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Topic: Morning person
myssfytz's photo
Sun 07/04/10 09:29 PM
Night owl since I was a kid.

Used to stay up and watch Dr Who with my dad til 2/3a.m. when I was little.

Kinda stuck there since...

Atlantis75's photo
Sun 07/04/10 09:39 PM
It depends..sometimes morning, sometimes night owl..I still think that sleeping is a waste of time.

eileena9's photo
Sun 07/04/10 09:40 PM
Edited by eileena9 on Sun 07/04/10 09:41 PM

I am a night owl

This is me too.....when I was working day shift, 7am -3pm, I told my boss not to speak to me until 8:30am asleep ....don't ask me a question until 9am if he wanted an answer....if he wanted the correct answer, don't ask me until 10:30am.....and if he wanted me to do something....catch me around noon. bigsmile

And thanks to being a night owl, I met Jon. Otherwise I wouldn't have been on here at 2am when he got on his computer (Midnight, his time.)

Goatherding's photo
Mon 07/05/10 05:47 AM
After getting up to be at work before dawn for 30 years I guess I'm a morning person but I have been known to stay up late too.

hmlover's photo
Mon 07/05/10 05:51 AM
Morning person here. Can't seem to sleep past 5:30 even if I wanted to... I think the military did that to me.

Jtevans's photo
Mon 07/05/10 05:52 AM
some days i'm a morning person and some days i'm a night owl.i never know which i'm going to be

thayet153's photo
Mon 07/05/10 05:58 AM
it all depends on whether or not I get sleep.... asleep

no photo
Mon 07/05/10 06:16 AM
Morning, I love to see the sunrise and hear the birds singing when I walk my dog!! It is so peacefull!!!

unsure's photo
Mon 07/05/10 07:18 AM
I am actually both..I only need about 4 hours of sleep to function. I stay up late and I get up early :smile:

TexasScoundrel's photo
Mon 07/05/10 09:45 AM
I'm a morning person and it drives most of my friends crazy. I'm up and ready to meet the world at 7AM while they are sleeping until noon. It seems I'm always waiting for someone to get ready.

Rondoobie's photo
Mon 07/05/10 10:08 AM
Night owl, I work 2nd shift and prefer doing my shopping at 24 hr places like Kroger, Meijer, or Walmart when the aisles are empty and the parking is so much better and you don't wait in the check out lane for forever, and the employees there then are more fun and have time to actually be helpful.
I've dealt with insomnia for a long time, rarely get any rem sleep so I'm a slow starter when I do get up.

writer_gurl's photo
Mon 07/05/10 02:05 PM
Edited by writer_gurl on Mon 07/05/10 02:08 PM

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 07/05/10 04:28 PM
Generally morning. Lately, I've been getting up by 5:30AM. Of course, lately, I'm getting sleep in 2 hr increments, which seriously SUCKS!!!

However, I can stay up till midnight or so and be up by 6 at the latest. But I prefer sleep at night. That 6 months of 11pm-7am really sucked.

If I manage to sleep to 7, the cows start b*tching outside my window. I can ignore the roosters, but not the cows, go figure.

EquusDancer's photo
Mon 07/05/10 04:29 PM

It depends..sometimes morning, sometimes night owl..I still think that sleeping is a waste of time.

Nooooo, I like sleeping. Snuggling down under the blankets and curling up around a pillow is good!

thewaterbearer's photo
Mon 07/05/10 04:30 PM


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