Topic: Go for it!
no photo
Sun 06/20/10 08:44 PM
knock yourselves out! :D

buttons's photo
Sun 06/20/10 09:01 PM
Edited by buttons on Sun 06/20/10 09:02 PM
too short in the writing area...not enough pics however here for friends only so it may be okflowerforyou welcome here

writer_gurl's photo
Sun 06/20/10 09:08 PM

Write more about yourself besides the basics...Don't be afraid to explore inside yourself:smile:
Also, more pics would be nice...We :heart: picswaving

Winx's photo
Sun 06/20/10 09:26 PM
I can't type anything. I'm knocked out.:tongue:

MelodyGirl's photo
Sun 06/20/10 09:33 PM
Welcome happy

Your profile pic is too dark. It doesn't inspire me to read your profile.

Follow the other advice though; good stuff :thumbsup: