Topic: Someone hit me over the head with a hammer PLEASE!!!
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Tue 06/19/07 07:02 PM
welcome Heather
anything for my friends

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Tue 06/19/07 07:02 PM
Just go for a long DRIVE,,,,,lol "NOT",,,,JUST KIDDING,,,,
Your Kill yourself,,,,,just do some drinkds and count the

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Tue 06/19/07 07:03 PM
I am sipping on this beer
I don't know why I can't sleep I am sooooo tired

Morena350's photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:04 PM
ambien, will helphappy

no photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:05 PM
good luck on the sleep thing i'm gonna head home and get some for myself
(sleep that is) :tongue:

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:05 PM
Hummm okay Chris sure this will not help at the moment but the best
sleeping pill is SEX and plenty of it hummmmm hope that did not just
completly throw a loop in it. lmao Hey I tried it is a good suggestion

nurjoyce's photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:05 PM
i know how that feels
i suffer from insomnia
did a sleep study, saw a therapist, etc.

MicheleNC's photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:06 PM
Ambien? He will be in a coma and sleep eat!

Try taking a bath. Do you have the sleepy lavender baby bath? Yes, it
is not too masculine, but you so need to relax.

Is something bothering you that is keeping you up? Everything okay?

no photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:12 PM
OH wow
SO many suggestions
Hi moreena

Michelle yes I have lavender baby lotion for my daughter
I have been smelling it for an hour now
Usually it knocks her and myself out at the same time lol
ANd maybe you are right I do have some stuff on my mind right now

Hey Joyce were there any methods of gaining sleep from these studies?

Night HEather
Take care buddyflowerforyou

ANd TxsGal

butterlight54's photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:13 PM
Here's hoping that neon green butterfly lands on your head

no photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:17 PM
If I stay up much longer I will be seeing circus animals in the bushes

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:26 PM
Well since none of that is at hand lmao so too speak laugh a nice hot
bath then lay down and turn some soft music on and close your eyes clear
your mind and think of being on the beach with the waves washing up on
the beach at sunset and just listen to the waves should rock you right
to sleep just like a baby.

Just don't forget to set the almarm!!bigsmile

no photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:29 PM
I did take a bath
I have jets in my tub even and it didn't work
Uaually I can play this thunderstorm cd that I have and it helps but it
didn't work either

uk1971's photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:33 PM
Opens door. Throws in a Llama ball and a monkey and runs like hell in
the direction of the beef threadbigsmile bigsmile drinker smokin
:tongue: :tongue: glasses

no photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:34 PM
Thanks Tom like making me laugh is going to help me sleep

TwilightsTwin's photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:36 PM
I could make you tired...devil

just dont tell the fiance'

no photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:37 PM
love love love love love love love love love love
Hi Hun
I love you

Puffins1958's photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:41 PM

I know for me....Tylenol PM usually helps me relax, to the point where I
can get some sleep. I hope all these suggestions help at one point

yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn

uk1971's photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:41 PM
Will a quart of hazelnut chocolate schnapps help?:tongue:

no photo
Tue 06/19/07 07:43 PM
Can't drink Tom I gotta go back to work in about 4 hours

Thanks Puffins
I am sure they will
I just don't take pills and if I did I have to be at work in about 4
hours and work until 6-7am then go to my other job at 8 then I won;t get
home til 5pm