Topic: What does God think about Gays? | |
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Wed 06/23/10 04:10 AM
Hi everybody, This question has been bothering me for years. I hope that no-one is offended by the subject! Anyway, what does God think about gay people? In the Old Testament, God says that they are an abomination. In the New Testament shortly before Jesus ascends to heaven, he says for us to love one another. He doesn't say to love one another except for gays. So what are we supposed to do? Any ideas on this? I asked a minister this question once & didn't get much of an answer. Again, I hope the subject doesn't offend anyone! A confused kidztales.
I look at this from the damned if you do and damned if you don't point of view. If you read the New Testament you will see a radical point of view change from the Old Testament. Instead of being saved by the law we are saved by grace. Jesus says that the law was weak. In my opinion, Jesus saved God. God was pleased by his son and a proud father. He said, "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased." At one time God repented and set his bow to show that man would not be destroyed by water, again. So at the cross Jesus forgave God and God forgave Jesus because Jesus was hanged on a cross. But what option did God or Jesus have? I mean even Paul said it was better to marry than to burn. It is like a catch-22. Paul said I must decrease so that he might increase. Do we want to be like Saul at the road to Damascus where the Lord said, "Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?" Jesus knew Saul's heart was good. I bet Saul thought he was doing good. The New Testament offers this verse; "He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is a sin." Your question sure doesn't offend me. After my first divorce I thought maybe having a relationship with a woman wasn't the right thing for me. It seemed like I wasn't cut out to be a father or a husband. But then being gay didn't seem right for me, either.
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I preferr; "Judge not, least YOU be judged."
I have family members that chose an alternative life style, know many others, also. Preferr them to many "straight" people I have met. Never been hit on, so what differance does it make, anyway. |
I'm pretty sure God measures people by the content of their character, not their lifestyle.
Hi everybody, This question has been bothering me for years. I hope that no-one is offended by the subject! Anyway, what does God think about gay people? In the Old Testament, God says that they are an abomination. In the New Testament shortly before Jesus ascends to heaven, he says for us to love one another. He doesn't say to love one another except for gays. So what are we supposed to do? Any ideas on this? I asked a minister this question once & didn't get much of an answer. Again, I hope the subject doesn't offend anyone! A confused kidztales. I think that the old teatament called homosexuality an abomination and not homosexuals. Later, in the new testament, Romans 1:26-31 (English Standard Version) 26For this reason(A) God gave them up to(B) dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another,(C) men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. 28And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God,(D) God gave them up to(E) a debased mind to do(F) what ought not to be done. 29They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, 30slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless homosexuality is listed with a list of other 'dishonorable' passions If we look closely at the list, there is probably some adjective that has described us all at some point. I think God gives us all the chance to 'turn from' those things as we grow and mature spiritually and his command to love thy neighbor applies to sinners of every fashion. I , personally, dont believe it is our place to put sins in some ranking order,,they are all unpleasing to God and we have all committed them, but Gods grace allows us to be forgiven and we should follow his example of forgiveness. |
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Wed 06/23/10 09:55 AM
In the bible, it says we should kill homosexuals.
It also says we should stone our unruley kids to death, and never shave or cut our hair ![]() |
In the bible, it says we should kill homosexuals. It also says we should stone our unruley kids to death, and never shave or cut our hair ![]() Actually the verse that says you should take your children outside the gates and stone them is the one right before the homosexual reference. Which means god hates unruly kids worse than homosexuality. |
I think that is why I get along better with Jesus.
![]() But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Jesus was good with kids. I guess he just had patience. |
In the bible, it says we should kill homosexuals. It also says we should stone our unruley kids to death, and never shave or cut our hair ![]() Actually the verse that says you should take your children outside the gates and stone them is the one right before the homosexual reference. Which means god hates unruly kids worse than homosexuality. I was actually kicked out of sunday school, because I asked too many questions about the bible's contents. lol |
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Wed 06/23/10 12:48 PM
Thanks guys! I'm going to look up the scriptural references you mentioned & study this question. I forgot to tell you why I asked the question besides the differences in th OT & NT. I'm not gay myself & have nothing against them as long as they don't force their sexuality on me or are in a traditional marriage with kids involved. I asked because I have had gay friends over the years & they've been very good friends! I've always been confused over how I should handle it from a Biblical point. I mean (I'm having trouble saying this right), I've always wondered if it was right with God if I even have gay friends or not because of the differences in the OT & NT. Hope you understand this!
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In the bible, it says we should kill homosexuals. It also says we should stone our unruley kids to death, and never shave or cut our hair ![]() Actually the verse that says you should take your children outside the gates and stone them is the one right before the homosexual reference. Which means god hates unruly kids worse than homosexuality. I was actually kicked out of sunday school, because I asked too many questions about the bible's contents. lol Hey, that is cool. Jesus just stayed around for church until he was 12. He was a busy guy. He did a lot of walking. Hitch hiking back then wasn't that easy. He did find a donkey to ride that was left for him. He did some boat riding but don't recall him flying. He even said that he had to be about his father's business at one time. I have actually found some good times in the highways and hedges. ![]() |
Thanks guys! I'm going to look up the scriptural references you mentioned & study this question. I forgot to tell you why I asked the question besides the differences in th OT & NT. I'm not gay myself & have nothing against them as long as they don't force their sexuality on me or are in a traditional marriage with kids involved. I asked because I have had gay friends over the years & they've been very good friends! I've always been confused over how I should handle it from a Biblical point. I mean (I'm having trouble saying this right), I've always wondered if it was right with God if I even have gay friends or not because of the differences in the OT & NT. Hope you understand this! ![]() Sure thing; No problem. My AA sponsor told me that we should be friendly with our friends. Did you like my reference to the boat thing? See God kept Noah and his family safe in the boat. God I think helped their boat to float. ![]() |
what does God think about gay people? Some have given biblical references... to which I ask "did God write the bible???"....
anyway, when you meet God, ask him - and be sure to let us know the answer.... everything else is heresay... $.02 ![]() |
what does God think about gay people? Some have given biblical references... to which I ask "did God write the bible???".... anyway, when you meet God, ask him - and be sure to let us know the answer.... everything else is heresay... $.02 ![]() With your logic is like saying Did the president/king of the country write all the laws for that country. And if all laws that were not written by the ruler of that country would be hearsay with your logic. |
God loves them just a much as anyone else with a predisposition to sin
However they are called to repentance just as any one else with a predisposition to sin is called to repentance. Homosexuality is a sin as any other sin, it is forgivable, BUT.... Those who claim to be Christian and are proud to be practicing homosexuals; these people are either ignorant of the facts or are hell bent to destroy Christianity |
Thanks guys! I'm going to look up the scriptural references you mentioned & study this question. I forgot to tell you why I asked the question besides the differences in th OT & NT. I'm not gay myself & have nothing against them as long as they don't force their sexuality on me or are in a traditional marriage with kids involved. I asked because I have had gay friends over the years & they've been very good friends! I've always been confused over how I should handle it from a Biblical point. I mean (I'm having trouble saying this right), I've always wondered if it was right with God if I even have gay friends or not because of the differences in the OT & NT. Hope you understand this! ![]() Sure thing; No problem. My AA sponsor told me that we should be friendly with our friends. Did you like my reference to the boat thing? See God kept Noah and his family safe in the boat. God I think helped their boat to float. ![]() Rainbow, I wasn't there but I know God helped their boat float! ![]() |
God loves them just a much as anyone else with a predisposition to sin However they are called to repentance just as any one else with a predisposition to sin is called to repentance. Homosexuality is a sin as any other sin, it is forgivable, BUT.... Those who claim to be Christian and are proud to be practicing homosexuals; these people are either ignorant of the facts or are hell bent to destroy Christianity Exactly. Those and the people who claim to be killing in God's name are two things has given God a bad name. I don't see how people even get the idea either one of these ideas would work, they are both working against each other. God specifically says not to kill and not to be homosexual. So how could you walk around claiming to be a yellow color when it is plain to see you are a red color, or any other combination of different colors. |
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Thu 06/24/10 12:01 AM
People as Christians you should know that both God and Jesus don't love you no matter what you doing.If God is telling you that doing certain things upsets him very much to the point he hates you for doing them then that is not love because you can not hate and love someone at the same time.This lame brain idea that you can do what ever you want,anytime you want,regardless of God's view on it because he will love you no matter what is nonsense.There is thousands of verses telling Christians how God is separated from us when we are doing wrong.Here is a few.
Leviticus 20:23 - In promising Israel the land of Canaan, God states he will drive out the other nations because of their sinfulness, saying "I abhorred them." Psalm 5:5 - David writes that God hates all who do wrong. Psalm 11:5 - The passage states that God hates those who commit violence. Proverbs 6:19 - In listing things that God finds detestable, Solomon writes that God hates a false witness who tells lies and a man who causes dissension. Hosea 9:15 - Hosea writes that God hated Ephraim because of their wickedness and that "I will no longer love them." God even sent his own angels to hell with lucifer at one time.Are you going to tell me that you are pleasing God better than those angels did?Jesus did take away our sins but he did not take away our ability to rebel against God,to distance ourselves from God,to disobey him,and to break his commandments.All of these things displeases God and there is many,many,bible verses that tell us that when you are rebelling against God he will turn a blind eye to your prayers and not hear you. Concerning the gay issue.Nothing has corrupted the church more in the history of Christianity then the homosexuals.If you are a bible believing Christian then you will not associate with or be friends with non repentant homosexuals or any other Christians who are willing,knowingly,breaking Gods laws.The so called gay Christians are telling the world that God loves unrepentant sinners,accepts sodomy as normal,and that gay couples should be married in churches.That is not love my friends it is lies,deception ,and a bunch of selfish people ignoring the bible to live a sinful lifestyle.There is not a shred of evidence in the bible saying love including love between two people of the same sex is good,normal,and blessed.There is plenty written telling us that it is a sin,a abomination,and a whole section talking about the destruction of a entire city because of it. I am not sorry I do not embrace Christian homosexuals.I do not embrace anyone who is a bad influence on my life espically if they are lying about Christianity and the bible.The bible tells us to have friends with other good,moral,Christians and to stay away from bad people who are sinful.If the homosexuals want to repent,live a straight life,and come to my church I will gladly accept them as my brother much like I would any sinner.But if they are coming to my church rebelling,lying,and willing fully sinning I am going to tell them to get lost.Because anyone can say they are Christian.It is your actions that make you who you are and it is by your actions God will judge you. Beware of people claiming to be Christians and perverting the bible!They are not Christians but Satan's own hand corrupting the world through lies. Matthew 23:27-28,“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. 28 Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. 2 Thessalonians 3:10-15 10 For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. 11 For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. 12 Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread. 13 But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good. 14 And if anyone does not obey our word in this epistle, note that person and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed. 15 Yet do not count him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother. Romans 2:5 5 But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. "This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines the precepts of men. You leave the commandment of God and hold fast the tradition of men. You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God, in order to keep your tradition" (Mark 7:6-9). "A man is justified by works and not by faith alone apart from works is dead" (James 2:24-26 |
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Fri 06/25/10 06:06 AM
what does God think about gay people? Some have given biblical references... to which I ask "did God write the bible???".... anyway, when you meet God, ask him - and be sure to let us know the answer.... everything else is heresay... $.02 ![]() With your logic is like saying Did the president/king of the country write all the laws for that country. And if all laws that were not written by the ruler of that country would be hearsay with your logic. I agree with some your comment, so if the OP had asked "what does the king think about gay people" - I would respond "you would have to ask the king".... The OP did not ask "what is the biblical context of the beliefs on being gay within the christian faith, and how do other christians view them"... She asked of God directly... Do you know, specifically what God thinks? Men wrote the bible, and it has been modified by men... to which I make my original point. P.S. thank you for correcting my spelling, it is in fact hearsay not heresay. $.02 ![]() |
I preferr; "Judge not, least YOU be judged." I have family members that chose an alternative life style, know many others, also. Preferr them to many "straight" people I have met. Never been hit on, so what differance does it make, anyway. Ditto. People that say gays are damned because it is sinful are in fact committing a sin by judging. |