Topic: Barack Obama's Oil Spill's Blog ...
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Tue 06/08/10 01:59 PM
Uh-huh ... that's right ... Li'l Barry Soetoro's (a/k/a 'The ONE' or 'Barack Hussein Obama') oil spill have got its own li'l blog site now, and it's kickin' some serious 'presidential' assss ... not that it's not deserved ... the boy don't know how to look serious and concerned - he just knows how to look and act 'skreet' ...

boredinaz06's photo
Tue 06/08/10 02:16 PM

That was GOOD!!!laugh laugh laugh

Bestinshow's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:32 PM
Not sure if I get it yet. The government should stay out of environmental matters yet its the governments fault a private company screwed up royaly and its the governments fault its not fixed yet. Something tells me had Obama jumped into this and taken over you all would be wailing about big governmente meddling with the free market. laugh

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:39 PM
I agree "Bestinshow" furthermore I would venture to guess that most of this deregulated problem stems from before Obama's presidency even if there is an assumption that a president is to blame.

parttime_vikingfan's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:41 PM
Its also nice to see that Kings_Knight recognizes Obama as the official president!

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 06/08/10 06:42 PM

I agree "Bestinshow" furthermore I would venture to guess that most of this deregulated problem stems from before Obama's presidency even if there is an assumption that a president is to blame.

What deregulation? Here's an overview of the regulations-

The specific statues are very lengthy and costly. noway shocked

smart2009's photo
Wed 06/09/10 01:09 AM
drill baby drill

no photo
Wed 06/09/10 08:52 AM
To paraphrase Shakespeare ...

"First, we kill all the environmentalists ... "

boredinaz06's photo
Wed 06/09/10 10:12 AM

I agree "Bestinshow" furthermore I would venture to guess that most of this deregulated problem stems from before Obama's presidency even if there is an assumption that a president is to blame.

You would be correct, there are one or two things he inherited!

Seakolony's photo
Wed 06/09/10 10:19 AM
Techinically the enviormental agency for the government okayed more oil pumping off shore and in the US because of soaring gas prices. It may not have been Obama that approved it, but both the Clinton and Bush administartions pushed for more offshore drilling and increasing processing of oil production in order economically stabilize the pricing for the American citizen. Can you say we are responsible for it in some way, including the government? I can. Since, when did the federal government just because change of regime not be held accountable for this mess?

Seakolony's photo
Wed 06/09/10 12:59 PM

Uh-huh ... that's right ... Li'l Barry Soetoro's (a/k/a 'The ONE' or 'Barack Hussein Obama') oil spill have got its own li'l blog site now, and it's kickin' some serious 'presidential' assss ... not that it's not deserved ... the boy don't know how to look serious and concerned - he just knows how to look and act 'skreet' ...

They could not even get that correct........the oil plumes look just like regular water. They are not black............The heat of the Gulf of Mexico has caused the oil to break down and mix with the water. It has become soluable to a certain extent. This is why it is so hard to tell how far the plumes have traveled. Of course understand, that the oil plumes can still be serperated from the water because oil and water never truly mix. If the ocean had been cold like the EXXON VALDIZ spill, soluability would never have taken place. It would then still be black.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Wed 06/09/10 01:02 PM

Uh-huh ... that's right ... Li'l Barry Soetoro's (a/k/a 'The ONE' or 'Barack Hussein Obama') oil spill have got its own li'l blog site now, and it's kickin' some serious 'presidential' assss ... not that it's not deserved ... the boy don't know how to look serious and concerned - he just knows how to look and act 'skreet' ...

They could not even get that correct........the oil plumes look just like regular water. They are not black............The heat of the Gulf of Mexico has caused the oil to break down and mix with the water. It has become soluable to a certain extent. This is why it is so hard to tell how far the plumes have traveled. Of course understand, that the oil plumes can still be serperated from the water because oil and water never truly mix. If the ocean had been cold like the EXXON VALDIZ spill, soluability would never have taken place. It would then still be black.

Good point. As a side note, the principle of "oil and water don't mix" is key to modern offset printing.