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Topic: Okay so I have a bit of a problem
Jasonx2x's photo
Tue 06/01/10 07:38 PM
Okay so my problem right now is that I really want to date an asain girl. No offense to anybody else, I mean heck if your interested you still hit me up regardless, I`m just saying that I`m looking for an asain girl.

I dont know if its weird that I really want to date an asain, but whatever, its what I want.

But heres the thing, I`ve been looking around this site for awhile and I havent been able to find any that are ever online :(

So I was wondering if anybody might know someone that might wanna hook up or something? I dont care if its out of country or not, infact I`ve been wanting to try long distance for awhile (hence why I`m using this site anyways)

Anyways let me know.

Also hit me up if you find me interesting, I dont care like I said.

wannacuddlewthme's photo
Tue 06/01/10 07:46 PM
Why doesnt any one care...this world has gone to ****

Peccy's photo
Tue 06/01/10 07:52 PM
wow..... dude, desperation is not a trait women are fond of.

no photo
Tue 06/01/10 07:55 PM

If they're not online leave a message... but don't write down that you're interested in them because of their race. I don't see that working.

Best of luck.

Jasonx2x's photo
Tue 06/01/10 08:08 PM
Edited by Jasonx2x on Tue 06/01/10 08:09 PM
Ehh not desperation, more like asarestion? Dont know if I even spelled that right.

I dunno, I live in southern flordia so like I`ve always wanted something different then a latino or something :/

Besides isn`t that what the sights for anyways? Too meet people from abroad? So calling it desperation is a bit hypocritical too me, dont know how it would seem to other people :/

horzman's photo
Tue 06/01/10 08:08 PM
Jason, I really never understood the asian thing.

you should probably upload a better picture/pictures... and maybe talk more about yourself... I don't think your profile states your age.

Jasonx2x's photo
Tue 06/01/10 08:11 PM
Edited by Jasonx2x on Tue 06/01/10 08:14 PM

Jason, I really never understood the asian thing.

you should probably upload a better picture/pictures... and maybe talk more about yourself... I don't think your profile states your age.

Eh, its like do you understand how people are into people who weigh 400 pounds, its just like a thing about more, a preference.

I dont really understand it either, but all I know is I`d want to date an asian chick or atleast meet one, always that it would be cool

Oh and I dont have a camera so I cant upload anymore of myself.

markc48's photo
Tue 06/01/10 08:17 PM
Edited by markc48 on Tue 06/01/10 08:21 PM
Hit any profile, Where it says what state they live in hit that. It changes. then hit all and pick a country. before long you can be mingling in Japan. Now get that unemployed off there. That will help.

s1owhand's photo
Tue 06/01/10 08:20 PM
hey - catch a discount flight to asia and just start going out!

mostly asians over there! quite a few will find you attractive no doubt or at least won't care whether you are asian or not...


no photo
Tue 06/01/10 08:28 PM
go to asia!
Easiest way to meet asian.

Jasonx2x's photo
Tue 06/01/10 08:34 PM

go to asia!
Easiest way to meet asian.

****, if I could go to asia I would, but if I had that ability to go anywhere though I`d probably detour to Amsterdam first, then like hike to china or something, then back pack through eroupe!

Now all I need is money, which I`M flat out of forever lol, America sucks right now.

freeonthree's photo
Tue 06/01/10 08:38 PM
Ay least you know what you want, and thats a good start.

no photo
Tue 06/01/10 08:38 PM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Tue 06/01/10 08:39 PM
Ummmm ... that 'no money' thing is gonna be a serious drag on plannin' ...

I'm kinda confused about why that makes America suck, tho' ...

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 06/01/10 08:40 PM

hey - catch a discount flight to asia and just start going out!

mostly asians over there! quite a few will find you attractive no doubt or at least won't care whether you are asian or not...


for five dollah .. love love

no photo
Tue 06/01/10 08:46 PM

go to asia!
Easiest way to meet asian.

****, if I could go to asia I would, but if I had that ability to go anywhere though I`d probably detour to Amsterdam first, then like hike to china or something, then back pack through eroupe!

Now all I need is money, which I`M flat out of forever lol, America sucks right now.

oh, i see
maybe mingle would be another alternative to meet asian lol

Jasonx2x's photo
Tue 06/01/10 08:56 PM
Edited by Jasonx2x on Tue 06/01/10 08:56 PM

go to asia!
Easiest way to meet asian.

****, if I could go to asia I would, but if I had that ability to go anywhere though I`d probably detour to Amsterdam first, then like hike to china or something, then back pack through eroupe!

Now all I need is money, which I`M flat out of forever lol, America sucks right now.

oh, i see
maybe mingle would be another alternative to meet asian lol

Well that was the general Idea, plus I can meet other people then the rednecks out here in Ewood in south flordia.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 06/02/10 08:37 AM
Hummmmmmmm makes me wonder how in the heck are you going to try a LDR when your flat broke as you say??????? Unless ya sprout wings I would suggest sticking to your own area of town........whoa

Ohhhhhhhh just a hint find your local Nail Shop where all the women go have their nails done go have a pedicure done.........There are plenty of the ones you seek......At least that is going to be your cheapest way to met them or go to the places that serve Asian food........whoa

Other wise unless ya have the money to travel no one should start a LDR for it would be senseless..........noway

Seakolony's photo
Wed 06/02/10 08:44 AM
There are many asian communities in Southern Florida..........I was born in Ft Pierce, and my whole family descends from the Korean War. Many Asians, maybe you are not interesting to them.........if you wish to be attracted or to attract what you are looking for.....I suggest you learn customs, societal cultural information, and proper respectful manners when addressing an asian.........these type things are important to Asian families, JMO.......

Peccy's photo
Wed 06/02/10 09:05 AM
Edited by Peccy on Wed 06/02/10 09:13 AM
受損失者, 輸者, 失敗者 addressing the OP.....J/K Seriously, Sea is correct with her observation. American's and Asians are pretty much a tough combination to crack. What is acceptable in the US is not tolerated in an Asian country. There are exceptions to every rule, but I mean in general.

hmlover's photo
Wed 06/02/10 12:05 PM
Besides isn`t that what the sights for anyways? Too meet people from abroad?

I can honestly say that never entered my mind when I joined this site. I was thinking it might be a good way to meet people close enough to actually meet...

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