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Topic: If you gonna be here 3 years from now
sherry4382's photo
Mon 07/12/10 11:46 PM

Have you ever tried speed dating??rofl rofl

So fast you'll freak!!oops

Actually I haven't..I've thought about it since I only need 10 minutes in real life to feel him..energy I mean.

you ever do it Sherry?

No i never tried it...just thought it would be a good idea if you didn't want to still be trying to get date's for the next 3 years.

I'm been at this for ten years..three more and I'll be driving my car off a cliff, not speed dating. laugh

rofl rofl

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 07/13/10 04:33 AM
I would hope the friends I've met here would be more important then to just poof.

Maybe a little f*ckd up. But I'd rather be single then with someone who made me grossly unhappy

oldsage's photo
Tue 07/13/10 05:08 AM
Forgot who said this:

" Insanity is doing the same thing over & over, but expecting different results"

Maybe you should change what you are doing on the site, to get different results?

Just an idea.

Seakolony's photo
Tue 07/13/10 05:13 AM
Not necessarily it just means that you haven't found the right one that fits you.......when looking for the "right one" most people are and should be discriminate as to what and who they are looking for especially when thinking the mindset terms of "ever after"

michiganman3's photo
Tue 07/13/10 06:40 AM
Coming up on 3 yrs...........but I found someone a yr ago.

And I am going to agree with Sage on this one.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 07/13/10 10:16 AM

Ok, let's assume you aren't someone who is only coming here for posting various stuff and talking to friends.

Let's assume you are one of those who come to this forum, because you actually want a relationship and don't want to be single.

If you are still here 3 years from now still looking for the "one"...do you think something just gone really fckd up?

Hummmmmmmmmmm well lets see I have been here longer then that and I don't think I'm f***ed up!!noway noway

I did not come here thinking that a site was going to be the answer to all my questions nor find the love of my life. I came here to find others to talk to and interact with. I have found that many times over.

I have had a few dates from here as well. Even realized that I'm better off meeting those local. To me even if it means meeting them in a bar it is no worse then the guys I have ran into online........

I did in fact just recently decided that online dating may not be for me... To many seem to fail to be totally honest or the ones that are and you want to meet live too far away... And long distance is not for me....

I feel that I have learned a lot within these forums and have met some awesome people along the way.....

But f****d up I'm not...........just have not met the right one for me online. And it seems that at this moment my looking may have come to and end all due to getting out and opening my eyes as well..... only time will tell...........

To me the only ones that are so called F****d up are those that have not learned that there is a life outside and is not willing to venture out..... whoa

OCDelGuy's photo
Tue 07/13/10 10:36 AM

Forgot who said this:

" Insanity is doing the same thing over & over, but expecting different results"

Maybe you should change what you are doing on the site, to get different results?

Just an idea.

That's not insanity. The saying is about stupidity.
"Stupidity is doing the same thing over & over, but expecting different results"

Seakolony's photo
Tue 07/13/10 11:14 AM

Forgot who said this:

" Insanity is doing the same thing over & over, but expecting different results"

Maybe you should change what you are doing on the site, to get different results?

Just an idea.

That's not insanity. The saying is about stupidity.
"Stupidity is doing the same thing over & over, but expecting different results"

This saying comes AA or addictions counseling.......not stupidity but the inability to help ones self by continuing to allow addictions to control behavior and expecting life to get better is indeed "insanity" for those that suffer from this disease......so this is not stupidity because they already know what is happening and do not have the ability to institute their own will power in order to stop their spiraling self-destruction.

Gossipmpm's photo
Tue 07/13/10 11:23 AM
Well if I'm here for 3 years and I'm just in the forums yapping with the usual suspects then I see nothing wrong with it. I mean not everyday for three years. That would be weird. I'd need my life every once in a while. Lol

If I was STILL looking for someone on here!? Whew. I don't know about that. I would hope that also consist of having a social life AWAY from the computer and not only using the Internet. That would be sad I think. Unless there's a medical reason I can't get out of the house I would hope I had a rich life outside of dating and social sites

this is just my opinion. Ok. I am not in need of a new *******!!! So don't rip me one!!!! Hahaha:heart:

(ya know how some ppl get- lol)

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 07/13/10 01:28 PM

Well, you've been here about that long, you tell us...

laugh :tongue:

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Atlantis75's photo
Tue 07/13/10 03:41 PM

Forgot who said this:

" Insanity is doing the same thing over & over, but expecting different results"

Maybe you should change what you are doing on the site, to get different results?

Just an idea.

You mean, to be someone else instead?

<-----That's me. And every post that goes with it. If someone doesn't like it, then most likely woulnd't like me in real life either. I will refuse to become someone else to be more liked. If you ask me..if 100 million people can be wrong, and 10 being right, the answer is yes.

If I could manage to gather a 100 million people who dislike me, then they should all get in a long line and tell me their disappointment with me and my answer will be the same a 100 million times: "kiss my ss".

FETTS61's photo
Tue 07/13/10 03:48 PM
been here nearly 3 yrs. im here cause im not all there

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