1. THE COWS 2. THE CONSTITUTION 3. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ON COWS: Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that our government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give them all a cow. ON THE CONSTITUTION: They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq , why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years and we're not using it anymore. ON THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse........ You cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal ,' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery', and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians -- it creates a hostile work environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'A young man caught a small bird, and held it behind his back. He then asked, 'Master, is the bird I hold in my hands alive or dead?' The boy thought this was a good opportunity to play a trick on the old man. If the master answered 'dead,' it would be let loose in the air. If the master answered 'alive,' he would simply wring its neck. The master spoke... 'The answer is in your hands.' |
>>> and we're not using it anymore.
I liked the three, they were right on point. I'm too sensitive for the
last thing though since I'm easily troubled. Smart answer. |
The entire life of a meat industry cow is managed - just like any other
valuable inventory. Add the threat of mad cow's diseases (and its human counterpart) and of course we'll be keeping track of the cows. I'm -very glad- that we can't track illegal aliens the same way... we need to find other solutions to the illegal alien problem besides treating people like privately owned inventory. |
On cows
Cows are tagged at birth, inventoried and that makes it easy to track them and Conidia is a country far more Advanced than Mexico. So, that’s why tracking cows is much easier than tracking illegals: On the Constitution: Iraqi has a whole different makeup as a country than we have. Not to mention that if they write it they own it. They would never accept ours. That s why we can not give them ours As for the Commandments: There should and by law is a separation of religion and state and trust me that’s a good thing. What a buzz kill I am |
iRon, yes, thats all true... but its -still- true that:
>> and we're not using it anymore. |
Maybe we should start eating immigrants then.
It'd work for me, at least. |