male because when the stone shattered I just about had a nervous breakdown. I remembered I was on the front porch petting this tabby cat rocking in a rocking chair. I wasn't an socialpath as much as I was just antisocial. When the dam broke I was trying to astro project. This lady who was beside me on the front porch thought I was about to come out of my skin. She shook me and broke my concentration. Then started a long recovery process of shrinks, group sessions, one on one sessions and my feelings and emotions came back. I was like this freak that became conscious for the first time. It was such a revelation because all the time before that I just kind of lived in my head. It was like I had been dormant before then. It is kind of hard to explain. It was like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Must sound funny. |
The place was called Hope House where I discovered this spiritual
transition for me. I had been saved when I was ten years old and later I found a difference awareness through the drug culture which seemed to be the other extreme. But the spiritual experience was different because it was middle. It was my first time ever to be at middle before. I really liked middle because it allowed to find a different kind of enlightment. I got to retain the high that I had encountered in the antisocial drug culture and I got to retain the high I had encountered in the religious experience. But for the first time in the spiritual experience I found a path that helped me to be social. It was truly a different kind of consciousness. It was so beautiful because I didn't have be above or below anyone. It was like feeling a state of insignificanse and significanse at the same time. I still had trouble dealing with normal people but people of my own kind who had encountered the same effect I had found a common ground and still today we can relate from similiar experiences. It is a really wonderful way of life. |
bl8ant, no one could do what you do, or accomplish what you have, and be
a sociopath. However, I would imagine that it would take a great deal of fortitude and a strong will to overcome what emotions could put in our way. I think it also takes an understanding of ones self, and a continual self analysis to know how and when to deal with ones own emotions. That was basically what I was getting at. ![]() |
Rainbow you wrote:
""I was like this freak that became conscious for the first time. It was such a revelation because all the time before that I just kind of lived in my head. It was like I had been dormant before then. It is kind of hard to explain. It was like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Must sound funny."" It does not sound funny to me at all. I've been there. Lived in my head for so long, lived to be what everyone wanted me to be for so long, that I actually had many personalities. It took a long time to finally overcome that. I still have all the personalities, they are just much more fluent with each other now, and make me a whole person. In truth, I have told many of my old and new friends that I was buried in a cocoon and emerged as a butterfly. Anyway, I did like the book and the part about clearing or ridding ones self of the toxic. I just don't care for what it has developed into as far as a 'religion' or cult if you will. |
>> I just don't care for what it has developed into as
far as a 'religion' or cult if you will. I'm glad I read it long before I met or even heard of the Scientology people; it probably would have prejudiced me at least somewhat, though I believe that it just doesn't make any sense to close one's mind to a book, just because some other people did something weird with it. |
Aw, that is wonderful that you made the transition then. By transition I
mean you became sentient in the fashion of not being dependant of what others might think of you. You can relate then. Religion for me was this social conditioning which made me antisocial because I had a unique way of viewing things. I didn't fit in, in other words, because my view didn't always fit in with what might be considered the established norm. I tried my damnedest to please my father because he was an athiest and he made fun of my religion. I tried to please my mother but she made fun of my athiesm that I had learned of my father. I tried to please my wife by joining her church. I tried to accept the white picket fence and the little cottage of the marriage route. I had found self-awareness in the drug culture which freed me to be myself but that brought antisocial behavior. The counselor at Hope House helped me greatly when they diagnosed my case. I found out that I was a people pleaser. But the weirdest thing came out of it. I found my people pleasing wasn't pleasing anyone not even me. I was always some one's son; someone's husband; someone's father. I had so many labels and none of them really defined who I was. I was then able to relate to others because in the final analysis I found out that I was just human and I got to find this hidden person who was just me. When the shrink told me that I had an immature desire to be happy that really blew me away. Today when I attend my spiritual meetings I can just say my name and I am immediatedly accepted. Like the butterfly I am free of all the conventions and I have a new set of moral values not dependent on religion; social conditioning and I can buck the system but today realize that I am part of the system. It really makes the nonconformist in me happy. It really gives me wings. |