Topic: Are You Being Too Picky?
misswright's photo
Sat 06/19/10 12:08 PM
Hmmm...I tried liver when I was a kid. I spit it out and said "Oooh, gross. I don't like that Mom!" I tried it again as a teenager. I spit it out and said "Ugh, that's disgusting. I don't like that!" I figured maybe my taste buds had changed over the years so I attempted it again as an adult. I politely spit it into my napkin and said "Blecht, I don't like that." I'm going to take a giant leap of faith here and say I just don't like liver.

Why should my taste in men be any different? I know what I don't like AND I know what floats my boat. Me, picky? Damn right I am! shades

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 06/19/10 02:15 PM

Me: otherwise easygoing SF, 29, in desirable neighborhood near excellent schools and world-class cheese market. You: 31-36, Ivy League (except Penn), minimum 5’ 10", maximum 180 lbs., pectoral-to-waist ratio .33; fiscal conservative/social liberal; profession: law, medicine, banking (employer must have innovative paternity leave policy); hobbies: pan-Asian cooking, helping the needy, foot rubs; civil to (but not “friends” with) ex-girlfriends (maximum: 2); informed, witty, self-starter: equally comfortable chatting at state dinners and changing tires. Send introductory email along with photo, high school and college transcripts, 3 recommendations (1 academic, 1 professional, 1 non-threatening friend-girl) plus two 750-word essays on the topics: (1) “A Man of Quality is Not Threatened By A Woman For Equality” and (2) “Why I Always Share My Feelings.”

Your online profile may not look exactly like that, but for some people — and you know who you are — it sends out the exact same vibe. According to some dating experts, there’s a “picky” pandemic: women (and men, too, but to a lesser degree) with impossible-to-meet standards who wear their massive checklists on their sleeves. Women who are…well, still inexplicably single. Does this sound even a little bit like you? If so, how do you manage your expectations without selling yourself short?

First, a disclaimer. At some level, you should be picky. After all, if your goal is marriage, we’re talking about the one person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with; being a little choosy goes a long way. Look at the tales of divorce, infidelity, domestic violence, serially crappy relationships — not to mention uncomfortable weddings where you know something’s off and it probably won’t last. Arguably, plenty of people aren’t picky enough.

Bottom line? “People are looking for the wrong things,” says Lori Gottlieb, author of Marry Him: The Case For Settling For Mr. Good Enough. “You should have high standards. But people are too picky about the things that are not important — and not picky enough about the things that are.”

So, then, how do you determine what is truly important and what isn’t? Many people are willing to concede — or, at least, they know they should concede — that looks, really, are only skin deep. Yet they still, explicitly or reflexively, rule out (for example) short guys, tall girls or people with weird laughs. “They say things like, ‘That’s just not what I’m attracted to,’” says dating coach Evan Marc Katz, author of Why You’re Still Single: Things Your Friends Would Tell You If You Promised Not to Get Mad. “But maybe attraction isn’t the most important thing.” That doesn’t mean you give up on lust, passion, or even simple chemistry. It just means you may not feel it like a lightning bolt when you walk into the First Date Café and that you should at least give it a chance to develop — even with people you may not consider your “type.”

Why? Because then you can focus on what is important. Not the person “on paper” or in a vacuum, but on the relationship you can potentially build with someone. “If you say, ‘Grandma, what’s the secret of your relationship?’ she doesn’t say, ‘Grandpa is smoking hot,’” Katz says. “It’s the ‘boring’ stuff. The trust, laughter, honesty, compassion and shared values. You need to remember that you’re making an investment for 40 years, not three months. Who’s going stick by you to raise children or when you get sick or a parent dies? That’s the character stuff that only partially reveals itself on date one. You need to look at what’s going to endure after the initial ‘thrill’ is gone.”

Gottlieb agrees. She herself wound up falling for a guy who — had she not ultimately followed her own advice — she would have ruled out based on his profile photo alone. “What kind of a dork wears a bow tie?” she initially thought, but, pushing past her prejudices, she found out the offending accessory was part of a story about his family that made her like him even more. And even if there hadn’t been a great story, Gottlieb says, it still would have been fine: “So what, a little fashion faux pas? Is that the kind of thing that makes your marriage unhappy?”

So if you’re in need of some too-picky therapy, think of it this way: you’re not lowering your standards; you’re expanding them. Here’s how:
Edit your checklist. You are allowed only three essential requirements and none of them can be physical attributes. For example: “Kind to others, intellectually curious, likes animals” — or if you’re not into pets, “wants children” (as far as you can tell on date #1).
Go on a second date. Anyone who passes your three-point checklist gets to date #2. Anyone.
Broaden your “type” but trust your gut. If after two dates you honestly can’t see it — e.g., you struggle for conversation, you clash on a moral principle — you may let it go without guilt. After all, you’ve got to make time for all the new possibilities you’ve now opened up for yourself.


"Bottom line? “People are looking for the wrong things,” says Lori Gottlieb, author of Marry Him: The Case For Settling For Mr. Good Enough. “You should have high standards. But people are too picky about the things that are not important — and not picky enough about the things that are.” '

^ I like this especially - a lot does depend tho on what u r looking for. This is good for people who are looking for a committment. Otherwise it doesn't apply/matter that much.

I may take ur advice. I do think there has to ultimately be a "spark" of attraction, but that is something that can grow. better is for it to grow over time, than iginite quickly and die jmho

noway Wow. Someone who actually READ the OP's chapter .. sorryyyy but no one writes well enough, IMHO, to expect us to wade thru paragraph on paragraph .. SIGH.

I think most of us here just read the title and answered. YOU, m'dear, have to have the patience of Job. smokin

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 02:37 PM

I'm a guy. I just wanna play with the 'pink bits' ... Is that so wrong ... ? I'm easy.
well we obviously know what's important to u mr. national symbol

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 02:41 PM

Me: otherwise easygoing SF, 29, in desirable neighborhood near excellent schools and world-class cheese market. You: 31-36, Ivy League (except Penn), minimum 5’ 10", maximum 180 lbs., pectoral-to-waist ratio .33; fiscal conservative/social liberal; profession: law, medicine, banking (employer must have innovative paternity leave policy); hobbies: pan-Asian cooking, helping the needy, foot rubs; civil to (but not “friends” with) ex-girlfriends (maximum: 2); informed, witty, self-starter: equally comfortable chatting at state dinners and changing tires. Send introductory email along with photo, high school and college transcripts, 3 recommendations (1 academic, 1 professional, 1 non-threatening friend-girl) plus two 750-word essays on the topics: (1) “A Man of Quality is Not Threatened By A Woman For Equality” and (2) “Why I Always Share My Feelings.”

Your online profile may not look exactly like that, but for some people — and you know who you are — it sends out the exact same vibe. According to some dating experts, there’s a “picky” pandemic: women (and men, too, but to a lesser degree) with impossible-to-meet standards who wear their massive checklists on their sleeves. Women who are…well, still inexplicably single. Does this sound even a little bit like you? If so, how do you manage your expectations without selling yourself short?

First, a disclaimer. At some level, you should be picky. After all, if your goal is marriage, we’re talking about the one person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with; being a little choosy goes a long way. Look at the tales of divorce, infidelity, domestic violence, serially crappy relationships — not to mention uncomfortable weddings where you know something’s off and it probably won’t last. Arguably, plenty of people aren’t picky enough.

Bottom line? “People are looking for the wrong things,” says Lori Gottlieb, author of Marry Him: The Case For Settling For Mr. Good Enough. “You should have high standards. But people are too picky about the things that are not important — and not picky enough about the things that are.”

So, then, how do you determine what is truly important and what isn’t? Many people are willing to concede — or, at least, they know they should concede — that looks, really, are only skin deep. Yet they still, explicitly or reflexively, rule out (for example) short guys, tall girls or people with weird laughs. “They say things like, ‘That’s just not what I’m attracted to,’” says dating coach Evan Marc Katz, author of Why You’re Still Single: Things Your Friends Would Tell You If You Promised Not to Get Mad. “But maybe attraction isn’t the most important thing.” That doesn’t mean you give up on lust, passion, or even simple chemistry. It just means you may not feel it like a lightning bolt when you walk into the First Date Café and that you should at least give it a chance to develop — even with people you may not consider your “type.”

Why? Because then you can focus on what is important. Not the person “on paper” or in a vacuum, but on the relationship you can potentially build with someone. “If you say, ‘Grandma, what’s the secret of your relationship?’ she doesn’t say, ‘Grandpa is smoking hot,’” Katz says. “It’s the ‘boring’ stuff. The trust, laughter, honesty, compassion and shared values. You need to remember that you’re making an investment for 40 years, not three months. Who’s going stick by you to raise children or when you get sick or a parent dies? That’s the character stuff that only partially reveals itself on date one. You need to look at what’s going to endure after the initial ‘thrill’ is gone.”

Gottlieb agrees. She herself wound up falling for a guy who — had she not ultimately followed her own advice — she would have ruled out based on his profile photo alone. “What kind of a dork wears a bow tie?” she initially thought, but, pushing past her prejudices, she found out the offending accessory was part of a story about his family that made her like him even more. And even if there hadn’t been a great story, Gottlieb says, it still would have been fine: “So what, a little fashion faux pas? Is that the kind of thing that makes your marriage unhappy?”

So if you’re in need of some too-picky therapy, think of it this way: you’re not lowering your standards; you’re expanding them. Here’s how:
Edit your checklist. You are allowed only three essential requirements and none of them can be physical attributes. For example: “Kind to others, intellectually curious, likes animals” — or if you’re not into pets, “wants children” (as far as you can tell on date #1).
Go on a second date. Anyone who passes your three-point checklist gets to date #2. Anyone.
Broaden your “type” but trust your gut. If after two dates you honestly can’t see it — e.g., you struggle for conversation, you clash on a moral principle — you may let it go without guilt. After all, you’ve got to make time for all the new possibilities you’ve now opened up for yourself.


"Bottom line? “People are looking for the wrong things,” says Lori Gottlieb, author of Marry Him: The Case For Settling For Mr. Good Enough. “You should have high standards. But people are too picky about the things that are not important — and not picky enough about the things that are.” '

^ I like this especially - a lot does depend tho on what u r looking for. This is good for people who are looking for a committment. Otherwise it doesn't apply/matter that much.

I may take ur advice. I do think there has to ultimately be a "spark" of attraction, but that is something that can grow. better is for it to grow over time, than iginite quickly and die jmho

noway Wow. Someone who actually READ the OP's chapter .. sorryyyy but no one writes well enough, IMHO, to expect us to wade thru paragraph on paragraph .. SIGH.

I think most of us here just read the title and answered. YOU, m'dear, have to have the patience of Job. smokin
thank u, yes I do, but most people don't realize that. I have discovered that being patient can sometimes have drawbacks - hard to explain - like if I have more patience than most, and I do, people who have little or none expect it from me like I'm not permitted the occasional impatient moment that to them is how they always are - like I am automatically "the patient one" even tho I never agreed to thatlaugh

no photo
Sat 06/19/10 02:41 PM

Me: otherwise easygoing SF, 29, in desirable neighborhood near excellent schools and world-class cheese market. You: 31-36, Ivy League (except Penn), minimum 5’ 10", maximum 180 lbs., pectoral-to-waist ratio .33; fiscal conservative/social liberal; profession: law, medicine, banking (employer must have innovative paternity leave policy); hobbies: pan-Asian cooking, helping the needy, foot rubs; civil to (but not “friends” with) ex-girlfriends (maximum: 2); informed, witty, self-starter: equally comfortable chatting at state dinners and changing tires. Send introductory email along with photo, high school and college transcripts, 3 recommendations (1 academic, 1 professional, 1 non-threatening friend-girl) plus two 750-word essays on the topics: (1) “A Man of Quality is Not Threatened By A Woman For Equality” and (2) “Why I Always Share My Feelings.”

Your online profile may not look exactly like that, but for some people — and you know who you are — it sends out the exact same vibe. According to some dating experts, there’s a “picky” pandemic: women (and men, too, but to a lesser degree) with impossible-to-meet standards who wear their massive checklists on their sleeves. Women who are…well, still inexplicably single. Does this sound even a little bit like you? If so, how do you manage your expectations without selling yourself short?

First, a disclaimer. At some level, you should be picky. After all, if your goal is marriage, we’re talking about the one person you’re going to spend the rest of your life with; being a little choosy goes a long way. Look at the tales of divorce, infidelity, domestic violence, serially crappy relationships — not to mention uncomfortable weddings where you know something’s off and it probably won’t last. Arguably, plenty of people aren’t picky enough.

Bottom line? “People are looking for the wrong things,” says Lori Gottlieb, author of Marry Him: The Case For Settling For Mr. Good Enough. “You should have high standards. But people are too picky about the things that are not important — and not picky enough about the things that are.”

So, then, how do you determine what is truly important and what isn’t? Many people are willing to concede — or, at least, they know they should concede — that looks, really, are only skin deep. Yet they still, explicitly or reflexively, rule out (for example) short guys, tall girls or people with weird laughs. “They say things like, ‘That’s just not what I’m attracted to,’” says dating coach Evan Marc Katz, author of Why You’re Still Single: Things Your Friends Would Tell You If You Promised Not to Get Mad. “But maybe attraction isn’t the most important thing.” That doesn’t mean you give up on lust, passion, or even simple chemistry. It just means you may not feel it like a lightning bolt when you walk into the First Date Café and that you should at least give it a chance to develop — even with people you may not consider your “type.”

Why? Because then you can focus on what is important. Not the person “on paper” or in a vacuum, but on the relationship you can potentially build with someone. “If you say, ‘Grandma, what’s the secret of your relationship?’ she doesn’t say, ‘Grandpa is smoking hot,’” Katz says. “It’s the ‘boring’ stuff. The trust, laughter, honesty, compassion and shared values. You need to remember that you’re making an investment for 40 years, not three months. Who’s going stick by you to raise children or when you get sick or a parent dies? That’s the character stuff that only partially reveals itself on date one. You need to look at what’s going to endure after the initial ‘thrill’ is gone.”

Gottlieb agrees. She herself wound up falling for a guy who — had she not ultimately followed her own advice — she would have ruled out based on his profile photo alone. “What kind of a dork wears a bow tie?” she initially thought, but, pushing past her prejudices, she found out the offending accessory was part of a story about his family that made her like him even more. And even if there hadn’t been a great story, Gottlieb says, it still would have been fine: “So what, a little fashion faux pas? Is that the kind of thing that makes your marriage unhappy?”

So if you’re in need of some too-picky therapy, think of it this way: you’re not lowering your standards; you’re expanding them. Here’s how:
Edit your checklist. You are allowed only three essential requirements and none of them can be physical attributes. For example: “Kind to others, intellectually curious, likes animals” — or if you’re not into pets, “wants children” (as far as you can tell on date #1).
Go on a second date. Anyone who passes your three-point checklist gets to date #2. Anyone.
Broaden your “type” but trust your gut. If after two dates you honestly can’t see it — e.g., you struggle for conversation, you clash on a moral principle — you may let it go without guilt. After all, you’ve got to make time for all the new possibilities you’ve now opened up for yourself.


"Bottom line? “People are looking for the wrong things,” says Lori Gottlieb, author of Marry Him: The Case For Settling For Mr. Good Enough. “You should have high standards. But people are too picky about the things that are not important — and not picky enough about the things that are.” '

^ I like this especially - a lot does depend tho on what u r looking for. This is good for people who are looking for a committment. Otherwise it doesn't apply/matter that much.

I may take ur advice. I do think there has to ultimately be a "spark" of attraction, but that is something that can grow. better is for it to grow over time, than iginite quickly and die jmho

noway Wow. Someone who actually READ the OP's chapter .. sorryyyy but no one writes well enough, IMHO, to expect us to wade thru paragraph on paragraph .. SIGH.

I think most of us here just read the title and answered. YOU, m'dear, have to have the patience of Job. smokin
thank u, yes I do, but most people don't realize that. I have discovered that being patient can sometimes have drawbacks - hard to explain - like if I have more patience than most, and I do, people who have little or none expect it from me like I'm not permitted the occasional impatient moment that to them is how they always are - like I am automatically "the patient one" even tho I never agreed to thatlaugh

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 06/19/10 02:44 PM
^^ Well I'm all about reading if the material is engaging, but just reading that much from one person's opinion and 'take' on something yawn asleep

Not gonna happen in this lifetime :laughing:

The whole idea in forums is to keep the comments concise enough to keep our attention. Otherwise we just read a point or two and 'enough said' .. speak our peace.waving

mightymoe's photo
Sat 06/19/10 02:50 PM
<------ never picky... i like all womenflowerforyou love :banana: :banana: :banana:

Ladylid2012's photo
Sat 06/19/10 02:54 PM

<------ never picky... i like all womenflowerforyou love :banana: :banana: :banana:

oh, I love men, still don't want to live with most....

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 06/19/10 02:59 PM

<------ never picky... i like all womenflowerforyou love :banana: :banana: :banana:

Well that must make your 'one and only' feel realllly special

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

freeonthree's photo
Sat 06/19/10 04:50 PM

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I like that smokin

mightymoe's photo
Sat 06/19/10 05:06 PM

<------ never picky... i like all womenflowerforyou love :banana: :banana: :banana:

Well that must make your 'one and only' feel realllly special

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

my what? huh i guess you forgot why we are love

mightymoe's photo
Sat 06/19/10 05:09 PM
plus that, i've had 2 or 3 "one and onlys" ... does that make sense?

sick sick sick

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 06/19/10 05:16 PM

<------ never picky... i like all womenflowerforyou love :banana: :banana: :banana:

Well that must make your 'one and only' feel realllly special

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

my what? huh i guess you forgot why we are love

LOL I understand that. Excepting whatever woman becomes 'yours' wants to think she is 'special' .. saying you aren't picky means she is no different than some loser chick you might chose.

Women don't like being 'just like everyone else' :wink:

MeChrissy2's photo
Sat 06/19/10 05:22 PM
I want what I want and won't settle for less. I don't personally think what I want is being too picky but it does require values, integrity, strength and courage. I'll wait.bigsmile

msmyka's photo
Sat 06/19/10 05:22 PM

Sorry I didn't read the original post either...

Picky = standards, shouldn't we all have them?

Why should I love and respect someone who doesn't love and respect themselves enough to have standards?

mightymoe's photo
Sat 06/19/10 05:27 PM
Edited by mightymoe on Sat 06/19/10 05:33 PM
i don't look at it as being too picky.. i just don't think i know everything about women and think i should give everyone a chance... who knows, someone that i would have turned down when i was a youngster might just be my "one and only" (#4 or 5)flowerforyou love flowerforyou

mightymoe's photo
Sat 06/19/10 05:31 PM

<------ never picky... i like all womenflowerforyou love :banana: :banana: :banana:

Well that must make your 'one and only' feel realllly special

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

my what? huh i guess you forgot why we are love

LOL I understand that. Excepting whatever woman becomes 'yours' wants to think she is 'special' .. saying you aren't picky means she is no different than some loser chick you might chose.

Women don't like being 'just like everyone else' :wink:

if shes mine, i choose her and she choose me, that makes us both special... so she would be a lot different from loser chicks smokin

Goofball73's photo
Sat 06/19/10 07:42 PM
At this stage in my life, I feel I have earned every right to be picky. I don't want to just "date" anyone. If I find someone whom I feel is worth the risk, then I will go for it. I know I have to try. I have to date in order to meet the one woman out there who is awesome for me. But I won't just date anyone. So if that is picky then sue me. LOL!

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 06/19/10 08:20 PM

Sorry I didn't read the original post either...

Picky = standards, shouldn't we all have them?

Why should I love and respect someone who doesn't love and respect themselves enough to have standards?

My point exactly .. :tongue:

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 06/19/10 08:22 PM

<------ never picky... i like all womenflowerforyou love :banana: :banana: :banana:

Well that must make your 'one and only' feel realllly special

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

my what? huh i guess you forgot why we are love

LOL I understand that. Excepting whatever woman becomes 'yours' wants to think she is 'special' .. saying you aren't picky means she is no different than some loser chick you might chose.

Women don't like being 'just like everyone else' :wink:

if shes mine, i choose her and she choose me, that makes us both special... so she would be a lot different from loser chicks smokin

WEll for her maybe. But for you, well you'll pick anyone .. so ya. Point taken. LMAO.