Topic: What is the difference | |
NO, it is because there is a word called "context". Many words can be used in many different ways using different context. You have to not only take the verse as it says, but use the surrounding verses to know it's context. That's the common deceit that Christians continually try to pull. They reject the words of Jesus and try to shove their own words down this throat. Jesus wouldn't even support Christianity if he were alive today. I'm sure of it. The Christians totally twist everything he supposedly said. Jesus never claimed to be the son of Yahweh, and he never claimed to be 'lord', nor did he ever ask anyone to call him 'lord'. The Christians actually lie when they claim that Jesus said these things. It just isn't written in the doctrine anywhere. And you would know this how? By having searched through the Bible for specific verses that actually have Jesus specifically claiming to be the son of Yahweh, or asking for anyone to worship him directly or call him Lord. No such verses exist. I put this first verse so that it can be referanced to what the word of God is in the revelations verse. Jesus is the word of God. John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 3:16 16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. --------------------- Matthew 4:10 10Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. --------------------- Revelations 19:11-16 11 Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. 12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had[a] a name written that no one knew except Himself. 13 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. 14 And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. 15 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp[c] sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: King of kings and lord of lords. And here's the verse that shows that Jesus is the son of God. Matthew 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. |
So...I'm guessing I'm the only one on here with a life....
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Arcamedees, you seem to be bent on creating an adversarial relationship where none needs to exist. You say: Science tends to destroy or remove the kinds of fallacious beliefs you and most others like you like to have
You’re jumping to some pretty far-fetched and unwarranted conclusions here. You have no idea whatsoever whether any of my beliefs are “fallacious” or not. I’ve already told you that science does not conflict with any of my beliefs. If such a conflict existed I would be quite interested in that particular scientific discovery. Currently no such scientific discovery exists. So your attempt to “pit” science against my “beliefs” is utterly absurd and totally ignorant. If only you had any idea what science was and how it worked...oi vay.... So your idea of the scientific method is to just jump to unwarranted conclusions about what other people might believe? I don’t see where you have a clue about science or how to properly use it. On the contrary if you’re attempting to use is as a battering ram to support an atheistic view of life then you are indeed abusing it in an extremely ignorant way. I'm also guessing that you don't exactly read everything I write nor do you completely understand what little you do. Whether this is do to inability, laziness, or just unwillingness, I cannot say. While it is true I am ignorant of many things, everyone is, from your postings, some would say rantings, it is obvious what you believe in. You've spelled it out numerous times. It has often been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over, expecting different results everytime. With that in mind, I'm going to try this one more time. You say you're a physicist. I believe that unlikely. Scientists, on the whole, do not believe in things w/o proof of their existance. They do not believe in something just because no scientific principle can prove it doesn't exist. Most scientists know you can't prove a negative. You're right in saying I can't prove your godthing doesn't exist. Just like you can't prove there isn't a 900ft flying invisable silent transdimentional moth flying over my head. LACK OF EVIDENCE (for or against) IS NOT EVIDENCE. If you were in any scientific field, you'd know that. I think it more likely you're just a silly kid w/ delusions of grandeur. You believe what you believe because you want to. Period. You've presented no evidence whatsoever that your godthing exists. Period. What you keep repeating, ad nauseum(sp?), is that science can't prove your godthing doesn't exist. What you fail to realize is that science can't prove your godthing exists either. And any good scientist will tell you, it is a bad thing to believe in something just because there's no evidence against it. I think it a very great shame that it seems like someone screwed you up so badly. I truly hope you get the help you obviously need. And yeah, if someone really believes God really speaks to them directly, they really are insane. If you don't believe me, go ask a shrink. No seriously, go ask a shrink. |
Edited by
Tue 07/27/10 08:51 AM
Personally, I believe it takes more faith to believe that there is no God, than to believe that there is. Oh really. Gosh, I've never heard that one before. sheesh... Actually, I can prove that God exists in about 30 seconds, without referring to the Bible or faith. Somehow, I seriously doubt that. |
I am dubious at the prospects that anyone who thinks Quantum Mechanics has "philosophical issues" could be enlightend by a mere book... However, you might try "Physics-The Elegant Universe". Anyone who thinks that Quantum Mechanics doesn't present us with extremely interesting and challenging "Philosophical Issues" has got to be a pretty insensitive and mindless individual. Albert Einstein and Neils Borh debated the meaning of complentarity for years, and it became one of the most popular debates in all of science. Still unresolved to this very day. I read "The Elegant Universe" years ago, even before the documentary came out. I own the documentary and I've watched that more times that I've kept track of. In fact, if you want to see some "Philosophical Scientists" try watching the video documentary. Just about every physicist on there has a philosophical opinion about the science of physics. Have you read "The Trouble with Physics", by Lee Smolin? He raises many of the same issues that I raise. And he was an active String Theorist for many years. uh huh. You obviously don't know the difference between opinion and philosophy. But hey, whatever. |
I sure do disagree with the statement that more faith is required to be atheist. Letting go of man made religions freed my mind and soul. Illogical drives me crazy. And then one has to believe in superiority, hypocrisy and prejudice to be a part of the Christian based religions. Believing that man is some kind of out of control creature that needs a god to control him and punish him when he is bad is too immature of a belief for me. I have outgrown the need for a parent figure to bail me out, reassure me, spank me, etc.... indeed. And illogical notions drive me crazy, so to speak, too. |
Proof that God exists 101: Have you ever seen a building? If so, how do you know there was a builder? The building is absolute proof that the builder exists. I was recently in Myrtle Beach at an art gallery, looking at various paintings. If you were looking at the paintings, how would you know that there was a painter? The painting is absolute proof that the painter exists. Imagine walking out into a field of apple trees, witnessing hundreds of apples laying randomly on the ground. Now imagine that you walk into the same field one week later, but instead of the apples being strewn randomly on the ground, they are all lined up into three large "figure eights." How would you explain such an occurance? That 1) it happened by chance or "evolved" that way? or 2) that someone with an intelligent mind made it to be that way? The point: When you look at creation, that is proof that there is a creator. I don't need "faith" to believe there was a Creator; just need to look around. Think about it: There is "order" throughout the whole of creation....from the atom, to the sun-moon-stars, the seasons of the year, the flowers, the trees, the earth spinning on its axis at the perfect place for "life" to exist. Is it really reasonable to say that the order of creation simply "happened?" I think not. The same deep scientific principle can be used when referring to the human body. Look at the human eye, for example. 40,000 nerve endings and focusing muscles, and 137,000,000 light sensitive cells working in harmony for one to see. Even Charles Darwin said that to suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection was an utter absurdity in the highest degree. (The Origin of the Species, Page 167.) You're kidding, right? |
I sure do disagree with the statement that more faith is required to be atheist. that faith is required to not believe in something is another way for a believer to pull others into their God delusions lol...indeed |
I sure do disagree with the statement that more faith is required to be atheist. that faith is required to not believe in something is another way for a believer to pull others into their God delusions To have FAITH that the universe came into being from nothing by pure random accident is really no different from having FAITH that it came into being from something for a reason. ![]() To believe in either scenario requires FAITH. It would be more accurate to say that the universe came into being by processes as yet known. THAT requires no "faith". |
I sure do disagree with the statement that more faith is required to be atheist. that faith is required to not believe in something is another way for a believer to pull others into their God delusions To have FAITH that the universe came into being from nothing by pure random accident is really no different from having FAITH that it came into being from something for a reason. ![]() To believe in either scenario requires FAITH. then that would mean that you believe that God didn't pop out of nothing and therefore had a creator Exatly. |
Also, I can't understand why you think that the Bible writings can be so inaccurate, and even refer to it being myth. The truth is, what we know about Buddha is enshrined in legends and myths since the texts containing his words were not written until about two centuries after his death by an anonymous author. Meanwhile, much of the new testament was written only decades after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and even the stories in the old testament that many conveniently label as myth have been confirmed by scientific discovery (the walls of Jericho, the cities of Sodom & Gomorah, to name a few). There is also the writings of the historian Josephus. Your "myth analogy" doesn't stand up under scrutiny. " Everything written about your Jesus was written at least 3 generations after his supposed death from stories passed down by word of mouth. Everything written about your Jesus can be found in other, older, mythological stories. And just because some story happens to have a real location in it, doesn't make the story true. Surely, you can see that. |
Arcamedees wrote: While it is true I am ignorant of many things, everyone is, from your postings, some would say rantings, it is obvious what you believe in. You've spelled it out numerous times. I seriously doubt that you have the faintest clue what I "believe". I don't "believe" in anything any more strongly the String Theorists "believe" in strings. You seem to be out to science as a some sort of 'club' to beat other people over the head with in the utterly false pretense that science somehow supports your views over theirs. That, my friend, is your delusion, not mine. I'm complete harmony with everything that science and the scientific method stands for. Nothing I say goes against science. I don't need to prove my conjectures because conjectures don't require proof. Moreover, I have already demonstarted more than sufficient observational evidence for the existence of 'spirit' as I define it. What you might argue with is my definition of 'spirit'. But that moves over to philosophy and is totally out of the realm of science. What I can, and have shown, is that it makes just as much sense based on current modern scientific theories to suggest that the physical universe arises from "consciousness", as it does to suggest that "consciousness" arises from the physics. The scientific observation that information must exist in the quantum vacuum, and must have also preexisted the Big Bang, is all the 'evidence' I need to support my theories and conjectures. Therefore my philosophy is as much in harmony with the knowledge of science as anyone's. The bottom line is that science does support your views over mine. You Sir, are grossly misrepresenting science and exhibiting your own ignorance of science by even remotely suggesting that it does. |
Arcamedees wrote: While it is true I am ignorant of many things, everyone is, from your postings, some would say rantings, it is obvious what you believe in. You've spelled it out numerous times. I seriously doubt that you have the faintest clue what I "believe". I don't "believe" in anything any more strongly the String Theorists "believe" in strings. You seem to be out to science as a some sort of 'club' to beat other people over the head with in the utterly false pretense that science somehow supports your views over theirs. That, my friend, is your delusion, not mine. I'm complete harmony with everything that science and the scientific method stands for. Nothing I say goes against science. I don't need to prove my conjectures because conjectures don't require proof. Moreover, I have already demonstarted more than sufficient observational evidence for the existence of 'spirit' as I define it. What you might argue with is my definition of 'spirit'. But that moves over to philosophy and is totally out of the realm of science. What I can, and have shown, is that it makes just as much sense based on current modern scientific theories to suggest that the physical universe arises from "consciousness", as it does to suggest that "consciousness" arises from the physics. The scientific observation that information must exist in the quantum vacuum, and must have also preexisted the Big Bang, is all the 'evidence' I need to support my theories and conjectures. Therefore my philosophy is as much in harmony with the knowledge of science as anyone's. The bottom line is that science does support your views over mine. You Sir, are grossly misrepresenting science and exhibiting your own ignorance of science by even remotely suggesting that it does. Whatever. In any case, since you won't or can't address what I've written, I'm done. Done with banging my head against some mad bugger's wall. |
Arcamedees wrote: Whatever. In any case, since you won't or can't address what I've written, I'm done. Done with banging my head against some mad bugger's wall. Address what? Most of what you've given is just meaningless opinion. Are you referring to the following? You say you're a physicist. I believe that unlikely. Scientists, on the whole, do not believe in things w/o proof of their existance. They do not believe in something just because no scientific principle can prove it doesn't exist. Most scientists know you can't prove a negative. You're right in saying I can't prove your godthing doesn't exist. Just like you can't prove there isn't a 900ft flying invisable silent transdimentional moth flying over my head. LACK OF EVIDENCE (for or against) IS NOT EVIDENCE. If you were in any scientific field, you'd know that. I think it more likely you're just a silly kid w/ delusions of grandeur. You believe what you believe because you want to. Period. You've presented no evidence whatsoever that your godthing exists. Period. What you keep repeating, ad nauseum(sp?), is that science can't prove your godthing doesn't exist. What you fail to realize is that science can't prove your godthing exists either. And any good scientist will tell you, it is a bad thing to believe in something just because there's no evidence against it. As far as I can see this is just a reflection of your inability, or unwillingness, to actually comprehend my position. To begin with, I’m not even remotely attempting to prove a ‘godthing’ as you call it. My concepts are far more professional than that. I’ve already attempted to describe this to you in a civil manner many posts ago. I actually took the time to type in a quite lengthy post for you because I thought you may indeed have the ability to comprehend what I’m saying. Clearly I was mistaken. I’ll try again very briefly here in a condensed version, just for the sake of clarity. Secular scientists (which does not include all scientists) but the secular ones hold that consciousness arises from form. In other words human consciousness arises from the fact that we have physical brains. (i.e. it's an emergent property of the brain) Take away the physical form, and these secular scientists claim that there can be no ‘information’ without that ‘form’. And thus they hold that it is utterly absurd and ridiculous to even speak about ‘information’ without physical form. (i.e. a non-physical spiritual world) However, my point is that these so-called secular scientists are actually misrepresenting science. In fact, most of the scientists who take that view are biologists and not physicists. Most physicists are fully aware that the ‘line’ between what we think of as physical and non-physical has been well-established by quantum mechanics to necessarily be blurred. In fact, it’s a fundamental principle and mathematical law of quantum physics that there exists a level of size where behavior becomes non-physical. As well as being quite illogical by our normal standards of what logic even means to us. Quantum physicists are well-aware that some form of ‘information’ must necessarily exist beneath the physical façade that we observe. That constitutes real scientific knowledge in today’s modern science. Therefore, the secular biologists who are waving off any type of non-physical “information” as being absurd and outside the realm of science, truly need to go back to college and learn some physics. Because what they are calling “unscientific” is simple wrong. The modern science of quantum mechanics and quantum information (a field that is rapidly become technology I might add), indeed does hold that “non-physical” information must exist! What do I mean by “non-physical”. I simply mean information that is beyond our physical ability to measure or examine in detail directly. And this is indeed a principle, and even a mathematical requirement, of Quantum Theory which is the most well-established theory of physics in all of science. So, if I define my ‘godthing’ (as you call it) as nothing other than this non-physical field of information, then science supports my view! The most well-established theory of physics in science demands that my ‘godthing’ must exist in order for the scientific theory to work. Like I say, if you want to have philosophical arguments about the precise meaning and definition of my ‘godthing’, then so be it. But to suggest that it conflicts with science is utter nonsense. Modern science demands that my ‘godthing’ must exist. Where: I simply define my ‘godthing’ as the “non-physical information" that underlies and creates "physical reality” This is a thesis that would be perfectly acceptable by any university. It’s based entirely on sound principles of what is currently known in science. Albeit, it is also a mere conjecture in the totality of scope. I’m not claiming to have ‘proof’ of anything (other than possibly showing that secular biologists are totally out of line when they claim that science does not support the idea or existence of non-physical information) Biologists who make that claim, are simply blowing hot air that the real science of physics does not even support. |
Conflating between information and data.
The difference makes a big DIFFERENCE. ![]() Carry on. I do not intend to debate anyone's transcendental grounds... I am of Taoist thought in that regard. The concept of anything possibly existing independently of time and space, beyond appearance, is beyond our ability to mentally grasp... necessarily so. We can know that knowledge is limited to appearances. We cannot know what may or may not exist beyond that. Hi James... ![]() Arcamedees... Be cool! ![]() |
Abra wrote:
If you understand the "Quantum No-Cloning Rule" and it's significance, it's basically demanding that information exists in the quantum fields that simply cannot be accessed via any physical means EVER. Period. creative asked: James, with all respect and genuine interest... If that were really the case, how do they have the ability to know? s1owhand offered: The No-Cloning Theorem with proof... Ahhhh... I see. They don't know what exists in the quantum fields. I think my question was poorly worded. They do know that whatever it is cannot be duplicated nor predicted, for it is essentially unknown. Makes sense to me. Thanks slow, James... ![]() |