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Topic: Good Food And Too Much Of It
Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 05/31/10 01:41 AM

I know I thought I had a chance there for a second. The spiritual side is cool. I thought it had to do with yoga. I tried that chit once. Some move called a foward backing dog or something like that. About killed myself.......smokin

It does have to do with yoga, in a way. It's an old Sanskrit word..Hindu. I love yoga...

Ya might have a shot..message him.:tongue:

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 05/31/10 01:44 AM
damn Jeff, pulling an all nighter? I'm so outta here and of to tuck myself in. Have a good one brother :smile:

newarkjw's photo
Mon 05/31/10 01:49 AM
Hindu huh? You know I have some of those Hindu's living just down the street. They dress kinda funny but they sure seem like nice folks......smokin

Later Lo.....

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