Topic: How The WH Destroyed The Gulf ... | |
Yeah, I know ... all the 'defenders of the faith' and the psychophants who love to suck up all that 'The ONE' goodness are gonna start howlin' about how 'It's NOT his fault!' 'n stuff ... but oh yeah, chirrens - it IS his fault. HE's the one who has the POWER and AUTHORITY to MAKE STUFF HAPPEN. He hasn't. Why ... ? 'Cuz (1) He's opposed to our use of OIL to begin with and this plays right into his hands, and (2) LA is a RED state that isn't gonna vote for him anyway, so he has no interest in helping them 'cuz they aren't gonna do anything for HIM. This is malignant narcissism at work in the worst way - he'll sacrifice people, land, and a way of life for HIS own interests. And it's all happening because the malignant narcissist little boychild wearing short pants is UNQUALIFIED and INELIGIBLE to hold the office of president ... He is overdue for impeachment for DERELICTION OF DUTY, malfeasance in office, and BREACH OF CONTRACT - and that's just for starters.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How the White House destroyed the Gulf Posted: May 25, 2010 | 1:00 am Eastern | By William Hunt © 2010 Rahm Emmanuel said it himself: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." But why continue a crisis or allow a matter to become a crisis through inaction? One must conclude that the White House wanted the oil spill to continue and wreak havoc on the Gulf coasts of Louisiana and Florida. Nothing substantive was done to stop the spread. A great deal of talking, but nothing more. No serious effort was made by the U.S. government to stop the flow of oil, whatsoever, despite it being in its power to do so. Few entities have the ability to do anything at 5,000 feet in depth, and the U.S. government is one of the few that can. Despite this, it was more than a week before any NOAA ships sailed. No submersibles capable of dumping rock or concrete onto the spill and covering it over (like a cairn) were dispatched to stop the flood of oil. If one piles enough rock and/or concrete upon such a well, the weight of the overburden will stop the flow – inelegant, but it would work. No submarines fired wire-guided ADCAP torpedoes into the seabed surrounding the well to break up the concrete and the surrounding rock. Also inelegant, but if the pipe and surrounding rock were broken up badly enough – remember the pressure involved – it would also stop the flow of oil. Absolutely nothing of substance has been done by the U.S. government to stop the gusher. All the government has done is to talk about the disaster. To complain. To point fingers. To pontificate. It doesn't accomplish much. The spill was not even a priority. Department of the Interior chief of staff Tom Strickland elected to go on vacation in the Grand Canyon, which effectively showed how much the administration cared about the matter. Imagine if one of President Bush's top federal employees had done the same thing. We'd still be hearing about it a year from now from CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC and other networks, using such phrases as "dereliction of duty." However, because those media support this administration, the White House is given a pass. Even preventing the oil from reaching shore has been a matter of talk and no action. Talk was made of starting the oil on fire (not the best option, but better than nothing) and various measures suggested, but little was done. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal asked the government to have the Corps of Engineers push sand into the interstices between the barrier islands as a temporary barrier to oil. It would have been relatively inexpensive and would have prevented the oil from reaching the Louisiana coastline. It was ignored. Now the oil is on the coastline. Birds, plants, frogs, fish and other creatures are dying. Fisheries will be ruined for at least two to three years after the oil is finally stopped. |
Doesn't matter, mate, our country is royally ****ed.
I just heard a report that, according to the State Department, 17 countries are still " waiting for a response " from the United States Government about their offers of supplies and help for containing the oil spill.
Waiting for a RESPONSE... Yep. Sure LOOKS like the government and the fella in charge have done all they can to take care of all that oil. 38 FREAKING DAYS!!!!! Gotta wonder....if that report turns out to be are the sycophants and lapdogs going to excuse Obama's lack of action on the offers. |