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Topic: Yikes
TxsSun's photo
Sat 07/10/10 12:32 AM
I just had a spider crawling on me! I can't stand them!

thewaterbearer's photo
Sat 07/10/10 12:35 AM

no photo
Sat 07/10/10 12:38 AM
I hate spiders to.They creap me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes!

Deviantmind's photo
Sat 07/10/10 12:44 AM
I'd like to be all macho and say i'd step on it for you, but they creep me the hell out also.

Seakolony's photo
Sat 07/10/10 12:52 AM

I'd like to be all macho and say i'd step on it for you, but they creep me the hell out also.

welcome to mingle2

I wouldnt hurt an animal if I could help it.....all animals lend credeence through their own existence....granted some are more deadly.....but I prefer capture and release over death....and try to keep a home defense spray of doorways and windows going......but snakes nope wont touch em I will leave and t let them elave of their own volition

JustaSimpleMan56's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:09 AM
slaphead I came in here thinking this may be a post about after you saw my picture. Thought it would read YIKES..... I just saw an ugly profile picture.

Queene123's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:18 AM
Edited by Queene123 on Sat 07/10/10 01:21 AM
i dont have a problem with spiders.
i used to play with them when i was younger....LOL!!

i collected snakes
salbugs(i had one have babies in my hand)
turtles(the neighbor behind us had those big turtles and they would come into our yard so we would keep them untill they took off)

i dont know what i collected.. i was a tomboy
i was the only one of my sisters that did that

i had a snake that i took to caticism... you would think i would get in trouble but i didnt. there was a girl that was in my class she took it out in the bathroom... oh of course she put it back in the jar.

i had 4 hamsters at 4 differnt times
and i remember i had one in my hand and
my mom was on the phone and i brought it her face and she screamed
even if she wasent on the phone she would had either way.
she didnt like them.

TxsSun's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:18 AM
One must like the"pretend" macho! Lol
Especially from a good looking man! :smile:

Queene123's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:22 AM

I'd like to be all macho and say i'd step on it for you, but they creep me the hell out also.


yellowrose10's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:23 AM
so singing the itsy bitsy spider right now would be mean huh? pitchfork

no photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:25 AM
We have Wolf spiders up here that could carry a small child away... Okay, a slight exaguration....
I showed my son how to pick them off their web and place it on another wolf spiders web...
We then watched as they fought to the death!
You do not want to be bit by one as they litterly will bite a chunk of flesh off you...

TxsSun's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:26 AM
You must play nice Kim!

thewaterbearer's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:27 AM

We have Wolf spiders up here that could carry a small child away... Okay, a slight exaguration....
I showed my son how to pick them off their web and place it on another wolf spiders web...
We then watched as they fought to the death!
You do not want to be bit by one as they litterly will bite a chunk of flesh off you...

That is so disgustingsick

TxsSun's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:27 AM
That was the worst story ever tophat

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:27 AM

You must play nice Kim!

awwwww come on. When have you known me to do that? geez trying to change me huh? laugh I was going to rewrite that song just for you pitchfork

TxsSun's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:29 AM
Ain't happening!

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:30 AM

TxsSun's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:32 AM

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:33 AM
can I hum it at least????

newarkjw's photo
Sat 07/10/10 01:36 AM

can I hum it at least????

Yes. Please hum it...........smokin

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